Side Sim - MCI Drill (Attn. Medical)

Posted Feb. 11, 2019, 10:22 a.m. by Lieutenant Junior Grade Solomon Kane (Tact / Med) (James Sinclair)

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade T’Aria (CMO) in Side Sim - MCI Drill (Attn. Medical)

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Solomon Kane (Tact / Med) in Side Sim - MCI Drill (Attn. Medical)

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Solomon Kane (Tact / Med) in Side Sim - MCI Drill (Attn. Medical)
Posted by… suppressed (25) by the Post Ghost! 👻
OOC: This sim is intended for fun and to help teach our characters how to work together.
The rules are simple: There will be a designated triage leader, who will be giving the orders throughout the drill, simulating the same events if a MCI were to happen in the Sickbay of the Chernov. Feel free to add you own unique twists to make this more fun for everyone– there isn’t any specific GM for this, as after the patients are explained (the scenario as well) the computer (anyone really) makes all the calls. Because this period does not have a holodeck, and the holograms are so perplexing, these guys are going to go old school.

Have fun!
- Trin

Mass Casualty Incidents; the bane of their existence as medical professional. Alas, they were an inevitable event waiting around the corner at any given time, bearing their teeth and ready to pounce. The staff of any starship need always be pepared for that beast, whenever that might strike. And with a handful of new faces on the block, T’Aria knew it was time they ran through the procedures, for all eyes to see.

=^=Doctors Kane, Johnson and Westland, please report to the main Sickbay, immediately.=^=

Stressful and unpredictable, she knew these events to be, having seen her fair share of them in her time as a doctor. For his reason, she did not warn any of the staff of what would be occuring. There would be four doctors, but she deliberately gave the computer a program with eight victims. Having chose this date because of the availability of the bay, the recovery ward the only sector properly in use, she had PaDDs by an available biobed, each with the description of the patient, their name, age, species, gender and ailment. However, she did not place the PaDDs by certain biobeds, intending to observe and assist with an emergency triage.

T’Aria, with their capabilities with advanced technology, had given the program randomized.. surprises, if you would. While there would be living patient (beyond the eight dummies (she deliberately chose this over the complexity of their holographic capabilities) who would act simply as visuals), the PaDD and the computer would act as the patient, recording the information the doctor offered to it, and responding with the appropriate result of the treatment or action. This was intended to keep the doctors on their feet, and test their skills both in triage and treatment.

With everything in place, she quickly glanced over the PaDD in her hand, making certain she had everything set up properly. Now, she just needed to chose who would lead the triage. And she had the perfect candidate in mind. This, she knew, would truly test the doctor’s capabilities to listen to one another and work together. A skill she had yet to see in full motion. T’Aria herself, however, would act as an ordinary doctor, following the orders of the triage leader, as the others would, too. After all, not even she knew what the computer program would come up with.

Dr. T’Aria

Kane came in a minute or so after the call. In typical fashion, for him at least, his hair was in it’s normal unkept but clean way; his uniform on, but not completely regulation, as he opted out of some of the more constructive aspects. He never really asked anyone if he could, he just did. His normal aggressive scowl firmly in place, he glared at those who looked up to see the staff Physician’s Assistant enter. Walking up to T’Aria, he said simply “What we got, Doc?”, assuming there was work to be done.

Kane, Tac/Med

OOC: Correcting typos.

“Eight patients, four medical officer and a time schedule,” T’Aria explained briefly, albeit vaguely. Pulling one of the many PaDDs from a nearby biobed, she offered it to Kane. At the top of the file, it read quite clearly: MASS CASUALTY DRILL, and beneath it had the names of the eight patients. The PaDDs were randomized, T’Aria being unaware of what each PaDD held for the doctor’s duty. Kane’s, at the top left corner stated simply: SUPPORT STAFF A. Which left one other supporting staff, a nurse and the team leader. Beyond that basic information rested a series of files, but those would be discussed at a later time.

Kane looked at the PaDD, then at the CMO, back at the PaDD, and then at her again. “You’ve got to be kidding me. An MC drill?” and he thew his hands up and looked at the ceiling. “WHY ME?” he exclaimed in an overly dramatic fashion.

