Integration (All crew!)- Main Sim

Posted Nov. 29, 2018, 1 a.m. by Ensign Karina Niles (Doctor) (Melissa Aragon)

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Benjamin Grey (Chief Medical Officer) in Integration (All crew!)- Main Sim

Posted by Ensign Dan Jones (Scientist) in Integration (All crew!)- Main Sim

Posted by Lieutenant Liam Madison (Chief Science Officer) in Integration (All crew!)- Main Sim
Posted by… suppressed (2) by the Post Ghost! 👻
OOC: Each crew member should post your integration piece here. It’s not a single location but rather a single subject. The gist is that at some point after arriving back on the Athena, your character will be given the small device. You hold it, press the button while touching your counter-part and voila, you’re one person. The one holding the device is the one that continues to exist. Feel free to add details about the location, your characters’ thoughts and feelings, and just as important, how you came to the decision which one gets to continue to exist. Remember that your ‘past’ self (the ones still on the ship that didn’t evacuate the Athena) will have slightly different memories than the ‘Current’ version of your character, who went through the evacuation and ship’s destruction. The ones still on the ship won’t have experienced events on the surface. Either way, you’ll all have great fodder for future character development. I look forward to reading each of your pieces!

Also, if you want to do aftermath posts and interact with other characters after the reintegration, please start fresh threads for those and save this one solely for the reintegrations.
Standing on the bridge amongst their crews, the two Fleet Captain Ghubari Koraias gazed at each other. The current version held the integration device in her hand, yet her eyes were locked with her other self. She held the device flat in her palm and open to the other woman. So, to me it makes sense that you stay, but I figure that you would want to argue the point for a minute just for the hell of it.

The Past Ghubari was quiet and thoughtful. One way or another it had to be done, but that didn’t mean they had to like it. She sighed. Always wanting to jump to the noble
self-sacrificing option. You know Konral would have something to say about this. He might
want a say in which wife comes home to him. It wasn’t that she hadn’t thought of this, but they had all been through too much. You should stay for one simple reason- she gestured to Stark and Laraan and R’han- your crew went through something difficult and you led them through that. It seems only right that the captain that remains is the one that those from your time experienced everything with. It would be easier for me to stay and not have that memory, and to have experienced giving that order yet again, but it wouldn’t be right.

Closing her eyes, Current Ghubari cursed the Ancestors for making this other version of herself make too much sense. She felt a hand touch hers and opened her eyes. Past Ghubari had folded her fingers around the device and smiled sadly. “It’s the way it’s meant to be and I’m okay with it. You will be too,” she said aloud.

In many ways it would have been easier for them to do this in the privacy of the ready room, but if the rest of the crew was to do this, then it made sense to set an example and show them the way forward. Current Ghubari nodded. “Alright then,” she said softly, reaching her hand out to cup her other self’s elbow.

“Tell Konral-“

“I will. Promise.” And without delaying the moment any further, Current Ghubari pressed the button. Everything became a shimmer of light and odd sensations, not unlike a transporter. She had a strange thought that she hoped none of her crew would develop a transporter phobia from this experience, but the process finished before she could acknowledge that though.

She stood alone.

Without so much as a reaction on her face, she simply passed the device to the next person. “Next! Keep it orderly. We’ve got a large crew to get through.” Leaving everyone, and her senior staff to manage things for the various departments, Ghubari sought sanctuary in her ready room.

Fl. Captain Koraia, CO (Once again the only one)

Stark looked at himself and looked back at himself. He had argued hard and long with Michail about why there should be two of him and had ultimately lost. Michail’s point had been succinct. It was forbidden and both the Aegis and many others would hunt down and kill both versions if he didn’t comply. His point about multiple copies or Pierce running around had also scored some points with both dark haired Caitian’s, too much of a good thing meant too much of a bad thing as well and a universe that was going to get seriously overpopulated in the long run.

