MPT-"Six Hours From Evil"- the other Leviathan

Posted Nov. 20, 2020, 11:03 p.m. by Crewman Jonathan Durheim (Engineer) (William Deaton)

Posted by Civilian Kara Nakuto (Engineer (Consultant Researcher - Yellow)) in MPT-“Six Hours From Evil”- the other Leviathan

Posted by Lieutenant Casela Synthi-er (Counsellor / RTF) in MPT-“Six Hours From Evil”- the other Leviathan

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Surda (Chief of Security / RTF) in MPT-“Six Hours From Evil”- the other Leviathan
Posted by… suppressed (4) by the Post Ghost! 👻

“I’m not going to the command center.” She came out harsh and probably disrespectful. She was processing quickly and still dealing with the after images of Hampton’s little party trick. “Commander I recommend we go straight to deck 13 containment . The whole point of going to the command center was to intercept Hampton. It’s too late for that now. We need to know what this crew did wrong with the anomaly so our Leviathan doesn’t repeat that mistake. And honestly, look around you, he doesn’t need to be in the CIC to do whatever it is he has planned.” She wouldn’t put the thought out there but she had no problem feeling her own death, but there were people in the CIC she did not want to feel die. And Hampton could probably move her there himself, or make her feel it anyway. But she wasn’t going to just waltz in there like some puppet. She would not play his game.

She pushed herself to her feet calling Fenrir to walk with her. If Hampton decided to come after her again Fenrir would catch her. She walked over to Surda and put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t let him get to you. We’ll manage just fine.”
Lt. Synthi-er, not broken, yet…

Surda smiled at Casela and placed her own hand on Casela’s, tapping twice in agreement. She turned back to the PADD, typing quickly. “I agree the containment deck is far more important now that we know the full extent of Hamptons abilities” She skipped punctuation in favor of speed. Surda handed it directly to Ryder to read, sighing lightly. This was going to be very tedious.
-Surda, CoS

“I can’t argue with that logic, how soon can we get there?” He looked up and down the corridors and back to the group, “I’m beggening to feel like a mouse in a Maze and think it would be wise to leave here as soon as possible and in one piece.” Raauhl didn’t doubt thier ability to handle the situation but thus far thus situation was the most grim they had faced, as if someone took it straight from a nightmare.

  • Lieutenant Cmdr Raauhl, XO

Casela looked around, “We’re on deck 8. We can take the turbolift down there” she pointed, “or there is a jeffries tube hatch here” she pointed a few feet behind her. “Five decks, shouldn’t be hard to get to either way. Both have the potential for getting us trapped, I don’t think it matters one way or the other, we just need to get there. Turbolift would be slighly faster and we’re against his clock.” =^=Synthi-er to Cobb. What’s are time at?=^= It would be just their luck that Hampton had done something to alter the amount of time they had. “What do you think Surda?” It would be easy enough for Surda to point to either option without having to get frustrated explaining. But they needed to move.
Lt. Synthi-er, CNS/RTF

Silence as Cobb attempted to calculate their current countdown position. Then finally the reply came on stunned and trembling voice: =^= Three hours to go. =^=

Casela didn’t even pause. =^= Acknowledged Captain.=^=

Surda gestured to the jeffries tube. The turbolift could be disabled easily, and they couldn’t afford to be trapped inside.
-Surda, CoS

“I am not sure that either route is exactly safe… but I agree with Miss Surda. Someone with ill intent could theoretically accelerate a turbolift enough to liquefy its… contents, shall we say. That is not to say that Jeffries tubes are without risk; but they are less susceptible to vengeful engineers.” Durheim failed to point out that it was likely that they only lived on Hampton’s whim; after all, morale was still important!

Crewman Durheim, Engineer

Casela started pushing the team faster. “We had 5 and half when we beamed over. He’s stolen time from us. Move!” She didn’t yell but her voice was forceful. She was sure Surda probably felt the same way and since she didn’t have her voice…”Don’t stop. If something happens to one of us keep going. We need an answer.” She swore in several languages, cursing the ARU, RTF, Hampton, this Orb thing, and anyone else she could think of.

Surda laughed, silently as it was. Casela was apparently ordering people around for the both of them, but she was grateful for it. If she could, she’d be issuing the same commands.

