Deck 12, Cargo Bay- Main Sim

Posted June 16, 2022, 4:29 p.m. by Lieutenant Junior Grade Aaron Williams (Chief Science Officer) (Adrien Jouve)

Posted by Cadet P’Mala Dawes (Doctor) in Deck 12, Cargo Bay- Main Sim

Posted by Cadet Johnathan Baptiste (Doctor) in Deck 12, Cargo Bay- Main Sim

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Aaron Williams (Chief Science Officer) in Deck 12, Cargo Bay- Main Sim
Posted by… suppressed (10) by the Post Ghost! 👻


The scan on Morton showed his heart rate and blood pressure were rising and falling with no obvious pattern and it was likely being stuck in a the spec-time distortion was affecting his circulation: hence the dizziness. His heart was not doing so great.

As the emitters tossed EM frequencies at the pocket universe, it had little reaction. However, as they monitored the results, they were still gathering data and it would seem that they could hone in on the fact that the pocket universe was negatively shifted 0.012 percent.
That’s just a small shift from our universe, thought Aaron while looking at the reading. If they want to pull him out, they’ll have to deal with this negative shift first.

Meanwhile, the experiment seemed to have captured Cadet Hedley’s attention and she seemed calmer. Still feeling terribly guilty, but her mind was now focused on the problem rather than her accidentally contributing to it. “He’s being phased out of out universe into the pocket universe,” Brin said softly. “Which means we can phase him back in!”

~Mischief Maker

Pilar’s eyes lit up, she looked at Cadet Hedley, put both hands on her shoulders then said, “You are brilliant!” Then she waved one hand to get Lieutenant Williams’ attention as she called out to him, “Lieutenant, Lieutenant! I think Hedley has found a solution!”


Brin looked startled and cast her gaze around. She was just musing aloud, nothing serious either.

Aaron turned back to Pilar as he heard her call: “I’m open to every suggestion ! What is your plan ?”

Lieutenant JG Aaron Williams - CSO

“Excuse me,” P’Mala interrupted. “But what if we were to use a phase inducer from one of the teleporters and adjust it to the pocket dimension’s frequency? We might be able to phase Morton into the buffers, readjust to our own frequency, and phase him back out again. But I admit, I’m a doctor, not a physicist.”

-Cadet P’Mala Dawes

Aaron stopped for a second and try to process what P’Mala just said. It was risky because they were a chance they split him for good, but since they didn’t have another plan… “Ok, we’ll do your plan ! But fast, we must stop the radiation from spreading or else -“

He was cut as the light blinked for a few seconds and see their intensity cut down to half. Then the computer voice could be heard : Warning, antimatter pod ejecting. The situation couldn’t be worse on the ship. The Lieutenant pressed his combadge under his hazmat suit and says : =^= Lieutenant Williams to the Bridge, we might have a solution, and we’ll need the transporters for that. Are they still functional ? =^=

Lieutenant JG Aaron Williams - CSO

Cadet Baptiste heard the computer voice announcing the ejection of the antimatter pods. Well this is going to make things more interesting he thought. He knew that the lose of the antimatter pods would cause fluctuations in the power, and with it there would come the usual bumps and bruises as crewmembers began to adjust to the lose of power and the switch to emergency sources. He sighed and thought Well I was told that being in Starfleet would not be boring. He perked up when he heard Lieutenant Williams say they may have a solution to Ensign Morton’s situation.

-Cadet Johnathan Baptiste, medical

=^= Bridge to Lt Williams. We’ve had a slight change in plans. What is your plan? =^=

Cmdr. Foley - XO (crosspost)
=^= Basically, we want to transport Morton and block his pattern inside the buffer so we could rephrase the missing part of his body with our universe. Do we still have enough power for that ? =^= He turned back to Morton and says : “Hey Morton, have you ever taken the transporter ?”

Lieutenant JG Aaron Williams - CSO

=^= Understood Lieutenant. Unclear on the power, but I think… =^=

=^= Appears that power is not an issue. I’m sending Commander Halcyone to Transporter Room 1. Coordinate with her and get Ensign Morton back in one piece Lieutenant. =^=

=^= I’m working on it. Williams out =^=

Morton, still looking rather dazed, gave a slightly incredulous look. “Like… ever? Or this ship’s transporter. In either case the answer is yes.” He was seeming doubtful about beaming him out at all, wondering if it didn’t work, he’d just be… half a body. Well, he supposed in that instant, he’d be dead and not really care about it, so it was probably not worth worrying about.

