Bridge Main Sim

Posted Jan. 4, 2021, 1:40 p.m. by Gamemaster Deus Ex Machina (GM) (Luke Hung)

Posted by Commander Jacen Drayke (Chief Engineer/2O) in Bridge Main Sim

Posted by Gamemaster Deus Ex Machina (GM) in Bridge Main Sim

Posted by Lieutenant River Styxx (OIC Marine) in Bridge Main Sim
Posted by… suppressed (32) by the Post Ghost! 👻
“What would keep you from moving troops from your ship to ours, or taking more people than you promised, or even putting a bomb on our ship?” The line disconnected for a moment.

=^= Our good will =^= Jen said to empty space as the line disconnected. It was good for them to start pondering such things.

Then, to whom was on tactical. “Their base is likely in the area. Launch a probe to scan around. Power signatures. Communications. Exhaust trails.”
- Jen

“We will send two officers with the power to negotiate in a shuttle, with a pilot. You can take the two officers and the pilot will return the us.” The voice was very suspicious.

Their reply relieved Jen; while it didn’t precisely have everyone stand down it did circumnavigate the sticky bit about trying to beam anyone through their shields. For now that secret was safe. =^= That is acceptable =^= Jen replied.

The probe launch would resemble a photon torpedo launch, at least initially. The probe was armed and launched in a matter of moments. ‘Class Three probe away.” The tactical officer looked about for a moment.

“Set it on a course that would suggest that it was mapping the region rather than sniffing about for something in particular,” Jen said. “Though it could accomplish both.”

A few moments later a pair of fighters peeled off from their landing patterns and moved in pursuit of the probe. Neither the probe of the fighters were moving quickly as neither seemed to want to risk colliding with a randomly moving rock.

Unidentified Pirate

Not unexpected, Jen thought. Let’s see if they get excited about anything.
- Jen, XO

=/\= Commander we are go in the conference room,=/\= she signaled the executive officer.

Captain Kelly Bordeaux

=^= Thank you Captain. The pirate vessel is launching a shuttle. They will be in range shortly. =^=

In under 5 minutes all the fighters aside from the two that were in a loose pursuit of the probe had returned to the carrier. A few moments after that a shuttle departed the carrier with three life forms aboard. Two were in the rear of the craft, most likely the officers assigned to negotiate, and one in the front who was doing the piloting. The shuttle either didn’t have shields or didn’t have them active moved slowly out of the asteroid field. They were in transporter range in soon after that. =^=We are ready, Federation Atlantis.=^=


=^= Captain, shuttle is in range. We are initiating transport to you =^=

=/\=Ready,=/\= Kelly replied from the conference room.

Then to the shuttle =^= Thank you. Stand by one moment. =^=

He turned to tactical =^= Lock on and transport - with all security transport protocols initiated. =^= he said.
Jen, XO

Captain Kelly Bordeaux

The transporter automatically scanned and drained the energy weapons both officers carried. It was unable to deactivate the knife in the taller man’s boot. The were a few other metal items of note, but not of significant size, perhaps no longer than a bobbie pin in one officer’s hair. There were also metal and non metal pieces that were on the front of both of their tunics… unknown purposes at this time, but they could be badges or rank insignia pinned to their shirt. It would be better understood when they materialized.


“Send the scan results to Commander Mardusk,” Jen said. This operation ‘looked’ calm on the surface but it was nothing like that. This was, he was sure, a battlefield strategem. All the pieces had not been played and Jen was not going to put all his on the board yet. They were one ‘Queen’ on the board and needed to take care.

“Split screen on the main viewer. Let’s see what is happening in the conference room and hear what they have to say. Mute on our end,” he continued.
- Jen, XO

Jen hit the comms. =^= Jen to Lt Styxx. To the bridge. On the double. =^=

He turned back to the science and/or tactical station. “Have we anything yet on the probe in mapping this asteroid field and identifying any pirate enclaves? Communcations? Exhaust trails? Buoys? And what is that carrier doing right now?”

  • Jen, XO

The probe would take several hours for even a cursory search, presuming they excluded the fringes of the asteroid field knowing the large and more concealed asteroids were more likely the site of a ‘secret’‘ base.

Catching the cue, Jen was already shifting toward the orb and saying to it. “What is Fansca Water? What is it similar to from our database?”
- Jen

The orb chimed in “Fansca a common beverage drunk among several races, but most frequently by Alfans. The chemical compound is a registered under the interstellar patent office and can not be distributed without consent and a nominal payment.” It paused. “This orb can update the information into your computer system for your convenience, without notifying the patent office.”

