Xam Ra'Ti

Authored by James Sinclair
Biographic Information
  • Position: Tactical Officer on USS Sentinel
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Species: Efrosian
  • Weight: 184 lbs.
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Age: 27
Actions Available

Character Biography

Kasin Ra’Ti (Father)
Sa Ra’Ti (Mother)


Star Fleet Academy – General Studies; Security Section - Tactical Officer Specialization
Star Fleet Academy - Command Officer’s Course

Languages Known (F = Fluent, no accent; PF = Partially Fluent, accent noticeable to native speaker; P = Passable, Can convey moderately complex ideas, Can read / write, accent discernable and minor errors in grammar; P2 = Passable, Can convey simple ideas and emotions, Can read /write with effort; P3 = Can convey simple ideas, cannot read / write without assistance; L = Limited, can recognize less than 25% of spoken words, cannot read / write):

Federation Standard – F
Efrosian- F
English – PF
tlhlngan Hol - P
Vulcan – P
Romulan – PF (2 of 3 dialects)
Andorian – PF
Orion - F

Service Record:

USS Converse- Tactical Officer, promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
USS Thermopylae - Tactical Officer, Chief Strategic Operations Officer; promoted to Lieutenant
Outpost 42 - Strategic Operations Officer

Awards and Citations:

Physical Description:

Ra’Ti is indicative of the Efrosian species, standing slightly shorter than humans at 5‘7”. His frame is somewhat larger than the Efrosian average, however, and he is built more muscular than most. He has several prominent scars on his torso and forearms from his time as a criminal and not having access to proper medical care.

He looks typical of the Male Efrosian; cranial ridges and long, white hair and flowing mustache. He is considered handsome by his species standards, and has attracted others from other species.

Medical History:

Multiple burns, lacerations, and broken bones; all a result of his early living environment. Subject is completely ambidextrous.

Psychological Profile:

Xam Ra’Ti is a stable and well-balanced individual… a testament to his sense of self considering his early history and the chaotic nature of his upbringing. He is slow to trust others (again a testament to his earlier life) but once he trusts he is fiercely loyal. He has few acquaintances and fewer friends, preferring his own counsel over that of others. He does not accept betrayal of any kind, nor is he the kind to forget a debt or a slight… although he may forgive after a fashion. The subject is highly intuitive, and makes good use of this in his duties. He has a mental alacrity that is quite high, and is able to deduce solutions and anticipate obstacles in a truly impressive fashion.

Xam Ra-Ti was born and raised in the harsh polar conditions of Efros Delta until his father, a trader and merchant by profession, had struggled to find consistent employment due to the remoteness of the planet and was nearing the end of their ability to keep their home when he was offered employment in an Orion firm specializing in the “interplanetary transfer of rare and hard-to-acquire items and substances”… i.e. a criminal operation. Xam and his mother were both unaware of the unsavory nature of the new employer, that is until Xam’s mother became ill and Xam had to join his father while his mother was in the hospital. Xam’s father took the young Efrosian boy with him but he was very hesitant to introduce his son to this aspect of his life; until Xam saw him talk his way past a Federation check point with obviously false documentation. Xam’s awkward questions afterward gave him little choice. So, from the time he was ten until he was twenty, Xam assisted his father with his various tasks and errands given to him by his father’s Orion employers. Over the next ten years, Xam learned a great deal about star ships, star ship operations, smuggling… and piracy. Xam earned a ‘reputation’ in some criminal circles as a cunning and deadly fighter, both in person and in a ship, and someone who could (as one pirate said to Xam’s father), ‘… bring the pain faster than the gods themselves.’ It was due to this ability that soon Xam was named Captain, and took over the Ebony Rain with his father as his second-in-command. For more than a few years, Xam led the ship and crew and made more than a few credits at the expense of law abiding (and not-so-law-abiding) ships and individuals.

