
Authored by Christina Crafford
Biographic Information
  • Position: Security Officer on USS Ark Angel
  • Rank: Ensign
  • Species: Human/avian
  • Weight: 100
  • Height: 5’6
  • Age: 25

Actions Available

Character Biography

Skin: white

Hair: blond

Eyes: sky blue

Distinguishing features: Luna has a pair of bird wings extending from her back.

Birthday: Unknown but has always been celebrated in April.


Spouse: Loki (Missing)

Mother: unknown

Father: unknown

Siblings: None

Children: Cerenity

Languages: English

Service Record:

Accepted into star fleet academy at age of 17,

After graduating she was assigned to the Viking. Then transferred to Leviathan.


Luna was a lab rat for Section 31, a covert and morally ambiguous branch of Starfleet Intelligence. They subjected her to unethical genetic experiments, transforming her into a bird/human hybrid. These experiments enhanced her physical abilities, including increased agility, heightened senses, and lightweight bone structure suitable for limited flight, but left her emotionally scarred and physically distinctive.

At the age of 14, Luna managed to escape from Section 31’s facility. While on the run, she was found and rescued by a compassionate Starfleet security officer, who ensured her safety and helped her begin the healing process. Inspired by her rescuer, Luna decided she wanted to join Starfleet and make a difference, using her unique abilities to protect others.

Between the ages of 16 and 18, Luna applied to Starfleet Academy, aiming to become a security officer herself. Despite initial resistance due to her hybrid physiology and lack of traditional upbringing, her perseverance and natural talents earned her a place in the program. After graduating, she was assigned to the USS Viking, a mid-sized exploratory vessel with a solid reputation.

Unbeknownst to her, Section 31 had influenced her assignment to the Viking, intending to use it as an opportunity to recapture their rogue experiment. Their plan came to fruition when Luna was abducted from the Viking’s bridge in a covert operation. However, her loyal crewmates refused to abandon her. Using their resourcefulness and teamwork, they tracked down Section 31’s operation and successfully rescued her, exposing the organization’s ruthless methods in the process.

Approximately nine months after her ordeal, Luna gave birth to her daughter, Cerenity. The child’s father, Ensign Loki, was a promising officer on the Viking and one of Luna’s closest confidants. Tragically, Loki disappeared during a mission shortly after Cerenity’s birth, lost to the unexplained anomalies that plagued the Viking. His disappearance was officially classified as a casualty of the hazardous conditions, though some aboard the ship believed Section 31 might have been involved.

Luna now balances her responsibilities as a Starfleet officer with her role as a mother, determined to give Cerenity a better life. She remains vigilant, knowing that Section 31 may never stop viewing her as their property, but she draws strength from her crew and her daughter, vowing to protect them at all costs.

Medical Report: Ensign Luna

Luna possesses unique bird-like physiology due to her hybrid nature, which presents specific medical challenges. Her hollow, lightweight bones—designed for agility and limited flight—are particularly delicate and prone to fractures. These features require specialized treatment protocols, often involving regenerative therapies and custom medical tools to prevent further damage during treatment.

Approximately three years ago, Luna sustained a fracture to her right wing after collapsing from exhaustion in a corridor. At the time, she was known for her workaholic tendencies, frequently pushing herself beyond her physical limits. During the incident, the then-Executive Officer accidentally stepped on her wing while attempting to assist her, exacerbating the injury. While Luna recovered fully, her relentless work ethic often led to similar incidents. However, these occurrences have significantly decreased since the birth of her daughter, Cerenity, as Luna now prioritizes her health to better care for her child.

More recently, Luna suffered multiple fractures during an encounter with a mysterious spatial anomaly known as “Serenity’s Shadow.” This anomaly displayed unpredictable behavior, and Luna was directly attacked during a mission to investigate it. Despite the severity of her injuries, Luna made a full recovery thanks to advanced Starfleet medical care, which ensured no lasting physical effects.

Medical staff note that while Luna’s hybrid physiology poses challenges, her resilience and determination have been remarkable. As a precaution, regular health monitoring is advised to ensure her unique needs are met, particularly during high-stress missions. Luna has since demonstrated improved self-care habits, influenced by her role as a mother and the support of her crewmates.

Psychological Evaluation: Ensign Luna

Ensign Luna has endured significant trauma throughout her life, particularly as a subject of Section 31’s unethical experiments. These experiences have left her with a profound mistrust of authority and difficulty forming connections with others. Initially, Luna struggled to integrate with her fellow crew members, often appearing cold, detached, or even aloof. This guarded demeanor, however, is a defense mechanism born from years of betrayal and survival.

Despite her challenges with trust, Luna’s actions consistently demonstrate her deep care for her shipmates. She harbors a strong sense of duty and loyalty to the crew of the Viking, often placing their safety and well-being above her own. This dichotomy—her reluctance to trust versus her willingness to sacrifice for others—has earned her a reputation as both enigmatic and dependable.

Over time, Luna has formed a close-knit group of trusted friends aboard the Viking, who have helped her feel more at ease in social and professional settings. These friendships are marked by her fierce loyalty and quiet gratitude, though she still struggles to express her emotions openly. Her trust is hard-won, but once earned, it is steadfast.

For those outside her inner circle, Luna’s reserved nature can make her seem intimidating or distant. However, many crew members recognize that her standoffishness is not a reflection of disinterest or hostility but rather a lingering byproduct of her trauma. This understanding has fostered a culture of patience and respect among the crew, allowing Luna to slowly open up in her own time.

Her hybrid physiology also adds a unique layer to her relationship with the crew. Some initially viewed her differences with curiosity or even discomfort, but her exceptional performance and unwavering dedication have turned her into a valued member of the team. Her abilities, such as enhanced agility and heightened senses, have been vital during away missions, earning her the admiration of her peers.

Luna’s overprotective nature as a mother has also impacted her relationships on the ship. While some admire her devotion to Cerenity, others occasionally find her intensity difficult to navigate, especially when it spills over into professional matters. Her crewmates often step in to help her balance her dual roles as an officer and a parent, highlighting the supportive environment she has found aboard the Viking.

Counseling and her trusted friendships have helped Luna make strides in overcoming her emotional barriers. While she may never fully shed the scars of her past, her journey toward healing is evident in her growing connections with the crew. With time and continued support, Luna has the potential to further strengthen these bonds, not only enriching her own life but also enhancing the unity of the Viking’s team.

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