USS Turing

The USS Chimera is a Mjolnir-class Vessel. It is assigned as a Marine Expeditionary Vessel and Carrier, designed for rapid response missions that have a requirement for highly trained and prepared Marines.

Captain's Log

Captain's collar Captain Freja Andreassen played by Kat Dedul

Welcome to the Chimera! Currently, we are just about to start our new mission with Kirt as our GMT. If you're not sure where to jump in, prod me in Discord or shoot me an email and we'll brainstorm some ideas together.

If you're interested in joining our intrepid crew, drop me an email or you can find me under the nickname Bumblebee!

XO's Log

Cmdr's collar Lieutenant Commander Lunan Farrah played by Kieron Hoult

XO Words of Wisdom go here.

GM and Sim Notes

GM's collar GMT Kirt Gartner

Name of Sim: "It came from Subspace!!!"

the First post is up Now a quick note While Kat has assured me no issues with a graphic(but still STF Appropriate) Horror Sim have been raised I want everyone to know that If at any time something becomes too intense please Let myself Kat or Kieron know we want everyone to be comfortable with this while enjoying a good Horror story that will have everyone shaking in their boots!

Important Posts:

the Fleet Rolls out!:

Transporter Room Senior Staff Gathering:

DS9 Meeting Room The Meeting of Mystery:

Alert Status


Department Orders

Gold Lt's collar


Lt. Jeffrey "Bob" Jeffers (Played by Tom Hillman)

Run diagnostics on the ships systems to make sure we're ready when the next mission comes down.

White Lt collar


Lt. Drake Burcham (Played by Rusty Boshankles)

Take inventory of your medicine and equipment stocks to make sure that sickbay is ready when the new mission starts.

Red Lt (JG)'s collar


Lieut(JG) Melanie Hall (Played by Christopher Logan)

Run security drills with your team to keep your department ready for when the action starts.

Teal Lt's collar


Lieut(JG) Jasper Edwards (Played by Tejay Fairfax)

Work on side projects until mission orders come down.

Teal Lt's collar


Position Vacant (Contact CO to Apply)

Identify crew who are due (or overdue) for their psych evals and get them done.

Gold Lt's collar

Commander Air Group (CAG)

Lt. Col. Krin "Hannibal" Lardel (Played by James Sinclair)

Run training missions to keep your fighters in top condition.

Gold Lt's collar

Commander, Marine Batallion

Lt. Col. Drangon Cull (Played by James Sinclair)

Run training missions to ensure the marines are in peak condition for the next mission (as always).

AWOL Policy

  • Command Staff: 3 days
  • Department Heads: 5 days
  • Junior Officers and Swings: 7 days

If you ever need an LOA then please use the LOA setting in the profile page. LOAs longer than 30 days are subject to removal from the ship (but warmly welcomed back upon return).

Useful Links

Current Vacancies

  • CE
  • CSO
  • JOs in All Departments

MOTD designed by Sharon Miller. Last updated 10 Sept 2024.

Rank Character Position Species Age Height Weight User Status
Captain Freja Andreassen Commanding Officer Betazoid (Human Grandfather) 37 6'0" 178lbs Katherine Dedul AWOL (3)
Lieutenant Commander Lunan Farrah First Officer Bajoran 36 5'5 225 lbs. Kieron Hoult OK (2)
Lieutenant Colonel Krin "Hannibal" Lardel Commander, Air Group (CAG) Zakdorn 44 185 lbs 5'9" James Sinclair AWOL (7)
Lieutenant Colonel Drangon Cull Commander, Marine Battalion Xindi-Reptillian 37 Standard Years 6'11" (1.82 meters) 487 lbs. (221 kgs) James Sinclair AWOL (7)
Major Manika-Esp 2IC, Marine Battalion Aurelian-Skorr Hybrid 30 6'5" 130 lbs Jennifer Ward AWOL (7)
Lieutenant Jeffrey "Bob" Jeffers Chief Engineer Human/El Aurian 35 5"8 9st 5lbs Tom Hillman OK (1)
Lieutenant Drake Burcham Chief Medical Officer Human 31 5 feet 10 inches 190 lbs Rusty Boshankles AWOL (13)
Mar. Captain Shraan 'Shifty' M'alek Pilot, Air Group Caitian 34 5'11" 197 Ryan Williams OK (6)
Mar. Captain Siraa ‘IRIS’ sh’Rharror Squadron Leader, Air Group Andorian 28 6' 4" 185 lbs Jennifer Ward AWOL (12)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Melanie Hall Chief of Security Human 22 6'9" 120 Christopher Logan OK (0)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Jasper Edwards Chief Science Officer Human 33 5'7 119lbs Tejay Fairfax AWOL (10*)
Gamemaster Fossa GMM Theoretical Fossa Sage Pennington
Gamemaster GMT Phoenix GMT Mystical Bird Ageless 29'032 Feet 0.000289 Ounces Kira Gartner OK (1)

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