CO: Clayton Strong
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? True
Vacancies: The USS Ark Angel is looking for some more JOs! If interested either email/pm Robert Archer (@VAdmCockRoach) on Discord with inquiries or questions. Current openings are for 1Engineering JO, 1xMedical JO, 1xScience JO. Posting speed is medium rate, so 3/5/7 for Command/Dept Heads/JOs.
Description: The USS Ark Angel is a Mythology Class Deep Space Explorer. Its missions entail exploration, first contact, and scientific survey work with an emphasis on continuity of mission history and character growth. We were also STF's first ship where our CO is also the GM! Allowing better control over continuity, character growth and jointly desired sim ideas.
CO: Sage Pennington
Posting Speed: Slow (5/7/10)
Accepts New Members? True
Vacancies: all JOs, Swings and other character ideas welcome, inquire with the CO.
Description: The USS Asimov-E is a Tempest class ship that operates on a slow posting speed. (5/7/10) We focus on detailed sims with adventure, mystery and morally challenging scenarios, while supporting STFers who may not have the time to post on frequent posting ships. We encourage quality writing and deep character development along with a healthy dose of humor.
CO: James Sinclair
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: Department Heads: Counselor Junior Officers: Engineering Medical Science Security Swing Positions: We are open to swings. Please contact CO/XO. Prospective crew should submit a complete biography for their characters to the CO and XO for approval prior to being assigned.
Description: The Manhattan is the lead ship of its class. Its missions involve character driven stories and exploration of the unknown. Currently stationed in the Delta Quadrant, the Manhattan emphasizes quality writing, character development, and interaction between crew. Prospective crew should submit a complete biography for their characters to the CO and XO for approval prior to being assigned.
CO: Richard Gruby
Posting Speed: Slow (5/7/10)
Accepts New Members? True
Vacancies: Cadets! Fancy a position on the most prestigious ship in Starfleet! Join the USS Memorial now! We have vacancies for: Science Officer, Medical Officers, Engineering Officers and any swing position you can throw a ball at! Join us now! Contact me the ships CO directly! Jake Ridgley | [Contact Me](/contact/user/mintynarwhal/) Discord: MintyNarwhal Time zone: GMT0 | UK
Description: The U.S.S. Memorial wants you to join our crew! Our ship is a Memorial-class battlecruiser commissioned on stardate 18022.2. The Memorial has become known as the foremost ship of the Foremost fleet. We take the missions that are too risky for most other ships to handle. As the tip of the spear we are the first in and the last out. We need you to help us hold the line. Join us! For we are the VANGUARDS of ADVENTURE!
CO: Lucas Foxley
Posting Speed: Slow (5/7/10)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: Contact the CO for details.
Description: The Sojourner (Sojo / Sonnie) is the STF's only Enterprise (Jonathan Archer) Era ship. Its missions place a great emphasis on character building and involve exploration and adventure elements in the year 2150.
CO: Tony Findora
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: Chief Operations Officer, Chief Tactical Officer, 1x Med JO, 2x Sci JO, 1x Eng JO
Description: The Athena-E is a Mythology-class explorer with a very long history in the club. Though it has taken many different forms, its roots are in the need to protect all that the crew hold dear. Despite the fact that the glorified cruise ship is perfect for long-term exploration, its history of drama, intrigue and secrecy continue to create endlessly complex storylines that test the mettle of the crew. Disclaimer: It is an average posting limit ship that can generate quite a few posts on busy months. Our average is 250 posts/month. If you love great character development and plotting with your fellow players, this is the ship for you!
CO: Kate O'Neill
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: I will take anything you need to fill. Swings/Civilians are always welcome
CO: Katherine Dedul
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? True
Vacancies: JOs in all departments
Description: Welcome aboard the USS Chimera! We are a Mjolnir-class ship which is a marine carrier ship, so our missions get interesting with those fighters in play. In between missions, the crew struggles to understand the marines that populate the ship and vice versa!