Patent issues. Jen didn’t mind wrestling with beings but not the revenue agency. “Please just indicate in our database what is the closest match.”

“According to the limited access afforded, It is most similar to lime flavored carbonated water.”


“Probe has nothing yet,” Nash replied, “It’s going to take a while to investigate the field.”

Lt Cmdr Nash, CTO

Jen wanted to move the pieces on the board, but, as the pirate said, they were like vigilantes in their space. And they knew they were wounded. The invitation to aid them was generous but then they only saw something beneficial in the pact. Who to trust? It would be irony if the most trustworthy were the pirates, but who were their patrons that they could field such ordinance?

He stood and moved to where Nash was and looked at the board. “If I was a carrier in space going into this asteroid field, where would I go?” he asked. Jen could answer and he might be wrong or right, but Nash was the TO and more experienced in naval operations.
- Jen, XO

There were high tactical advantages for a small ship, fighters, in an asteroid field. Larger ships were at a disadvantage, so the pirates… could have simply sought out the asteroid field for the tactical value.

Jen had another tack to take. “Orb, compare the ship design of the pirate fighter craft and their vessel with known ship designs in this quadrant of space for similarities and probable place of origin regarding construction.”

While he was waiting he opened the comms. =^= Jen to Shuttle Away Team. Sitrep please. =^= He knew they had an eye on the pirates. What they didn’t have was a good eye on their away team.

“Can we get a scan on the space around the freighter and our shuttle?” he inquired, wanting to know what was going on around them. There may be one pirate but who was to say there weren’t more around there? The Pirate was right, they were alone and acting on their own principles - though they were in the right - but they needed to take care of their own too.
- Jen, XO

The scan returned not as much as the XO would have liked. The sensors were reduced by about 25% which wasn’t incredible and they could see the carrier and fighters with clarity, but in terms of covering an asteroid field it would be cause a notable delay. The math suggested that the probe would take weeks, not hours.


“Tactical, can we get a scan of our shuttle and the freighter?”
Jen, XO

The return scan of the shuttle and Freighter was of long range and low quality. There were three large ships, one was the Freighter… the other two were identified as ships of the Nine, the engine emissions were pretty clear about that. It could have been a trick but there was nothing else that seemed amiss. A fourth ship was moving away at medium warp. It probably was the Endorian ship Frontier, but she was further away and she was of superior quality so her engine signatures were harder to scan at this distance.


Jen took in the report with a nod. His focus had been on the deliberations from the pirates. They were smooth in their attempts to bring them to their side as an ally but the risk for them to do so was too high. The pirates knew they were alone and he was sure they would risk an attempt to take the ship for the tech they had knowing that they had no one to back them up. He was not as concerned about the ‘meal’ offered. There was little to gain to take them hostage. No political points. There was no overarching value in them at the moment in being newcomers. But Jen did want the ship to get repaired and if it meant a small deal with the devil he was willing to barter. The captain would not likely agree and he could see the reasons. Jen would simply rather barter with mercantile partisans rather than political ones. That said, he would make sure the marines were prepared for an assault and extraction if need be. It was never a bad thing for them to stretch their legs, or as another put it, put the dogs out for a run.

=^= Their ship hull is polarized. Not strong but transporters are a no go through them. =^= he transmitted to the team so they would know how to answer.
OOC: Finally back! Holidays … not good for a Wookiee’s posting ability ..

Jen watched the conclusion of the initial talks . His face was impassive though his antennae were shifting about following the pathways of his thinking. They were amenable but they were not at the advantage. Had they had it the ship would have been pillaged in all likelihood. And would still if they had the opportunity. They yet had to be careful. he didn’t believe they were entirely sincere - only sincere enough to try to get what they couldn’t at the moment get by force. Were they in desperate need to repair? Not desperate but it would be good to have opportunity. One of the principal planets in the area may be better than with pirates, though at what cost? If they didn’t have replication ability they could ‘make’ gold or jewels for trade, an information transfer of their space that was not classified or tactical. They had an inroad in the transport for a ‘reference’. He needed to review the conversation again to go past first impressions.
- Jen, XO

Now that this was tentatively concluded his attention went back to the shuttle. Where where they at there? It wouldn’t be good to have all their ducklings so far away especially if they were going to travel further. =^= Atlantis to Shuttle Odin. Status report please. =^=
- Jen, XO

OOC: Bump ..

