Purola was born on the Island Continent of Follos, on the southern side. She was raised in the town of Ader, a moderately sized fishing village. Her mother is a retired Naval officer and town Magistrate, and her father is a Doctor. Her family on her mother’s side was career military, firstborns went to the navy with second and third being sent to other Active Military services. Her family was from more common stock and never rose high within the standard rank structure, her mother rose highest ending her career as a Subcommander and first officer on a defensive Starbase a few systems from the Romulus System.
Early on she felt a desire to be a Doctor much like her father but her mother instilled a need for service. When she was of age she was accepted into a Medical School on the Main continent of Brel’Kar where she showed great promise. She served her first six years of duty as a surgeon in the Capitol until she enlisted in the Romulan Navy.
She showed average abilities with standard ship procedures, her talents mostly lying with her medical capabilities. She did however thrive in hand-to-hand combat training, the only combat-related duties she showed excellent skill for. Her marksmanship was average. During her training, she showed promise for command but with no sponsors, she couldn’t receive advanced training that at the time she did not regret.
She graduated from the Academy at the age of 32 and was assigned to the IRW Nuldul as a junior Medical officer. For the next forty-eight years, she worked on dozens of ships and space stations as a Medical officer, early on gaining the station of Chief Medical Control and the rank of Subcenturion. She never had any ambition beyond running the medical services on her ships so after getting settled into the position and routine she made no moves to advance further.
Over the next 35 years after becoming Subcenturion, she served in dozens of different locations, usually requesting assignments that took her further from home and closer to wherever the most action was. Of those thirty-five years, she spent approximately two years spread across six months each time as a Medical Instructor on Romulus then seven years on different Starbases and Planetary outposts. After each stationary position, she was assigned to a frontline Warship and served during most major military excursions the Fleet partook during those thirty or so years.
By the time she was 80, she was one of the more competent Combat Medical Officers in the 3rd fleet and had more than her share of commendations and even two Medals in her name although she cared little for such recognition. Also during that time, she’d seen enough combat both on the ground and as a duty officer on the Bridge that she was competent enough to take command during fire-team assignments and standard ship-to-ship combat. Despite her great experience, she declined promotion to Centurion on three separate occasions citing a desire to remain on the front which her superiors grudgingly accepted.
During those years she’d built a network of mostly lower-ranked officers and enlisted grunts whom she could call upon for information or assistance which she was moderately proud of.
In 2340 during one of her stints as an instructor on Romulus, she spent her free time in her hometown, during that stay the visiting Senator for her home District was visiting the town when dissenters attempted to assassinate her with explosive powder-based projectile weapons. Purola had been attending the public gathering when the attack happened and was instrumental in saving the life of then-Senator Thitula. After his recovery was finished she was extremely thankful to Purola and the two struck an unlikely friendship over the following years, to this day Purola considers the now Consul Thitula to be one of her closest friends of the last few decades.
In 2350 Purola was involved in a spectacularly unsuccessful attack on a Klingon Flagship, her Commander’s attitude towards the loss of Romulan’s life and decision to leave injured soldiers to die with no attempt to save lives reignited ambition in her. She requested reassignment to the IRW Chulak, a frontline vessel slated for a Three Year Piracy & Dissenter Extermination Mission.
During her assignment to the Chulak, she showed exemplary ability as a Mission leader and Combat Medic and accepted a promotion to Centurion, the first promotion she’d accepted in nearly forty years. After the mission was over she was slated to take over duties after the current XO was promoted and just seven years after she joined the ship she received the Commission as Subcommander and promotion to First Officer. She spent the next few years gaining some practical command experience before returning to Romulus to receive her official Command Training for the next rung up the ladder.
