Twas the night before Christmas Nathan and Chloe

Posted Jan. 20, 2020, 12:05 a.m. by Civilian Evelyn "Evie" McGarrett (Co-Owner of Been There Brewed That Brewery) (Kate O'Neill)

Posted by Civilian Evelyn “Evie” McGarrett (Co-Owner of Been There Brewed That Brewery) in Twas the night before Christmas Nathan and Chloe

Posted by Lieutenant Nathan Harland (Counselor) in Twas the night before Christmas Nathan and Chloe

Posted by Ensign Chloe Harland (Nurse) in Twas the night before Christmas Nathan and Chloe
Posted by… suppressed (6) by the Post Ghost! 👻


“Okay… here is the dear Molly dolly, if you want these then you need to grab them… if I go to jail for taking them you are going to go with me too.” Nathan said with a humorous tone as he knelled down and lifted up the little girl as he perched her up on his shoulders which allowed the little girl a chance to grab the candy with her little hands as she began to sort through the candy as he could see from the edges of his vision as he tried to peer as it appeared her arms were now full the treats.

“I gots dem all,” she said proudly as one Recee’s tree slipped from the piles in her arms plunking Nathan on his head before it landed on the floor.

“Did we leave any for other people Molly dear… ” Nathan said with a hint of worry, wondering if maybe this wasn’t as good of an idea to let her just grab into the jar unattended.

“Nope I gots them all ‘cept for the one you let fall to the ground,” Molly answered leaning in his arms to find the one lying a few inches from Nathan’s right foot. “We can get that one when you put me down,” she offered a logical solution.

“Some people might want some to”

“Maybe but if they do they can just ask you to get them one when the jar is filled back up,” she said cheerfully.

”… maybe leave a couple back doll.” he said as he heard a small huff as her heard her put a few back before he felt a wiggle as she tried to get back to the ground. As she landed Nathan looked up and grabbed the jar and saw only two were put back as he couldn’t help but smirk at the little girls gumption.

“You said leave a couple. A couple means two right Aunt Chloe,” Molly looked at her innocently. Deep down Molly knew Nathan wanted her to leave some but she did leave exactly what he told her too.

“I did say leave a couple didn’t I?” he said out loud as he looked down at the little girl who seemed to have the most innocent look on her face as he couldn’t help but love the fact that she did exactly what he asked to a T. “Well… we better run before they find us and take them away go run little one I one distract them!” he said aloud in a playful tone, assuming someone would round her up before letting her consume 4,000 calories of pure sugar.

Nathan Harland

“Okay. Meet me in the living room,” she called out as she scampered away as fast as her stocking feet could carry her. What wasn’t apparent until now was exactly how many trees Molly had confiscated. Nathan had never seen the initial amount in the jar. Not having big enough hands, Molly turned to the only thing she could to use to transport her secret contraband candy: her dress. Filling her top with as many as she could, Molly turned the white candy cane embroidered top into a makeshift basket to hold more than the one just in her arms.

Chloe laughed as Recce peanut butter trees began to fall out from inside her dress leaving a solid trail for someone to follow. “She’s doing the Hansel and Gretel thing,” Chloe laughed picking up the three pieces within her reach on the floor.

“This is gonna be trouble… you remember that goat that got released by Kelly? The chaos… children don’t compare to that.” Nathan said as he looked at Chloe with a slightly worried scowl as he wondered what his next move should be. Looking behind he her some shuffling from behind as he turned to find a woman who seemed older than time itself.

“Chloe are you going to make the potatoes or are we just going to skip them,” her Aunt Edna grumbled from the counter.

“Edna,” Jen hushed her. “She has a guest.”

“And I haven’t eaten since breakfast. He is also in the military. He is a big boy. I bet he is hungry too,” Edna shot back. It would not take Nate long to realize Edna not only liked her food. She also liked it on time. “Besides I need to take my medication. If we are changing the caroling to before church I need to eat,” she announced loudly.

“Caroling?” Nathan said as he looked over at Chloe with raised eyebrows. He didn’t know this was on the agenda. In all fairness he didn’t know any of this was on the agenda if he was frank.

