Teller's Quarters Happy Father's Day Aedan Teller

Posted Sept. 5, 2019, 7:42 p.m. by Civilian Aedan Teller (Owner/CEO of OMAP Industries) (Steven Sigle)

Posted by Civilian Aedan Teller (Owner/CEO of OMAP Industries) in Teller’s Quarters Happy Father’s Day Aedan Teller

Posted by Civilian Aedan Teller (Owner/CEO of OMAP Industries) in Teller’s Quarters Happy Father’s Day Aedan Teller

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Jessica Teller (XO) in Teller’s Quarters Happy Father’s Day Aedan Teller
Posted by… suppressed (6) by the Post Ghost! 👻
Three days before Father’s day
Aedan Teller could buy anything in the galaxy he wanted. Homes, vehicles, shuttles, toys, clothes, heck even people could be bought with the number of credits he had at his disposal. This made getting him a Father’s Day gift extremely problematic. Last year it was easy. She framed a pic of Cera from a sonar gram and gave him a count down to the day of the birth. Aedan was thrilled and placed both objects on his OMAP desk. This year however it had been weeks since she had started searching. It was his first real Father’s Day and she was bingo on ideas. Tossing the scanner across the desk Jessica sighed. While being pregnant again would have made this easy, she was not ready for another baby with Cera only being six months old.

“Bwwwwwwww,” Jessica blew a raspberry at their daughter sitting in the bouncy seat on the edge of the desk.

Cera giggled back and imitated the sound causing a large glob of drool to drip down her chin. I love coming to work with you Mommy, she said in her mind. You are silly. Why can’t we do this all the time, Cera was abruptly cut off by a bib covering her mouth and wiping the drool off. She scrunched up her nose giving her mom an annoyed look.

“We are gonna be so happy when you get those teeth in won’t we,” she winked at her tucking the bib down around her outfit.

I’m gonna be happy when you put down that towel every ten seconds. I am six months mom. Drool is cool. All the kids are doing it. You are making…, Cera thought and jerked her face away clearly no longer enamored with her mother. Every time she tried to explain to Jessica something, her mom was there with the towel wiping her face. It was annoying as heck and Cera need to find a way to get her mom to stop.

“Oh my love,” Jessica chased her daughter’s face with the bib. It was annoying as heck to chase her daughter’s face with the towel and Jessica needed to find a way to get Cera to stop. “Now,” she said tucking her bib back down, “lets find a gift for your daddy.

Jessica spent the next two hours surfing Gaggle and Bang trying to find something her husband did not own. When the man owned everything and half the companies she was currently looking at items in the search was as futile as trying to resist Borg assimilation. Shuttles, clothes, art, or romantic getaways were not special to Aedan. Well, that was not entirely correct. They were special to him because he could give these things to Jessica. She had all the credits in the world yet, rarely did she buy a new diamond necklace or sparkling ring. She waited for Aedan to give it to her. The almost giddiness he had when presenting her with a something he picked out made the gift that much more special. For the Tellers, where credits were no option and they possessed stupid money, gifts were all about the reaction from the person. This was his first Father’s day and Jessica wanted a gift where his reaction was speechless.

Cera yawned and sleepily opened her eyes. Her mom was still sitting in the same spot doing the same thing: staring at the computer. Just buy him a tie. That’s what Fredo’s mah mama, she yawned again sleepily wiggling some in her chair as she spoke to Jessica, is doing. Susie said they got her dad a…wait…wait..yes click…click that, Cera got excited squirming in her seat as she saw the greatest gift a daddy could ever want. It was a life-sized fish that when you walked by it, the fish sung a series of songs. This one, however, had a plastic man next to it holding a fishing rod like he just caught it. There was even a spot where you could slip a picture in so the man became whoever you wanted him to be.

“Oh my god, its Martin the Marlin,” Jessica said with a half laugh. The squeak from beside her turned Jessica attention onto her daughter. “Hey, you sleeyp bug? How is my sweet sweet girl huh,” Jessica cooed stroking Cera’s cheek with her finger. Seeing Cera crane her head as if trying to see the console screen, Jessica took her out of the bouncy seat and put her on her lap.

“So we are still trying to find Daddy a gift buhhh ta we are coming up bingo,” Jessica said settling the baby on her lap.

No, we aren’t. No, we aren’t, she yelled happily in her mind reaching for the screen. There was no way her mom could not see the pure perfection of the item on the console or maybe there was. At times neither of her parents seemed to know what to do when the option was so clear to Cera. Maybe if I whack at it I can buy it, she problem solved. Leaning forward with all the trust babies had before they could walk or stand on their own knowing their parents would not drop them, Cera slapped at the monitor with both palms.

