Am I dressed Warm Enough?

Posted May 17, 2021, 10:20 a.m. by Chief Warrant Officer Kodek Vonn (RTF Commander) (James Sinclair)

Posted by Lieutenant Casela Synthi-er (Counsellor / RTF) in Am I dressed Warm Enough?

Posted by Chief Warrant Officer Kodek Vonn (RTF Commander) in Am I dressed Warm Enough?

Posted by Lieutenant Casela Synthi-er (Counsellor / RTF) in Am I dressed Warm Enough?
Posted by… suppressed (1) by the Post Ghost! 👻

Casela had not spoken to Vonn since their meeting about her staying in RTF. Which was a couple of months now. She was dressed in heavy wool and fleece, gloves, thick fur lined leather boots and a matching parka. She considered a ski mask but thought that was a bit much since she would not be going inside. By all accounts Vonn did not like visitors and so she had no intention of going inside. However the cold weather gear had been necessary to procure the little monster in the stasis box. An Andorian Frost Beatle Lily. It would grow to enormous size if replanted correctly and be big enough to eat a man. It only survived in below zero temps. She had no idea if Vonn liked plants but at least it was something that would not die or get damaged from the extreme cold. Even through the stasis box, without the gloves, the cold would burn her fingers.

She arrived and watched the small tendrils of could vapor sneak under the door and shuddered. She pressed the chime, expecting a non-existent welcome.
Lt Synthi-er CNS

There was a long pause before the door slid open and a blast of sub-zero air blew out of the room beyond. The Breen, as always armed and armoured, stood in the open door filling the space. The helmet lowered and the visor locked onto Casela. “Counselor.” was all the electronic voice said.

Vonn, RTF CO

“Chief.” Casela nodded. “There is a strange human custom of giving a gift upon aquiring new dwellings, and I’m sure you have received very little that is thought out.” She held up the stasis box. “It is an Andorian Frost Beatle Lily. It is still considered a seedling. It can grow up to 10 feet tall and big enough to eat a man. But it must live in temps at least 20 below zero. But the nectar is toxic but will furtalize the soil it grows in.” She figured it was a toss up if he accepted or not but she honestly hoped she’d chosen something thoughtful.
Lt Synthi-er CNS

There was no movement from Vonn for several moments, but then the Breen stepped to the side and said “Come in. I would recommend putting on one of those.” and they indicated the furs hanging by the door.

As the door slid closed, the Breen took the plant and the visor looked at it for many moments. Finally, they walked to a far wall and set the box on a shelf and tapped the access panel and let it open.

Vonn, RTF CO

Well she certainly hadn’t expected to be invited inside. Casela recognized that their first meeting, when he arrived on board was aggressive. Standard policy on Leviathan was to meet all visitors with RTF, Security, or the Angels. They’d had too many breaches when items were dropped off. The shuttle crew was just too ready to be away from whatever anomaly, strange crew, or dangerous equipment they were delivering and people had gotten hurt. Things had escalated when Casela saw Vonn because she knew what Cobb would do. She’d honestly been worried for Vonn. Oh Cobb was older and not so fast anymore but at his word the entirety of the ship’s defenses would have been focused on the soul inside that suit. Of course then she had to clear him for duty. Vonn had called her on it and had earned her instant and hard to come by, respect. On a professional level she liked him. Manhattan was good, but she had a gut feeling Vonn’s success rate would be higher.

She grabbed one of the furs gratefully and wrapped it around herself. The enclosure in the labs for the flower was bad enough, and the glass on the stasis unit was frozen and close to cracking as it was at the limit of it’s ability to keep the flower cold. Casela had no desire for frost bite or hypothermia. She’d been in sickbay enough recently and if she was there anymore someone was going lock her in a bubble and keep her there.

The flower was small maybe 5 inches tall from soil to bloom. It looked like an Earth lily but was white with bright blue streaks across the peddles. And instead of pollen there was a clear nectar that right now was bitter smelling but would turn enticingly sweet when the flower became hungry.
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

Vonn’s visor didn’t stray from the plant, but the voice came through. “What care does it require?” the Breen asked flatly. With a sudden movement, the Breen walked to the pile of heating crystals and sat on the larger mound hides and furs; but they then directed Casela to sit opposite them.

