Holodeck- All Sorts of Knowing

Posted Sept. 27, 2022, 2:24 p.m. by Lieutenant Junior Grade Janna Kingston (Counsellor) (Lindsay B)

Posted by Captain Orvos Legen (Commanding Officer) in Holodeck- All Sorts of Knowing

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Janna Kingston (Counsellor) in Holodeck- All Sorts of Knowing


“I’ll do my best to shoulder the burden,” she deadpanned as she once again donned the cortical monitor Ben had asked her to wear. She had taken it off last night for obvious reasons even knowing that that data might have bene gold for the doctor. It was just far too personal and this between her and Orvos felt like something she wanted to protect for a little while longer. She felt less like he might get scared off and bolt, but there was so much unknown here and making it all public felt like too much.

Moving through the corridors with him, Janna walked at a relaxed pace even as she was eager to see the place from her… his dreams. Memory. Whew! This was going to get complicated to think about, and for a brief moment she wondered just how far it would all go. Did these abilities of hers have an ultimate limit? Would they keep evolving. So many things unknown and for the first time in many years, Janna Kingston didn’t know what was going to happen and didn’t have a plan to how to handle it. Others might laugh at the idea, but this felt about as risky as it got for her.

~Janna Kingston, CNS

Orvos had been given the day off after his promotion. It was a courtesy from the captain for him. And right now, he was supremely grateful for it.

Things had escalated quickly with Janna, and the train didn’t appear to be stopping any time soon. To be fair, he didn’t want it to.

Seeing her put on the monitor once morecaused a slew of feelings within him. He didn’t want her to have to wear it, but he understood it’s point. And for her own safety and perhaps peace of mind, it was a good idea. But inwardly, he relished the idea of her having tossed it aside many hours ago, breaking the rules in probably the best way possible. It was exhilirating for him to witness.

After donning some clothes himself, he opened the door of his quarters. “Shall we my dear?” he asked as he led the way to the holodeck.

“Yes,” she said, resisting the urge to want to slip her hand in his. It was one thing to do so in private, but quite another out in the corridors. Even if they weren’t trying to be discreet, she would never want to compromise him professionally. Still, as they entered the turbolift, she couldn’t help that her mind drifted towards more salacious thoughts. Even if she kept her hands to herself, she couldn’t help but smirk.

It had not taken long for the pair to arrive at a vacant holodeck. He uploaded the program, but paused before entering. Orvos then turned to face Janna.

“Very few people have gotten to see this. And it will reamin that way. They had to. But I want you to know now…I want you to know about it.”

Janna considered him carefully, that knowing within in her flaring. Orvos was letting her in and it was no small deal. It meant something on a profound level.

He then turned to face the holodeck doors and entered. As they entered they found themselves in the center of a small city center, bustling with activity. Clouds overhead gave the effect of rain to appear soon. The setting felt much older than what the El Aurians likely had available to them for technology.

He slowly walked further in, allowing the doors to close. Turning once more to Janna, he said, “Welcome to the Recreation of the El Aurian homeworld…my homeworld.” He gave a small smile, clearly opening more to her than he had done with most anyone to this point.

-Commander Orvos Legen, XO

Janna was entranced as she soaked it all in. “I’m honoured,” she said softly before she slipped her hand in his. “Show me the parts you love most,” she said, so much more a request than a demand, but still with a measure of intensity.

~Janna Kingston, CNS

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