Kolar is the son of a Vedek and a woman of the Artist caste named Jelik Lao. Even though much of his childhood Bajor was under Cardassian occupation his father’s religious position kept Kolar from experiencing the worse of it until the very last weeks. The Balfor family had access to food, medical care and education that was denied the lion share of the Bajorian people.
The Balfor family, like most of those more favored by the Cardassians, was viewed as collaborators by many Bajorians although that could not be farther from the truth. Vedek Balfor was well known to the resistance as the Red Cloak, the garment he wore to conceal his identity, when he made deliveries of food and medicine. Vedek Balfor Toma never trafficked any item which he felt could be used as a weapon as he was a well known pacifist.
Clever and careful, Toma assisted the resistance for nearly decade before the Cardassians began to suspect someone in the Balfor household was aiding resistance fighters. Drawing the wrong conclusion due to Tomaʼs well known pacifistic ideals they imprisoned Lao. Toma quickly confessed but they did not believe him as he refused to reveal any detail that might expose the resistance. The Cardassians sentenced her to death and Toma and his son to forced labor.
Within the labor camp Toma and Kolar were beaten and spat on by their fellow prisoners who were excited to get a chance to wreak revenge on a ʽcollaborator.ʼ Toma wouldnʼt fight back and Kolar a boy of nine could do very little. Before the end of the first week Toma was dead and Kolar was well on the way to starving to death. With little strength and even less will, Kolar wandered to a small rise in the prison camp and stared off towards the horizon. Ignored by the guards and despised by most of the prisoners, Kolar was left there to wither to death, but the prophets seemed to have other plans for him. He sat on that hill for days, earning the moniker ʽWindwatcherʼ from both the Cardassians and Bajorians. One day just before his last drops of strength faded the prophets told him to open the main gate.
Somehow he found the strength to walk to the primary security tower. Unknown to the prisoners the Cardassians had been ordered to abandon the camp and exterminate any prisoners. The resistance had been rushing from camp to camp attempting to preempt the eventual massacres. Still being ignored by the Cardassians Kolar walked right into the main building and to the gate controls. Finally being noticed several guards ordered him to stop, but he didnʼt/couldnʼt hear them. They raised their weapons as he reached the console and fired. Miraculously they all missed and that was the end for all of them, the resistance rushed through the gate and after some fierce fighting the camp was liberated.
The Bajorian prisoners anxious to forget their barbarism and reward Kolarʼs apparent heroism were quick to forgive him, as he was only the son of a collaborator, but their justifications quickly fell apart. Despite his attempts to hide his identity several member of the resistance cell that liberated the camp knew of Toma and his active support of the rebellion. With frozen faces and tears many attempted to apologize to Kolar, but he ignored them all. Face frozen and eyes vacant he returned to the little knoll in the prison camp and sat there watching the wind blow. That was 22 years ago.
Starfleet Medal Of Commendation
Legion of Merit (Command)
Legion of Honor
Location | Board | When | View |
Medical Preparedness Drill for the XO | USS Saracen | 1 day, 16 hours ago | View |
Main sim Bridge | USS Saracen | 1 day, 16 hours ago | View |
Medical Preparedness Drill for the XO | USS Saracen | 6 days, 14 hours ago | View |
Medical Preparedness Drill for the XO | USS Saracen | 1 week, 6 days ago | View |
Medical Preparedness Drill for the XO | USS Saracen | 3 weeks, 3 days ago | View |
Medical Preparedness Drill for the XO | USS Saracen | 3 weeks, 3 days ago | View |
Medical Preparedness Drill for the XO | USS Saracen | 3 weeks, 6 days ago | View |
Main sim Bridge | USS Saracen | 1 month ago | View |
Main sim USS Brave-Cargo Bay | USS Saracen | 1 month ago | View |
Medical Preparedness Drill for the XO | USS Saracen | 1 month, 2 weeks ago | View |
Main sim USS Brave-Cargo Bay | USS Saracen | 1 month, 2 weeks ago | View |
Medical Preparedness Drill for the XO | USS Saracen | 1 month, 3 weeks ago | View |
Ready Room (Tag all Department heads) | USS Saracen | 2 months, 1 week ago | View |
XO meets CO | USS Saracen | 2 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
XO meets CO | USS Saracen | 2 months, 3 weeks ago | View |
XO meets CO | USS Saracen | 3 months, 1 week ago | View |
XO meets CO | USS Saracen | 3 months, 2 weeks ago | View |
XO meets CO | USS Saracen | 3 months, 3 weeks ago | View |
XO meets CO | USS Saracen | 4 months ago | View |
XO meeting the CMO | USS Saracen | 4 months ago | View |
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