“Yes about that,” Chloe wrung her hands slightly. “See your entrance was magical. I mean over the top baby but,” Chloe ran her hands down Nate’s shirt smoothing it even though it needed no attention.

“But you brought singers. Real singers and for twenty years we have been in second place for the Caroler’s trophy. My dad really wants it,” Chloe looked at him with an almost pleading expression. “I know it is a lot but if you just lip sync between me and the carolers we can cover you.” Chloe bit her lips hoping Nate was going to go with the flow. She ha no reason to think he would refuse but her family at times was a force of nature at the holidays that swept you up. If you didn’t keep up you got bashed among the holly and snowbanks.

“Sure… I guess.” Nathan said a bemused look, surely they couldn’t be serious this was all so bizzare right now. He loved Chloe, but navigating the lives of these people seemed far more challenging than his family ever was. He just had to nod and agree that the left taxed too much and that they needed to stay out of their pockets and he got to leave in peace.

“Chloe I can feel my sugar dropping. You are a nurse. You know how dangerous that is,” Edna moaned and groaned in the chair dabbing her forehead with a tissue that appeared from nowhere.

“Chloe check Edna’s blood pressure. She is our soprano. We can’t lose her. Stop playing house in the kitchen and help your mother and Aunt’s,” her father bellowed from somewhere in the house.

“Okay… you take care of the elderly I’ll take care of the children… we’ll meet up later and plan to take over the rest.” he said with a wink.

“Did I ever tell you that I think you are the bomb,” she beamed up at Nathan. Did I ever tell you I doodle my name as Mrs. Harland when I am bored between shift?

“Choe,” her mother yelled again.

“Coming,” Chloe rolled her eyes looking at Nate. “You sure you are not going to disappear out the back if I take my eyes off you. Run for the hills. Leave us for a nice quiet bed and breakfast,” she winked at him.

In the living room, Nathan would see a pile of candy only rivaled by a pile you might expect on Halloween night. For as big as the pile was, however, it visually did not seem to match what should have been in a full jar of candy. There were also several more kids in the room looking at the coveted cache. “You can have one,” Molly said to her cousin Sharon. “They are not mine. Half are Uncle Nathan’s and he said we could only have a couple so,” Molly began to pass out one tree to each kid in the room. “you can,” she continued to give out the trees, “one each. No more,” Molly warned pulling the remaining trees into a pile between her legs.

As Nathan finally announced his presence in the room, Molly pulled her legs into an Indian style position to hide the loot. Fluffing her dress over her knees to conceal it all, she smiled up at Nathan. The candy canes are on the tree,” she pointed to the large tree covered in various ornaments. “You can have as many as you like.”

“Well that is very kind of you, but I do have to ask… what happened to all those peanut butter trees… you had so many if I recalled? There was tons of them, overflowing and abundant. You wouldn’t be holding out on Uncle Nathan now would you? I would hate to have to bring out the tickle monster again…” he said as he looked at her then to the other kids. If he knew one thing about his army of cousins, they always tried to compete but if one person went after one of them they went after them all.

“Nope I shared them all,” Molly held up her hands showing them they were empty.

“She did not. They are,” Cara said rolling her eyes but not looking up past her communicator screen. She would have continued but saw Nate raise a hand silencing her. Cara debated on saying something but so far Nate seemed cool. Instead, she took a pic of him uploading it to Immediagram with the caption My Uncle Nate?!?!?!?! He’s all that but we are not sure if it includes chips…yet. The image was of him surrounded by her cousins staring up longly like he was their hero.

Kevin did the math. Molly might be holding out but this Nathan was tall and an adult. He could down three times the amount of sugar they did and no one would say a word. They had to keep the stash to themselves and steal more from Molly later. “Have a candy cane,” he said standing up near Molly.

“Okay… fair enough… then I am gonna have to just count to three, and I don’t get my share the monster is coming for you all.”

“Have a candy cane,” said a voice as another child stood in the room.

”… 3”

“Have a candy cane,” a softer feminine voice was added to the mix.

… 2…”

“Have a candy cane,” said another which was followed by a solemn chat low and bold as if a thousand voices were mounting together to defend what all children thought was their rightful gift at Christmas.