Casela nodded, walked over to the panel and popped it off. “Alright let’s get going. We’re on a timer. Who knows how long he’s kept us here. Surda, after you.” Casela stepped back and waited for everyone to file in. She climbed in after them and replaced the panel. Hampton knew where they were, but there was no point in being careless. Moving as swiftly as the tights space would allow they moved down the ladders. She sent Fenrir in front of her. If Hampton decided to attack she’d fall on him instead of the rest of the away team.
Lt. Synthi-er, CNS/RTF

  • Captain Zachariah Cobb
    Lt Synthi-er, RTF

Surda moved down quickly, glad she had taken the time to study the layout of the tubes. It should only take around 15 minutes to get to the command center through the tubes. It would take more, but she was the chief of security, not the chief of safety. She was taking the most direct route.
-Surda, CoS

It only took a few minutes at a steady pace for the hatch to deck 13 to appear. Casela, familiar with this layout from when Dave escaped moved to the hatch opening it with sure hands, “Fenrir” she sent him through and then followed behind, the gun they used to neutralize Dave in hand, just in case. But The anomalies were gone as the scans had shown and she put the gun away. She moved out of the way for the rest of the team. Spotting the area where the crew had been working to contain the temporal anomaly, she moved towards it trying to get an idea of what was going on. “Durhiem you were working here before we headed over, can you tell what they did? What happened here?”
Lt. Synthi-er, RTF

Stepping through the hatch for Deck 13, Durheim moved out of the way and paused, taking a brief moment to confirm his bearings and take in the view; before following Casela over to the anomaly in question. “I have some ideas, Miss Synthi-er. It could be as simple as accessing the cameras placed around the deck; but we can try to tap into the more specific sensors and see what they have to offer as well.”

the containement field which had kept the orb had been completely shattered, the orb in split open, as if it had been an egg and something had hatched. The Durhiem’s body lay close by, his limbs missing, blood still draining from his torso. Bog lay a few more feet away, his body looked fractured. A medical scan would show that every single bone in his body had been snapped in half, and his ribcage had been shoved into his lungs.

Storyteller S

As Durheim approached the remains of the orb and containment system, it was obvious when he spied the remains of the two engineers. He immediately sped up, not quite jogging over towards the bloody remains. As he neared the terribly familiar-looking corpse, others could see Jonathan’s posture visibly sag; his pace slowed and he knelt over the corpse; his hands gently probing the empty sockets where his distinctive mechanical limbs should have been, muttering indistinctly. He didn’t seem to notice the spreading pool of blood that soaked into his trousers.

“Oh of all the fragging luck… of course the limbs are missing. Destroyed, likely as not!” As he would phrase it, Durheim was displeased; angrily muttering to himself in a rare display of anything but cheerful optimism. Unceremoniously, he ripped open the corpse’s jumpsuit, probing none-too-gently at the rapidly-cooling and blood-soaked body’s upper chest and shoulders; frowning as his metal fingers sunk into the spaces where metal and bone should have been; finding only charred meat instead.

With a small grunt, he carelessly flipped his lifeless body onto its face; pulling the goggles off of the blankly staring eyes almost as an after thought, hooking the strap on a handy clip on the waist of his coveralls. He could go over the recordings in a moment; assuming any remained. Going off of what he’d already found, he had little hope that the spine remained intact; but it was worth checking. Again he tore away the coveralls; exposing the source of the pooling blood. It looked like Durheim’s spine had been physically ripped out of his back; leaving a massive gaping channel lined with charred stumps of ribs. It was a miracle that he hadn’t been decapitated; but then, it was blatantly obvious that nothing remotely ‘normal’ had taken place here.

Sighing to himself, Jonathan leaned back onto his heels in disappointment. “Oh well. I suppose it was a small chance, anyways. Back to business!” While he had been denied the opportunity to salvage his corpse for backups, there still remained the intriguing mystery of what exactly had happened on this dark copy of the familiar ship Jonathan called ‘home’; and that mystery quickly brought back the typically cheery tone to his voice.

Durheim the Disappointed

Casela stopped and took a long analytical look at the bodies of Bog and Durheim and then at the other officers around the deck. She doubted it would decrease the pain the next go round, but she’d know what was coming. She felt a cold burning rage building, slipping through her veins and giving her mind a scary clarity. She moved to an equipment locker, her biometrics still opening it, and took out tricorders and other diagnostic equipment. She moved to a control panel inputing her RTF codes pulling up the feed, scrolling backwards until she got the feed from that point where the orb took Hampton. She played it, hoping to find what this ship had done wrong. She moved out of the way so that the rest of the team could see as well.
Lt. Synthi-er RTF

The security footage was intact. The away team watched as Bog and Durheim worked to analyze the orb. The two could be seen setting a tachyon pulse and firing it into the orb, where they appeared to be sending and receiving signals. This continued for about an hour until the whole room shook and went dark for a second, everything except for the orb, which continued to glow. When lights were restored, several minutes later, the room looked badly beaten up. Bulkheads were laying on the floor, conduits were ruptured. Durheim and Bog could be seen attempting to channel the orb’s energy into the navigational disk. They appeared to be successful, but then the orb imploded. The screen was blinding white for a moment. When the image was restored, Hampton was standing where the orb had been.