Future Stark held the device and hugged himself. Pressing the button he felt disoriented as his mind melded with his mind and then the overlapping points started to mesh and the feeling subsided. He felt a sense of profound loss as if he had just watched himself die but lived to remember it. He stood staring at the device like a snake and then readily handed it to the next in line. He couldn’t look at anyone, especially Laraan, what was coming next was just going to be too hard. He strode from the room without a backward glance. He would apologise later but right now he needed to get to a holodeck and kill something.

Stark Nightstalker CIO

Liam took the device with a frown then walked purposely toward the science labs.

When the doors hissed open, his eyes caught the mirror image of himself. The man was hunched over the stone, analyzing and attempting to find dead end answers. Frustration laced his figure while he paced from counter to another seeming to come up empty each time. He was an ignorant individual, Liam thought, struggling over the stagnant situation.

Unlike others, he didn’t see this experience as ending a life. It was about which memories could he live with. His past self hadn’t been hauled through a plot that should’ve been in a sci-fi holo novel or would have to live with those consequences. He exhaled through his nostrils and leaned against the wall, waiting for his past self to become aware of his presence.

In the meanwhile, a dark thought flashed into his mind causing his eyes to close for a moment.

Did he honestly want to exist with this set of memories?

The question drove a worrisome nail in his brain. He had a choice over which one of the ‘Liams’ existed. The urge was tempting to just eliminate the memories from his mind and move forward. He would be happy with it until his crew members brought up the mission. Then his past self would forever loath his future self for denying him knowledge. This made his answer obvious.

By this time, his eyes opened to reveal his past self glaring at him. A heavy set frown lined his jaw and his eyes hardened, not liking one bit the doppelganger before him.

“With you being here, I’m sadly disappoi-,” past-Liam began, only to be cut off by his counterpart with a hand gesture.

“Yes, I do know better and it wasn’t by choice. Now, it’s time to fix things,” a device was held out in full display.

“Let’s get this over with…” Past Liam sighed as they grabbed each other’s arm, bracing for the effect.

Future Liam pressed the button. A shift in time rattled through their being as they merged into one, memories mingled then one set overwhelmed the other. A sense of emptiness drowned the current Liam before he passed on the device. Now, the true test would come.

–CSO, Liam J. Madison, Sci

Dan walked in to the science lab just as his DH was integrating with his past self. Thinking to himself That didn’t look too bad Dan searched around with his eyes until he located his past self. As their eyes met, past and present Dan walked towards each other.

“Well this is it, I reckon” past Dan said as he looked at the device present Dan was holding. “Yes. In a way it is” present Dan said. “As scientists we are certainly not strangers to obliteration by incorporation though. ” Noting a PADD on a work station, present Dan asked if there were any notes his past self wanted to leave. Past Dan replied that no there would be no point to such an endeavor and reached out his hand. Present Dan took the hand and pressed the button on the integration device.

Dan felt a slight tingling as the integration occurred. When it was over Dan looked over at his DH and said “You know Chief. I’ve seen some weird stuff during my time in Star Fleet, but this is by far the weirdest.”

Ensign Dan Jones (Scientist)

In the Main Sickbay, the office of the Chief Medical officer was closed and darkened for privacy. Inside two dark-haired Scotsmen sat opposite each other in silence, carefully eyeing the strange device lying on the table. The ruffled, dirty and fairly injured Ben had just finished regaling himself of his.. their?.. adventure/s?… It was confusing for sure. The other, past, clean Benjamin stood up and went behind the desk. He tapped a command and the drawer opened and he withdrew a large metal flask, moving back to his seat he opened it and took a sizable gulp before handing it to his ruffled counterpart and sitting back down. Ben graciously accepted the man’s flask… his own flask and took an identical sip.