Before one could be said Nathan swooped down and took Molly in his arms as candy seemed to scatter from under her like she was some kind of chicken laying eggs as he began to tickle her.

“You want her back you gotta get me…” he said to the yells as the children seemed to form up around him, becoming ankle biters as they seemed to become weights around his legs as he began to walk through the place like some monster as he stomped through with no regard of any of the prying eyes around him.

Nathan Harland

“Keep him from the trees,” Kevin bellowed as Molly squealed with laugher being twirled over his head.

Godzilla or Candy Stealer which is worse Cara Immediagrammed another image of Nathan but this time he was stumbling about like the great Japanese monster missing presents unlike the beast that laid waste to Tokyo. What wasn’t surviving was the Recee trees that were being systematically crushed by shoe sizes ranging from fifteen to three.

“What is going on here,” Jen Kendrick said half laughing half-serious. “Kevin, Dylan get off of Nate. Nate if you fall into my tree you are going to put it back up. Cara, get your feet off the furniture. Molly, you had better eat dinner,” she looked at the lot.

“You heard mama bear, get going.” Nathan said with a small playful smile as he gave Jen a wink as the gets began to scatter.

“Dinner’s ready,” Jen said immediately causing the stampede of children to leave the attack on Nate and head to the dining room. It was not about the food but more the tradition. You ate, went to church and then got presents. She had a small smile thinking about the whines when they found out life was changing but that was the great thing about life and traditions. They changed all the time.

“Lemme dowwwwwwn,” Molly squirmed around hard until her stocking feet hit the floor. There was no way she was going to be miss eating.

“Calm down little one, squrming doesn’t get you down faster.” Nathan said as he fought to get Molly off his shoulders without dropping her as she too scampered off to the food.

Jen stood in the door as the kids cleared out of the room looking at Nathan. “Have a second,” she asked.

“Yes, oh and before you say anything… I wanted to thank you guys… I didn’t really know the plan after the scene in front. So far, this is not like any family outing I normally head to. So thank you.” Nathan said with a soft charming smile as he looked Jen over. “Now… what did you need of me?” he asked her as he took a deep breath, he hoped flattery got him where he needed to go.

“You made my daughter’s Christmas,” she said with a smile. “I am not sure what you two had going on but since July I have not thought you two were just friends. So are you official now,” she asked genuinely interested in his response?

“If we are not it will be news to me. I love your daughter, have for awhile now… I just realized while planning for Christmas just how much.”

“Good. I like you. Now come eat. We have a big night,” she said exiting the room.

“Big night? Everyone seems to keep saying that… what big night ma’am?” Nathan paused as Jen turned as he followed suit behind her.

”… Jen what big night?” Nathan said as he seemed to chase her to the dinning room, no one seemed to want to give a straight answer.

Christmas Dinner

“Don’t eat the jello,” Chloe said as the bowls began to circulate the table taking it from Nate before he had a chance to scoop some out. “Edna mixes flavors and not always for the best. Save it as dessert and push it around the plate,” she whispered in his ear.

“Jello poison… check.” Nate said with a wink at Chloe as he looked around taking a deep breath at the sight around him. Normally his family outings revolved around either his father not showing till three hours too late, or showed and the two never talked while everyone else became posh busy bodies as they all seemed to brag about the charities they had been running, or the recent yacht they bought, or Cousin Francis winning his senate seat again. It was always tedious and made for days that seemed to drone on endlessly.

“So Nathan what ship are you on an what exactly do you do. Chloe says you are a doctor,” Chloe’s father asked causing the previously loud chatter to end abruptly.

“That is correct sir, Neurosurgeon to be exact… among other duties.” Nathan said, he hadn’t been in his position long but it already seemed way off from what he had hopped it would be after the first few months.

“Must get paid a lot for that. What do you make a year,” Frank asked not caring about how crass that sounded. If his nephew in law was going to be rich, there was no reason for him not to know about it sooner rather than later.

“Well…” Nathan said as he got cut off before he could say much more from Barbara.

“Frank,” Barbara put a hand on her husband’s arm but did not stop or retract the question.