Vonn, RTF CO

Casela moved quietly towards the furs and sat down legs crossed in front of her and wrapped the fur around herself, where he indicated. “It’s carnivorous so small insects for now. As it gets bigger small rodents, birds, other small mammals or larger insects. The science department has a variety, living and dead. I’m not much of a botanist. But Cmdr Raauhl has some knowledge and DaiMon Lazol does as well. He’s been studying them.”
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

The visor rose and focused on the plant across the room. For a long time, Vonn said nothing. Then…

“My planet has little plant life and few species of anything else. It is simply too cold. I look forward to seeing the plant grow.” and the visor turned slightly and centered on Casela. “My thanks. I will ensure it is well cared for. Was there anything else, Lieutenant?” Since the voice was entirely artificial, it was unknown if the being inside wanted her to leave or stay. But the pacing of the words… something in that… seemed to indicate that the Counselor’s presence was not wholly unwelcome.

Vonn, RTF CO

Casela shrugged, “Not really. I guess I could go on and on about how I’m the counselor and it’s my job to make sure you’re adjusting and can I help. And on a superficial level it’s true. But I have the feeling you and I are a lot alike, Chief.” She seen the seal on the transfer orders and it wasn’t the first nor would it be the last time that she would come across it. “Sometimes it’s a problem to find another like ourselves onboard a ship, and other times - not. Or,” she paused a slight flicker of humor crossing her face, “I just want to experience the danger of this ship vicariously through you, since I am unable to at this time.”
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

The helmet didn’t move, nor did the figure it sat atop. There was another long pause and then the voice said “Why do you think we are alike? I have been called many things by your Federation peoples. ‘Similar’ has not been one of them.”

Vonn, RTF CO

If Vonn had taken the time to notice Casela didn’t move much either normally, though in a few minutes she’d probably be shivering from the cold. “By your own words Vonn you are not like most of your people, nor am I like mine. There is a stillness in you that most won’t notice because they can’t ‘see’ your face. But there is more to a person than their eyes. You are a skilled combatant, and though it will be quite awhile before I return to it, I know I am as well. Just as we don’t waste movement we don’t waste words either. And if the tales I got of your RTF interviews are any indication, we neither suffer fools.”
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

There was a pause and the Vonn said “I am more than my skills in warfare. Just as you are more than yours.” and the helmet shifted slightly to side. “Why do you focus on martial prowess? Anyone can fight. Surely your skills in psychology require more of you.”


“Of course you, it is but one part of you. You asked how I thought we might be similar and that is but one way. I could easily ask you the same question. Martial prowess was only one way I find us similar, but it is the one to which you responded.” She contemplated him a moment, him or her answer, or both. “My skills in psychology do require much more of me. And that leads to the answer to your question. I am Betazoid and I am relatively small in stature. It is simplistic, people see what they want to see. They see black eyes and immediately decide that because I am Betazoid I am overly fascinated by my feelings and the feelings of others. That I will choose pacifism over all else, and that I am too small to be a threat. My martial skills are just one tool in a vast bag of tools, and certainly not my most useful.”
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

“People who judge on appearance or species are fools. People who equate strength with the physical body are also fools. And fools are less than worthless.” was Vonn’s short response.


Casela didn’t respond for a moment, he spoke truth and he didn’t need her to confirm that, but she shrugged. “I don’t like being a fool. As you stated so concisely in our previous encounters I don’t know you nor your species. And I would rather learn than remain ignorant. Though that was not the purpose of my visit.” And she glanced at the plant. Since returning from her last encounter with section 31 Casela was more, subdued, and more expressive. Not that anyone would accuse her of being a teddy bear (unless it had claws) but she had found that the crew meant a lot more to her than she’d realized. And so she’d made it a point, despite her position as head counselor, to genuinely check on each of the crew personally. She simply wanted to ensure they were okay (whatever that meant).
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

The helmet tilted slightly and the voice said “So was the purpose of your visit to simply deliver the plant? Or was there something else? And I don’t mind, which I find a somewhat new perspective.”