“Well your first mission seemed to have been a lot more interesting than mine,” Cleanjamin said with a sad smile “So you push that and we merge, I stop existing and you continue on?” He asked whilst staring on the floor. Benjured took another larger sip before returning the flask “Well sure that’s one way of looking at it. I’d rather think it’s like you-me, jumping into the future to inhabit me-me” Cleanjamin chuckled at his own joke, well his others own joke. “Yeah I guess, besides that does sound like proper good experience, getting to do real doctoring, saving lives and slaying beasts” He took another swig and passed the flask, “I think that’s some memories we need, the experience we should have. Especially now that we’re going to be entering our forties.” Benjured emptied the flask and stood up, threw it on the table and looked at the merger device “So do we flip a coin, draw straws or do I get two kills in one day” They shared the laugh for the first time. Cleanjamin stood up and took the device, eyeing it carefully “Yes, I’v.. We’ve always been curious what killing ourselves would feel like.” He tossed the device to himself “Besides what would Mother and Father say if two of us came home, they’d have a fit… and Jack, he’d never let us live it down”

Benjured, no Benjamin smiled at himself and put out a hand. He took it and they shook. Then they hugged. “I don’t know if you’ll remember this, I hope you won’t” Past Benjamin whispered, “But if you do know that this is only” He wasn’t going to say anything. He truly wished he hadn’t “When beggars die there are no comets seen” There was a pause. A short pause followed by a chuckle from his past self “The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.” There was a click, a merging of time and space and then silence. Empty and sad silence. Ben looked at the device in his hand and frowned. He gently placed it on his desk, grabbed the now empty flask and placed it in his pocket and turned around. Without so much as a sound, he left the Sickbay.

Dr Grey - CMO

Karina had helped Grey into his office and headed for the back of medical. She say down, or rather, collapsed into one of the chairs and dropped her head into her hands. Tears began to flow as the adrenaline ran out of hey I’m a rush that left her gasping for breath and shaking.

A cool cloth touched her forehead and her hand reached up to encounter another hand. A soft voice whispered, “Sshhhhh.... Easy. Nice, even breaths. You’re going into shock.” The voice soothed her, like listening to…

Opening her eyes, Karina looked up. And into her own face. Or rather, into a face that looked like her. “You…” She couldn’t think of what she was gonna say. Her mind was confused. She felt like she was looking into a mirror, yet she knew that it wasn’t really her looking back.

“It’s ok,” the duplicate her said. “They told us there be confusion. The meeting of timelines can be difficult.” She nodded to a small device beside them on the medical bed. “You press that button and there will only be one of us.”

Karina shook her head, still confused, but her breathing was starting to steady itself. Her duplicate removed her hands but let Karina keep the cold cloth for her head. “How do we choose who stays and who goes?” But the doppelganger merely shrugged.

“I don’t know. But if we can choose, it should probably be you. Whatever you’ve gone thru is something that had made you stronger.” She smiled and dropped to squat on the balls of her feet so Karina didn’t have to look up at her. “I can tell. And something tells me that bonds have been forged as well.” She glanced to the darkened office where the CMO was closeted with his own double.

Karina, from the surface, shook her head and laughed but it was shaky. “Trust me. I’m sure he’s got better things to do than worry about me.” It made her wonder though, would the Doc from the surface be the one to emerge, with memories of the hell they’d loved thru? It would the other Med Chief walk out, glad he wouldn’t have to have the nightmares. Karina glanced back at her double and nodded. “I learned a lot… We needed that.”

The doppelganger reached up and took the device. Her pristine uniform looking almost blindingly crisp and cared for. Holding it flat in the palm of her hand, she held it in front of the worn, beat up, haggard Karina. Her uniform burned, filthy, and no longer serviceable. “Thank you… For doing what I hadn’t.” She whispered.

Worn out Karina nodded. “You’re welcome…” She pressed the button and a light burned brighter and brighter till Karina raised her arm and winced against the blinding pain of the glare.

She must have lost time, because when the light was gone, Karina looked around and saw the door to the office was open. Wincing in pain, she rose up and moved as quick as her sore body would allow. She hurried to the hallway, but it was vacant. She’s missed him. Clutching to the now warm cloth in her hand, Karina headed for her quarters.

Ens Karina Niles
Doctor (the one from the planet)

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