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About The Static STF Maps

As nice as SVG is, not everyone has it yet. Support is increasing rapidly, but it's not universal. For those people who can't view the Interactive version of the map for one reason or another, we've provided the following out-takes. They're not as cool, but they'll show on everyone's browser.

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Complete Maps

For those with fast connections, the full map of the galaxy is available as one large image. Be warned, it's about 300 kilobytes, but it looks neato-cool. A dramatically shrunken version is below.

The Galaxy

A considerably smaller map is available that shows just the local area of the Federation and the surrounding powers.

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Quadrant Maps

Below are shrunken maps of the Galaxy, by Quadrant. (Only Alpha and Beta are included, as the Gamma and Delta Quadrants have no useful entries yet.)

Alpha Quadrant Beta Quadrant
Alpha Quadrant Beta Quadrant

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Fleet Maps

Below are shrunken maps each Fleet in STF.

Fleet Zero Fleet One
Fleet Zero Fleet One
Fleet Two Fleet Three
Fleet Two Fleet Three
Fleet Four Fleet Five
Fleet Four Fleet Five
Fleet Six Fleet Seven
Fleet Six Fleet Seven

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