Apoleon Baelifor

Authored by David Bennett
Biographic Information
  • Species: Daemonica
  • Weight: 100kg
  • Height: 1m (1.15m including horns)
  • Age: Unknown

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Character Biography

Apoleon looks like a demon out of Earth mythology. Red skin, black hooves wreathed in scarlet ghost fire, black talons for finger nails, black six inch horns, one meter long prehensile tail with a dorsal line of fine spines ending in a bony spade shaped blade, black eyes with the red flicker of fire in the pupils. He has a full flowing black mane running from his forehead to the base of his spine just above his tail.

His physiology is very dense giving him great strength and durability for his size as well as great endurance. His metabolism is such that he doesn’t require sleep though he does have a dietary requirement of non replicated meats.

He is capable of projecting fire from his mouth in a variety of techniques from a cone of intense heat, to pulses, and can even focus it down to behave as a biological blowtorch or moderately ranged pencil thick plasma stream.

In his off time, when he relaxes control, aspects of his home dimension will manifest around him. Walls of flesh, fountains of blood, distant tormented screams, heat, humidity, the smell of meat and blood, etc. He’s had countless centuries to learn to control this and it never slips accidentally even if he says it did.

For a uniform he wears a loincloth in the color of the department he’s currently assigned to and his rank pips are displayed on a collar he wears around his neck for just that purpose. He’s been in and out of Starfleet, fulfilling many different roles, as fits his whim, rank has never mattered to him. He’s fascinated by sapients and likes to ‘people watch’.

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