Parnak Dreinrett

Authored by Dustin Smith
Biographic Information
  • Species: Cardassian
  • Weight: 200 lbs
  • Height: 6 foot
  • Age: 47

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Character Biography

Position: Counter Intelligence Officer
Rank: TBD
Species: Cardassian
Weight: 200lbs
Height: 6‘
Age: 47

Character Biography:
Chronologically Panak has no data supporting the Occupation of Bajor, but was inducted into the CDF at an early age as part of the program “Talon”

Program “Talon” otherwise known as “Black-Claw” is defined in a special operations unit designed for infiltration, sabotage, surveillance, and counter intelligence in order to accelerate response and countermeasures deployed by the Cardassian Defense Force. At the time of its conception, the Cardassian species where already experiencing global destabilization and shortage of resources. It was the hope of “Talon” to not only adapt to alien environments, but to survive among potentially hostile species at any cost. Of the two thousand, three-hundred, seventy one candidates. Only seventeen were ever recorded completing the program, nine of which were confirmed killed within two years of its initial deployment. Then like a majority of the species, Parnak who by all accounts was loyal to the CDF, suddenly changed sides and began rebelling against the Dominion seemingly overnight. This was noted specifically on Rondac 3, the Dominions cloning facility.

Below is a recording from Parnak’s initial Psychological evaluation in regards to the Dominion Wars:

The recording opens with Parnak looking down at his hands. “It was a different time back then, most species see the consequence of actions, but seldom see why others are driven to such lengths. My species for all rights and purposes are endangered. Back then you could even say on the verge of extinction and you wouldn’t be exaggerating. Famine, starvation, even our own government began to treat civilians like a plague. I did like many others side with the dominion with the disillusioned hope that the founders would live up to their bargain to restore my people.” returning his attention to the councilor he paused, “There’s a saying among Cardassian’s a mantra really: Children are our Future, with that bit of knowledge keep in mind I was willing to pay any price to ensure there was something, anything to left to leave. During our conflict’s I came across information that ultimately decided my future for me, Our species were to be eradicated, and what was left of our resources were to be used as a bargaining chip to recruit the Breen to the Dominion. Overnight I like many others defected and chose to fight back.... I trust you’ve already read my service record and know I was apart of the Raid on Rondac 3 during the second battle of Chin’Toka? After we lost our footing I was forced to retreat to Vanden Prime where I learned a great deal about the cost of a closed mind. During my time there I even managed to learn how to get along with Bajoran’s, something I honestly not thought possible not only in my own lifetime. but… well, ever?”

Federation records indicate the use of Vanden Prime as a staging point for Rebellion forces to launch gorilla attacks throughout the system using interference from the Likarian asteroid belt to cover a majority of ship movements. Throughout the final phases of the Dominion War, after which Parnak’s service record ends.

Below is the following interview of what happened to Parnak after the Dominion War on a follow up evaluation.

The recording opens with Parnak sitting up straight in a lounge chair with a warm cup of tea sitting beside him, a woman’s voice asks. “Your record seems incomplete after the end of the Dominion War, what happened after your involvement with the Delta Quadrant?”

Parnak took a long sip of his tea as he chose his words carefully, “I suppose the easiest way to answer that question is to understand that i’m a creature of habit. The idea of returning to what was left of my life before the CDF didn’t appeal to me anylonger. Instead, I put in my resignation and went into privatized security for a time offering what talents I have to those who now call themselves the Romulan Republic. Not as an operative mind you, but as an informant rooting out any information I could on the Tal Shiar’s movements, hidden caches of supplies, and potential areas where conflict could be either suppressed or completely avoided. It seemed like a comfortable position until well… ” He made a gesture indicating the destruction of Romulus in 2387.

“It was fine for a time for self preservation mind you, but I still have an obligation to my own and their need to survive as well. After funding ran out I needed to make a choice and going home really isn’t an option. It was naturally between the United Federation of Planets. Or the Klingon Empire, as far as Klingons go. I do truly understand their passion to cherish life to the fullest, there is a sense of purity every morning to be blessed with another sunrise, but it wouldn’t go well for our culture. Given the more… conscientious approach Star Fleet takes with its racial diversity. It was an easy choice to offer my abilities in exchange for the potential to help open political talks to preserve what’s left of our way of life.”

“And what -is- your way of life?” the councilor asked

Parnak looked pained by the question but he responded after a short time while looking down at his tea. “… I don’t know anymore. My people are dying , either by starvation… war.. greed. Maybe its a Divine act erasing us from existence for the things we did during the Occupation. Even before the Occupation of Bajor for all I know, but it doesn’t really matter anymore. I-can’t-make you believe me. In your situation i’d be waiting for a bomb to explode or some valuable official to be abducted . To what end I ask? There are no cities left, no fields to grow food, and no real population to swear loyalty to if that’s your concern. I’ve come here because I have nowhere else to go and for all it matters i’m about two-hundred years too late to have a chance to save even one Cardassian.” He set down his tea and looked out the window, ” I think that’s enough for today. Would you please stop recording me?”

Begin Starfleet Log:
Was first accepted for cadet training on DS9 in an effort to control the potentially volatile situations that could occur with the nature of the New Cadet.
Physical, Mental, and Social skills were all indicated at high marks and he is noted to have a Photographic Memory that he can draw from very easily.
Despite his willingness he was not without his own problems, it was clear given his lack of sleep cycles that he would push himself to the point of complete exhaustion before allowing himself any rest. Often times preferring to sleep in small spaces or under his bed versus in it.

NOTE: Was nearly discharged from Academy training for Assault of Superior Officer and several members of DS9 security task force.
The Chief Medical Officer involved in the altercation dropped all charges and requested Parnak to continue his training stating it was his fault he was assaulted. He responded to what seemed to be an medical emergency during a sleep survey to help determine the best way to treat Combat PTSD and Night Terrors.

After Completion of Academy Training, Parnak was assigned to an outpost orbiting Klaestron for a number of years to monitor communication and activities pertaining to the Wormhole. Parnak was recorded to have not missed a single day or report during that time, given his meritorious adherence to duty and protocol. He was offered an opportunity to pick a ship of his choosing for new duty station if he chose to.

Physical Description: Average height for a Cardassian with grayish-white skin, prominent ridges on either side of the neck, and a spoon-shaped structure on his forehead. His hair is cut mid length and often worn slicked back.

Eyes- Black

Hair- Black

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