Hunter Snow (New Medial Officer Civilian)

Authored by David Robinson Jr
Biographic Information
  • Species: Betazoid (Full)
  • Weight: 210lbs
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Age: 26

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Character Biography

Hunter is a civilian trained Medical doctor and counselor his train was on Betazed and Denonbula and Vulcan during their planetary exchange programs.
So he had various opportunities in getting to know and practice with other races. and learn their techniques on how to treat patients and bedside manners and new mental disciplines along with Psychology. He took his training and studies seriously so he could be the best he could be along with taking some odd engineering courses to handle repairs to tricorders and other medical and office equipment like replicators and padds. He took the extra training in stride so that it made the engineering department at ease on trying to repair something in medial that the staff there could handle with confidence and ease. Hunter thought about continuing his odd training in engineering so he could be more versitle crewman in the future on a betazoid navy vessel or any other civilian vessel or cruise ship. He quit the job he had at the university and decided to take a resite on Risa to relax and restore his body and mind. From all the overworking and mental exhaustion. At that time he knew he was in a dead-end job.

Hunter is currently on leave on vacation on Risa

The family lives on Pacifica.
Father: Ian Snow
Mother: Kestra Snow Suder
Sister: Krista Snow Winters Married to Alan Winters
Older Brother: Patrik Snow
Brothers: Ian Snow (Engineering Officer), Pawl Snow (Security Officer), Jasan Snow (Medical Officer), Hunter Snow ( medical officer / Engineer ) Quadruplets

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