Welcome to the USS Challenger!

Welcome to and the USS Challenger! We hope that you'll learn a lot about role-playing in your club during your time here! We have a lot of fun while creating awesome characters, stories, and interactions with other people.

Our Ship is part of the Star Trek Prime Timeline and we are set in the year 2400.

Not sure what to post? You can report for duty, check in for your medical evaluation, or check in for your psychological evaluation and we'll help you take it from there. Here are some sample posts to give you an idea of our style: Psych Eval, Reporting for Duty, Medical Eval.

Curious about the Academy? This post gives you all of the information you need to know about your time here.

USS Challenger Staff
Commanding Officer:
Vice Admiral Steve Johnson (Discord: Gorilla)
Executive Officer:
Captain Mika Jackson (Discord: Gecko)
Fleet Captain Nathan Miller (Discord: Nathan (tkdnate))
Vice Admiral Lindsay Bayes (Discord: BusyBeaver)

Posting Requirement (AWOL Policy)

What does it mean to be "AWOL"? On the Challenger, we ask that cadets post at least once a week (once every seven days), department heads post at least once every five days, and command staff (which are the CO, XO, CNS, and GM) post once every three days. Being able to know when we can expect a response from a fellow role-player makes STF a lot more fun! If you know you aren't going to be able to meet the posting requirement (or even if you just know you're going to be away from your computer for a few days), make sure that you declare a LOA to communicate that to your fellow players. If you aren't sure how to declare one, talk to your DH!

The Gamemaster's Lair

Sim Name: Stellar Drifter

Sim Start Date: 09/06/2024

Sim Notes:

Important Threads:

Rank Character Position Species Age Height Weight User Status
Captain Aaron Foley Commanding Officer Human 47 6'2" 200 lbs Steve Johnson AWOL (3*)
Commander Pilar Halcyone Executive Officer Risian/Argelian 32 5'7" 129lbs Mika Jackson AWOL (4*)
Lieutenant Commander Viveca Arlander Counselor Human 31 5'11" 185lbs Katherine Dedul AWOL (9)
Cadet John Forster Security Officer Human Isaac Clark OK (0)
Lieutenant Scott Winterbourne Chief Engineer Human 36 6'5 239lbs Tejay Fairfax OK (2)
Lieutenant Vincent Yancey Chief Medical Officer Human 43 5'10’ 80Kg J Ridgley LOA 2024-10-06 (4)
Lieutenant Zunara Chief of Security Bolian 23 5'6 195 lbs Kieron Hoult OK (3)
Lieutenant Demil Lis Chief Science Officer Trill 22 5'5" 130 lbs Amdirgol S AWOL (10)
Cadet Marina Engineer Human Marina Buratto
Cadet Zerin Engineer Vulcan 28 5'5" 142 lbs Rov A.
Cadet Valentine Terescova Scientist Human Sabirah Raidah Rahman Nayreeeta
Cadet Xylona Alessandro Scientist Human Melissa Rodriguez
Cadet Maxmillian Thorr Scientist Human Budi Primawan
Cadet Ker'lin Mitchelles Scientist Human\Klingon Aster Smith
Cadet Torgeir Toller Security Officer Human James Toller AWOL (35)
Cadet Parthin Nariman Security Officer Human 23 177 cm 61 kg Pratap Sen AWOL (25)
Gamemaster Mr Centauri Gamemaster Gamemaster Ryan Williams AWOL (3)

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