Cara Meow

Authored by David Fergusson
Biographic Information
  • Position: Xenoanthropologist and Sociologist on USS Merrimack
  • Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Species: Caitian (Northern)
  • Weight: 384 lbs
  • Height: 6' 02"
  • Age: 27
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Character Biography

Cara was born in the Tortoiseshell Cove region, on the planet Cait, to a litter within the powerful Smudge Pride; a group of Caitian families who originally came from the venerated Smudge family. Her father was the famous Caitian bowling champion, Whiskers ‘Alleycat’ Meow. Her father is the son of Chairman Meow (which makes him her Grand Paw) and who is still alive, but now on his nineth life. Her mother was Cleocatra Smudge, the daughter of Bing Clawsby Smudge. She is proud of the pawsitive influence her ancestors have had upon the hiss-torical development of Cait.

Like most female Caitians, despite her great height and size, Cara is delicately dainty with a short face, oval ears, large eyes with vertically slitted pupils, whiskers, and fangs. Her tail is prehensile. It is very strong and can withstand physical force. It could pick up a human of average weight, and throw him across the room. Cara is entirely covered with thick, soft orange fur. Her hearing is about three times better in frequency range than a human, especially at the higher pitches. Nine out of ten Caitians also have superior taste and olfactory senses.

As a young Caitian, Cara studied a little emergency medicine within a uniformed youth organisation; she was a First Aid Kit. She once had to attend an accident with her best friend Missy Muffin that was quite cathartic. They had to give aid to a wrecked ship upon which 50 kittens had died. Cara has always been curious about humans, Vulcans and other Federation cultures. After a short period of working in re-tail, she studied Anthropology under professor Tigger ‘Lucky’ Angel, at the Caitian College of Science, Technology, Medicine, Mew-sic and Cream, However, she then had the radi-claw idea to leave her Homeworld to study further at the Vulcan Institute of Science.

Cara became bored with the mixture of office work and lectures; merely cataloguing other Federation races, or creating computer-assisted translation tools, but she always enjoyed the paper shredding. She quickly realised that if she wanted to realise her passion to discover new cultures and new civilisations, then the place to be was aboard a Starship, and so she was fur-tunate to be able to leave Vulcan to join Starfleet. The USS Merrimack is her second posting as a Ship’s Anthropologist and Sociologist. Her first posting was split between the two Caitian crewed training ships, the USS Felix and the USS Oscar. On Cait, the USS Felix is remembered as the first Caitian ship to discover Catnip.

Cara dislikes using the Transporter as it messes with her hair too much. She also finds that the decontamination chamber makes her hair lose all of it’s shine and softness, and she insists on only using Argon oil hair conditioning products, and for a good quality brush to always be available. She likes wearing clothes in her favourite colour of purrple.

She prides herself on her accomplishments in sport, the arts, and philosophy as well as on the martial arts. She is skilled in the use of the catapult, and briefly held the Caitian World Record for the 500m Flying Target event. She has always been cathletic, and in 2300 she was awarded a Bronze medal in the Women’s Speed Curtain and Drapes Climbing discipline, at the IXX Intergalactic Federation of Sport Climbing Championships held on Cait.

Cara has found that many primitive human cultures tend worship her species, if not as Gods themselves, but as vessels that the gods choose to inhabit, and whose likeness Gods choose to adopt. This was true of the Ancient Egyptians on Earth when the Caitians first visited Earth, and explains why they feature prominently in ancient Egyptian art. The Caitian also had a paw in building the Purramids.

Cara loves to have fun and will see the hissterical pawsibilities in most situations. Cara’s Pride have had their dust-ups with Klingons before. One or too catastrophes too. Cara has implied that it is the reason why you don’t see too many Klingons with ears. However, many from Cara’s Pride perished inside Klingon prison catacombs, or else were forced to work on knitting frames where they rolled balls of steel wool in the manufacture of Klingon Baldrics, and were forced to sleep inside small cardboard boxes (the latter being something they didn’t actually mind doing.)

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