It was on a trip to Deltan IV that everything changed. Unbeknownst to Xam and his father, the Orion cartel that employed them had been raided by Starfleet Intelligence for smuggling weapons and illicit drugs (which the Orions vehemently denied even when they were arrested inventorying said weapons and illicit drugs in a warehouse owned in their names). In order to lessen their punishment, the Orions said that the Ra-Ti’s were the real culprits and had staged that particular run as a sting. When their ship settled into orbit, they were accosted by law enforcement. Xam immediately told the crew to abandon ship and he and his father tried to make their escape. When it obvious they wouldn’t get away without being killed, Xam set the ship’s controls and he and his father boarded escape pods and launched themselves clear, where they were immediately arrested. The ship, entirely unmanned and running only on the last program Xam gave it, jumped to warp and was out of the system in seconds. In order to save his son from prison, Xam’s father told them he was the Captain and agreed to testify against the Orions, supply the Federation with all of the ship’s logs going back to when he started, and to plead guilty to all of his and his son’s crimes as long as his son was not charged and had a clean criminal record. The Federation agreed, and Xam was sent back to Efros Delta while his father was tried and sentenced to forty years in prison. Xam was on a sealed court-ordered parole, and not to leave Efros for ten years.

Arriving back on Efros, Xam had a difficult time adjusting. He wanted to be back in space, but couldn’t. And in pursuit of regular work he found himself somewhat of a pariah. Sealed or not, his father’s fate had been public and it seemed word had spread of Xam’s previous endeavors, and Xam was refused employment with all of the above-board jobs to which he applied. Left with little choice and mounting debt, he manufactured a false identity and, with help from his uncle, borrowed fare for a berth on a passenger ship headed out of system. Xam left his family and his now-recovered mother in order to not bring any more shame on them. Theirs was a tearful goodbye, as they both knew they would not see one another again.

Two weeks into the month long trip, the ship was attacked by pirates. During the fight, Xam ushered passengers into safe sections away from the hull, and then made his way to the bridge. He was greeted by smoke and sparks from shorted power panels. The Captain was severely wounded and the bridge crew was in disarray. They were civilians, not Star Fleet or criminals, and not geared for stellar combat. Xam, having had had more than a little experience in situations like this, leapt into action. Acting not out of any sense of heroism but simply not wanting to die, he picked up the ship’s Captain and put him by the command chair. Xam then took control of the bridge and began shouting orders. His confident voice cut through the chaos and the crew began to respond. Power was diverted to critical systems, and the ship escaped with significant damage but minimal casualties while inflicting significant crippling damage on the attacking ship.

Xam limped the ship to the nearest star base, which happened to be a Federation facility. When the ship had been secured and the injured addressed, Xam was asked by Starfleet Security to make a statement. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he significantly understated his involvement in the hopes of simply blending into the crowd and continuing on his way. Unfortunately, his statement greatly contradicted the statements of the passengers and crew and drew attention to him even more. Security wanted to know why he had left out key parts from his statement, and his reticence to speak made them wary. They ran a full background check and discovered the falsified identity, who he was, and that he was in violation of his parole. They informed the Admiral in charge of the station, Adm. Jayce Wainwright, about the Efrosian. The Admiral gave orders to hold him in detention while he looked into what was going on. It took a few days, but Wainwright eventually found the plea agreement concerning Xam and his father. He called the young man in to his office. He was direct and tolerated no alterations to the events that had led Xam to his post. The Admiral grilled Xam for several hours, asking about his father, the Ferengi, his home world, smuggling, piracy, and the passenger liner attack. Xam was tired of lying and hiding, so he answered with complete honesty. Yes, he had been a smuggler and a pirate. Yes, he had knowingly broke the law countless times in his criminal career. Yes, he had captained the Ebony Rain. Yes, he had intentionally broke the terms of his parole. Yes, he had taken over the bridge and got the ship to safety. Yes, he was the one who had damaged the pirate ship so much they were captured a few days later. No, he had nowhere to go and no plans. When they finished, the Admiral sent him back to the detention block.

