The Sabre - Cera Teller

Posted Dec. 8, 2018, 10:17 p.m. by Lieutenant Commander Jessica Vaughn (XO) (Kate O'Neill)

SNIP link to OMAP Offices - Jessica meets Aedan at the Office

“Aedan,” she repeated as she reached up wrapping her arms around his neck. A sharp pain stabbed into her again causing her to tense up and hold him tighter to her body. Her grip was so strong she was probably choking him some. Jessica didn’t care. She was in his arms and nothing would move her. “Aedan…Garvis,” she said and bit her lip. If Aedan was this calm that meant he had taken care of the situation. How he did this she did not know yet. Part of her didn’t care. “Get me out of here,” she said feeling a wave of panic filling her even though she was with the one man that could save her from anything. “I want to get out of here,” she said trying to stand as another sharp pain coursed through her body. Instinctively her hand went towards the small of her back. She must have hurt herself when she fell to the ground after the first hypo. The pain slowed her for a second but it wasn’t long before she was struggling again to try and find her feet. “Garvis is,”

Another pain gripped Jessica but this one seemed more focused. It also drove all thoughts about Garvis or the attempted kidnapping from her mind. “Holy ducks!” Jessica’s attempts to stand ended as she struggled to catch her breath. Her knees buckled and if Aedan wasn’t holding her, Jessica would have been sprawled out on the floor like a rag doll. “Aedan. Aedan I think I am going to have this baby,” she looked up at him with a bit of nervousness to her eyes. As the second wave hit her the look went from one of nervousness to pure anger. “Now,” she said miraculously transferring the strength her legs were lacking into her hands. Jessica glared at him as her nails dug into his arm. “Why are you just standing here? I am not having this bay....,” she closed her eyes and held her breath. This was not what those stupid Lamaze holos told her to do but logic was leaving her quickly. As the contraction left her body so did the anger as Jessica switched back to looking helpless. “Aedan…I don’t want to have this baby on the hangar deck?”

Jessica felt Aedan bend and then his arm move to the back of her knees. “Wha....what are you doing,” she glared at him. “I am an XO. I have survived cooking accidents and beauty pageants, shuttle accidents and Cardassian attacks. I am not going to be carried out like some beached whale. I can walk if you help me,” Jessica leaned into his body and let him lead her out of the hangar.

Aedan didn’t need to say anything, he just let her feel safe in his arms as he began to walk out. He knew where to go but he wasn’t sure how she could even make it that far. It was then Aedan moved, faster than he felt like he ever had.

She had no idea where they were going. Jessica was only concentrated on putting on foot in front of the other. It felt better to walk and move than stand still. When another contraction seemed to hit faster than the last one Jessica again turned from sweet to grumpy as she froze in her tracks.

“Come on pumpkin, stay with me.” he said, his voice frantic, as his eyes dashed around as he looked for help. Sickbay was to far away, and his ship was close but he wasn’t sure she could make it even there.

“Stay with you. Stay with you,” she said feeling anger boiling up again in her body with the contraction. “If you say that one more time I am gonna blow YOU at an airlock. I am having a baby not pacing for the New York City Marathon. If I could keep up with you I would.” Jessica doubled over and tried to sit down. “Thats it. I want to have this baby in the hangar. I need to have this baby in the hangar. Right now. Right here. Aedan I don’t think I can move any far.....,” her voice caught as she closed her eyes and held her breath.

Nuzzling his neck Jessica tried to breathe like the classes had taught her as Aedan carried her. “I love you. I do. I don’t know why I am being so…oh my god. Oh my god. I think my water bore,” Jessica yelled digging her nails into his arm like a vice grip.

With a shout of pain, and a wetness flowing down Aedan he paused as he put her down on the floor as he began searching for any sign of help. They were just on the outside edges of the promenade. Someone had to be come by shortly, he knew it.

As Aedan set her down Jessica looked at him with a murderous glare. “You stopped. Why have you stopped. You work out all day in the gym. I am not that heavy. Pick me up and get me to the..ughhhhh,” Jessica yelled curling up into a ball. The books had all stated that once your water broke the contractions would increase some. To Jessica, this was an understatement. As the contractions seemed to come in a steady ripple instead of the pulses, Jessica realized that her New Years Resolution this year would be to hunt down the author from the book What to Expect When you are Expecting and feed the author that page.

Meanwhile, a couple walked down an shop as the man clearly was being dragged along. “Katie bug, we are in a rush. I honestly should just be telling one of the officers here to send a ship if it wasn’t for my research and familiarity with the planet. We can’t take this long trying to shop before we get back to the runabout. Captain Calin is going to wonder just why we have been gone for so long to begin with.” Shaun said, knowing his day was going to get longer and more tedious if he didn’t try to reign in his Kate O’Neil, who’s fire red hair and spunky spirit could have made her seemed a sister to Jessica Adams.

“I stopped for one thing. One,” Kate said sighing. “It is not like we have many opportunities to shop but fine we can go.” Shaun was a typical male. While he did not love to shop, he would when the occasion called for it. Apparently, today thought was not that occasion. “Come on,” Kate said moving towards the turbo that would lead them back to the ship. “Just no complaining when I go to bed in sweatpants instead of something from Luxe,” she eyed him with a half smirk. Seeing him not entering the turbo she stared at him perplexed. “Are you coming or,”.

