Adoption of an Orphan

Posted Dec. 7, 2020, 12:23 a.m. by Lieutenant Casela Synthi-er (Counsellor / RTF) (Jennifer Ward)

Posted by Lieutenant Casela Synthi-er (Counsellor / RTF) in Adoption of an Orphan
OOC: So this is totally one of the most amazing things I’ve co-written so far. Brian (our brilliant DaiMon Lazol) has a character on Ark Angel who wanted to adopt a child. So therefore enter Zanya and the orphanage on Delotha. Here is that story:
To: Pied Piper Orphanage on Delotha
From: Tabris Asam, Starbase 323

I am writing in inquiry regarding adoption of one Neltus Omad. I too am an El-Aurian who was displaced from his home at a young age. I had a home and two parents but my planet of origin was abandoned early on and I was unfamiliar with it. I have been alive for over 400 years and have learned many things, the one that has eluded me thus far however is the joy of parenthood. I am currently being posted to a Starfleet engineering officer onboard a vessel with an existing population of children that Neltus would join when I am on duty or away. I understand if you have concerns with a child on a starship, the possibility of him losing his parent again is greater than if I lived on a planet. In hopes to ease your concerns I have included the safety records of the ship I will be stationed on, their school curriculum, and my own history including relevant evaluations. I look forward to your reply and hope that I may be able to offer Neltus a home, and an understanding of what it means to be El-Aurian.

Tabris Asam

Karra was always excited to get these types of messages, but she knew that they didn’t always pan out. Her first order of business….

To: Tabris Asam, Starbase 323
From: Karra, House Mother, Pied Piper Orphanage, Delotha

Mr. Asam I am very excited for your interest. And though I am always excited to place children with those of similar cultural backgrounds, I would invite you to come visit and meet all the children before setting your heart on a particular child. We put the child’s wishes before those of the adults. I hope you understand. They have been through enough already without forcing a family they are fearful to join. Once you have passed a background check I will contact you again.

Karra, House Mother

Then to take care of the background check:
To: Zanya
From: Karra

Zanya, I’ve had an inquiry about a Star Fleet officer adopting Neltus Omad. The officer is Tabris Asam and is currently posted to Starbase 323. He is being transferred to one USS Ark Angel. Or so his letter claims. I have included the personal information he sent along. As always I trust you will get back to me as soon as possible. Be safe my friend.

To: Karra, House Mother
From: Zanya

Karra, this is wonderful news! First Ark Angel is a great ship. It is family oriented and also made for long range/long term missions. There is a large civilian presence as well and many children. Neltus will not lack for experiences or friends. Now as for Tabris Asam. He is as he says he is. An engineering officer, and a good one at that from what I can tell. He is El-Aurian and lived briefly with his family on Earth. I have no reservations.


To: Tabris Asam, Starbase 323
From: Karra, House Mother, Pied Piper Orphanage, Delotha

I have received your background check and am pleased that everything has been approved. Please notify me of when you will coming to visit.


Tabris had been waiting for a response, not sure if it would be positive or otherwise. He smiled as he read the words inviting him to visit and sent off a message to the Starbase’s command staff saying simply “Requesting permission to use leave for family business” The base commander had no issue with one of the many, many, transferring officers to take what they had earned and sent a simple reply “Request received and permission granted.”

He took some time with this next part as he wrote back a two part letter to Karra.

To: Karra, House Mother, Pied Piper Orphanage, Delotha
From: Tabris Asam, Starbase 323

I have permission to attend a meeting at the orphanage in 4 days and look forward to meeting you all. Enclosed with this letter is another meant for Neltus himself and I welcome you to read it and pass it along at your discretion.

To: Neltus Omad, Pied Piper Orphanage, Delotha
From: Tabris Asam, Starbase 323

Neltus I wanted to introduce myself in a small way before I came to meet you. You’ve never met me nor have you ever heard of me and I know that to each other we are but strangers. I am hoping that, in time, I may take you under my wing and help you grow and thrive, all with your permission that is. I too am an El-Aurian and am at the ripe old age of 417 yet I’m told I don’t look a day older than 200! The one thing that we both share, besides our heritage, is a close family bond. I hope that you may accept me as someone that can fill the role of a parent, and I hope that you may be my son.

