Thaddeus MacKenzie IV

Authored by Brian Richards
Biographic Information
  • Position: Doctor on USS Sentinel
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Species: Human (Also Scottish)
  • Weight: 140 lbs
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Age: 62

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Character Biography

Early Life

Tad MacKenzie was born and raised in Inverness, Scotland, to a working-class family. His father, Thaddeus MacKenzie III, was a shipwright to an organization working to protect the vessels that once roamed the seas of Earth, while his mother, Moira MacKenzie, was a schoolteacher. Tad was the youngest of four siblings, with two older brothers and one older sister. Growing up, Tad often found himself overshadowed by his older siblings, who excelled in academics and sports, and this led him to develop a sense of self-reliance and a strong desire to prove himself. His parents, recognizing his keen intellect and curiosity, encouraged his education and nurtured his love for learning. During his adolescence, Tad became interested in the medical field after witnessing a local doctor save his friend’s life after a severe accident involving; some greenbelt, some foolish hormonally-driven dares, and quite a bit of illicitly acquired alcohol. Inspired by the doctor’s skill and dedication, Thaddeus decided to pursue a career in medicine. As a teenager, Thaddeus faced challenges fitting in with his peers. His sarcastic wit and blunt honesty often rubbed people the wrong way, making it difficult for him to form close friendships. Despite this, he found solace in his studies, immersing himself in textbooks and medical journals, driven by a passion for helping others.

Thaddeus excelled academically and earned a scholarship to attend the University of Edinburgh, where he studied medicine. His exceptional intellect and diligent work ethic allowed him to graduate with honors. During his time at university, Thaddeus developed an interest in xenobiology, which would later inspire him to join Starfleet. After completing his medical degree, Tad decided to join Starfleet in pursuit of new challenges and the opportunity to explore the galaxy. His decision was met with mixed reactions from his family; while his parents were proud of his accomplishments, his siblings felt he was leaving behind their humble roots in search of grand adventures. At Starfleet Academy, Thaddeus continued to face difficulties in social situations. However, his exceptional medical skills and knowledge quickly earned him recognition and respect among his peers and instructors. After completing his training, Tad was commissioned as a medical officer, beginning his long and storied career in Starfleet.
At this point in his life, Tad is a bit past his prime but still extraordinarily knowledgeable and practical. Tad has been in Starfleet for several decades, having served on multiple starships in various capacities before ultimately finding his way to the USS Kilmington.

Upon graduating from Starfleet Academy, Dr. Thaddeus MacKenzie was assigned as a medical officer to the USS Linnet, an exploratory vessel tasked with charting unexplored regions of space. During his time on the Linnet, Thaddeus gained valuable experience dealing with various medical emergencies and treating various species. Despite his gruff demeanor, Thaddeus quickly earned a reputation as a highly skilled and resourceful doctor. His ability to improvise and develop innovative solutions to challenging medical cases gained him the respect of his colleagues and superiors. Nevertheless, his interpersonal skills continued to hinder his career advancement as he struggled to forge strong relationships with his fellow crewmembers. After several years of service on the USS Linnet, Thaddeus was transferred to the USS Dunedin. Despite his sometimes abrasive personality, this promotion resulted from his exceptional performance and dedication. On the Dunedin, Thaddeus continued to refine his medical expertise, particularly in xenobiology.

During his time on the Dunedin, Thaddeus was involved in several critical missions, including responding to a significant outbreak on an isolated colony and treating natural disaster survivors on a nearby planet. These experiences further honed his skills and allowed him to understand better the unique challenges medical professionals face in deep space exploration.

Injury and Transfer to the USS Kilmington

Thaddeus sustained a significant injury to his left arm during a rescue mission on a remote planet, resulting in the need for amputation. Tad received one of Starfleet Medical’s first batches of the BALP-1 or Biomechanical Augmentation Limb Prototype. The injury forced him to take a leave of absence from active duty to recover. The rehab was experimental, and the technology to allow for proper neural linkage to the prosthetic was in its infancy, so it’s never entirely worked right, resulting in more than a few days of him leaving the damn thing in his quarters. Following his rehabilitation, Thaddeus was assigned to the USS Kilmington as a Medical Officer, where his wealth of experience and unique perspective would prove invaluable to the crew. His time on the Kilmington would present new challenges and opportunities for growth, both professionally and personally.