“Wait… no wait.” Shaun said, as he peered behind the wall he could see the two, with Jessica Vaughn slumped over and looking pale. “Sir… sir can I help? I’m a doctor.” Shaun said putting down all the bags Kate had giving to him as he rushed over, he wasn’t sure what happened here but it seemed dire.

“Yes! Yes, Aedan grab him! Don’t let him get away,” Jessica grunted out an order as if Shaun was going to escape or leave her like this.

“You… you are a doctor? I was about to message someone, she just had her water break, I…” Aedan didn’t know this man and was unsure what all he wanted to say. The fact that she was drugged and a corpse of his former friend floated out with the trash didn’t seem like something he wanted to mention at this time. Still he had no clue what Garviz used on her and he knew this man would need to find out.

“Get the cotton out of your ears. He said he was a doctor,” Jessica tried to sit up but struggled to even talk as the contractions rippled through her body with only ten seconds between them. “Aedan…Aedan,” Jessica said loudly but desperately as her hand flailed about looking for his. “Don’t leave me and don’t let me have this baby next to the Taco stand,” she said starting to cry. “I don’t want to tell the Bump it was born under the glow of Tio Pepe’s Burritos and Taquito…ohhhhhhhhs,” she yelled feeling no break from the contractions.

“Yes, Doctor Shaun Grecken, are you the father?” Shaun asked as he took her pulse manually.

“Does that matter. I don’t care who the father is right now. Just give me something and get the baby out,” Jessica snapped at Grecken as he talked to the woman next to him.

He had no tools on hand to check on her as he looked back at Kate. “There should a medical panel nearby love, most of these outposts have then in alcoves like that one back there. Can you grab it for me?” he said as he turned his attention back to Aedan and Jessica.

“Be right back,” Kate said running to the location Shaun indicated.

“Yes, yes I am. Aedan Teller. She is my fiance’, I think she was attacked, I don’t know by who be she appeared drugged when I found her.” Aedan said his eyes begging Shaun to help as he moved back.

“Sweet Mary mother of Joseph are you a theoretical doctor or a practicing one. Aedan find someone new or I will,” Jessica said trying to find her feet. There was no way she could walk but she also could not sit still either.

“We will need to get her to the sickbay, I can stabilize her before we go but do you have any idea what she at all was hit with? Was there any trace of a hypo at all? How did they drug her. What is her name first?” Shaun said as he eyed Teller carefully.

“Yes. Yes a hypo. Give it to me,” Jessica made a rolling motion as if this would speed up Shaun. When Shaun continued to talk Jessica looked at Aedan pleadingly. “Aedan....I…need....that…hypo.” It was getting harder and harder to talk and no one seemed to be listening anyway.

“Jessica Vaughn, and no, I don’t. She had been missing once leaving my office, she was supposed to meet someone to help make the baby’s room and finish it today with a contractor, but he never saw her. She didn’t wear her combadge after she put in her leave, she is XO of the Outpost.” Aedan said, he was trying to sprinkle as many details as he could, but he knew he didn’t need this young doctor poking too far.

“XO? Why isn’t the entire medical staff here?” Shaun said, shocked that this was the outposts XO, which meant he was working on someone high up as he took the medical kit from Kate as he cracked it open, finding the tricorder he began to scan, he contractions where pretty close it seemed. They didn’t have too much time to, site to site transport was a bad idea with her in this state. “I am gonna need to get her on a table, I am not sure we can get her to sickbay in this state… but I would rather not do this in such an un-sterile environment.

“Yes yes, sick bay. He can carry meeeeee. No Tio Ohhhhhhh Peh....pi,” she grunted staring at Aedan to help her.

“I have a ship, my company craft I keep docked the Sabre, it’s maybe a few minutes from here… I can alert my medical staff, there is only a doctor and two nurses but they can prep the ships sickbay for her.” Aedan suggested, with their help he could get her to the sickbay aboard his ship and begin the process of getting the baby out.

“It better be just a few minutes, carrying her for too long is this state is not going to be good for her or the baby, give Kate the location and she can bring up the ship computer to navigate us to your docking zone.” Shaun said as he strapped the kit around his body, motioning for Aedan to take his lead moving Jessica up and having the two of them help get her safely to his ship.

Nodding Aedan pulled out a com from his pocket. =/\= Sabre Medical staff, Teller here. Prep sickbay, medical emergency for Jessica prep for the baby.=/\= he ordered before putting it back into his pocket as he helped lift up Jessica. “It’ll be okay pumpkin, we got you love.”

Jessica could no longer speak as she tried to just focus and not pass out. The pain was overwhelming and she could feel helself becoming dizzy.

“Okay Kate, lead the way… shout if you have to I know you can get people’s attention when needed, strong arm a few if you got to.” Shaun said as he followed her with Aedan next to him as he kept the tricorder focused on Jessica’s life-signs.

~Aedan Teller/ Shaun Grecken

SABRE sickbay

Lt. Commander Jessica Vaughn XO

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