Karrah read the letter to Neltus and she thought all day about giving it to him. If this Tabris took to another child it would shatter his heart. But the background check led her to believe that this would not be the case. And she hoped it worked because Neltus would need a family that would survive as long as he would. After much thought she gave the letter to Neltus to read. They talked late into the night, far past his bedtime about what this meant and what may or may not happen.

At the agreed upon date of the visit Karra couldn’t help but be a little nervous. The children would know why the man was there. He wanted to adopt, and if one of them was lucky, they would get a new home. Karra was out in the yard when a stranger was stopped by Yaren before being allowed into the village proper.

It was 4 days after his letter had been sent and Tabris was himself nervous. He had been many things in the past, none of them prepared him for a bunch of kids. He was greeted by Yaren and they exchanged pleasantries as well as identification checks that Tabris assumed was mandatory. He approached the person standing in the yard and said, “Hello I’m Tabris Asam, I’m looking for the House Mother Karra?” Tabris stood somewhat awkwardly though his life experiences would lead one to believe he should be confident. Parenthood was never an easy thing despite the reading or training one may have, and it was a unified theory across species that it didn’t matter how much one prepared, there would always be surprises. This, though, was different; he wasn’t having a baby with a partner, he was hoping to pluck a child out of the place they had grown up and try to get them to adapt to something, and someone, brand new.

Karra walked over looking at what appeared to be a young man. “Mr Asam, I am house mother Karra. Come this way. Yaren, would you watch the littles for 2 minutes?”

Tabris nodded and blushed ever so slightly at the mistake but realized he wouldn’t know anyone by face or voice anyway.

The Bajorin security chief smiled, “Of course.” He stepped into the yard and picked up a couple of the kids lifting them up high and rough housing with them.

Karra led Tabris past the kitchen and into a small living area with three bedrooms off to the side. “You’ll stay here while you visit. Pick any room you want. There is drink and food in the kitchen. Once you settle, come out to the yard. I know you are eager to meet Neltus. He’ll be home from school in a couple of hours. Routine is the best thing for young nerves.” Karra left him to settle and returned to the yard so Yaren could return to his job of keeping them all safe.

Nodding he picked the second room on the left and took a seat, not bothering to grab any refreshments as he figured that of anyone, the house mother would absolutely know best. “Two hours till he gets back of course, would you prefer I wait till he’s settled and maybe had a bite to eat and decompress from school? I don’t want to impose” Tabris commented as he shifted nervously before rising, “I think I’ll have some tea if I’m not imposing” He said with a smile

Once he returned to the yard, Karra watched him to see what he made of the small swarming monster all eager for his attention.

Tabris returned from the kitchen with a piping hot cup of whatever local tea was in the kitchen. It could be cooking herbs for all he knew but something to calm the nerves. There was something about this process that Tabris found unnerving, he had worked on sublight freighters moving through astroid belts with no navigation but a periscope and a good person at the helm. He had survived Earth’s World War 3, he had worked on helping the Bajoran resistance during the occupation but nothing prepared his nerves for the potential of a family.

The sounds started soft, then grew louder and louder as a cacophony of little footsteps and shrill voices burst into the room. Tabris was mid sip as he felt the wave of small individuals crash into him sending the tea, and cup, flying into the back wall. Knocked to the ground he couldn’t make out what anyone was saying or the pretend games they were playing but he found something welling up inside him, a laugh. No. A giggle! He started to giggle for the first time as he tried to sit up but was knocked to the ground by someone who was ‘smiting an ogre’ or something like that.

Karra watched without a word or offer of help. She did catch the cup before it broke and cleaned up the tea. Neltus wasn’t quite as outgoing as his house siblings. Karra had a feeling that it was because of his empathy. But today he was just as engaged as the rest of the children. Even, despite his small size for an 8 year old, picking up one of the smaller children and trying to help them get a better shot at the ‘ogre.’ She nodded in approval of Tabris’s mirth. He’d better have a lot of it and patience. Though the gods of profit better believe the children took hers away some days.

The older children arrived and already knew from the craziness in the kitchen that a visitor had arrived. They were more stoic about it. They would rather the younger ones find a family. They all figured they were close to being adults anyway. After about 10 minutes of the craziness, Karra, despite being a small Ferengi woman, her voice cracked good naturedly around the room. “You have studies? Yes? You can play more later. Out of my kitchen so I can actually get food ready for you monsters.” The children all scattered except Neltus. He stood by the doorway watching Tabris looking very shy. “Neltus would you like to help me cook? We can make your favorite.”

