Planet: Galdor
People: Hatriku, Laleri, Arwan, Raka, and Pipini, collectively known as Galdori
Features shared by all people of Galdor that are not usual for humanoid species;
- Four fingers instead of the standard five on each hand
- The people of Galdor possess an Empathic sensory organ attached to their spine, around kidney height. It is called the Enne gland, and is the emotional center of their mind. It outputs a psychic signal that can only be detected by other Galdori and in turn can only detect the emotions of other Galdori. Because their mind and emotions work differently to other sentient species, it makes them extremely difficult for empaths to read. Telepaths can still read their surface thoughts, although it takes more effort to decipher.
-Digitigrade legs (They stand on their toes instead of the standard heel)
- Galdor does not have genetic sex determination. From the simplest of animals to sentient beings, each individual is born with the potential to fill either the male or the female role in reproduction. Some individuals never differentiate and grow to full adulthood without developing sex organs.
- For the rest, a first puberty occurs in the teenage years which produces the secondary sexual characteristics such as a larger frame and lower voice in males and more fat storage and higher register in females. This can be the final stage for some, at which point they are called Em-Male and Em-Female.
- In mid adulthood, a second puberty can be triggered, beginning the period of fertility. Primary sexual characteristics such as the penis, testicles, womb, and ovaries are developed over about a year’s time, and the individual is now fertile and will be so for a period equivalent to twice the length of their species’ childhood. Individuals who have undergone the final transition are known as Om-Male and Om-Female.
- Even fully mature Om-Females have no breasts, leaving them with a flat-chested look.
Hatriku - Reptilo-humanoids. Covered in scales, elongated faces. Sideways blinking with transparent eyelids, but they can also lick their eyes and nostrils to moisten them. Patterning and color of their scales can be just about anything you can find in a reptile, from rattlesnake to gila monster and beyond. Have tails, thick at the base and thinning to a point, flexible as a snake tail. Tend to be 5-6 feet tall.
Laleri - lupine-humanoids. Take a Caitian, but instead of using a lion as the base, use a wolf. Then you basically have a Laleri. They have tails, long-ish faces, and are covered in fur. They’re also massive, averaging 6-7 feet tall. Coloration is anything that it’d be reasonable for a canine to have, although wolf coloration is the most common.
Arwan - Goat-like people. Some have horns. All have goat-like or deer-like ears. All have short, deer-like tails. They’re otherwise the same as the Laleri, minus the very sharp fingernails. And the height. Arwan average about 4-5 feet tall. Not super short, but not tall either! Their fur can be soft or coarse, fluffy or straight, and in any coloration that would be reasonable for a goat or deer.
Raka - also known as miniaturized Caitians, these 2-3 foot tall feline-like people are quite energetic and maintain a child-like energy throughout their lifetime, even in old age. They have cat-like tails and ears, and lack the furry mane of Caitians, although they make up for it with fluffy head fur and chest fur.
Pipini - Aquatic, and closely related to the Raka, they resemble otters. Big, 3-4 ft tall otters. They tend to be laidback and almost lackadaisical, until threatened, at which point they can become vicious. Coloration is generally tones of brown and grey, and all their fur is short and slicked close to the skin.
Planet: Okinos
People: Okinosians
Okinosians are a fungal humanoid race. No more information is available.
Planet: Kalari
People: Kalarans
Kalarans are a highly adaptable amphibian species which can be fully aquatic, fully terrestrial, or a mix of the two. They have four arms as well as a prehensile tail, and often communicate through bioluminescent strips on their heads.
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