Jen was sitting, leaning forward in the seat, a single index finger tapping at his chin. A reply was taking too long. “Scan the area of space around the Odin. Are they moving? Are any other ships around it?”

=^= Atlantis to Shuttle Odin. Sit-Rep. What is your status? =^=

The others were in the shuttle bay He should look into that too. =^= Jen to Commander Mardusk. How is the farewell going? =^=

“Tactical. Split main screen. One to the Pirate ship, one as a visual to the shuttle bay, a third to the shuttle area of space and a fourth to a tactical outlay of the area around us.” It was at this time that he wished he had the Chimera and flights of fighters to run support.
- Jen

The Odin was several light years away and thus the scan was very general. The shuttle was still attached to the Freighter. Three cruiser sized ships were in close proximity. The last report indicated that these were ships of ‘The Nine,” which was the same flag of the freighter.

The visual of the Pirate ship was more precise but frequently an asteroid of varying size clouded the picture. The Carrier was just waiting out there only maneuvering on occasion to avoid a rock that was too large for their polarized hull to safely repulse.

There were no unexpected contacts in the fourth display.


Jen was focusing on the cruisers. It would be just their luck to be caught between an iceberg and a hard place. They would be in a dilemma themselves with the Starfleet ship helping their freighter while on the other hand collaborating with the enemy. They could claim to have been chasing them down but then, like a cat who had caught a prey too large to eat, was in a standoff.

His fingers pointed toward the screen. “Those cruisers. Those ships of the Nine. Plot their course from when we’ve had them on sensors. Where are they going?”
- Jen, XO

The ships of the Nine were dispatched from Base 5 at approximately the same time the Atlantis. They happened to be notably slower not surpassing Warp 5 while the Atlantis ran off the pirates at a little over warp 7. The Enorian ship also left Base 5 arriving and leaving before the Nine as she was moving closer to warp 6. The separation was all relative to their comparative speeds. The Nine’s ships were escorting the frieghter at this time and was not really going anywhere yet as the Freighter Curiously Strong was not underway yet.


OOC: Pasting in ..
=^=We’ll be leaving in a few moments, Sir. And we’re less than two hours from you.=^= She wasn’t sure how fast they’d travel, but giving herself the extra time meant she wasn’t rushing anyone else. After all, she didn’t have the clout to do such things.

Not very busy, Jen thought. The Nine keeping an eye out on its own. The Enorian doing what it was doing. Their shuttle seeming to be the odd person out. Jen was concerned that those on the shuttle didn’t contravene any of their ‘rules’; that kind of thing could be, as one Terran corporal described ‘skitchy’. While it didn’t precisely have a definition, Jen found, simply the saying of the word seemed to connote the meaning.

=^= It looks like the cavalry has arrived to escort the freighter now. Mustn’t overstay our welcome. Transmit when you are away and there on board give a status report. =^=
- Jen, XO

D’vash had gathered all his audio and video surveillance from the meeting with Alfo and Shade and made his way to the bridge.

As the doors slid open, he saw the XO still in the command chair. Assuming the goodbyes with their visitors had not yet concluded he moved toward Jen.

“Commander, as you can see from the screen, the parlay is over. I have everything recorded and will be sharing with the command staff. I didn’t notice anything that stood out to me, but having more eyes view the proceedings can’t hurt. Mr. Alfo is well-trained for a pirate, genial, pleasant, cordial. . . very likely he has alot of experience in diplomacy and negotiations. Shade on the other hand is more like a predator ready to strike at the first sign of weakness.’

Odinson (CIO)

Still focused, Jen slowly turned to Odinson, his antennae more animated than he was appearing. He had worked with Intelligence a number of times. Some were down in the trenches types and some were office types. Both had their uses that could be invaluable because they had a perspective that was not likened to the mission but the item in question. “They did not act like pirates. They looked to me more like a military crew dressed like pirates but acting the part. The armed escort in the shuttle. The pair - Alfo and Shade - working in synch. The fact that it would take such a massive amount of resources to build such a carrier would suggest to me that this is less of a pirate operation but more of a tactical operation of one of these system powers to undermine the balance of power in the sector. Add to that a base that is equipped enough to handle a carrier and supply and support it suggests either a significant patron or a system power that is bankrolling this operation.” He glanced again at the screen then back to Odinson. “Opinion?”
- Jen, XO

“I would tend to agree, Commander. Unless they are former military personnel that have to turned to piracy due to circumstances. The privateers of Earths 16th century were basically navy crews given a marque to legally practice piracy, often with the financial backing of the king or queen. If these people are being backed by some government, official or otherwise, they could very well have control of a large area. Earth’s pirates did try to set up their own colony and government at one time in Nassau, Bahamas.”