Vonn, RTF CO

Casela considered the question while her breath frosted in the room. “Originally I came just to bring you the plant and to see how you were doing. Though I would very much like to know you, as an individual, not just as the RCO.” She figured if he didn’t mind she would ask. “Is there a significance to how the room is designed? Other than function and practicality?” She noticed he sat on the largest of the furs, and that really wasn’t all that odd. This was his home, after all. Or it was while he was stationed on Levi.
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

The helmet swiveled around and the voice said “This is how my people live. This is what is… comfortable… for us. Technologically we are as advanced as you… perhaps more so. But on our planet, in our homes… this is how we live.”


Casela nodded, flexing her fingers and toes under the heavy furs. So tradition perhaps, but no specific meanings. “My people are very different, they embrace everything that is new and modern. We have some outlying cities and colonies that live simpler closer to the soil, but on Betazed it’s very much all modern. I find value in the technology, there are a great many tools that can be used, but I prefer less, something simpler. Where I did most of my training, outside of the academy, my teacher, my mentor lived in a smaller version of a Viking long house. She said that a simple home kept the clutter out of her head.” She smiled at the memory. The house was smaller than traditional, it only being Jake and T’Jal living there, but it had been cozy.
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

“An agreeable sentiment.” Vonn said. “Where I trained was on a different planet from my home world. My grandfather taught me what I know.” and the helmet tilted down and focused on the heating crystals. “I often wonder if they are still alive…”


Casela nodded, “My father and uncle taught me most of what I know. Then I was lucky enough to catch the attention of my mentor.” She contemplated Vonn for a moment. “I know what it is to not know the fate of those who are significant to us, those that matter. It would take time in order to proceed carefully and quietly, but I could find out for you.” Casela knew what it meant to have the skills to find out anything and everything possible, but to not be able to use it for your own self. It was why information about her own parents was sparse in attaining. She couldn’t make a direct inquiry and she couldn’t just show up on Betazed either. She was dead, as far as they knew.
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

The helmet chuckled. “While I appreciate your optimism, I have no doubt inquires made that far into the Breen Confederacy would not only draw attention; but would more than likely get you… or your associates… killed rather quickly.”


Casela shrugged, “Like I said, it wouldn’t be easy, and there is a lot of risk, and I don’t predict success, but the offer stands. I understand what it is to not know. What do you think of Leviathan so far? How is the RTF doing? I admit I miss it. Didn’t think I would.”
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

Vonn waved her off. “Appreciated, but no. It is far too dangerous for all involved. The Breen value their privacy over all else. The ship is… eccentric, I think is the best word for it. Although I am not yet sure how much of that is by nature… or by design. And the team is operating mostly efficiently. And you position is still there when you are cleared for duty again.”

Vonn, RTF CO

Casela inclined her head. He would know best. “You know, out of all the people on this ship I should be able to tell you if it’s nature or design but I honestly can’t give you a straight answer. Professionally I can say it’s probably both. Some is the nature of what we do, but then by design other elements have cropped up out of necessity. Either because of the job or a release because of the job.” She smiled ruefully about her position. That was the question. How long before she was cleared for duty again? And when that happened would she go back? All questions that needed answers. She ducked her nose and mouth into the furs and breathed warm air in and out, warming her face slightly. But the truth was “I look forward to it. Tell me Vonn you said you studied off of your home world. What did you study?” She was sure it was an interesting set of skills, and perhaps above her pay grade, but she asked anyway, fully aware he may refuse.
Lt Synthi-er, CNS

“My family has been specialized hunters for generations. We take contracts and retrieve, alive or not, specific individuals wanted by either governments and law enforcement organizations… or by individuals willing to pay the fee. We are not assassins… I believe your people refer to us as ‘bounty hunters’. An odd nomenclature, but it encompsses the majority of the work. I trained in the guild operated by my grandfather. He taught me what he knows, and I have learned much sense.”


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