=/\= Background =/\=
Born to an Andorian mother, not much is known publicly about Relavviks father. In truth, his father was a federation spy within the Romulan Empire. As a child, Relavvik would hear stories and grew up wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps.
Relavvik joined Starfleet and even as a cadet, he showed an aptitude for information analysis. Though, he was constantly pushing every envelope but, soon caught the attention of Section 31.
He was recruited into Section 31 as a young ensign and virtually vanished from all official records. He was officially seen again as a Lt Junior Grade.
After serving in various intel anysis postings, he was promoted to Lieutenant where he served on Earth until his current posting as Chief of Security on the USS Asimov.
His status with Section 31 is classified and unclear but, officially, he is attached with the Federation Security as a Starfleet Officer.
He is short for both Romulan and Andorian. He was born looking like a Romulan with white hair and antennae but, not a spot of blue on him.
=/\= Medical Information =/\=
He is missing his left eye, but thanks to his antennae, he hasn’t missed it. There is a deep scar that runs from his hairline across the missing eye to his cheek. There is a permanent eye patch affixed to his left orbital bone.
There is no scarring but, his C-4 and C-5 vertebrae are fused. It was a product of [REDACTED] and for that reason, it was unable to be corrected once returning to Federation space from [REDACTED] and the danger to his spinal cord is too great because of [REDACTED].
=/\= Mental Evaluation =/\=
Relavvik is a quiet individual who expects everyone around him to do their job. He has a tendency to act first and later see if his actions are within regulation. Because of this there are several infractions from his cadet and early Starfleet days. His Section 31 record remains classified due to his presumably active status.
Since his time on Earth, there have been no such infractions though, those working with him report him to be short and quick to the point with very little diplomacy.
Location | Board | When | View |
Arrival | USS Asimov | 1 day, 9 hours ago | View |
Arrival | USS Asimov | 1 week, 1 day ago | View |
Arrival | USS Asimov | 1 week, 1 day ago | View |
Arrival | USS Asimov | 1 week, 2 days ago | View |
Arrival | USS Asimov | 1 week, 2 days ago | View |
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