He nodded but didn’t move. Karra left him be and started busying herself around the kitchen. Like she told Tabris, routine is the best thing for nerves. As she went about her daily cook prep, Neltus eventually relaxed enough to speak. “I read your letter.”

Tabris sat up on the floor, one leg drooped down as he rested his arm on the other. He watched the young lad as he shifted uneasily before Tabris said, “I’m glad you did. What did you think of it?” As he spoke he didn’t move, this was the boy’s home after all and he would surely respect his position as the guest seeking approval. Neltus looked Tabris up and down and didn’t say anything before joining Karra in the kitchen saying, “Do we have enough to make hasperat tonight?” He walked back over to the room and said, “Do you cook?”
Karra, Tabris, Neltus

Tabris by now was standing as he waited for either the boy or the house mother to return and smiled as the boy did, “I do indeed.” He replied calmly as the young boy thought for a minute, “Then come and help.” The boy said as though it should have been obvious. Each helping hand meant there was more work done with less effort from the group, and Tabris was an able bodied man after all right? Joining them in the kitchen Tabris said, “What are we making?” Neltus looked at Karra and said, “So can we make hasperat?” The boy showed a little bit of excitement with his question, that childlike innocence and enthusiasm shining through a touch.

Karra snorted, “Of course, but you know Yaren and his wife will show up if we make that. So we’ll have to make lots of extra.”

Neltus moved over to the large table and put several things on the table creating two work spaces. He slid a chair out of the way so Tabris could help at the table. Then he kneeled on a chair so he could work easily despite being a little short. He worked quietly for several minutes. Neltus was thoughtful and like any 8 year old would let his mouth run, but when it really mattered he was hesitant to say the wrong thing. “I always wanted to meet someone like me. Karra said I have something called ‘empathy.’ She said it’s why I don’t like when the babies cry.” He glanced at Tabris to see if Tabris thought he was weird. “I don’t remember my mom and dad. Zanya told me that they died when I was still a baby.” He wouldn’t say that he had nightmares about pain and fear but didn’t know from what, whenever he thought about before he was here. He was sure he was making it up. That it was just his imagination. He looked over at Tabris giving him a good once over. “You don’t look 200 or 417. You look younger than Yaren.” He kept working quietly for awhile, but if Tabris was listening closely he’d hear Neltus whisper, “I’d like to have a family.”

Tabris nodded as he worked to chop the vegetables and peppers very thinly because a good hasperat was a spicy one.He listened to the little boy speak and got flashes of feeling but nothing too strong as he wasn’t a good empath because while he had the ability it was never practiced on Earth. When he said he was an empath Tabris nodded and said, “That’s because Neltus you are an El-Aurian, as am I. It’s why I don’t look 417 as well. It’s part of what makes you, well, you. We are people who live incredibly long times and have the ability to, well, feel what someone else is feeling. I’ll tell you that I’m not very good at it because I grew up on Earth, not around other El-Aurians. As a boy you’ll age like most kids, you’ll become an adolescent then an adult and something switches where you age really, really slowly.” Tabris said as he finished the peppers and tossed them into a bowl. He indeed heard what the little boy was saying as he whispered and Tabris said, “So would I” in an equal whisper. Neltus listened quietly as he worked on rolling the ingredients that Tabris had prepared into the wraps.

Karra listened quietly and smiled. After dinner while the children cleaned up she took Tabris back into the small living area at the back of the house for guests. “I think that Neltus is very taken with you and the idea of having a family. Over the next few days you need to spend time with him. I don’t want you spoiling him. He still has school and chores, but it’s your job to make sure it happens. This is easy because he knows what to do and what is expected. He struggles with some subjects in school, as all kids do. I’m not helping him, you will. If you like you are welcome to have meals back here just the two of you, and of course to create a bed time or end of the day routine. You need to talk to him about how things will change. He won’t be here anymore. It’s important you be up front with him.”

The next morning Karra stuck her head into the back and knocked on the door. “Children are getting up.” And then she walked to start food for breakfast. As Tabris woke slowly after the knock he blinked a few times before reaching for his glasses on the side of the end table. He put them on and blinked as he put on his slippers and looked for his potential son’s room. He wandered the halls and tried to focus on the names written as he came across a door he swore he walked past three times. There were two names, Vedi and Neltus written in the script only a 3rd grader would have. He knocked and waited patiently, “Good morning, ready to start the day?” Tabris said through the wood.