~Mischief Maker

Cadet Baptiste continued to monitor Ensign Morton’s vital signs and condition. Garçon oh garçon, je prie pour que cela fonctionne pour lui. he thought in French and quickly chided himself, I must remember to think in English, thanks mom and dad he thought to himself. He anxiously waited to help Ensign Morton as soon as he was freed from his situation.

-Cadet Johnathan Baptiste, medical
(OOC : Your sentence sounds a bit in French weird since we don’t have an equivalent to the ‘Boy Oh Boy’ exclamation. I think it would be best for you to go like: “Seigneur, j’espère que ça va aller”. Sorry to correct you, but as a French, I had to do it on this one.)

OCC: Thanks., I am definitely a non-native speaker. I do have some French Canadian friends though, one of which I based this character after.


IC : Aaron nodded at him and explained : “If we have your pattern, then we could use it to help the computer identify the missing part and re-phase them. But we’ll have to be careful with this maneuver if we don’t want to lose your molecular cohesion.”

He then pressed his communicator and said : =^=Williams to Sheridan, are you available right now ? =^=

Lieutenant JG Aaron Williams - CSO
=^= Halcyone to Williams. I am in Transporter Room 1. The transporter is ready to go. I will standby for further instruction.=^=

Aaron heard Halcyone and pressed his combadge to answer : =^= Understood, I’ll send you some reinforcement =^=

Johnathan winced when he heard the plan. There definitely was serious risk involved with the plan and no guarantee that Ensign Morton’s transporter pattern would help with his molecular cohesion. This definite was a time for a counselor to be available and talk with him.

-Cadet Johnathan Baptiste, medical

Cmdr. Foley - XO (crosspost)
Looking around him, he saw Baptiste waiting next to him. “Baptiste, I’ll need you to go to Sickbay to support Morton when he goes out”, he says. “Notify me when you arrived.”

I’ll also need someone to phase back Morton, he thought. I know ! The Lieutenant pressed his combadge and says : =^= Williams to NE Stevens, drop the experiments we have a plan. Go to the transport room, the others will brief you. Contact me when you’re ready =^=

After a few seconds, the badge chirped : =^= On my way =^=

Lieutenant JG Aaron Williams - CSO

Cadet Baptiste acknowledged Lieutenant Williams “Aye, sir” and turn and made his way quickly through he decon set up and hatch. Once free he made his way to the sick bay. Arriving in sick bay he saw NE Nurse Lucinda “Nurse prepare for incoming casualty, exposure to radiations and other unknown elements.” He then hit his combadge =^= Cadet Baptiste to Lieutenant Williams, I am in med bay with NE Nurse Lucinda ready to receive Ensign Morton. =^= He then looked over at NE Lucinda “Pray this works.” He said with a smile.

-Johnathan Baptiste, medical

Aaron was about to awnser Baptiste by telling him that he wanted him in the transporter room, but then he realized it would be better to wait for Morton in the Sickbay. Like that, once we’re done with the buffer, we can send him directly to Sickbay. He pressed his combadge : =^= Good, the team in the transporter will announce the transport. Stand by until then and prepare hazmat suits for the whole medical crew. Williams out. =^=

OOC : A misunderstanding, but a welcome one

P’Mala stood next to Brin Hadley in her own daze. It’d seemed like forever ago since all the cadets were lined up here, waiting to carry cargo throughout the ship like little ants feeding the colony.

“Lieutenant, is there anything we can do?” she said.

-Cadet P’Mala Dawes

The Lieutenant answered : “Yes, while you’re here, give to the upper part of our friend a dose of sedative. Who knows what could happen to him in this state when transporting.” He gave a quick look, a bit worried, before continuing : “Also when you’re done, I want to you to assist Steven and the Counselor in the transporter room.” He then proceeded to take a tricorder and open it to watch Morton’s vitals during the transport.

Lieutenant JG Aaron Williams - CSO

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