WINNER - BEST SHIP 2021 & 2024

USS Leviathan - NX-90407 - Anomaly Recovery Unit (ARU)


“Keep Calm and Contain”

This directive was issued on [REDACTED] 2301, by order of Rear Admiral Vincent T. Jansson

The Anomaly Recovery Unit (ARU) is a Top Secret Starfleet division, tasked with the recovery, containment, and study of those entities classified as 'space anomalies', with the purpose of protecting other Federation vessels and also nearby civilian populations from the anomalies powers or effects.

Ongoing exploration missions by Federation flagships not only increased the Federation's borders and area of influence but also made their existence known to a multitude of species, not all of whom have been hospitable. Indeed, as the number and frequency of attacks on Federation vessels, by previously unknown or unmanaged anomalies, increased, it became necessary to withhold this information from UFP members at large in an effort to protect current and future exploration events. However, without sufficient means to capture, or even study, these anomalies, it was only possible to establish localised quarantine zones in the hope that other passing ships would avoid the area.

This tactic proved to be ineffective.

Thus, the Anomaly Recovery Unit was created and funded from a black budget, reappropriated from various legitimate Federation workstreams. Currently, there are a total of seventeen starships, of various classes and sizes, commanded by ARU personnel. The names and registries of these vessels are classified at level ARU-GAMMA-05 on a strictly need-to-know basis. Cross-ship communications are forbidden as per the terms of ARU-directive [REDACTED] and all reporting is made via ARU central command, headquartered on Starbase 237, in the [REDACTED] area of Federation space.

Command Staff

Leviathan plaque

Alert status
Commanding Officer's collar  Commanding Officer: Brian Richards as Captain Zarcal

"Venture into the celestial abyss, where the uncharted reaches of space unveil a symphony of exotic life, beckoning us to embrace the interstellar dance of discovery." - Cosimo Henao, Sr.

Welcome to the USS Leviathan! This top-secret vessel traverses the four quadrants in search of the weird, the strange, and the unknown.

If that sounds like your kind of thing then we are always on the lookout for new writers to join our hugely talented team, so contact me or our wonderful XO, Ava Henson, and we can talk about bringing you on board.

Commanding Officer's collar  Executive Officer: Ava Henson as Lieutenant Commander Todd Nyman

Welcome to the Levi! We're thrilled to have you aboard this exciting original concept in STF! I'm looking forward to writing with you all and seeing as your characters develop and the Lore that is 'The Leviathan' expands! You are amongst some of the finest writers this fleet has to offer and you are one of them!

“Success is not final. Failure is never fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” - Winston Churchill

Security & Recovery Task Force

Security Chief's Collar  Security Chief: Kieron Hoult Lieutenant Ashara Mavix

CTO Collar  Chief Tactical/Lead RTF Officer: Jennifer Ward as Lieutenant Bethany Kovra Gadi

“Protecting the Stars, Securing the Ship! Security is a journey, not a destination. - Bruce Schneier"

In the next few days a mysterious phenomenon will appear on the Leviathan, so it’s all hands on deck to contain it. But beware, it doesn’t look nearly as dangerous as it is… RTF must be ready for whatever we might encounter.

Target Anomalies

Name Level Type Code Status
Plauge of Madness Newton NG7171806 Active
USS Celeste Newton NG7171805 Inactive
'Rage Muffin' Darwin DA8012059 Inactive

Level Designation Severity
Blue Safe
Green Mildly Dangerous
Yellow Extremely Dangerous
Abell Apocalyptic

Medical & Counseling Departments

Medical Chief's collar  Chief Medical Officer: Amdirgol S as Lieutenant Bradley Maxwell

Chief Counselor's collar  Chief Counselor: VACANT as Lieutenant VACANT

“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.” - Albert Einstein

Whatever is waiting for us, we need every crew member in absolute peak condition, mentally and physically. So call as many evaluations as you require, subject us all to a mountain of tests, whatever you need to do to clear us all for this fight.

Medical Ailments/Issues

Name Ailment Status
Multiple Crew Infected with a disease that causes panic

Counseling Appointments

Name Session Status
Dorian Kelmain Onboarding
Office Hours (Sessions Available on Request)

Science & Research Departments

Science Chief's collar  Chief Science Officer: Luke Hung as Lieutenant Steven Leon Marsh

"It's always the darned Dilithium crystals!" - T'Mara Michaels

The science department is prepared for whatever we encounter on our next mission. We already know we will be charging into the unknown, forewarned is most definitely forearmed!

Contained Anomalies

Name Level Type Description
The Mariner Darwin A shapeshifter that can take on any humanoid form. The default state is a liquid-like substance. Last seen imitating Captain Cobb.
Doctor Schnabel Darwin Bears a resemblance to the ancient 'Plague Doctors', although the creature's 'nose' appears to be formed of biological matter. Must be provided with a dissection specimen daily to prevent the anomaly from dissecting itself.
Davy Jones paddling pool Feynman A child’s paddling pool filled with water - but occasionally when entering into it, the water becomes fathomless and the occupants are swallowed to the depths. Several dive teams have been sent down during an anomalous episode but so far no evidence of the missing children have been found.
Animatum Tunicam Newton Science officer’s tunic that compels someone to put it on but then controls their actions and movements. Other people feel uncomfortable when in the wearer’s presence.