Neltus hadn’t slept well, the nightmares were back yet again and he had thrown his covers off at some point. The boy heard the knock and shook awake as he shouted “NO!” He panted, gasped for air as he looked around. Vedi looked at Neltus with a half dazed expression and said, “Another one? You should talk to Miss Karra, this is the third one this week.” The comment was of a concerned friend rather than an annoyed roommate as Neltus panted. He rose from bed, toes hitting the floor as he rushed to get dressed for the day. “Uh… come in I guess?” He called out to who he could only assume was Tabris.

Tabris opened the door and saw the kid wiggling with a shirt half over his torso as he stifled a chuckle. He looked to the other boy who looked to be of similar age and asked, “Is he always like this in the morning?” Vedi, not thinking perfectly clearly said “Only if he’s had a nightm…” Vedi stopped. His cheeks as red as can be as Neltus shot a glare that looked like it could slay a nausicaan. “Aaaaaaaa night after meeting someone like you.” Vedi said as he quickly and politely excused himself from the room as fast as possible. Neltus hopped on the bed and slipped on his socks slowly while looking at Tabris, “You stayed. I thought you would have left” What went unsaid was the shock of anger that flashed throughout the room. This was a chance to have a family and Vedi might have just ruined it. Now the boy knew his friend wasn’t trying to do anything wrong, but that flash of rage was powerful. With his shoes on finally Neltus started to walk out of the door as he said, “Come on”

Tabris briskly tried to keep pace as he tried to wrestle with what had happened in the room, “So I was talking with the house mother last night…” Tabris said as he swallowed a little, “And I’m going to be spending the next few days here to do my best to show the house mother, and you, that I can be the person you need. And so that you can make up your mind if I’m the right person for you.” He said sensitively. “She told me you have school and chores, just like anyone else here, can you run me through what a day normally looks like?” Tabris said as he wanted to give the boy the ability to have a voice and speak about what his life entailed. He didn’t wait too long before saying, “She also said there are a few things you struggle with in school? I’d love to help you with those”

“Well we’re supposed to straighten our rooms up in the morning. I help Karra in the kitchen. She has breakfast done but I help her prep for lunch. We all come home for lunch. If I’m lucky she lets me help with dinner too. I like to cook. But I’m in charge of watching the little ones after dinner until clean up is done.” He kept moving, agitated. He knew Vedi didn’t mean it because he felt how bad Vedi felt and that just made him feel weird and uncomfortable. But he didn’t want Tabris to think he was a big baby. Who wanted a big baby? If he wanted a baby he’d be here for one of the little ones. He was a big kid. He had to prove it. “Sometimes Balluphur lets me help repair stuff around the village. I like making things.” He was angry at Karra very suddenly. Why did she have to tell Tabris he wasn’t smart! The anger was very noticeable and the twisted effect on his self esteem as well. “I’m good in school. Really I am. I just get distracted by the other kids is all.” He didn’t say it was the emotions of the other kids, he still wasn’t sure he believed that was a real thing.

Tabris nodded as he walked, trying his best to remember being an 8 year old again, but let’s be fair that was over 400 years ago now. “You’re in charge of the little ones? That I’m sure is a tough job. Not just anyone is that responsible.” Tabris commented, seeing how the boy responded to those sorts of compliments. The agitation was noticeable as the boy walked, leaning forward ever so slightly, footsteps were hard even if the foot making them was small. “You get distracted because of the other kids? Do you think that’s the empathic part of you trying to get your attention?” Tabris tread on shallow ice at the moment, being put into a situation he was wholly unprepared for when dealing with a child.”You know I’m an engineer in Starfleet, I make things all the time. I’d be happy to have some help fixing things.” He said optimistically.

Neltus was a big kid, he had just told himself that right? This man seemed to want to connect and Neltus, for his part, really did want to have that family and Tabris seemed like an alright guy. The boy stopped and took a breath. This caught Tabris off guard but the adult paused for a moment, trying to study what the boy was doing. Neltus took a few moments before exhaling calmly and he said, “I don’t know if it’s the thing Karra says I have. All I know is that during class it’s hard to focus and I get distracted easy even if no one is saying anything.” The whole idea of feeling someone else’s emotions was weird to the kid, after all why didn’t anyone else here have that ‘ability’? “After dinner is cleaned up I do my homework and read a bit before I go to bed.” He finished as they arrived at the dining hall. “Are you going to join me at the table or…” Neltus said at a loss. He hadn’t had anyone go this far in the adoption process before, anyone before saw that his species lived for 600-700 years, figured he’d be a little kid for longer than they’d be alive, and never bothered to meet.

