Quarters - Cmdr Zef Rollo

Posted July 13, 2020, 3:15 p.m. by Lieutenant Commander Zef Rollo (Counselor) (D Grisham)

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Zef Rollo (Counselor) in Quarters - Cmdr Zef Rollo
Knowing she had a full evening alone in her quarters, Zef took a shower as soon as she returned from her duty shift. Once she was scrubbed and moisturized, with her hair pulled up in a loose knot on top of her head, she pulled on a traditional Bajeen ‘komak’ (like a thin, shoulder-width, belted poncho to the floor) in pale blue.

On bare feet she moved to the replicator and ordered an iced water with cucumber slices in it. As she was thinking on what holovid to order up for the evening, the soft, steady ‘beep’ from her computer console sounded. “Hmm, who could that be?” Zef drank half the glass of flavored water as she crossed the floor to her desk and sat down behind it. With the tap of a few keys, the message was displayed. It was from her old friend Ganro Fleg. The visage of a sun browned man with a thick head of white hair and well trimmed mustache and goatee filled the screen.

“Zef, my dear friend. I hope this message finds you well.” He smiled and looked off to the right where children could be heard laughing. “Everything here is as it should be. My children are currently off world investigating a trading company for future work, so I have the honor of watching their children while they are gone.” He shook his head in wonder. “The young ones are fearless aren’t they?” She nodded her agreement even though the communique was recorded and Ganro would never see it.

He turned back to the monitor and a look of grave seriousness fell over his features. “Are you alright, Zef? You must send word to me as soon as you get this message. I have heard rumblings around the city about the Marrov’s—about Kalig, mostly.” Kalig Marrov was the brother of her deceased mate, Broggs. He had always been a problem for her ever since the night she’d met the two. That night had been warm and filled with music and drink. She and her friend Alsa had been enjoying themselves in one of the local taverns when Kalig stepped up to partner with her in a dance. Zef hadn’t turned him away. When she was shiny with perspiration and her head began to spin with the alcohol, the two shared a table and flattery for over an hour before the door frame was filled with a dark shadow that commanded attention. All eyes turned to see who the newcomer was.

She’d watched with everyone else as a large, handsome man with dark good looks, stepped into the light and began making his way over to their table. It turned out he was Kalig’s brother. Broggs gave her a drop dead smile, introduced himself while kissing the inside of her wrist, and from that moment on, she’d been enamored with him.

“You told me to watch out for Kalig’s return after your last transfer, but his ship never returned to Baj. I’ve asked around all I can without looking suspicious, Zef, but I still haven’t found out who’s been feeding him information about where you are. We may never know how he always manages to show up to your postings so quickly. Its just good that up to now he’s been too late to cause any trouble.”

Ganro moved in his chair—no, fidgited, as if he were nervous or agitated. “I wish I had more to tell you, girl, but the Marrov’s are keeping tighter rein on his whereabouts and plans when I’m around.”

Zef pressed her lips together in thought. What was the man up to and why wouldn’t he just leave her alone? She’d chosen Broggs instead of him eight years ago. He needed to get over it. She needed a moment so she paused the message and returned to the replicator to dispose of the water. In a corner cabinet of the living room, a bottle of ‘Pons Tol’, a smoky flavored liquor from her home world, found its way into her hand. She poured while heading back to the console.

The push of one button started up the message again as the Pons Tol burned its way down her throat. “Be well, Zef. And don’t forget to send word on your situation. I won’t rest until I know you are safe on your star ship.” Ganro lay a hand on his chest over his heart. “Emla doan, ama beeb.” And then he was gone.

He’d signed off with a prayer of protection for her. Zef sat at her desk, sipping from a glass and chewing the corner of her bottom lip for a long time. Eventually, she sent off a note to Ganro saying she was fine and would write more later. Then she went to bed and dreamed of dark eyes, but they weren’t Broggs’.


The next morning, Zef woke up after a fitful night. Her brain felt like it was packed with cotton, meaning she would need more coffee than usual. She headed to the replicator to get started with the intake. Checking the chronometer, Zef realized she had an hour to kill before her meeting with Cochrane, so she sat at the small table, sipped her coffee and flipped through the latest edition of Psychology Today.

—Rollo, CNS

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