Even with the distance from the camera, the away team could see his grin. “Thank you Gentlemen.” He said with a smirk. Durheim was immediately ripped apart. Bog simply glared at Hampton, seemingly unphased by watching his comrade dismembered. When he charged the Chief Engineer, Hampton simply raised a fist, and the horrible sound of cracks could be heard as the Tellarite went down, choking on his own blood and groaning in pain. Hampton looked down at his fist. “Well, it is about time I get a say in what happens to this crew.” He said, stepping over Bog’s now limp body as he left the room. The feed did not pick anything up of interest until the away team entered.

Storyteller S

Having finished raiding his corpse’s pockets, Durheim rejoined the group, catching the ‘exciting’ portion of the security footage. As it concluded, he rubbed his chin in thought, absently leaving a red stain on his face. “My apologies Misses Synthi-er and Surda; I was a bit over-excited and lost focus. I don’t expect it to happen again; I don’t think we shall be so lucky to find more copies of ourselves.”

Surda frowned. She wasn’t technologically minded, but clearly whatever they had done had released this evil Hampton. She started typing quickly, and it was accompanied by an annoyed sigh at having to communicate so inefficiently. “We need to make sure we don’t do whatever that was. Call the captain and get him to make sure no one does it.”
-Surda, CoS

Casela nodded. =^=Synthi-er to Bog. We’ve found some footage over here. Apparently you tried to send a tachyon beam into this orb and after an hour everything went dark. We are still analyzing to see what that was, a power drain or something else. But then the energy from the Orb was redirected to the navigational array. And then the thing imploded letting out demon Hampton. So don’t do that, okay. I’m sending the files to you to analyze. Durheim is still analyzing what’s left over here.=^=
She played the video feed again watching from minutes before the room goes dark to the end in slow motion, looking for what might have been missed. “Durheim please tell me you have some idea of what happened?” She stepped away from the screen and opened a tricorder making scans of the remains of the orb/the space around the containment bay for any clues. “Fenrir, examine the area, see if your sensors and eyes pick up anything we might miss.”
Lt. Synthi-er, CNS

“I think I have some ideas, Miss Synthi-er. If I had to guess, it looks like Mr. Bog and I tried to… communicate, perhaps? With the orb, and/or it’s contents. After the power failure, I would guess that we began trying to siphon power out of the orb - which is indeed what I would try to do. Obviously, that failed; but exactly how, I do not know.” Durheim gestured towards the googles he’d scavenged off of his corpse, then towards where the orb had been. “I’ll investigate our remains and leavings further; and maybe I recorded something or some notes that could be helpful to us as well. If nothing else, hopefully we can get some idea of what not to do.”

Moving away from the security console, Durheim wandered over towards the remains of the wrecked engineering station; pulling out his tricorder and scanning his and Mr. Bog’s bodies to see what, if any energy residue remained. Perhaps it could tell them how Hampton had done this; though admittedly with anomalies, there was no guarantee - they didn’t tend to ‘play by the rules’.

After the scan was done, he focused on the engineering station, coaxing it back to life. Now having a somewhat better idea of what to look for, he ran a diagnostic on the Nav Disc; curious what exactly had failed and how. Leaving that to run, he moved over to the equipment scattered around the area, giving it all a brief visual inspection for overload damage. As he worked, he was assembling details and plans in the back of his mind… Why did siphoning energy away not work? Most likely, there was simply too much to work with; so something else would need to be done. Containment is the logical secondary choice after neutralization - maybe a stasis and/or damping field? That could possibly buy them more time, but then they could easily end up in the exact same situation. Hmmmm…

Pulling his goggles down around his neck and leaving them to dangle, he placed the scavenged pair over his eyes. Keying them to stop recording; he sent a command to re-play everything they had recorded, starting about 30 minutes prior to Hampton leaving the orb at 5X speed on the embedded HUD.

Crewman Durheim, Engineering

The bodies had faint traces of temporal energy on them, Durheim’s joints appeared to have been rapidle aged and then physically pulled apart. The Diagnosis would come back a few minutes later with readings that communicated that there had been in fact, no failure on the technological side of the draining. No malfunction could be detected, nor surge of power that was not outside the flow that the crew had initially been siphoning off.

