Side Sim - Sickbay (All Welcome)

Posted Nov. 29, 2022, 2:38 a.m. by Ensign Kitiuas “Kit” Thenis (Scientist) (Christopher Huskins)

Posted by Lieutenant Lance Von Hellsing (Chief Engineer / Containment Architect) in Side Sim - Sickbay (All Welcome)

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Ashir th’Qiaqir (Medical Officer) in Side Sim - Sickbay (All Welcome)

Posted by Ensign Tom Little (Engineer) in Side Sim - Sickbay (All Welcome)
Posted by… suppressed (44) by the Post Ghost! 👻
Ashir has been on duty for an hour, and the Sickbay was calm. Since they left the starbase yesterday, he didn’t expect something to happen for the rest of the day, except for minor cases. For now, he had to check the whole Sickbay equipment, making sure everything was ready to use. Not the funniest part, thought the Andorian with a sigh. He clearly preferred training in the Holodeck, perfecting his mastering of the Ushan instead.

Lieutenant JG Ashir th’Qiaqir

Raauhl wanted to get his medical out of the way as soon as possible, unlike most people he didn’t mind sickbay and doctors . He walked through the main doors “Hello? He called out clearly catching sickbay at a quiet time.

  • Commander Raauhl, XO
    Ashir turned around to see the XO coming in. YES ! An excuse to skip the verifications, thought the Andorian, clenching his fist in relief. He shut off the biobed who was just booting with satisfaction and approached the main doors.

“Commander ! What brings you to Sickbay? And I thought no one could get injured so fast after the ship’s departure…”

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

Raauhl let out a deep laugh, “Well Lieutenant whoever sold you this assignment understated just how injury prone the flag ship of the RTF is. I’m surprised we haven’t had a maiming or near death experience yet!” Moving further into the room he took the Andorian in, he hadn’t yet met Ashir.

“I’ve just been reassigned to the ship and wanted to get the formalities put of the way, see how sickbay is doing and meet the crew I have yet to do so. So where should we start?”

  • Commander Raauhl Commander, XO
    Ashir smiled at the Commander : “Maybe by the presentation”, he said while offering his hand. “Ashir th’Qiaqir, Doctor. I let you guess my race.” The doctor made his antennas wobble when saying his last sentence.

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

(Ooc - Thankyou for keeping this post up! And being patient!)


“No guessing needed” Raauhl started as he clasped the andorians hand giving it a firm but friendly shale. “I wouldn’t be a very good XO if I I hadn’t read up on the crew before arriving, besides Andorians are one of those races that can be found in a crowd.” The Trill XO chuckled and released the hand shake.

  • Commander Raauhl, XO
    Ashir laughed along with Raauhl before showing him the Sickbay : “Here, you are in the Alpha Sickbay, the main one. We do have another one, the Beta, but we use it as a combat sickbay, for triage and all that. Here, you can come with the smallest issue or the heaviest condition, we’ll get you and put you back on your feet.”
    Showing the doors and places around the room, he continues : “… the personnel room… Here you have the Surgery Zone… Here is the Recovery Ward… The boss’ office… And finally the storage room !”

Even though Raauhl had wandered these locations before he didn’t mind Ashir showing him around, it had been some time since he was last on the ship and some things were a little different. He continued to listen until they stopped and Raauhl faced Ashir again.

Ashir put his hands on his wrist before saying : “There you go, that all about my domain. I won’t say no to a drink. You want one ?”

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

“Please, that would be welcomed” Raauhl answered with a smile, he didn’t specify which drink and would allow the Andorian doctor to decide. He had a strong stomach and a taste for most federation cuisine. “How long have you been serving aboard the Levithan?” He asked to pass the moments between Ashri asking and getting the drinks.

  • Commander Raauhl, XO
    Instead of going toward the replicator, Ashir walked toward a biobed and crouched to get under it. As he searched, he said : “Well, I just came aboard with you, assuming you embark at the Station we just left.”

Getting up, he was holding a bottle containing a blue liquid and two small glasses. “But before we leave, I had the time to hide a little something…” Showing him the bottle, he added : “Andorian ale ! A treat from my homeworld. Since we both arrived, I think we should celebrate it properly.”

Lieutenant Ashit th’Qiaqir

Raauhl chuckled, rolled his eyes and wondered if Ashir might be related to Cobb in some way, or Cobb had finally bit the bullet and this was him reincarnated. “I’d give a speech right about now about hiding liqueur aboard the ship but I’d have to write up half the ship and honestly its never hurt anyone.”

