GM Exam- Review

Posted Feb. 12, 2019, 8:11 a.m. by Vice Admiral Lindsay Bayes (Gamemaster Director/Senior Gamemaster) (Lindsay B)

Now that the course has been sorted out, our final piece of the puzzle is the matching exam. Please take a few minutes to read over the exam and provide any suggestions or comments. Also note that as I write this I don’t know if the formatting of the numbering will stay as written, so sort of just ignore that if it doesn’t look right after I hit submit.

Review is open till Feb. 19th.

~Linds, GM Dir


Here is the exam for the course. It is worth a total of 40 points and you will need to score 75% to be accepted onto the GM Training Program. Please read it through completely before writing any answers down. The aim of this exam is to check you have absorbed all the information, to emphasize important information and to evaluate a candidate’s ability to communicate using the written word.

Submission Instructions
Write out your answers to the questions below.
E-mail them to the course proctor [Note: tutor email will be later hyperlinked]
Be sure to include your full name at the top of the e-mail!

Section A: Facts and Mechanics

  1. What would your contingency be if you were going on a LOA or are suddenly without the internet? 2 points

  2. For each of the following explain how you would try to solve these problems: 3 points
    a. Slow pace
    b. Crew ignoring Sim
    c. Side Plots being ignored

  3. Show the chain of command for a GM in STF. 1 point

  4. When can you kill a player’s character? 1 point

  5. When is it permissible to completely destroy a ship? 1 point

  6. How would you void a post whilst minimizing any disruption to the ship? 1 point

  7. Explain how you might try to avoid issuing a death notice. 1 point

  8. How can you use multiple timelines to your advantage? 2 points

Total 12 marks for Section A

Section B: Show Me the Money

  1. Take a few minutes to come up with a story idea suitable for a sim. Identify how you will involve the various departments. You may need to just point out that a certain department is going to need a side sim. (Include at least one swing position in your planning.) 3 points.

  2. Explain the series of clues you might use to get the crew from the beginning to the end of the sim. Point out places where you feel the crew might branch off from your plan. 2 points.

  3. Using the sim idea you came up with in Question 1, write out the sim’s first post using the Narrative style. This answer should be at least 2-3 paragraphs. 3 points.

  4. Using your sim idea from question 1 write a plan and show where you might break it down into acts. Explain what key points you would want to be achieved by the end of each act. 3 points.

  5. Suppose you are a GM on the USS Master and there is a player named Sally Cheatum. Sally continually disrupts your sim by constantly contradicting you. Sally usually does this with an OOC note stating that your recent post regarding the warp engine nearly breaching could not possibly happen because she is a theoretical physicist and there is no way a warp engine could ever do that! Brainstorm possible ways you might address this issue. 2 points.

  6. A GM has to be able to invent new worlds, new characters and new technology. Show that you can do this by describing one of each. Each answer should be at least two paragraphs. At least one should be related to your sim idea. 3 points
    a. A new world
    b. A new character
    c. A new technology

Sometimes a GM is called on to help out a ship. Whatever the reason, this means that sometimes you find yourself having to come up with a sim idea on the spot. Pick one of the following ships and come up with a basic sim outline. 2 points each.
a. An explorer
b. A battlecruiser
c. A cadet ship with a 3 month ideal sim limit
d. A starbase

N.B. There are 4 marks floating for good spelling and English.

Section B is 28 pass or fail marks
[ Note: while the points may contribute to a ‘pass’ the course tutor may ask for more detail or rethink on certain parts of Part B before they are satisfied with your effort. Sims must be not just clinically correct in the writing but functional within the roleplay.]

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