"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I've found it!), but 'That's funny'..." - Isaac Asimov
The Asimov-E is a Tempest Class Battlecruiser boasting a relaxed (5/7/10) posting speed. It focuses on detailed Intelligence-leaning sims, and supports STFers who may not have the time to post on frequent posting ships.
Welcome to the Asimov! You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps. I’m always around by discord or email if you need anything or just want to chat, so never hesitate to reach out.
Shara is still thinking her being XO is madness, but she's lived an entire life full of crazy ideas, so it's par for the course. I'm game to do side sims with folks, so please don't hesitate and email/DM me if you want to start something.
Departmental Orders: https://www.star-fleet.com/core/stf1/asimov/posts/245709/ Let me know if you need help or clarification.More orders will be given individually as needed.

Sim Start: Feb 8, 2024
Sim Notes:
Dramatis Personae:
- Admiral Brenda Oleg
- Murdered Fed Sec Agent
- Murdered Intel Agent
- Admiral Oleg lays out the Scene:
Important Posts:

Look into Seferian VII and see if you can determine why the murdered Fed Sec agent chose the Federation Ambassador's residence to bring the egg to. Also look into the metadata from the satellite footage to see if there are clues about the attacking vessel.

Pull the autopsy records for both the Federation Security agent, and the Intel agent. Look for anything that might give us a clue about the person or persons who killed them.

Comb through the data from the hardware that Admiral Oleg inserted the microchip into. Also look into the Sovereign-class ships and see if you can identify where an unmarked vessel would have come from.
Location: None currently
Members: None
Orders: None
- Command Staff: 5 days
- Department Heads: 7 days
- Junior Officers and Swings: 10 days
If you ever need an LOA then please let either the CO or XO know
Senior Officers:
- None Currently
Junior Officers:
- Science
- Medical
- Engineering
If you are interested in joining then please contact the CO or XO
MOTD originally designed by Louis Harvatt and Sharon Miller. Design updated by Lindsay B. Last updated May 2024