Although she rose up the ranks quickly once she showed some interest and ambition getting a seat as a Commander proved more difficult as she had little to no support within the Political Sphere of the Romulan Imperial Navy. She could accept a position on any third or fourth-tier ship she wanted but Purola had little interest in commanding a patrol ship that saw less action than a Federation Science vessel. Her status as a lowborn Medical officer and nearly forty years of serving as a frontline Doctor hadn’t earned her any clout with Command on Romulus. It wasn’t until 2364 when the political society shifted, and revealed themselves to the Galaxy at large again for the first time since her time as a Sublieutenant, during the encounter with the Starfleet Vessel Enterprise that things changed for her.
Her old friend Senator Thitula had become a moderately influential politician and gained the position of Consul after gaining control of her long-term coalition within the Senate. Having a close friend with such reach and using contacts that decades prior had been low-ranking officers but now served as mid-to-high level officers within the Romulus Fleet Command allowed her to push for a command of a proper Warship, although she had no hope of being granted command of a D’Deridex Battlecruiser it only caused her to set her sights on the recent fleet addition of the Keldrak Cruisers. A year of lobbying, bribing and cajoling Senior Fleet officials led to her being granted her first command and promotion to Commander.
Year | Event |
2267 | Born |
2287 | Accepted into Medical Program at Kal’trun Medical Academy |
2290 | Accepts Fellowship to Dar Memorial Hospital in Ki Baratan |
2296 | Enlists in the Imperial Fleet & enters Romulan Imperial Academy |
2299 | Graduates Imperial Academy as a Sublieutenant |
Assigned to IRW Nuldul As a junior Medical Officer | |
2309 | Promoted to Lieutenant |
2315 | Promoted to Subcenturion |
Promoted to Chief of Medical Control | |
2315-2350 | Serves on 13 Warships, 5 Starbases, 3 Planetary Naval Hospitals & four times as an Instructor at the Imperial Academy |
Serves during 4 Military Campaigns, 2 Subjugation Campaigns and a dozen anti-piracy Campaigns | |
2350 | Reassigned to IRW Chulak as Chief of Medical Control |
2352 | Promoted to Centurion |
2355 | Promoted to Subcommander |
Promoted to First Officer | |
2360 | Starts Command training on Romulus |
2361 | Returns to the IRW Chulak as First Officer |
2365 | Promoted to Commander |
Assigned as CO OF IRW Rovarran |
(Edits for incoming Captainship coming)
Location | Board | When | View |
Rolecall | IRW Rovarran | 7 months, 1 week ago | View |
Rolecall | IRW Rovarran | 7 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
Side-Sim - Bridge - Crew Training | IRW Rovarran | 8 months, 4 weeks ago | View |
Side-Sim - Bridge - Crew Training | IRW Rovarran | 9 months, 1 week ago | View |
Side-Sim - Bridge - Crew Training | IRW Rovarran | 9 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
Side-Sim - Bridge - Crew Training | IRW Rovarran | 9 months, 3 weeks ago | View |
Side-Sim - Bridge - Crew Training | IRW Rovarran | 10 months ago | View |
Side-Sim - Bridge - Crew Training | IRW Rovarran | 10 months, 1 week ago | View |
Side-Sim - Bridge - Crew Training | IRW Rovarran | 10 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
Hello! | IRW Rovarran | 10 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
AWOL LOA Mistake | IRW Rovarran | 10 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
Side-Sim - Bridge - Crew Training | IRW Rovarran | 11 months ago | View |
Main Sim - Planetside - Returning For Samples | IRW Rovarran | 11 months ago | View |
News - All Crew Read | IRW Rovarran | 11 months, 1 week ago | View |
Main Sim - Bridge - What's the CO Up Too? | IRW Rovarran | 11 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
Couldn't Have Found a Better Romulan for the Job | IRW Rovarran | 11 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
PreSim - One Death Is A Tragedy, A Million Is A Statistic | IRW Rovarran | 11 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
Main Sim - Bridge - What's the CO Up Too? | IRW Rovarran | 11 months, 3 weeks ago | View |
PreSim - One Death Is A Tragedy, A Million Is A Statistic | IRW Rovarran | 11 months, 3 weeks ago | View |
Main Sim - Planetside - Returning For Samples | IRW Rovarran | 11 months, 3 weeks ago | View |
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