Odinson (CIO)

As soon as Jen got indication that the shuttle was away and moving he tapped the comms. =^= Jen to shuttle Odin. Now that you are away. Status report. What can you tell me about these people? Impressions? According to our intel the Nine are rigid in their society and not open to outsiders like us. =^=
- Jen, XO

OOC: Pasting in the two replies cross posted ..
Ashlynn responded =^=Commander, we learned that there are multiple trade routes in this area that all end at a place called Base 5. This route is one of the furthest out and thus is not as protected. The Captain of the Curiously Strong indicated that it is believed that the pirates are camped out all along the trade routes, and they never know when they are going to pop up so to speak.=^=

Jen looked toward Odinson as Mardusk called him. =/\= Mardusk to Odinson. Hope you have your new team put together. I think Skipper ‘You want a bad idea? I have your bad idea right here‘ just activated them. Oh, and you have about two minutes to find a transponder capable of being tracked and hidden on a her person. Meet in the shuttlebay.=/\=
Mardusk, CoS

“Who is available to task?” Jen inquired. The other conversation could wait. If the Captain could do something unconventional like traipse off to a pirate ship then so could he.

=^= Jen to Engineering. Mr Drake. I need you for something .. sensitive. =^=

=/\= Drayke here… would you like me to meet you on the bridge sir? =/\= Jacen asked, curious as to what Jen would need.

=^= Jen to Lt Styx. Please report to the Bridge. =^=

Jen, XO

A small smile crossed his features. This was something that would either get him fired or well, only almost fired. =^= Mr Drayke. How long would it take you to build a cloaking device for a runabout? =^= He knew there would be questions around that, though to those he had answers.

=/\= Legally speaking I cannot make one of these, but theoretically, speaking… 8-10 hours? Do I need to ask why or should I just go la la la really loudly until the SIS comes for me?=/\= Drayked replied with a swagger and mirth that often came from him.

=^= Acknowledged Sir =^= Came River’s reply. Moments later the stern Marine CO appeared on the bridge. She looked for the XO and walked towards him. You wanted to see me sir” she said respectfully

Lt Styxx (Marine OIC)

“At ease,” Jen said automatically, his eyes flickering over her uniform in what was again another conditioned habit, of inspections. “I did,” he continued. Half swiveling to the main viewscreen that had four different screens up, two of them with tactical information flowing along a margin. “That,” he said, “Is this sector’s equivalent of a pirate ship.” He said that with a tone that suggested he didn’t quite believe it. “If you are not aware yet, they attacked a freighter. We chased them out here and are in a bit of a stand off. We have them, and they surrendered, but we are not in any authoritative position to do anything about it, having been swept into this region where Starfleet is far far away. They are,” Jen paused. How much was necessary to say? “They are offering help to us in effecting repairs. Somewhere in this asteroid field is their base.” His lips curled into a thin smile. “How would you storm a Carrier? Or would you?”
- Jen, XO

River’s uniform was immaculate as expected the only addition where her side arm holstered on her belt along with a sheathed knife. She looked at the screens and thought for a few seconds “If I didn’t have good intel i wouldn’t, I’d send ten marines in and lose eight. However if I had good intel” she said a sadistic smile on her face “then the fun would begin. I can think of three ways to do it. The first is, I would beam marines in EV suits onto the hull of the ship to either cut through the ships hull with cutting charges, or get in through access hatches. By the time the crew of the ship go suited for an exterior fight we would already be in and causing havoc. The second would be if I could secure the hanger I would send marines in with heavy weapons teams on shuttle to secure the hanger and fight through the ship form there. The finale way would be beaming marines into strategic areas of the ship to take them, the bridge, engineering a so on.” She said simply she would need time to plan any of those assaults but that is what she would do.

Lieut Styxx (OIC Marines)

Drayke, CE

OOC: Not forgotten about you .. just ran out of time today but wanted to get the engineering portion started. More later .. Gene

Bump to keep it active

OOC: Don’t forget there is over two thousand people over there.


Drayke, CE

OOC: He can’t build a classical Alpha Quadrant cloaking device. He perhaps can build a device that would hide a ship from this sector’s scanning methods.

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