Xam sat in detention for two weeks. He wasn’t told anything, nor did he have any visitors. He resigned himself to his fate that he was going to prison and that the sacrifice his father had made for him was for nothing. As he laid on the bunk one day, wondering when the prison ship would arrive, he heard the Admiral’s voice. Xam sat up and watched as two Starfleet Security crew approached and the force field to his cell was deactivated. “The Admiral wants to see you.” one said. Xam was placed in restraints. There was no other talking as he was lead not to the Admiral’s office, but to the docking section of the base. Docked in front of him were two ships: a prison transport ship, and a Starfleet vessel. The Admiral looked at him. When he spoke, his face was serious and his tone intensified that seriousness. “Young man, I have thought long and hard about you over the past few weeks. One the one hand, your criminal predisposition gives me pause, and I think that this -” he said with a sweeping gesture to the prison transport ” - would be the most fitting solution as to what to do with you.” Xam lowered his gaze to the floor. He expected this, but that didn’t make it any easier to swallow. The Admiral continued “But yet here you stand, on board my space station, having saved the lives of over three hundred individuals, rescuing an entire star ship, and allowing us to capture some of the most wanted criminals in this sector. And that deserves no small amount of gratitude, no matter the self-preservation that motivated your actions. So you can understand my dilemma in making the appropriate decision here.” The Admiral stared hard at Xam for several minutes. As he looked at Xam, a single figure walked down the docking ramp from each ship. From the prison transport, a large Tellerite with multiple facial scars; and from the Starfleet vessel an Andorian wearing the pips of a Commander. Both individuals came to attention just behind the Admiral. “What you see before you is something few ever get to see. You get to see your future.” Xam stood and looked confused. His future? What in the he- The Admiral’s voice cut through his confusion.

“This-” the Admiral said with an indication to the Tellerite, “- is Warden Koltak. He runs a prison ship. And he is not someone to be trifled with.” The Tellerite sneered at the young Efrosian and Xam’s blood ran cold. “This other is Commander Tess, Executive Officer of the USS John T. Hall. His ship is heading to Earth. Young man, this is where your future gets decided. And due to your past actions, it will be decided by the three of us, since you seem incapable of making sound decisions regarding your own well-being. We will decide your future. Right now. On this spot. Take heed, because so very few get to actually see their own future unfold in front of their very eyes.” And with that the Admiral turned and walked away with the two star ship officers.

Xam watched them as they walked out of ear shot and began talking. After a few minutes he stopped staring and looked at the ships. It was the first time looking at a star ship didn’t bring him any joy. Now, he just felt unhappiness. Penal ship or Federation prison? He didn’t which was worse, but he leaned in the direction of the Penal ship. At least it would over faster, most people didn’t last long in that environment. After many minutes, the group returned. The Tellerite warden approached Xam and his heart sank. The porcine-snouted Warden stared at him for several moments. Xam returned the stare without blinking, now was NOT the time to show weakness. The Warden smiled and looked past Xam. “Aye, Admiral, I can see it now. Its small, but it’s definitely there. He may break before it can be brought out, but if he doesn’t break, it will be most impressive.” the Warden said with a hearty laugh. Xam was very confused. What was small? What did he see? What was going on?

The Admiral walked around and stood in front of Xam, Commander Tess next to him. “Security, release him.” Wainwright said. The guards released Xam’s restraints and they fell to the floor. The Admiral’s eyes bored into Xam. “Do not make me regret this moment going forward. Do you understand me?” Xam was almost shaking, but stammered out a “Y-y-y-yes.” “Yes, what?” the Admiral growled through clenched teeth, his face only a few centimeters away from Xam’s. “Y-y-yes, Sir, Admiral.” Xam sputtered. The Admiral’s face relaxed and wry smile appeared. “Good. Do not disappoint me. I will be watching.” And with that the Admiral spun around and walked off, Security following him, leaving Xam with just the Klingon and the Andorian.