“What? I just want to know he can take care of our Chloe Joey one day,” he protested.

“Starfleet is pretty good with compensation for joining, and I am certain I can more than take care of… was that Chloe Joey? ” Nathan asked in a low tone as he turned around to look at Chloe, unsure if he heard that correctly. “Like a baby kangaroo?”

“Not much rhymes with Chloe so they call me joey and made the critter my family animal. We all have one,” Chloe explained her nickname in a low tone as they got off how much his yearly credit salary was. “There is Molly Collie, Jen hen, Drew Emu, Cara Beara,” she started to go around the table. “Frank is bank as in piggy bank because he is so cheap,” she whispered in a lower tone close to his ear. Her breath tickled his neck and ran down over his shoulder. She was so close the scent of her perfume hung a second longer when she left letting Nate realize how much he wanted her to remain this close. “If you stay in this crazy zoo you will get a name one day,” she winked at him.

“I prefer Clo Bell.” he said with a wink as he digged into some of the meat as he took a large bite. The meal was grand and everything seemed so very perfect as he kept eating as everyone seemed to pass around food to him like he might starve if he didn’t get extra helpings.

“Um....Mr. Harland....can we get paid,” one of the extras walked into the dining room all but forgotten until now. “The food is great but the kid’s table is kinda low and making our knees ache?”

“Oh certainly, I mean you guys didn’t need to stay I am sure you have families. Let me take care of it all for you.” Nathan said as he stood up, reaching behind his back as he began to pull out his wallet to grab his credit chip.

“No, he will double your pay if you stay another ninety minutes,” Frank offered rapidly.

“Why… why am I paying double?” Chloe has warned that they would want the carolers, but she had surely been in jest.

“No I will pay double…or at least double for the extra hour,” Drew seconded standing up from the table.

“Double?” came the murmurs from all of those around the carolers as they looked all at each other.

“Drew we haven’t had dessert yet,” Jen looked at her husband slightly annoyed.

“And we have never had that trophy yet. This is the year baby. We can have dessert when we get back. Come on....what do you say,” Drew looked at her pleadingly. “We can’t keep these people here all night so it is do it or lose it time.”


“If you want them to carol with us I can take care of the money, that isn’t an issue but… I mean do you guys want to stay?” Nathan asked the carolers, it was one thing to be paid but he never wanted to take away time from people and their families.

Frank and Barbara seemed to gasp. Chloe’s father
Had the expression of a man who just had his puppy stolen. Chloe couldn’t help but be amused. Her brother and sister in laws wore the bewildered and awed expression of being saved from a desert island after five years stranded. No one in the family went against Drew. It wasn’t that Her Dad was mean but more that he was a force of nature. One did not give Andrew Harland choices. He tended to only give you options.

“If you are paying double Nathan, were in… we owe you anyway for Timmy’s surgery so I figure we can give the extra to help pay for his Christmas.” said the tall caroler who seemed to be the leader of the punch as the rest seemed to nod in agreement.

“Fair enough then I guess…” Nathan said with a very puzzled look on his face as he looked around the table at everyone. It seemed they were indeed caroling. “I guess it means …” clearing his throat, Nathan looked down at Chloe with a small wink.

“Here we come a-caroling, among the leaves so green!” came Nathan in a low perfect pitch that had a slight soulful tremble to it as the other carolers began to sing along before he moved his hand in a folded motion across his throat to signify them to stop.

“If you want to win Drew, I think you came to the right place.” Nathan said with a wide grin as he was certain Chloe hadn’t really been expecting that display just then as Nathan sat back down at the dinner table.

Nathan Harland

Drew’s expression altered so that if one looked close enough you might see a small drop of water collecting in the corner of his eye.

“Kevin …your out. Nathan, son you are the lead caroler,” Drew walked around the table clasping Nathan on the shoulder squeezing it slightly.

“Dad,” Chloes brother blurted out looking shocked.

“Nathan lets go look over the song list shall we,” be steered Nate out of the dining room.

“You,” Kevin pointed a fork at his sister that still held a hunk of potato. “Why did you have to bring someone home that can sing? You know that is my job. Mine. Now I have to wear one of your lame hats. I am not going to do it. I am not going to be the elf,” he glared at his sister.