Seeing Cera’s reaction brought a smile to Jessica’s face. “Martin the Marlin,” Jessica leaned to the side trying to look at her daughter’s face. Her voice held a quizzical quality to it as she shook her head. “Are you sure,” she said activating the link to the product.

Informercial begins....

Now, on the day I was born
The nurses all gathered ‘round
And they gazed in wide wonder
At the joy they had found

“Oh god your father’s ego does not need that theme song,” Jessica laughed hearing the start of the commercial coming over her speakers. “You know how impossible he will be to live with if we give him this thing?” Still, the appeal of the items was starting to make her grin. Their penthouse was pristine, posh, but still retained that homey feel. This fish, however, would drop the ambiance from upscale London to West Virginia trailer park with each press of the button. It wasn’t that Aedan was a snob and needed expensive things. It was more that he employed people to do the more mundane things like pick the color of the couch once he has said what he wanted from his interior designers.

Stop it my daddy is perfect, Cera said with her eyes stilled glued to the screen. Just like you Martin. She swayed a little to the beat hearing the strong notes of the guitar and drums playing in the song.

“Martin the Marlin is the newest masterpiece being distributed by IFEA toys. Made from premium plastics and the best oak veeneer it would look great displayed on mantles, desks, entry walls and other places to entertain your guests with his snappy renditions of the most beloved songs of the Galaxy such as the Bajan favorite “Take me to the Wormhole”, the Vulcan love ballad “Act Naturally Because We Are Not in PonFar”, the Klingon inspirational song “I Will Survive,” and many other favorites,” the salesman droned on with his perky speil as the song snippets drifted to the next one on the list.

They’re gonna put me in the science academy
They’re gonna make a big scientist out of me
It’s just I’m really just a Vulcan that is happy and lovey for ye
And all I gotta do is act naturally
Cause we ain’t in Pon Far
and I have to control it until we are

“God I didn’t like this song when the Beatles made it back in the dark ages,” Jessica wrinkled up her nose in disgust. This version, however, had a bizarre twang that was almost reminiscent of her beloved country songs. People said to try new thing. Mix things up and be creative but Vulcan’s in-country hats protesting their love using a guitar cut the mood for her like a 8x10 photo of her parents over her bed.

Okay so this song is not the best but look at him mommy, Cera wiggled turning her head to look at Jessica. He can wiggle his butt like me. We have to get him. Daddy wants him. He needs him.

Jessica picked up her personal communicator seeing a message displayed over it from Aedan. Time was running short. She let out a half laugh feeling Cera baby dance on her lap at the silly fish dancing on the screen.

“Yes Martin the Marlin is the perfect cultural ambassador for any occassion such as with this Klingon chart topper,” the salesman said as the song instantly began to play a snippet in the background.”

At first I was afraid, I was petrified
Kept thinking this batliff was so huge by my side
But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And Klingons just don’t ever get along

I love you Martin. I will never love another, Cera said pressing her mouth to the screen in the open mouth sloppy kiss all children first learn. I will let daddy have you for a day but then you are mine. I am gonna hang you over my bed and you can sing to me every night before

“Okay love,” Jessica said pulling her daughter back from the screen. A long line of drool still connected Cera and the fish as if there was a bond between them. “You and I need to get going. We need to meet up with Daddy,” Jessica said hoisting her baby into the small seat.

No buy the fish mommy. Buy the fish, Cera failed trying to point to the screen. Why was this concept so hard for her mom to understand. They had found the perfect present. All she had to do was press the purchase button.

“Okay okay,squirmy wormy I know you want to see daddy just sit still so that we can get you buckled up and ready,” Jessica said in a bit more of a hurried tone. They had spent far more time in her office than she had planned. Aedan would be meeting them in the next hour and Jessica had a few things to get ready before the three of them caught up.

Jessica secured Cera in her car seat as the baby fought against the restraints preventing her from being with her one true love. In her mind Cera imagined fighting out of a fishing net like Martin did just to be mounted on the plaque for her to enjoy forever. Still her bonds held her tight.

Settling in the chair Cera took a deep breath. Martin I will find you, she promised watching the commercial end as Jessica moved about the room picking up odds and ends before they left. There had to be a way to bring Martin the Marlin home. She just needed to find it. It was then she felt it. A small jab in her side. A binky. Normally Cera would just moan or even resort to crying to have the item placed within her reach. Sucking on it soothed her yet nothing felt like it could fix the frustration within her.

As the commercial ended the screen popped up with a large button to purchase the item. It was a huge red target that would bring Cera’s dream of Martin the Marlin home to her.