  • Commander Raauhl, XO

In the meantime, the sickbay hatches opened, and another officer showed up. Tom was taking the liberty of touring the ship. But soon, he found the place had two senior officers discussing business. So he turned around and was about to exit.

Ens Little, Eng

Raauhl noticed the Ensign and while he prided himself getting to know the crew he’d not met or read about this officer yet. “No need to leave on Our account Ensign, I’m sure my check up will be done soon.” He exclaimed slipping in a smile for good friendliness.

  • Commander Raauhl, XO
    As Raauhl spoke, Ashir stopped pouring the ale to raise his head and noticed the presence of the ensign, about to leave the room.

“Oh, please take your time, Sir.” Tom immediately turned back, “I’m just familiarizing the ship. So this is Alpha Sickbay…” He scratched his rear head, “My manners. Ensign Tom Little Engineer, Sirs. Greetings.”

Ens Little, Eng
Ashir smiled at the embarrassed man and said : “You’re not the only one to take your marks. We were about to celebrate our arrival, the commander and I. Why don’t you join us before duty calls ?”

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

“Oh, you guys are also new here. Awesome!” Tom smiled back. Although not a Klingon, he said, “I’ll be honored. Commander, and Doctor. Is that… wine?”

Little, Eng

Raauhl chuckled, “Its best not to ask those kind of questions.” He raised his glass, “Besides it seems everyone on this ship has a hidden stash of something, I can’t wait for an organised event to occur, I suspect it will be some party.” It was no hidden fact that the crew of the Leviathan were both brilliant yet outcasts in some way. No one in their right mind would take this job if they weren’t a little off kilter.

  • Commander Raauhl, XO

“Aye, Sir.” Tom gave an ironic salute with an imaginary glass. “Great idea, Sir. Will let the lower decks know if they’re interested in it.” He didn’t comment regarding that last sentence. But he hoped to finish his term as obligated. Although he thought about potential contraband he might have. A sword from the previous ship was a welcome and memorial gift at the onboard event. Now it was properly sealed in his bag as a somewhat internal skeleton to keep everything looking straight.

Little, Eng
Ashir laughed at the cadet salute and gave him a glass : “Come on ! That’s better with a real one.” He poured him some ale and added : “Just so you know, that’s real alcohol, so go easy on it. I don’t want you to be drunk on your first shift !”

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

Tom appreciated his concern and the courtesy he made, which reminded him little of the last real drink he had before departure to the training ship. “Excellent choice you have there, Doctor.” He smiled and said, “I was on sugary control. Just don’t tell your colleagues. Cheers everyone!”

Little, Eng
Ashir raised his glass along Little : “Cheers ! “

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

Kitiuas made her way to the sickbay to do her required check in exam. She hated this part of the check in, fact was she dreaded going anywhere near sickbay or hospitals. It made her want to vomit. She composed herself and entered the sickbay. She immediately saw three individuals standing around holding what appeared glasses of true alcohol, if her sense of smell was correct. She was unsure what to do, and her stomach was full of butterflies. The world began to spin and turn dark, she felt herself begin to fall.

-Ensign Kitiuas Thenis, Science
The thud sound made Ashir looking at Thenis in surprise, or at least at her unconscious body. The scene ambiance shifted so suddenly it took the Andorian by surprise, and he standed here, looking at her while processing what happened.

After a moment, Ashir was the first to break the silence : “And I thought it would be calm…” Despite his upset tone, he was deeply concerned about the fallen ensign, thinking of the worst that could happen. He approached her to notice the ensign was still breathing, and just unconscious. The doctor put his glass on the ground and tried to wake her without moving her head, in case she had a shock : “Hey, can you hear me ? Ensign !”

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

Ensign Thenis came around Crap, I did it again she thought as she opened her eyes. “Yes Sir, I am afraid my Nosocomephobia got the better of me. I have never been fond of medical facilities, and on occasions when I enter one my nerves get the best of me and I have the Orion version of a human vasovagal response, or at least that was what Starfleet Medical told me when I was going through my entrance medical exam at Starfleet Academy.” she replied chagrined. “I was on my way to report for my onboarding physical, guess you now know one of my health issues.” she replied as she sat up and looked around.