“Okay I didn’t know he could sing and what you are too good to be an elf,” Chloe crossed her arms. “You know I sing better than all of you but dad thinks it has to be a male lead and there is only one hat so loos like you are going to be an elf,” she punctuated her sentence stabbing a hunk of meat from her plate to her mouth. “And if you want it back out song him. If you can,” she challenged her brother.

One hour later

As the Kendrick family slowly started to gather on the front lawn the sound of chipper laughter from Drew could be heard over it all slapping backs and calling out happy quips as everyone assembled. It was easy to tell the carolers Nate brought va the family. All the Harlands were wearing identical elf hats. Only Nathan and Drew has been given the coveted Santa hat. The beaming smiles from half the family and kids showed Nate this mad to be a huge honor.

Across the lawn Chloe was helping her nieces and nephews bundle up. From behind Nathan a voice rang out clear and strong. “Hey ya Nate you um have a second,” Kevin motioned Nate a way from the group. At least that is what Nate might have thought but Kevin kept walking all the way around the side of the house and behind the large foundation bushes.


“Yes, Kevin…” Nathan said as he looked over at the brother of Chloe as he looked at the man, his stare seemed to be sizing up the Kendrick as he wondered if it was really worth his time. “I think you should follow suit and get in line, elf boy,” Nathan said with a wink before he came over and grabbed Chloe’s arm as he took her like arm candy to catch up with Drew at the front.

Nathan Harland

“Nate. Nathan!” Kevin belted loudly but low so only the person he was talking to heard him.

“You’re not afraid to show affection in front of my family,” Chloe joked tightening up on his arm as they walked down the street to start the loop of houses. The air was a perfect Christmas Eve with a nip but the sharp clean smell of snow. Like the beach, winter had a smell if you knew what to look for. While it hadn’t snowed earlier this morning, Nate’s arrival had brought just the right amount of powdery white that covered the bushes and crunched under your feet. “I think they like you or at least everyone but Kevin. You might have made an enemy claiming his hat but I love the chutzpah,” she hip-checked him lightly as they walked.

“He’ll like me eventually… I can be charming to everyone. As for affection though… why wouldn’t I want to be affectionate with you? I changed my entire plans just to come to be with you doll face, of course, I am gonna show I like you.” he said as he kissed her cheek as they continued the path.

“Chloe Molly got hurt,” Nicole called out, “can you take a look at it?” As Chloe released her grip on Nathan and spun around, her spots were quickly taken by her brother in laws Derrick and Richard.

“Nathan, we need to talk. Just keep walking,” Derrick said like they were spies on an undercover mission. He looked to his right briefly making sure Nate stayed in step with him and Rick.

“If this is where you try to get me into a pyramid scheme, know I am already in three essential oil plans and they are mostly just water and glitter,” Nathan said with a small smirk as he looked at the two, getting a feeling the two were a little more serious in their talk than maybe he suspected at first. “Of course maybe there is another reason… I’m all ears.”

“First off know we are with you,” Rick held out his fist looking for the bump from Nate. “Derrick and I more than anyone else in the family know why you are here. The Kendrick girls are hot. you love her personality. She is a great cook and all you can think of is making her a Mrs. Harland but you gotta know what you are in for.”

Nathan looked down at the first as he shook his head as he pushed the hand down. “I just now got her to be my official girlfriend, think you might be going down that matrimony train a little first her,” Nathan said as he looked back and forth between Rick and Derrick. “As for her family… I mean they seem okay, better than most Connecticut people I deal with… though it’s usually the Maryland and California girls that really suck.” Nathan added as he looked back at the guys feeling like they were trying very hard to warn him of some Illuminati cult.

“We don’t have time to tell you now,” Derrick filled in the next sentence like it was his turn to share part of the message. “Just know you don’t know the Kendrick family. They are tight. Stick together like you would not believe. Even when you become part of the family you really aren’t. Wait until tonight when they pictures start but right now we have something more important to deal with. THat hat,” he pointed up to the top of Nathan’s head. “No outlaw had ever even touched it. You, my friend, are the first and we are not going to let it go. Rick, Nicole, Jaime, and I are going to run defense.”