The Tellerite was the first to speak. “Efrosian, know this. The moment you fail, and I expect you to fail quite spectacularly, I will be there. And you will belong to me.” he said with a smile that chilled Xam to the bone. He then turned and headed to his ship, closing the hatch to the docking gantry behind him. Xam was more confused now than he had ever been. He looked at Commander Tess, whose face up until this moment had been completely passive and unreadable. “Questions… Xam, is it?” he said in a flat and monotone voice. Xam struggled to organize his thoughts, but eventually calmed himself down enough to not stutter as he spoke. “Um, Commander? What is going on?” Xam asked. “Well, Xam Ra-Ti, it appears you have just been selected to join Starfleet. I am to convey you personally to Earth and to Starfleet Academy. I hope you are up to the task. The Admiral has put a great deal of personal investment into making something of you.” Xam stood there stunned. Starfleet? Academy? “Commander, how… what… why?” Xam finally blurted out. Tess looked at Xam for a long moment and then said “Because the Old Man sees something in you. So did Koltak. And if those two can see it, I believe them.” Tess replied. “See what?” Xam asked, looking at the prison ship and then the hatch back into the base. “Potential, Ra-Ti. They see potential and a fighting spirit. Again, if they say it is so, then I believe it to be as well.” “Why would you do that, Commander?” Xam asked in shock. “You don’t know me anymore than they do.” Xam asked. “Because…” Tess replied, and his gaze looked off into the distance “… There was a time when they saw the same thing in me. I was in a similar position to your current state. And they offered me this same opportunity. So I will tell you, from first hand experience, do not waste this. The repercussions for doing so would be… most unpleasant.” The Commander straightened himself up and looked at Xam. “Come on. We have a bit of a journey ahead of us. And you have a lot of work to do prior to our arrival.”

Xam spent the next six months on the the John T. Hall, training every day with Commander and the ship’s civilian teachers. He was an apt pupil, diligent in his studies, and covered a significant backlog of educational requirements in a very short period of time. By the time the Hall had arrived at Earth, he had completed all of his perquisites for the Academy. Commander Tess escorted him to the Academy and wished him luck as he finished the intake process. “I will follow your career with interest, Xam. You have grown much in the past few months. I still wonder if the Admiral’s assessment of you is accurate, but I am less concerned now than when we first met. Do not let us down.” Xam stood straight and came to attention. “No Sir, Commander. I will not.” he said, with a resolution in his voice that the Commander had not heard before. “Very, well, Cadet. Dismissed.” And with that, the Commander turned and walked away.

Xam was a great student. His two-year generalized studies flew by, and he finished in the top fifteen percent of his class; quite the accomplishment for someone who had had only six months of formal training in the past ten years. Xam chose to go the Security Section when the choice was put before him. The irony of enforcing rules to someone with his background was not lost upon him. And his past was not lost upon some of his classmates who thought he wasn’t ‘worthy enough’ to wear the Star Fleet uniform. That conflict led to an ‘incident’ in which four of the cadets decided to teach the ‘pirate’ a lesson.

The lesson turned out to be theirs, as Xam’s criminal experience and training at the Academy made him far more than a match for the four of them. The ensuing investigation cleared Xam of any wrongdoing and led to the dismissal of three of the four Cadets.

In his specialization training, he also excelled. Graduating eighth in his class, he received glowing reports from his Cadet cruise Commanding Officer who made special note of his aptitude for defensive systems, weaponry, and tactics. In several war games exercises, his ship was able to last and even claim victory over multiple opponents simultaneously, and his abilities were cited more than once as the deciding factor. He was promoted to Ensign following the completion of his cruise, and stayed on to train some of the incoming Cadets in the Tactical Officer’s role and duties. He remained in this position for six months and, after receiving another positive evaluation, was transferred to the USS Converse as a Tactical Officer.

His time on the Converse was impressive, if short. He was unhampered by the strangeness of the ship, and thus capable of making himself useful and relied upon. That dedication in the face of the ‘odd’ nature of the ship got him recognized by the captain of the USS Thermopylae, an assault cruiser stationed on the border of the Neutral Zone. It was here Xam truly came into his own. As the Assistant Chief Tactical Officer, Ra’Ti made a name for himself in several skirmishes with renegade Romulan and Klingon vessels… as well as some of the pirates in the area who soon realized who was at the trigger of the Star Fleet vessel and passed the word that Ra’Ti was now in uniform. Xam also showed a very strong aptitude in directing multiple asset types simultaneously: security countermeasures, ship’s weapons and defensive systems, fighters, Marine Assault Teams, attack shuttles, and boarding parties. A year after his arrival, Xam was promoted to full Lieutenant and made the Chief Strategic Officer for the Thermopylae. He served in that capacity for another two years before he was transferred to Outpost 42 as the Strategic Operations Officer and Chief of Security. He was then transferred, per special request, to the USS Sentinel as the Chief Tactical Officer.

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