-Ensign Kitiuas Thenis

Noticing the unusual theater which was a lot different from a training drill, Tom put down the glass temporarily at went after the doc. Recognizing the ensign was breathing and talking, he exhaled deeply and said to her, “Hi, my name is Tom. What is your name?” He positioned himself next to the Lieutenant if assistance was in need. It was somewhat dejavu for him to do this. But this time, he had nothing.

Little, Eng

Ensign Thenis smiled “Ensign Kitiuas Thenis, I am the new Cryptozoologist and Hominologist; and I am also specialized Entomology and Arachnology. Guess Starfleet command thought I would be a good fit for this ship, given my odd specializations.” She replied as she accepted help in getting to her feet.

-Ensign Kitiuas Thenis, science
Ashir stood up with her, and taking a nearby tricorder, he ran a quick scan on the woman.

“Nice to have you Kitiuas. I used to be a Science officer in Computer Science, but now I’m an engineer. Guess we never know what the higher is up to.” Tom smiled and said, “I heard that this ship will encounter some weird beings so yeah, guess you will be an unique fit.”

Little, Eng

Kit smiled, “Tell me about it, I had to sign a million documents with Starfleet Intelligence and Starfleet JAG. All the while they kept informing me that if I discussed this ship or mission with anyone besides the crew or authorized personnel the would beam me and those I discussed it with into the biggest blackhole they could find. I tend to believe them.”

-Ensign Kitiuas Thenis, science

“It’s been a while since dealing with a JAG officer. I had a letter from them to pass the Academy screening/selection.” Tom briefly spoke about his letter of recommendation to get into this massive institution. “Have you read the document? Like a handout for new crews? Mine was heavily redacted so I could only get bits and pieces. I wonder if the different department gets different stuff. Or we might be able to put the puzzles together.” He smirked after the statement. “So far I know, this ship’s mission is to contain weird bings and study them. Secretly, of course.”

Closing the device, Ashir put back the tricorder in his place. Nothing, hopefully, except a little dizziness, thought the Andorian. Seems like she was used to this.

“I think that’s why they freaked out a bit when we were at the station”, said Ashir to the Ensigns. “Imagine if we would have dropped a good old panic reaction in the whole place by saying we were carrying some kind of dimensional god or something…”

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

Tom quickly eyes looked up for imagination as if he was carrying a statute of an object and said, “Yeah, that would be something.”

Little, Eng

Ensign Kitiuas smiled, “I got the full brief by a very stern balding Terran male in JAG and an even more scary Andorian female, no offense intended towards either of you, from Starfleet intelligence in person. I think it is because I am an Orion. Then they kindly escorted me to my transport to meet the ship. No fancy letters for me, unless you count my redacted orders.” Thenis looked at the Andorian Lieutenant “I take it you are the one I am supposed to report to for my physical?”

-Ensign Kitiuas Thenis, science
“Well, me or any doctor, as long as you do it. We can make it now so it will be done”, said the Andorian with a smile. “And no offense taken about the Andorian, our girls scare even the bravest warriors of my kethni.” He laughed and patted Thenis’ shoulder.

Looking back at Little, Ashir squinted his eyes and said “I hope you did your physicals, or else you’ll have to stay with us a bit longer.”

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

“Yes, doctor.” Tom said to the man in blue, “Technically, I did it in Beta sickbay. You know, that’s engineer’s default sickbay, as I was told.” He added, “But I don’t mind sticking around. As a former science officer, observation is a habit now.” He half-joked.

“Okay, don’t mind me here. I’ll slowly taste the drink while you guys do your things.” He said to both and went back for his glass.

Little, Eng
Ashir nodded at him : “Sure. Feel free to… I don’t know, roam around or talk with us. I don’t think you’ll disturb us.”

Kit smiled “Okay doc let’s get this over with. Probable already know one of my issues already; Nosocomephobia, fear of hospitals. Also have a history of multiple fractures. I am otherwise in perfect health and take my prescribed Deltan medication to diminish my pheromonal effect; administered via small dosages in my food through custom programing of the replicator and once a month hypospray injections, at start of my menses cycle.” She said as she handed Doctor Ashir her PaDD.

-Ensign Kitiuas Thenis, science
The Andorian took the PaDD and gave it a quick look, but nothing seemed unordinary, except for her coma and her migraines. “Well, you might as well go on the biobed so I can launch the scan”, Ashir said. He took the bottle of ale he left and hid it back where it was. Last thing he wanted to do was to get caught drinking during work time.