“This hat? I mean I was teasing Kevin… why is this hat such a big deal? They sell them for 2.50 at the Piggly Wiggly.” Nathan said as he looked at the guys like they were starting to sound like some guys spouting conspiracy theories on some subnet show.

“Watch out for Delaney, Meredith, and Thomas,” Rick warned. “They will move in and one wrong note or action in this caroling venture and you will be am elf-like us. Don’t let that happen. Be strong, be alert, be brave. We have your back,” Rick patted Nate on the back before he and Derrick split off like fighter jets taking up a defensive position around Nathan.

“Okay that was so strange,” Chloe resumed her spot by his side taking his arm again. “There was nothing wrong with Molly. I think Jaime and Nicole were drinking too much,” she laughed.


“Chloe, blink twice if you are in duress…” Nathan said as he looked over her with a steely glance as he tried to decide if somehow he stepped onto the sight of the Stepford wives.

Nathan Harland

“You mean like in trouble,” she looked at him confused as they stopped at the first house. “Nate I have done this for years. Trust me. I can take the pressure. You are the one that should be a bit panicked. You’re the lead. If we fail, it will be blamed on you,” she let out a small laugh.

“Nathan. Nathan,” Drew called out signaling him to meet him at the front. Chloe let go of his hand and patted him on the back.

Drew wrapped a hand around Nate’s shoulders and squeezed. “Okay, son let me know what you are up against.” Turning Nate slightly by the shoulders he directed him towards a man on the other side of the street. The man did not seem too intimidating yet Nate was six-four so he rarely looked up at anyone. “Trevor King,” Drew said almost in a growl. “He is the largest mattress distributor in Connecticut. He and his partner Jim Ieck moved into Danbury ten years ago. Don’t let the jovial exterior fool you. The man is pure evil. He lures you in with a charming smile but only cares about his sterling reputation of the King Caroler. Tonight we rip his crown off and place it on my mantle.”

As if Trevor knew Nate and Drew were talking he raised a hand and waved before turning to his crew and breaking out in the classic song, ‘Here we come a caroling.’ “What is that man doing? Who gave him the playbook,” Drew looked at everyone gathered behind where he and Nate were speaking. The Kendrick Clan was split like a true choir with everyone divided by their singing ranges with Nate’s carolers behind them. “What are we going to do as a starter?”

“Yes, Nate what would you suggest,” Kevin looked at Nathan ready to jump in with suggestions. The head caroler in the Santa hat was the one who led the program. They couldn’t just follow Trevor’s start. There was no way Chloe’s wannabe boyfriend would be able to stand up to the pressure this strange turn of events caused. While it might sting to lose again, the unfortunate circumstance allowing Trevor to find the Kendrick song list would never surface but it would rip that Santa hat off Nathan Harland’s head and back where it belonged.


“I have an idea…” Nathan said as he walked back to his carolers as he looked them all down. “Okay guys, I say we go with operation partridge in a pear tree…” he said with a nod as the all agreed in unison as they pulled back their sleeves, with what looked like a fancy wrist communicator as they began pressing buttons.

“Running away,” Kevin snickered to his brother Thomas.

“You know those delicate space cases. Always zipping off the second there encounter a problem. Yo Nathan,” Thomas heckled out, “ got a Prime directive to hide behind?”

Chloe rolled her eyes. While she loved her family at times they didn’t understand Starfleet. So many times they moaned about Starfleet politics however not being a part of that world they had no idea what it meant. Reaching over she punched Thomas hard in the arm.

“You might wanna stand back from this Kevin…” Nate said as he gave him a small wink as if on cue the carolers around them all had the familiar sound of transporter beams as the team began to find instruments in all of their hands from guitars, drum kits, tambourines, triangles, violins, and the whole kit and caboodle as the carolers went from singers to a band in the link of an eye.

Even Chloe’s eyes widened in surprise at what was happening. She didn’t doubt for a second Nathan was going to see this through. She just didn’t see this coming.