Dr. MacKenzie has a deplorable bedside manner and is often described as irritable, sarcastic, and blunt. However, his exceptional diagnostic and surgical skills grant him some grace from his colleagues and superiors. Tad can think outside the box and solve medical puzzles others might struggle with. Despite his grumpy demeanor, this talent has earned him respect among his peers. Depending on how you see it, one flaw or trait is that Dr. MacKenzie is unapologetically honest with his patients, which often leads to confrontations and complaints from patients and staff. He is not afraid to challenge authority when he believes it is in the patient’s best interest, often leading to friction with his superiors. While he may not be the most diplomatic crewmember, his dedication to saving lives is unquestionable. Despite his seemingly unsympathetic attitude, Dr. MacKenzie does have a deep, albeit well-hidden, compassionate side. He can be seen offering a kind word or supporting a patient when no one else is around. His empathy, however, is overshadowed by his brusque exterior.

Dr. MacKenzie has a complex relationship with the rest of the crew, particularly the ship’s Chief Medical Officer. While they may not always see eye-to-eye on patient care matters, the two doctors respect each other’s skills and knowledge. Tad’s colleagues often find him difficult to work with, but they cannot deny his dedication and effectiveness in his job. Throughout his early career, Thaddeus continued to grapple with his interpersonal shortcomings. He developed a small circle of friends who appreciated his blunt honesty and sarcastic wit but struggled to form close bonds with most of his peers. Thaddeus gradually learned to temper his abrasive nature as he matured, allowing him to become a more effective leader and team member.

Throughout his career, Dr. MacKenzie tends to push the limits of acceptable behavior, which has landed him in trouble on more than one occasion. However, his infractions never escalate to a level that would send him to the brig. Instead, he has faced reprimands, temporary suspensions, and stern lectures from his superiors.


Dr. Thaddeus MacKenzie is an older man with a graying beard and unkempt hair that often makes him disheveled. He uses an old antique cane passed down from his grandfather made of white oak and a bear’s head cast in pewter for the hand grip, primarily for style but also because he’s getting on up in the years. Despite his age, his eyes still hold a sharp, calculating intelligence that betrays his extensive medical knowledge and expertise.

The BALP-1

The Biomechanical Augmentation Limb Prototype (BALP-1) is a cutting-edge prosthetic arm designed for Starfleet personnel who have sustained injuries that would otherwise end their careers. The BALP-1 is an experimental prototype, still in development and not yet ready for widespread deployment. Its design incorporates advanced materials and technology, aiming to replicate the functionality and dexterity of a biological arm.


The BALP-1 features a sleek, metallic design with a matte finish, giving it a futuristic appearance. The prosthetic arm is lightweight and ergonomic, designed to ensure user comfort. The exterior shell is composed of a combination of duranium and polymeric alloys, providing durability and structural integrity. The overall aesthetic is intended to blend seamlessly with the standard Starfleet uniform while maintaining a distinctly advanced appearance.


The BALP-1 is designed to interface directly with the user’s nervous system, using a neural-link system that connects to the residual limb. This connection allows for the transmission of sensory information and motor commands between the user’s brain and the prosthetic arm. As a prototype, the BALP-1’s neural-link system is still an experiment that results in occasional delays or miscommunications between the user’s intentions and the prosthetic arm’s actions.

The arm is equipped with a series of advanced micro-servomotors and synthetic muscle fibers that provide a wide range of motion and dexterity. The prototype’s current capabilities include basic grasping and manipulation tasks, but it struggles with more delicate and precise movements due to limitations in the responsiveness and control of the servomotors. Additionally, the BALP-1 prototype features an integrated tricorder and communicator built into the forearm, allowing for quick and easy access to these essential tools. However, these integrated devices are still experimental and may not function reliably.