Desperately needing her binky, Cera tried to free it from beside her. Squirming in her seat, Cera felt the frustration mount. Her fingers did not yet work right. She could grasp things but developmentally she had a palming motion and not the dexterity of a true pincer grip. Darn this body she lamented feeling tears start to form. Martin was hers yet the galaxy and her mother were preventing their friendship and the best Father’s Day she would ever be able to give her daddy. The first tear, followed by the first sniff escaped her as Cera could not bear the second swelling of emotions in her small body. The heartbreak she felt erupted into a saddened anguish that anyone with a soul would understand as pure heartbreak.

“Oh baby girl,” Jessica was instantly at her side. “I…am…so sorry,” she kissed Cera’s cheek trying to comfort whatever was upsetting her daughter. Glancing at the console Jessica knew, with only a mothers instinct, what was wrong. “Baby doll I know you are hungry but if I stop and feed you now we are going to be so late. We will be home in two minutes. Be daddy’s patient girl for me? Not like daddy or I have that virtue in spades. Try this,” Jessica asked softly placing the binky between Cera’s lips.

Wonders of wonders! Miracle of miracles! It was as if her prayers to the universe were met. “Okay love bug lets go home and feed you and meet daddy,” Jessica said hoisting the chair on one arm as she hooked the baby bag on the other. Letting out a small grunt Jessica murmured under her breath. “If Daddy really wanted to get me something useful for Mother’s Day he could have gotten me an actual pack mule,” she groaned.

It was then an idea came to her. Something so easy. She could buy Martin if her mommy wouldn’t. Cera couldn’t be bothered by her mothers whining. She had to save Martin from a life behind plastic and cardboard. Raking her fingers over her mouth, Cera hooked two fingers into the ring attached to the binky. With all the effort of a pitcher from her daddy’s MLGB game, Cera flung the binky at the screen hoping the soft rubber of the nipple would be enough to make the console think it was a human finger and not the top of a pacifier. Sadly Cera would never know if the binky hit or miss the mark. As soon as she had flung it, Jessica was headed to the door.

Lt. Commander Jessica Teller XO

Teller Penthouse

Cera sat on the couch looking miserable as she absently sucked on the bottle Jessica was trying to give her. Nothing seemed to matter now. Everywhere she looked all she could see was the perfect spot for Martin the Marlin. A sad sniff followed but a gasp of air stopped Cera from finishing her snack. How was her Daddy ever going to have a good day when only one thing could make it right and that one thing was gone forever. Hearing the swoosh of the pneumatic door turned but Jessica’s and Cera’s head simultaneously in that direction.

Aedan entered the home looking a bit tired but had a smile on his face. His job wasn’t always grindstone, in fact it truly seldom was. Most part it was meetings and reports and sometimes he had long business trips to OED V, Bajor, Ferengiar, Risa and other planets he had offices in. Ever since he moved his mobile headquarters to the Outpost some logistics changed. He still had his main offices at OED V but all his day to day went through him here.

Today though had just been endless inquiries, people wanting to know about the new show Outpost Whiskey Foxtrot Tango 13. The truth was the title was ever changing but the concept was a new idea, well new to his brand of media. Reality programming… or an approximation of such. In the 20th and 21st century this was all the rave, and he wondered how much he could milk from the old into the new.

Captain Matthew and Commander Jacqueline, the plucky Starfleet officers trying to run a outpost of misfits, it was an idea that he felt would take off if giving the chance.

Still he was happy to be home as he entered, finding Jessica and Cera there he smiled softly at the pair. “Hello my lovely’s.” he said as he put down the briefcase he had and walked over to them.

“Baby,” Jessica said with a happy expression on her face.

Daddy, Cera squirmed until she was half falling out of Jessica’s arms reaching for Aedan to save her.

“We are having the worst day,” both Jessica announced and Cera thought as her mom stood up and handed the baby towards Teller. “She is yours. I have to do two things to do and you need to deal with this for me to do it.” Not caring what Aedan said she handed her daughter off and moved towards the kitchen.

“She is mine you say?” he said as he looked at her and kissed her cheek before cuddling with his daughter as she cooed into his arms. “I can think of worse prizes you could give me.”

Daddy my heart is broken, Cera sniffed and curled up on Aedan’s shoulder. Laying her head down she closed her eyes and let her Daddy hold her. Cera’s body molded as only a baby’s can to his. It was limp as if she was exhausted yet Cera was wide awake. Only her Daddy could make it better.

Patting her back softly he smiled as she cooed to him, her body melding into hers as he felt the weight of it all vanish.

I found you the perfect gift. It was a singing fish and he wanted to come to with me. He wanted to hang on your wall and sing you songs but he is gone and I don’t know what to do, she let out a deep sigh. Make it better Daddy, she thought feeling much better as he held her. Her Daddy always made her feel better even when he didn’t know it.