“Ready to jingle bell rock boss.” the lead caroler said as he cradled his guitar as he looked around at everyone in what seemed a sense of awe and wonder.

Kevin opened his mouth to reply but Nathan was too fast.

“Rule number one Kevin, always come prepared,” Nathan said as he patted him on the back as he made his way up to Drew. “Alright, guys, from the top… let’s try angry Christmas one… two… three,” he said as instantly on cue the music behind him began as everyone around instantly knew the song being played as Nathan tapped his feet as the music played.

“Ready to take home the gold Drew?” Nathan said softly before the music interlude began to subside, letting those around know just what time it was.

“Son I don’t know what you have planned but I am with you,” Drew replied with an uneasy look to his eyes. He liked this boy but the songs were planned and rehearsed like a Broadway production. Nathan was going off road. Drew wanted to regroup only right now his best bet was Nathan Harland.

Out of no where the sounds of a full orchestra seemed to erupt. The beat was palatable as the strong sharp notes of “Carol Of the Bells” began to play. It created a fighting atmosphere to to group. Drew could feel it in his bones. This would be the night they took home the gold.

Chloe looked at Nathan with a slightly stunned expression. She knew from his personality that Nathan Harland did not come in second. This was just more than she expected.

“Hark how the bells,
Sweet silver bells,
All seem to say,
Throw cares away

The first round of lyrics was missed by the Kendrick clan who stood in pure shock at the turn of events. It didn’t matter though. The carol era Nathan hires sung out clear and strong. Their voices carried over the stunned silence Drew, Jen, and all their children had in the moment. Chloe was the first to react followed by the rest of the caroling Kendrick clan.

Christmas is here,
Bringing good cheer,
To young and old,
Meek and the bold.”

Nathan Harland

“It’s too fast. I can’t keep up ,”. Jaime said looking at Derrick and Richard. It was not a complaint but a beg for a lifeline.

“Lip sync it. Our outlaw is going to make sure we shine for once,” Derrick replied beaming at the chance for their sub clan within the group to shine.

Chloe could barely stop laughing as she watched her brothers stumble around the lyrics of the well rehearsed choir.

As the song ended Trevor glanced over at the Kendrick group. His jovial disposition was melting away. His crown as caroling king was in jeopardy. Stomping across the street he motioned Drew to meet him in the middle. If it wasn’t Christmas one might think it was the dead of summer with two gunslingers approaching each other in the middle of some tumbleweed road.

“Drew,” Trevor said in a flat tone. His jolly smile long ago melted from his face. He knew that whatever Andrew Kendrick had done this year, it could unseat his legacy as the caroling king. He had not become the Mattress King of Connecticut by playing fair.

“Trevor,” Kendrick replied not hiding the smug look on his face.

“You are not going to win. The title is mine so call in whatever resources at your disposal but the trophy and the seat in the New Years Day parade is mine. It has been for the past five years and it will be for the next five more. Don’t test me or you will be sorry,” Trevor growled low.

“Maybe your kid should have married someone with talent,” Drew snarked walking back across the road. Even if he didn’t win, which he would, this night would be a night to remember. It would see the end of the Trevor and soon see the end of the rebellion by some upstart who thought he was equal to those that lived in Connecticut.

Drew walked up to Nathan and gave him a serious stare. “You know the stakes. You have shown you are up to the challenge. Don’t fail me in the home stretch,” Drew nodded before leading the group to the next house. Back and forth it went from house to house. Silent night was challenged by angels singing Gloria on high. Away in the manger was prologued by We Three Kings as the two families volleyed song after song like bombs across the paved battleground between them. Chloe was starting to become anxious knowing the stakes but Nathan seemed to actually be enjoying himself. As they approached the last houses a man stood between the two families.

Clearing his throat he looked at the Kendricks and then the Kings before speaking. “Tonight has been an amazing event for the good citizens of Danbury but as you both know there can only be one victor and to the victor goes the crown. The points are 10 to 10. Two points for each house. There have been five houses a piece. The last house here,” he gestured behind him,” will award the last two points. May the carols ever be in your favor,” he bowed and silently slipped away.

“Nathan,” Drew called him over. “Whats our hail mary?”


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