Personnel Staff

Personnel Director:
Captain Amdirgol S

Assistant Director:
Second Assistant Directors:
Vice Admiral Steve Johnson
Commodore Jenn Ward

Welcome to the Personnel Department

Our role is to manage and assist members and new recruits with placements and provide resources for managing the personnel of the ships. We do this in two ways: internally, we provide information on current vacancies, help members find ships for new characters, and provide resources to recommend players for more senior positions, and track the commendations given to our members for their contributions; externally, we aim to assess each applicant within 72 hours and provide a response: the majority of the time this response is in the form of placement on a ship within the club, though at times we may need to contact the applicants for further information.

Need your Profile updated?

If you joined the club before June 23, 2018, and you need to update the “join date” on your profile, just contact us here with either (a) a link to your first post from the archives or (b) a copy of your welcome email. If you don’t have either, let us know, and we can find other ways to confirm a join date.

We can also update your club rank on your profile if it has been missed.

Need Ship Admin Access?

If you have never had administrative access to a ship on Exodus before, you will need the Personnel Department to give you additional permissions before you can access all of those fancy new admin functions your CO has given you. Contact the Personnel Department and let us know your new admin role so we can give you those permissions. (This is only for first-time users of a ship's admin menu - if you have done it before, you already have the permissions on your account.)


Interested in creating a second character? Make sure to check the Ship Profiles to see all of the current ship vacancies. Contact the ship's CO in you are interested in joining it.

If you still need help finding a new ship, contact us here and we can give you a hand with a new ship placement.

COs: Remember to update your Ship Profile from your ship admin menu if you have vacancies. You are welcome to post your vacancies here as well, but the PDept staff cannot update your ship profile for you.

MOTD designed by Sharon Miller.

Rank Character Position Species Age Height Weight User Status
Captain Amdirgol S Personnel Director Amdirgol S
Vice Admiral Steve Johnson 2nd Assistant Personnel Director Steve Johnson
Commodore Jenn Ward 2nd Assistant Personnel Director Jennifer Ward

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