Storyteller S

Surda looked at what Durnheim was doing for a moment, but she had never been scientifically minded. She walked over to Casela instead, letting out a heavy sigh. “Any ideas on how to neutralize evil Hampton?” She knew how to fight, and how to win, but anomalies weren’t quite her scene.
-Surda, CoS

Casela shook her head. She’d been trying to come up with a way already. “No. He’s not really Hampton though. He is but he’s more, and he’s…twisted. Hampton always thought differently from everyone else. It made him a brilliant engineer but not always able to get along with others. He wanted the truth to prove his theories on what was going on around him were true, but then was disturbed to find out he was right.” She paced the containment deck looking at the destruction. “He has a particularly strong hatred of me. Which is a shame, I have a lot of respect for our Hampton. I would have considered him a friend if he had let me.” And in case Hampton was listening would not find anything but truth to that statement in her mind. She thought over the different conversations she’d had with him. Then her eyes snapped to Surda. “Contingency plans. Hampton always had at least a dozen. He joked once that if anything went wrong on the ship he had a dozen ways off but none of them included a way to kill me first. If his power were to disappear, if he didn’t manage to kill us again like he did here, what would he do? He’s got to have some way off this ship.”
Lt. Synthi-er, CNS

Surda blinked a bit then frowned. “I… It hadn’t occurred to me to make contingency plans” That wasn’t a part of Orion culture. Those were for when you were spying, or stowing away. If you were loyal to the crew of the ship you were on, you shouldn’t need to escape. “I’ll try to think of one though.” She didn’t like it. Just thinking about how to get off the ship made her feel like she was planning on running away. She shook her head and looked back to Casela. “A shuttle maybe? He’s an engineer, he could make them stronger or faster.” It was probably the most obvious answer, but that didn’t make it the wrong one.
-Surda, CoS

“Checking to see if any of the shuttles have been made flight ready would be a place to start. His office in engineering would be another good place to start. He was…well our Hampton IS a dedicated engineer. He was most comfortable there. He also had his own lab on the RTF decks that he keeps locked.” Casela turned and glanced around at the distruction, and horrible deaths. “Hampton wanted others to suffer the way he did. Death was not in his plans. Physical pain was not in his plans, though he wouldn’t have shied away from it. He wanted others to suffer, emotionally-mentally, the way he did. This,” she waves a hand around, “is more than him. Whatever energy is in that thing maybe the energy is compromising his brain waves/patterns. Maybe it’s sentient and is using him like a host?”

Durheim had wandered over by this point, gazing intently at his PaDD and pushing numbers and figures around, trying to make sense of his findings. As he rejoined the small cluster, he refocused on the others. Unfortunately, he didn’t know Hampton well - he simply hadn’t been aboard the ship long enough to get to know the man in any real capacity. Jonathan’s habit of isolating himself in experiments and crawlspaces didn’t help matters.

“I don’t like splitting up, but Durheim needs to finish here,” she looked over at him, “unless you think you’ve gotten everything you can?” She looked at Surda and Raauhl, “He doesn’t like me, maybe I can lead him away and you can figure out what this…thing has done to Hampton or how he’s different?” A thought came to her, “Hampton always thought he was alone on this ship. We need to make him see otherwise. Give him a reason to fight harder against this thing.”

Durheim nodded politely at Casela. “Yes, Miss Synthi-er; I’ve gotten what information I can, though it is less than I had hoped for. There was a faint residue of temporal energy on my and Mr. Bog’s corpses; and there appears to be no evidence of failure within the containment measures used - as if they were....” Here Durheim paused, wearing a concerned expression. “I can’t say that they didn’t work - it’s as if they hadn’t been present, and had no effect on Mr. Hampton. I can try to reconfigure the systems to focus on temporal energy; but I can not make any promises to it’s efficacy. Temporal energy is finicky in ideal situations, and Mr. Hampton is quite possibly not limited to such a narrow focus; given our previous sightings.”

Crewman Durheim, Engineering

=^=Synthi-er to Bog. I’m not sure that this evil Hampton is your dear departed CE. Is there anyway to talk to him, inside the orb? Keep him, keep our Hampton talking? Let him know what you’re trying to do? Not just yes or no answers. Get his ideas or suggestions on what is going on even if he can’t give you specific details? Let’s not abandon him to this thing or let him think we have.=^=
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

The voice that roared back in reply would sound less male Tellarite and more female, half-Klingon.
=^= We have already tried that. And Mr Hampton gave little assistance. But we will try again as we transport the orb to the cargo bay. =^=

  • Kara Nakuto (Consultant Researcher)

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