Challenges and Future Development

The development team behind the BALP-1 is continually working to refine and improve the prototype’s functionality. Key areas of focus include enhancing the neural-link system’s responsiveness and reliability, improving the prosthetic arm’s fine motor control, and increasing the durability and longevity of the arm’s components. Once these issues are resolved, the BALP-1 can potentially become a revolutionary advancement in prosthetic technology for Starfleet personnel and beyond.

Development, Testing, and Eventual Cancelation

In 2243, the Biomechanical Augmentation Limb Prototype (BALP-1) project was initiated by Starfleet Medical as part of their ongoing efforts to improve the lives of Starfleet personnel who had lost limbs in the line of duty. The goal was to develop a cutting-edge prosthetic arm that would offer greater functionality, dexterity, and integration with essential Starfleet tools. The first five years of the project, from 2243 to 2248, were primarily focused on research and conceptualization. The development team, comprised of some of the most brilliant minds in bioengineering, materials science, and neuroscience, studied existing prosthetic technologies, as well as the unique anatomy and physiology of various humanoid species. By 2249, the team had created the first BALP-0 initial prototype, which showed promise but was still far from perfect. Over the next decade, the development team made incremental improvements to the arm’s design, neural-link system, and integrated tools. Field testing began in 2251, of the revised BALP-1 with selected Starfleet personnel receiving early versions of the production BALP-1 for evaluation. From 2251 to 2261, the BALP-1 project faced numerous challenges that hindered progress.

In 2263, after 20 years of development, Starfleet Medical made the difficult decision to discontinue the BALP-1 project. The decision was based on the persistent technical issues, high production costs, emergence of more promising alternatives, safety concerns, and resistance from the medical community. The BALP-1’s cancellation marked the end of an ambitious project that, while unsuccessful, contributed valuable insights and knowledge to the field of prosthetics and medical technology. Many of the lessons learned from the BALP-1 project would later be applied to the development of more advanced and successful prosthetics and medical devices within Starfleet and beyond. Despite the ambitious goals and cutting-edge technology behind the Biomechanical Augmentation Limb Prototype (BALP-1), the project ultimately faced several challenges that led to its discontinuation and prevented its widespread adoption. The neural-link system, designed to interface with the user’s nervous system and provide seamless prosthetic control, proved more difficult to perfect than initially anticipated. The development team struggled to overcome issues related to latency, miscommunication, and compatibility with various species’ unique nervous systems. These shortcomings led to a less-than-optimal user experience, with the arm often failing to respond accurately and swiftly to the user’s commands.

The advanced materials and components required to manufacture the BALP-1, such as duranium, polymeric alloys, and synthetic muscle fibers, were expensive and in limited supply. The cost of producing a single unit was significantly higher than traditional prosthetics, making it difficult to justify the investment for widespread implementation. Additionally, due to resource allocation priorities within Starfleet, the project faced budget cuts that further hindered progress and innovation. During the development of the BALP-1, rival projects and advancements in medical technology began to emerge. These alternatives offered more reliable and cost-effective limb replacement and regeneration solutions, such as tissue regeneration techniques and advanced bio-compatible prosthetics that were easier to produce and maintain. With these competing technologies showing more immediate promise, Starfleet shifted its focus and resources toward its development.

Integrating essential tools like the tricorder and communicator into the BALP-1 presented potential safety risks. Instances of malfunction and interference with the prosthetic’s primary functions raised concerns about the arm’s reliability during critical missions. This lack of dependability in high-stress situations made it an unsuitable choice for Starfleet personnel. Due to its technical limitations and high costs, many medical professionals within Starfleet were skeptical of the BALP-1’s benefits. They argued that the focus should be on perfecting existing prosthetic technology and improving tissue regeneration methods rather than investing in an expensive, unproven prototype. Ultimately, the combination of these factors led to the cancellation of the BALP-1 project. However, the lessons learned from its development contributed to advancements in prosthetic technology and medical science within Starfleet and beyond.

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