Tom Jarvis

Authored by David Bennett
Biographic Information
  • Position: Internal Security on USS Genesis
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Species: Human (Mutation)
  • Weight: 160 lbs (77.22 kg)
  • Height: 5'7" (170cm)
  • Age: 41

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Eidetic Memory: Tom has perfect recall, with comprehension and application capabilities, and can even imitate voices well enough to pass medium and low security voice prints, and some higher security ones as well. What is unique about Tom’s particular form of perfect memory is that he could selectively forget, wiping unwanted information from his mind completely as if it had been surgically removed. What this means is that once Tom has what he needs, he can literally forget what isn’t applicable to the task at hand.
His eidetic memory also allows him to scan at an accelerated rate able to fully read a technical manual page in approximately two seconds.

[Classified]Null: At the onset of puberty, Tom developed the involuntary ability to generate a low level psychic field. It’s undetectable to scans. It’s effect is two fold. On one side, it prevents him from being affected by several mental abilities such as, Empathic manipulation or detection, Telepathy, Mind Melding. It’s simply as if there is no mind there to contact or detect. On the other side, it causes people to easily forget him unless artificial means are used once out of his ability’s area of effect. Anyone spending less that three consecutive hours with Tom would completely forget him within minutes of leaving his presence. It was problematic when he went through the academy and training as he had to show credentials every day to be allowed to attend classes. He was always treated as the new guy. Even people he’d attended classes with for two years always thought it was their first meeting. It was the main factor in Tom giving up trying to make friends.
Workarounds for the “forget me field” are limited to recordings, written documents, the use of comm channels from a location out of possible direct line of sight for which Tom applies a voice filter and doesn’t allow video, cybernetic memory enhancements, or immunity to psionic effects. As established in RP, Denobulans and Denobulan hybrids get crippling migraines around Tom as part of their brains insist that they know Tom even though they can’t recall anything about him.

Intelligence had tracked Tom through his records as it was nearly impossible to find anyone, other than his parents, who had more than a memory of just his name. Internal Security sent their own agent to seduce Tom into joining IntSec instead of Intelligence. It didn’t take long for Tom to absorb and prove proficiency in everything IntSec was willing to teach him.

So here’s Tom Jarvis. IntSec Agent. Aloof, impersonal, and sometimes seeming uncaring. However, he put’s his all into his work as he feels it’s all he has.

[Personal]Tom’s strange pistol that he always carries is a needler pistol. It’s a binary propellant weapon with baffles so there’s no energy reading from it and it’s operation is silent. It’s small and easily concealed as well and designed to look like a small flashlight which it also functions as. He has various toxin loads for anything from narcotic incapacitation, to truth serum, to knock out, to lethal. Tom personally designed and maintains this weapon and makes the chems for the darts as well. It’s quiet and effective.

[Classified]Tom’s not much of a hand to hand fighter though he does know how to manipulate an opponent’s physiology. If he can land hits, or get a good hold on his opponent, he can manipulate pressure points and blood flow to incapacitate, knock out, or kill. All he requires is the knowledge of the racial physiology of his opponent.

Put any bladed or piercing weapon in his hands and he will handle it like an expert.

Tom has an innate instinctive ability to calculate ballistic arcs, even around obstacles and via ricochet if possible. Tom can accurately evaluate the ballistic properties of objects just by feeling the weight and noting the shape and material. With projectile based weapons that he’s not already familiar with, and he’s familiar with thousands, he can do the same after the first shot or two. Those he’s already familiar with do not require the first test shot or two. This instinct does come with it’s disadvantage. Straight line energy weapons are difficult for him to use accurately because his instinct causes him to adjust for ballistic properties the weapon doesn’t have. In the holodeck target program, he might hit between one and three with a phaser, but give him a propellant weapon, a slingshot, knives, or even a hand full of pebbles and he can’t seem to miss.

[Classified]Tom has a high tech “utility belt” that carries all of his micro tech infiltration toys. If it requires bypassing locks, physical and electronic, hacking, copying, altering, surveillance, spying, etc, he likely has something in his belt that he can use for the task.

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