Jessa Novar

Authored by Kate O'Neill
Biographic Information
  • Position: Child on USS Atlantis
  • Rank: Civilian
  • Species: Human
  • Weight: 82 pounds
  • Height: 4'11"
  • Age: 12
Actions Available

Character Biography

Full Name: Jessa Kari Novar

Nickname:Prisoner Number Four

Date of Birth: December 15, 2385

Place of Birth: Nuat

Place of Education: Cildar

Place of Residence: Kublia Tais

______________________________________ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS:

Hair - Blonde hair that long  

Eye color - Hazel green with gold and blue flecks around the pupils

Body Features - Fair-skinned but tan easily in the sun. She is slim with a muscular build like a runner. She has one small tatoo on the inside of her right wrist. विश्वास  

Photo 1

Photo 2

______________________________________ BACKGROUND:

Galaxy of Origin:Jessa is from galaxy called Vela Astria in the Caelum supercluster which is a one-point four billion miles from Earth. The Caelum supercluster is the largest supercluster in the universe containing over 550,000 galaxies on the boundary of the known observable universe. The Galactic Union uses the Cosmic Web which they call the Celestial Labyrinth to travel among the galaxies under their control. The core galaxies of the Galactic Union are Vela Astria, Sigalis, Draconis, Maelstrom, Aquarii, and the Perileos Cloud.

Galactic Union: The Galactic Union is a theocracy that divides the population into two groups which are citizens and the Order. Citizens are the largest group performing all jobs that do not deal with education, the military, police, religion, or laws. The Order is made up of five branches which are the legislature, judicial concerns, and police/miliary, education and religion. The most important of these divisions are education and religion which for the most part are the same. The Ministry of Enlightenment

______________________________________ EDUCATION INFORMATION:

Jessa has received some form formalized education however it was not Federation based. She is not able to read or write anything in Federation Standard.

When Styxx and her Marines bordered the *Beacon of Hope* they did find a sample of the Galactic Union writing system. यदि तपाईंले यसलाई गुगल स्टपबाट अनुवाद गर्नुभयो भने। हामीले यो एलियन भाषा हो भनेर बहाना गरिरहेका छौं जुन हामीले अझै अनुवाद गर्न सक्दैनौं। कम्प्यूटरले यसलाई बुझेपछि म तपाईंलाई बताउनेछु।.

To try and keep everyone updated this is what we know so far

Her education curriculum was based on the Galactic Union's ideals and principles. While little to nothing is known of the Galactic Union, some things can be inferred from her psyche eval with Commander Heathcliff Rinker.

Important Scriptures from the Gospels of Enlightenment

  1. Without hope and heroes, life is spent in malaise. To defeat malaise identify the keys to life. Life is sacrifice so offer it. Life is trust so give it wisely. Life is a struggle so conquer it. Be the force of change in the galaxy no matter the cost. ~ Jaek Dalledos
  2. Faith is the assurance that when one follows the path, one will find the truth at the end of the journey. When the devout find the truth, they will be rewarded with eternal enlightenment for your soul. ~ Riax Ikos
  3. Do not ask to be bestowed faith in the Order. Do not ask questions to which faith should provide the only answer you seek. Asking only confirms you have fallen. ~ Vik Stess
  4. Take up the weapon of faith and fear not to use it. No struggle is worth taking unless you feel the pain of your sacrifice. Is anything earned without sacrifice really earned? Show those weak the cleansing power of sacrifice. Be the force that helps them see enlightenment. ~Su Zhisi
  5. Learning begins the second you draw your first breath and continue until the flames consume your body. So don’t learn as if this is your last hour. Learn so that your last hour is filled with understanding. That is why I will not impart the truth to you. You will just forget without having struggled and sacrificed for that knowledge. ~ Tan Nastratt

Order of the Galactic Union Structure

Title Role Description
Elder  TBA The Senior-level position in the hierarchy of the Elder administration
Patron  TBA A middle-level position in the hierarchy of the Elder administration
Guardian  TBA An entry-level position in the hierarchy of the Elder administration
Adjudicators Legal represtentative They arrive during a conflict, review the evidence, explain the options, and provide the official documents needed to resolve it.

______________________________________ MEDICAL INFORMATION:

Jessa suffered from a nicked jugular artery and required emergency sugery when she was twelve. She had no side effects from this.Click for medical report

______________________________________ PSYCHOLOGICAL INFORMATION

Psychological evaluation pending after sessions with Rinker

______________________________________ PERSONAL INFORMATION:


Parents: .

Her Father is Lt. Commander Ian Bordeaux of the USS Atlantis

Her Mother is Bria Novar

Aunt: Kyla Novar

______________________________________ Important Posts and Images:


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