- President
- Jack Dipper
- Vice President
- Steve Johnson
- Welcome to Starfleet Command
Welcome to STF's Command ship. This is where the club comes together to discuss how we continue to improve the club, supporting our Club's Commanding Officers in providing the most exciting, immersive role playing areas. We are lucky enough to have a diverse range of talent across the club, and this is where ideas are discussed, refined, and implemented.
This does mean that not all of our views align; but what is the same, no matter our opinion, is that we all want the best for the club. Whilst we may need to challenge each of our ideas to get the best out of them, we need to make sure we do it in a way that makes people feel safe enough to contribute. Please ensure that the way you contribute to the discussion is critical to ideas, but supportive of each other. In short... be kind to each other!
- Command Timetable
This section will be updated shortly.
- Task Forces
This section will be updated shortly.