CO: Brian Richards
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: The Leviathan, ARU's flagship, stands at the precipice of a momentous and perilous journey that will usher in an era of unprecedented darkness and terror. In the face of this impending challenge, we extend a warm invitation to recruits eager to embark on this formidable expedition with us. Currently, we seek individuals to fill key roles within our Starfleet Crew, including the positions of: Chief Operations Officer, Medical Junior Officers, Engineering Junior Officers, Science Junior Officers, Security Junior Officers, and CO & XO Yeoman. Additionally, opportunities abound for those interested in RTF/ARU Crew & Swing Roles including: Xeno Exchange Officer and 2IC, RTF Officers, ARU Researcher, Armoury Sergeant, Anomaly Containment Specialist, and Other ideas welcome!
Description: If you possess a penchant for sci-fi narratives imbued with thrilling and sinister twists, look no further than the USS Leviathan. Fondly dubbed the "Levi" by its resilient crew, this vessel stands as the flagship of the Anomaly Recovery Unit, a clandestine division within Starfleet entrusted with capturing and containing perilous anomalies from across the galaxy and beyond. Drawing inspiration from the enthralling lore of SCP and the captivating "monster of the week" episodes of Trek, serving aboard the Leviathan offers a unique opportunity for characters to intimately engage with the most nightmarish creatures imaginable. As a PRSim ship, you'll not only embark on pre-designed adventures but also collaborate with your fellow crewmates to craft immersive simulations. Whether facing treacherous containment breaches or challenging a humanoid-eating plant to a game of checkers, the possibilities for immersive roleplaying aboard the Leviathan are as boundless as the depths of your own imagination.
CO: Lindsay B
Posting Speed: Special (5/5/5)
Accepts New Members? True
Vacancies: Head Nurse. CE .JOs in Engineering, Security and Science. Swings Please Contact Linds or James if you have a character idea you’d like to put on if we have space.
Description: Welcome to the USS Ogawa, where our story lines will make your heart have premature ventricular contractions (your heart will skip a beat!) At its fundamental point it's a medical/hospital ship, Nightingale-class medical cruiser. Basically we are like ER in space!! (Possibly more like Scrubs in space but...) The Nightingale-class medical ship is ready for anything! We are an Alt RPG environment here at STF with our missions being predominantly (but not limited to) medical in nature and biased toward medical issues and plotlines. If you a trek med fan, or like a ship where things happen and there's always someone to patch you up, the Owie is the one for you!
CO: Travis Good
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? True
Vacancies: Chief Engineer, Junior Officers in all positions.
Description: The Chernov is STF's only roleplay area that is focused on the Kelvin Timeline in the Alternate Reality. Created by JJ Abrams in the films 'Star Trek', 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' and 'Star Trek Beyond', the U.S.S. Chernov focuses on the traditional Trek environment with a modern twist, and is placed around 1 year after the events of 'Star Trek'. The Charter for the Chernov is here:
CO: Terry Sullivan
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: The Saracen has positions available for Junior Officers in all departments or a writer for the Swing position of Chief of Operations (writing experience with STF a must and ability to create threads). A Character Bio is required for consideration to be sent to the CO and XO.
Description: The Saracen is a Pendragon Class Battlecruiser set in the Prime Timeline, in the year 2399 (club standard, Picard!). She has over 10 years of history behind her and promotes quality writing and character development. Our Sims encourage a focus on adventure, responding to threats to the Federation and problem solving in ways that only this awesome crew of creative writers can. We ask that writers who wish to join the Saracen provide a character bio, and this is reviewed by the CO and XO before a writer is accepted to the Roster.
CO: Jennifer Ward
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: Department Heads: - None at the time JOs: - 2 Science JOs - 1 Security JOs - 1 Engineering JOs If you wish to join the crew, please submit a character with a complete biography to the CO or XO.
Description: USS Sentinel, NCC 1794 is a TOS Era (Circa 2250) Alt RPG ship. We use communicators with belt clips, not comm badges, our phasers have pistol grips; and our Tricorders hang on shoulder straps. Our equipment makes interesting 1960's sci-fi sounds, but we have the best looking uniforms in the fleet! (With the exception of the Merrimack's crew, though that's always debatable...)
