Side Sim - Main Engineering - Arrival Of EXR-11

Posted Oct. 25, 2020, 11:19 p.m. by Lieutenant Miz'uki (Chief Engineer) (Kirt Gartner)

Posted by Fleet Captain Drudoc Andone (Commanding Officer) in Side Sim - Main Engineering - Arrival Of EXR-11

Main engineering was humming along nicely thanks in likey no small part to Miz’uki’s guidance and that of her shift leaders and staff. So when the main engineering room door opened to reveal a small waist high robot on treads coming in, many of the nearby NE’s paused in their work in surprise, caution and some curiosity. The robot was quite simplistic in design, but its outer shell was nothing short of artistic in scope. Made up of ceramic plastics, it had a myriad of paintings on it ranging from a 4-6 year old’s hands of smiling yellow or orange suns, to more talented pieces of little connected colored pieces glued on. The ‘head’ of the little robot on treads was a large plastic half dome filled with a jelly like blue substance in which were suspended little hand carved plastic stars, squares, triangles, circles, and other shapes done by a child’s hand ranging from 6-8 years. The body, in addition to the above mentioned little colored suns, and plastic puzzle pieces and two whirring stubby ‘arms’ ending in twin pinchers. Within the main body shell itself, made up of similar clear plastics, was the ‘heart’ of the robot and ‘brain’. A simple connected isolinear four chip set powered by a tiny power cell. Both arms were shaped inward holding a small bright pink sealed bag as if in offering to her as it whirred forward on its motorized treads into the office. Said treads were the most complex in design, made of rubber and plastics like the rest they were still rugged in scope for maneuvering.

The robot stopped before NE V’la one of the handful of Romulan refugees who now held a position of work and authority on the Ark Angel when the robot spoke in a gruff though clearly girly voice. =/\= Greetings sentient! I come bearing a gift for your superior officer chief Lieutenant Miz’uki, where might I find her? =/\= It said through a speaker. In its hands was a small brightly pink bag sealed with a ribbon.

”…Uhhh… I think?” the NE said pointing over to the door unsure what else to do or say.

=/\= Thank you sentinet! =/\= the girly voiced robot said whirring over to the door and used an extension probe as a third ‘arm’ to press the office chime.


Enter!” came the deep but feminine voice from inside Miz’uki was at her desk working with a Holographic model of a Starship one that at the moment did not exist she was not paying attention to the door nor was she paying much heed to who or what was coming through on the desk was a picture of a caitian woman In a very old Starfleet uniform from the late 23rd century the officer in the picture looked stern and imposing still Miz’uki ignored the robot entering her office initially while she worked on the model before her


Mazi looked up from her console as the NE failed her hand her a tool she had asked for. Everyone was staring at the robot at the Chief’s door. Her brow furrowed. “Everyone back to work.” She snapped to get everyone out of the odd translike curiosity stare they were stuck in.

As the others went back to work, she picked up the tool she had asked for and placed it in the NE’s hand. “Mark, finish putting this panel on, please.” She then went to make herself busy at the console closest to the Chief’s office. If things were off in her mind, chances are they were off here as well. She did her best not to hover, but she was gonna stay close. She and the Chief weren’t exactly ‘close’, but she was still gonna look after her supervisor if she could.

Mazi Engineer

With a whir the little robot moved into the chief engineer’s office. A voice which the Miz’uki could reconize as Tel’eck’s though played down to ‘appear’ disguised spoke through a speaker in the robot’s ‘neck’. =/\= Greetings sentinet! I am EXR-11. I come bearing a gift from far away places! =/\= It said setting the bright fluorescent pink sealed bag on the desk.


Tabris was working on checking the integrity of the isolinear chips for the three backup systems on the ship’s three computer cores. It was a tedious process that required removal of each chip, plugging it into a PADD directly wired into the bio-neural network and checking the data integrity of what was stored on the isolinear chip to that of the bioneural gel pack of the corresponding system. It was about as engaging as screwing caps on bottles of soda. If there was an issue with a chip, it would be formatted, restored from the bioneural main system, then checked for integrity again to see if it was an inherent problem with the chip or just a quirk of storing what had to be thousands and thousands of kiloquads across a vast amount of chips and packs. Tabris was on this project for a week and he was working to the best of his ability and had resolved a few issues with corrupted chips, but he could use a distraction to say the least. He noticed EXR-11, not that he knew what it was, enter the CE’s office and his interest was piqued. He did his best to maneuver himself to see in the boss’s window and figure out what it was.

Tabris Asam, Eng

as she took notice of the thing she hissed in surprise yalling like a cat her fur standing on end “What the heck!” she shouted before looking more closely at the newcomer “Well well well What an impressive bit of Engineering” she said pulling a Tricorder and scanning it smiling


Scans of the robot showed it was powered by 4 micro isolinear processors, made up of simple plastics and common metals and a simple composites. Clearly a complex science fair project if there ever was one. Whirring on its treads it backed up a little, pointing with one of its clipper hands to the bag. =/\= Sentinet you should focus on your bag of gifts not my humble but clearly superior technological framework! =/\= It said from a speaker mount in its neck. Clearly it was the Captain’s daughter Tel’eck disguising her voice with some other children by remote.


“Tel’eck You made a very impressive Science fair project!” she said making it clear she recognized the voice as she opened the bag to look at what the children were giving her


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