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiair

Kit jumped up on the bed. “So is it true, the USS Leviathan is a ‘Monster’ hunter ship? A Starfleet modern day version ‘Ecto-1’ from the Ghostbusters movies of the late twentieth century?” she asked.

-Ensign Kitiuas Thenis, Science
Ashir frowned at the obscure reference :”Don’t know what it is, but if I have to give you an earthling reference, I would say we are more in a Lovecraft story. At least from what I’ve heard”. He pressed a few buttons on the bed to launch the scan.

Dr.Hellsing entered sickbay his face was black and blue and he was bleeding bad from an arm that he had a belt around to act as a tourniquet. “ dam 005873336 almost ripped my arm off during feeding. It is definitely out of the socket and I have lost bloood” his knees started to give him way.

Dr. Hellsing.
Lt. Lance Von Hellsing (CE/CA)

Kit looked up when the doors slide open to sick, “Aah, Doc, you might want to take care of the gentleman entering here now.”

-Kitiuas Thenis, Science
Ashir froze for a second, surprised by the casual way the two men handle a critical wound, judging by the amount of blood. “Uh… Right, right !”, he said, taking a dermal regenerator. “Go sit on the bed, if anyone can help him with that.” He started to wonder if he made the right choice by boarding the Leviathan. Spirit, what have those people saw to stay so calm ?, thought the doctor.

Soon, Tom heard the call from the colleague. He walked to the Andorian and said, “Any help you need, doctor?” He then looked at her. He wasn’t sure if they were done, or else he could assist with her sickbay checks.

Little, Eng
Activating the device, Ashir said :”Well, could you stay with Thenis for a moment, I don’t want her to faint again.”

Back at the wounded man, he ripped the uniform to let the wound visible. The marks were deep and a lot of blood have leaked out. Hopefully, the tourniquet have worked fine, and he just needed to close the wound. To get to sickbay without passing out, that man has an iron constitution. As he placed the device above the wound and made come and forth with it, the wound slowly closed without leaving a scar.
“How long was the tourniquet placed ?”, Ashir Asked.

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

Dr. Hellsing had already passed out but on the tourniquet was the time it was placed no more then 5 minutes ago to get 005873336 back into the cell to apply the tourniquet as walking to sickbay

Dr. Hellsing
“Good, give him a 150cc of Inaprovaline, that should help him recover a bit.” The doctor then took a near hypospray and loaded it with activated charcoal, in order to eliminate the risk of infection and gave it to him. With that, he should be better.

He then gave the man a gentle slap on the cheek: “Hey, can you hear me ? Wake up !”

Lieutenant JG Ashir th’Qiaqir

Kit looked at Ensign Little, “Isn’t Lovecraft horror stories about fictional ‘Elder Gods’ trying to break into our reality and those who encounter them. Also don’t those individuals all go mad. No need to worry about me falling out again, once my initial fainting spell happens, I am usually much better.”

-Ensign Kitiuas Thenis, Science

“I hope so.” Tom smiled to her, “Even if you do, this is the most prepared place for treatment.” As for himself, he knew how combat-ready was the other sickbay. But all was designed for a purpose. A ship like this could have missions that need combined teams to tackle. Whether was rescue or confinement tasks. As an engineer, he only trained to provide a piece of a function: To repair things that others can’t, particularly computer core related. But sometimes, he had to mix up like an operation officer, perhaps due to his experience as a science officer.

Little, Eng

Hellsings eyes shot open as they started to glow green the blood on his body and around started to move back into his body. As his skin reabsorbed his blood his eyes stopped glowing and he looks at the doctor “looks like I am going to have to tell you my secret”

Dr. Hellsing
Lt. Lance Von Hellsing
Squinting his eyes at Hellsing, Ashir let out a sigh : “Come on, really ? What’s wrong with this ship ?!!” Slamming the hypospray on the nearest desk, he sat next to his patient and said : “I’m listening. But you better stay in the bed !”

Lieutenant Ashir th’Qiaqir

Lance looked at him “what do you know about the Hellsing family” he asked him to see what he says.

Dr. Hellsing

Kit overhearing the question replied “The only ‘Hellsing’ family I know of is the fictional character Professor Abraham Van Helsing from the Earth 1897 gothic horror Dracula. The character was a polymath doctor; M.D., Philosopher, Scientist and Metaphysic. Are you saying that the Helsing character was real?”

-Kitiuas Thenis, Science

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