Engineering Department

Engineering Chief's collar  Chief Engineer/Containment Architect: David Bennett as Lieutenant Dorian Kelmain

Engineer's Log:

So many questions still remain on the fate of the USS Celeste. Did the containment for DA8012059 fail? Did the creature find a weakness in its cell? It will be up to you to improve on a possibly flawed design. Once this thing comes onboard the Leviathan, we can't risk it escaping again!

Systems Statuses

Propulsion Systems Warp Core Impulse Engines
Tactical Systems Defensive Shields Torpedos Phaser Arrays
Support Systems Life Support Environmental Support Gravity Plating

Operations & Intelligence Department

Chief Intelligence Officer's Collar  Chief Intelligence Officer: Hjortur Ingi as Lieutenant Commander Adam Magnusson

Chief Operations Officer's Collar  Chief Operations Officer: VACANT (CLICK TO APPLY) as Lieutenant VACANT

Operations/Intelligence Log:

Log Entry Here

Communication Systems Statuses

Information Systems Communications Data Logs
Communication Systems Incoming Transmissions Outgoing Transmissions Universal Translataor
Support Systems Data Support Information Distribution Crew Briefings

Secondary Characters



Please see our policy on Secondary Characters

Current Vacancies

Starfleet Crew:

  • Chief Tactical/Lead RTF Officer
  • Chief Operations Officer
  • Medical Junior Officers
  • Engineering Junior Officers
  • Science Junior Officers
  • Security Junior Officers
  • CO & XO Yeoman

RTF/ARU Crew & Swing Roles:

  • Xeno Exchange Officer and 2IC
  • RTF Officers
  • ARU Researcher
  • Armoury Sergeant
  • Anomaly Containment Specialist
  • Other ideas welcome!?

Contact the Command Staff if you're interested in a position.

Recent Crew Awards

Leviathan Crew Award Ceremony Post

  • Award Spotlight: Creativity Ribbon Award


    The Creativity Award is presented to those who come up with an outstanding idea during a mission. This can be in battle, a diplomatic meeting, medical crises, or even during a shore leave. There is no exacting criteria for the qualifications of this award.

    Award Catergories

    Monthly Awards Descriptions

  • Command Teams Choice
  • Crews Choice
  • Meritorious Newcomer Award
  • Loki Humour Award
  • Friendship Ribbon
  • Heart of Freya Ribbon
  • Helping hand of Valkyrie Ribbon
  • The Leviathan Ribbon
  • The pain of Eir Ribbon
  • The pits of Hel Ribbon
  • Struggles of Hodr Ribbon
  • Technical Ribbon
  • Creativity RIbbon
  • Equality and Diversity Ribbon
  • Please contact the CO or XO to nominate a crew member for an award!

    Posting Limits

    • Command Staff: 3 days
    • Department Heads: 5 days
    • Junior Officers and Swings: 7 days

    If you ever need an LOA then please let either the CO or XO know

    Current Stories

  • Ring of the First Nagus led by Brian Richards [OPEN PARTICIPATION]

  • MOTD designed by Sharon Miller. Updated December 27th, 2024 by Ava Henson.

    Rank Character Position Species Age Height Weight User Status
    Captain Zarcal CO Zaranite 307 177.8cm (5 ft 10 in) 71.66 kg (158 lbs) Brian Richards AWOL (4)
    Lieutenant Commander Todd Nyman XO Vendorian 28 (Legally) 6’ 180 lb Ava Henson OK (1*)
    Lieutenant Commander Adam Magnusson Chief Intelligence Officer Human 51 5'6" - 1.67 152 lbs - 70kg Hjortur Ingi AWOL (8*)
    Lieutenant Bethany Kovra Gadi Chief Tactical/Lead RTF Officer 1/2 Betazoid, 1/4 Human, 1/4 El-Aurian 29 5'7" 140 Jennifer Ward OK (4)
    Lieutenant Bradley Maxwell Chief Medical Officer Human 24 5'9" 130 lbs Amdirgol S OK (2)
    Lieutenant Aasrel Izei Assistant Medical Chief Betazoid 26 5'7'' 150 lbs Lucas Foxley OK (4*)
    Lieutenant Laural Corynn Witley, Ph.D., M.D. Counselor Human 36 5'5" 110 lbs. Lori Miller OK (5*)
    Lieutenant Steven Leon Marsh Chief Science Officer Human 28 6' 1" 182 Luke Hung AWOL (7)
    Ensign Luka Denisovich Scientist Human Tom Manfield
    Lieutenant Dorian Kelmain Chief Engineer/Containment Architect Human (Modified) ??? 6'6"(200cm) 1323lbs(600kg) David Bennett OK (0)
    Lieutenant Ashara Mavix Chief of Security Trill 22 5'6 190 lbs Kieron Hoult OK (0)
    Chief Operations Officer

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