Todd Nyman

Authored by Ava Henson
Biographic Information
  • Position: XO on USS Leviathan
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Species: Vendorian
  • Weight: 180 lb
  • Height: 6’
  • Age: 28 (Legally)

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Character Biography


Often stays disguised in a human form, 6’ male with wavy blond hair, green eyes, and pale rosy skin.
His natural appearance is coral-colored, with five greenish-yellow eyes and six tentacles.


Cover Story:
(The ‘official’ story as accessible in-character without special clearance.)

Todd and his twin brother Theodore were born to Henry and Lucile Nyman in the year 2373. However, both brothers were orphaned in 2375 and transferred to the care of the Linthol Agricultural Community Orphanage on Makari V.

At the age of 17 both resettled on Earth in their parent’s former home in central Kansas. Later each pursued secondary education with focus on psychology, and worked as laboratory assistants at the Copland Creek Psychological Research Center.

Todd was recommended for Star Fleet Medical where he finished his Master’s in Psychology with a focus in counseling.

Official Story:
(Everything Star Fleet knows about him.)

Todd Nyman was one of an unknown number of Vendorians who were, allegedly, “forcibly recruited” as Romulan spies. After defecting to the Federation each one was given a new identity and protection. As part of this agreement, they were to hide their true identities, including their species.

Todd posed as a 20 year old human male, the twin brother of Starfleet Intelligence operative Theodore Nyman. He attended college in his new home state of Kansas, eventually earning a Bachelor’s degree in Phycology. He completed his Master’s in Counseling at Starfleet Medical, and his certifications while serving as a Cadet. Nyman then gained the rank of Lieutenant after completing his certifications, and served as a counselor and moral officer aboard several space stations.

It was agreed that his species should be revealed to a limited number of trusted officers, including all of his immediate superior officers. Who else was permitted to know was up to the discretion of those superior officers. Also, in accordance with the treaties regarding Vendorians, he is explicitly prohibited from engaging in any espionage activities against the Romulan Empire.


Desire to Be Productive

The main reason Todd wanted to become a counselor was to be helpful, or as he often calls it, “a productive member of the crew”. He takes great pride in being good at his job, and sees his rank and position as a reflection of that. He often sets high expectations for himself at work and never takes more than the required amount of downtime. He is very orderly, prompt, and takes his orders and assignments very seriously.


While he does have a natural need for privacy, Todd has little difficulty socializing with others. His own type of ‘empathy’ for humanoids and his curiosity about other species and cultures causes him to notice and pursue conversations with people he finds interesting. He often likes to let people lead conversations, asking question, then sitting back and listening. It is important to him to make sure people are comfortable in his presence. Most of his relationships are fine, if a bit surface level. He tends to be bit more playful around those who he feels particularly close to. For obvious reasons he rarely ever talks about himself in detail.

Conflict Avoidant

Like many in his species, Todd naturally avoids direct conflict. He is not above using his shape-shifting abilities to simply hide and wait out a problem. When confronted, he will often misled, redirect, omit information, or even directly lie. The desire to avoid conflict also leads to people-pleasing behaviors. He is especially weary of disagreeing with his superior officers and looks for their approval rather than trusting in his own thinking.

Prideful / Materialistic

Todd finds a sense of worth in his rank, position, and accomplishments. Out of ego, he will not hesitate reminding people of his accomplishments, or exaggerate them. For example, accepting the title “Doctor” before actually earning it. He reveres his physical uniform, rank pips and comm-badge as sort of symbols of his success. As well as his other material possessions as meaning he has, in some way, “made it”. Though not known to get easily upset, being criticized, disrespected, or contradicted in front of others is a good way to push him.

Fun Facts:

  • Todd has a surgically implanted rfid chip to verify his identity no matter what form he takes.
  • Star Fleet made Todd re-take his counseling certification “to make sure it was really him who passed.”
  • Despite being able to shapeshift, Todd is consistently lactose intolerant.

Posts of Interest:

Theodore Nyman
Past Life
Who Was Captain Kay?

Vendorian Species Notes:

Memory Alpha:

Memory Beta:

Extended Lore / Head-cannon:

R-DOB: 2382

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