“Is she falling asleep,” Jessica said coming up beside Aedan and kissing his cheek. Rubbing her daughter’s back, Jessica was happy the baby seemed to be settling. Aedan always seemed to have that effect on Cera. Since the first day when Jessica woke up after giving birth finding Aedan holding her by the window to the endless nights walking the hallway as she cut teeth, to the occasional bump from a toy attack where Cera had hurt herself playing, Aedan always seemed to make Cera’s troubles disappear.

“I think so, see sometimes you just need a new perspective and things are always better.” he said to her as he kissed the top of Cera’s head as he breathed in deeply feeling content and happy.

Cera let out a long yawn and snuggled deeper into the crook of Aedan’s neck. Dah dee she yawned as she spoke. We can’t go with mommy. You have to help me find Mah tin, she yawned again as her eyes grew heavy. Help him daddy. You’re my only hope, she yawned so big her eyes squinted shut as she seemingly babbled herself to sleep. Going to work with Mommy was so hard and took so much energy. Her Daddy had to be a superman in order to leave the house for as long as he did without needed to curl up and take at least one nap. It was then a thought struck her. Maybe her daddy had a bedroom in his office. There had been a few nights she had heard her mommy ask why he didn’t come home. Her daddy had made a bedroom for her in OMAP. It was right across the hall from him. Many times her daddy would come in when she went down for a nap and do his work at the desk he had in the corner of the room. It wasn’t big like the desk in his office but Cera loved to fall asleep seeing him sitting there and waking up to find him in the same position. Maybe her daddy napped in his office like she did during the day. Maybe Martin would love to live in her office. Cera’s mind blended from a thousand thought to nothing as she let the feeling of Aedan’s chest rise and fall put her to sleep on his shoulder.

“God she loves you,” Jessica smiled looking at her husband and daughter. She had planned on Aedan carrying the few bags she was bringing but Cera looked so comfortable and the bags weren’t that heavy.

“Carry her for me,” Jessica said with a sparkle in her eyes. While it was not her day, Jessica was ecstatic to share this day with Aedan. She had planned things down to the last detail and there was no way he wasn’t going to love it. “Now come with me and let me show you how you are never going to forget today,” Jessica said kissing his lips softly.

Lt. Commander Jessica Teller XO

“Oh? No don’t make promises you can’t keep pumpkin.” he said softly as he felt the warmth of Cera on him as her little breath went up and down on his shoulder. “You might not be able to follow through and then look at me, all disappointed and sad… you don’t want to make us sad right?” he said as he glanced at Cera at his shoulder then back to Jessica. “We are a team, you gotta please us both now.”

~Aedan Teller

“It’s the only thing I care about doing,” she said as she slipped her free hand into his.


Jessica stretched out on the flatbed of the beat-up old truck getting comfortable as the sunset. Since this was their first official father’s day, Jessica thought it was only appropriate to go back to the basics. After their first date, Jessica had brought Aedan here with a six-pack of beer and a few barbecue sandwiches. They had sat and talked for hours resulting in the evening sky breaking into a beautiful sunrise. It was only three days after this she had gotten pregnant with Cera which turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to her. Cera’s breath was steady and deep as she slept curled up at the top of the truck bed, while Jessica lounged in Aedan’s arms.

“You have no idea how much I really love you,” Jessica said in a soft voice as she took another sip of her drink. “I know she is only six months but maybe we should talk about having another one. It’s not like we can’t afford it and I would love to have our kids close in age,” she confessed. “So what do you say? Make this father’s day really memorable?”

Instantly the sound of Jessica’s voice and the words ‘father’s day’ woke Cera up from her dead sleep. “Dah Dah,” she said loudly trying to sit up. I need your help. We need to buy Martin, she added in a gibberish.

Jessica immediately sat up from Aedan’s arms but did not make a move to reach her daughter. She looked dumbfounded at Cera and then Aedan.

“Dah dah,” Cera said finally pushing herself to a seated position and looking at her mommy and daddy. Her eyes scanned the pair but fell on Aedan. “Dah Dah” I wanted to get your present but mommy said “dah dah” didn’t need Martin”, she rubbed her eyes sleepily as she half spoke half gibbered her sentence. But I know Martin wants a “Dah dah” like you,* she fell forward and began to try and crawl towards Aedan. Her movements were jerky and not coordinated but the intent and purpose of her actions were there.

Lt. Commander Jessica Teller XO

“Did… you say…” Aedan smiled as he looked at his daughter in his arms then over to Jessica. Her first word… was Dada. He couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride as he held her and put her tight in his arms as he cuddled and held her close as he kissed the top of her head. “Damn right I am Dada!” he said with a smirk as he did a little seat dance with his daughter, nothing else mattered in the world than this moment right here.

~Aedan Teller



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