CO: Luke Hung
Posting Speed: Medium (3/5/7)
Accepts New Members? True
Vacancies: Chief Medical Officer Counselor Junior officers all departments,
Description: The USS Genesis was commissioned on May 5th 1998. Founded with the premise that she is first and foremost a ship where your desire to create and imagine is enhanced with other players who like to do the same. Crew-members are encouraged to write extended crew biographies and strive to make their characters full bodied as we focus on the story and making our interactions with others real. We have a very long tradition in high quality writing and roleplaying. The Genesis has won many awards including ship of the year, but awards are not what we are about. We view it a honor and responsibility to write to the height of our abilities and love to mentor and support those who join us. If you want to role play, we are excited to have you on the Genesis, where your imagination bears fruit.
CO: David Fergusson
Posting Speed: Slow (5/7/10)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: Contact CO directly for details of current vacancies. Any junior officer, swing position or custom character will be considered. The USS Merrimack is a second character only ship.
Description: The Merrimack or “Merri” is an Original Series (TOS) post-movies ship. Set a few years following ST6: The Undiscovered Country, when Captain Picard “was still in diapers,” and shoot to kill and “cowboy diplomacy” were standard protocols. Holodecks and replicators are decades away, Standard uniforms for women officers are mini-skirts. The Klingon alliance is tenuous, and we haven’t yet made first contact with the Ferengi or Cardassians. The adventure started here! Never serious, the Merri is a fun and supportive environment that opens more swing-positions than usual, even if Security Officers (Redshirts) don’t last very long. It is also amusing to think that before the USS Merrimack, officers joined "Landing Parties" rather than went on "Away Missions, and that the idea of a Ship's Counsellor did not exist, but that these terms were actually invented by our CMO and COS while addressing Starfleet Academy. The Merri is strictly open only to second character players who are returning to STF or who have graduated from the Academy. While anachronistic species cannot be allowed, I am open to any custom character. In the past we have had Ship's archaeologists, midwives, dentists, physicists, geologists, Captain's chefs, Transporter Chiefs, yeomen, navigators, helm and weapons officers.
CO: James Sinclair
Posting Speed: Special (5/5/5)
Accepts New Members? False
Vacancies: *Star Fleet Roles* - Chief Engineer, Chief Science Officer, Counselor, JAG Officer, Squadron CO and Pilots *Civilian Roles* - Director of Building and Construction, Director of Mining, Head of Chamber of Commerce, Pilots for CCDA (Civilian defence), Police Detectives & Officers, Civilian shop and establishment owners These are just a few of the main roles for the colony. Have an idea for a Syndicate Operative? Let us know! Reformed Borg mechanic who owns the best garage in the dome? Awesome, bring 'em to us. Because we are a city of almost four million people, there is opportunity for you in whatever you may dream up!
Description: Oed V is a strictly player-sim driven environment. This means it's up to the player to write out the story... whatever story that may be. With the cooperation of other players and the progression of time, Oed has become a rich 'sandbox' type of writing atmosphere. With civilians and Starfleet alike, the tales are endless, and the characters are vibrant. Come join Oed if you love writing, love people interaction, and love giving life to your characters. This is the place to write *your* own story. And this is the best time to do it! The dome is down and there is an *entire planet* ready to explore and develop! So come to Oed V and start your legend!
CO: Amdirgol S
Posting Speed: Slow (5/7/10)
Accepts New Members? True
Vacancies: As of 8/8/24, we have JO vacancies in all departments and are looking for a Marine OIC and a Chief Engineer. Contact Amdirgol S or Catt Bennett if interested.
Description: "Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets has many enemies, both known and obvious, hidden and mysterious. It was for this reason the USS Wolverine crew was assembled, to infiltrate, expose and derail the plans and plots of her enemies. Welcome to the darker side of Starfleet. The Wolverine is assigned the missions other crews would hesitate to accept. The crew is the best at what they do, but what they do isn't always very nice. . .nor do they always follow the rules. Darker, grittier, where sometimes the lines have to be crossed for the greater good of the Federation. That's life on the Wolverine!!! The Wolverine will accept both new and experienced players. Come and join the grey side!!"
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