Tabris looked over the room and said, “If it is distracting you, I bet we can figure something out to help make it less distracting, no matter what is causing it. As for eating with you, we can join the others or have a spot to ourselves if you’d like.” Neltus thought it over and said, “Why don’t we have breakfast with everyone.”

Karra was queen of her table but never seemed to be still. With several little ones needing sippy cups and food cut up special and food cleaned off the floor, and tears whipped when the older kids left for school it didn’t seem that the woman ever stopped or sat down. She watched to see what Neltus would do before he left for school.

After the children left and she had the younger ones settled in the front room she returned with a PaDD. “Homework time Mr. Asam.” There were pages and pages of questions. What ifs, and how would yous, and it went on and on. The hardest questions, “What is your plan for Neltus if something happens to you?” And they went on. “This has to be finished before we can move further in the process. You can work while he’s in school. I’m also here to answer any questions that crop up. Either from the paper work or from anything that you see around here. It might be nice if you and Neltus have lunch together today.”

Tabris took the PaDD and looked it over, some of the questions were fairly basic, some seemed downright strange, and others such as the “What is your plan for Neltus if something happens to you?” were difficult. He looked up at Karra and said, “Thank you ma’am I appreciate your availability even when you are so busy. I hope that my answers suit your requirements” He said as he pondered. He wasn’t going to try to give her the ‘best’ answers, just the answers that were true and honest to how he acted. He rose to help clear what was left of breakfast before sitting back down at the table to start the questions.

The questions grew more difficult as he took more and more time to answer then. The clock struck the hour closest to lunch time as he still hadn’t gotten to that final question when he rose and stretched. Putting the PaDD down in order to make it on time to his lunch with Neltus. He started to walk towards the school, pondering and questioning himself. Was he ready? Was he going to be able to be a good father? Would Neltus be able to adjust to having a family? Was Tabris the man to do that? When he arrived at the school he waited for the bell to ring.

Neltus wiggled in his seat as the bell grew closer to ringing. The time was growing closer and closer till finally it rang out and he was free! At least for a little while. The boy ran outside and was surprised, “Tabris? What are you doing here?” He asked, almost embarrassed as he shifted the weight of his bag slowly. Tabris smiled, “I wanted to have lunch with you and I thought we could walk back together, what do you think?” Neltus smiled and said, “That sounds great!” The walk was quiet, footsteps falling on a dirt pathway playing a soft beat on the ground. The enthusiasm of the boy whisked away as he was unsure of what was supposed to be said or done; Tabris too at a loss for words.

Kara saw the awkward silence, but she wasn’t going to fix it. They had to find their own way. But that night she did talk to Tabris after the children went to bed. She collected to finished PaDD from him. “So you will have several files to be filled out when you return to your ship. It’s called a home study. The ship’s counselor, in your case, will come and inspect your quarters. That means you will have to request family quarters before that happens. She will inspect them and return the form to me. You will also have to have recommendations from your Department head and another officer in command, as well two personal letters of reference. And you will need an updated complete physical form filled out by the medical staff on board. Once you leave you are not allowed to come back for a month. We don’t have the ability to video call but you can write as often as you want.” This was the tricky part. Oftentimes people came in and were eager to take the children home after that first visit. But tell them to wait a month, and the idea the fervor died out and they lost interest. It was heartbreaking, but at least the children didn’t go to homes where they were ‘trophies.’ “After that second visit, if you both agree and all your paper work is in order, we’ll proceed with the legal proceedings. Unfortunately, Neltus won’t be able to go with you until that is finished.”

Tabris understood as he listened intently and made sure that he was going to be able to follow every direction perfectly. He clarified a few points, such as inspection of family quarters on the starbase or on the ship he was going to be assigned to and whatnot. He was a little more than just sad when he heard that Neltus wouldn’t come home with him soon and was worried that there would be hiccups and problems. He wasn’t exactly sure what was going to be of the next little while was going to bring.
Karra, Tabris, Neltus

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