“You are one of the senior staff, P.A. It seems only reasonable that you be here as well. Yes, these are tedious drills and perhaps unnecessary for many of the doctors in this department. However, this is more about building a team between the staff. An aspect we all could use insight upon.” Although her gaze seemed particularly focussed on Kane, when she made that statement, but that was the only insinuation to the meaning behind her words.

“We have several new medical officers aboard,” She explained. “After checking over our scheduling files, I found we had not endeavoured an MCI drill in three months, fourteen days. Seeing as we have new arrivals, it appeared time to schedule another. I suppose we will see how well our senior doctors can work together.” She only explained this to Kane for the reasoning that he was the senior most medical staff beneath her command, the others would simply be given the PaDDs and expected to follow along with the orders given.

Dr. T’Aria
CMO – but not for this drill.

Kane looked at her and shook his head. “This is how you want to see if we can work together? I have a better idea. Let’s go to the Lounge, pick a fight with some Security thugs, and see how we work together that way? Or if they’re too scared, we can always fight the scientists. I’m not unreasonable.”

Kane, Tac / Med

“I have no doubt you are capable of incapacitating more than a few of our science officers– or any of the other departments, for that matter. However, our purpose here is not to create more work for us to handle, it is about healing those who require the assistance,” She quirked a brow at Kane, “Preferably not by our own hands.”

“Of course, inventory and file organization needs to be done. If you opt-out of this, your new assignment will be to those.” T’Aria deadpanned, sass evident to anyone who knew where to look.

Dr. T’Aria

Filing. It was to Kane what kryptonite was to Superman. At the mere mention of the word he shot the CMO a glare. “Don’t even think about it, Doc. You put me on filing and I will not be responsible for what happens to those files.” and he shook his head. “Fine. I’ll do the drill.”

Kane, Tac / Med

“Very well,” T’Aria returned, subtly pleased with the outcome. Filing was the demon very few enjoyed tackling, T’Aria had come to find it was difficult to get any of her doctors to willingly sort through paitient and case files. “Have you seen Doctor Westland or Doctor Johnson today?” She inquired, glancing around for them.


“Nope.” Kane replied succinctly. he looked around and said “Want me to go try and find ‘em, Doc?” he asked enthusiastically, although he knew T’Aria would know he was simply trying to get out of Sickbay and the drill.

Kane, Tac / Med

T’Aeia was no fool when it came to such antics, however she could not escape the truth that the drill could not begin without them. With this logic, she nodded. “Veryw well. Fifteen minutes, at most, to search. Shall we?”


Kane cursed inwardly. Of course she knew he was going to rabbit on her. Not that he actually would have, not her, but the temptation would have been strong… at least to have been ‘fashionably late’. “Ok, Doc. Fifteen minutes. But if we don’t find ‘em, we reschedule this drill to the day after I transfer off.” and he held out his arm, indicating the door.

Kane, Tac / Med

“I will be the judge of that, PA.” T’Aria found it curious how opposed to these drills Kane happened to be. She knew them to he tedious, perhaps vexing to those with the emotional prowess to grow annoyed with their crewmates. Raising an eyebrow, she headed for the door. “Why do you despise this drill so vehemently?” She really was curious to know, even if she doubted she would get an actual answer.

Dr. T’Aria

Kane shook his head, his mane of hair swinging back and forth. “Because they annoy the hell outta me, Doc.” he said as they walked through the door. “I mean, I know their purpose and all. I just find them too… flat, I guess is the right word. These damn drills lack the stress… the pressure… of the real thing. And those are what I judge poeple on. How they act under pressure, under stress. You can quiz a MD all day long on their knowledge of anatomy, surgical procedures, chemistry, biology… whatever you want. What I want to know is… can you pull that information out of your head immediately when there are disruptor bolts flying past you? When your scanner is broken, how well can you diagnose without relying on your tricorder while the patient is screaming in pain? How effective can you be when you are exhausted, hurting, and starving?” and he stopped walking and gently put his hand on her arm to stop her as well. Not harshly, more as a reflex than conscious thought.

“I want to know if my team can function when everything is stacked against them and they know they have no hope of coming out on top. That’s when you know if your team is solid. If they keep going knowing they are gonna lose.” and he turned and started walking again. “And you don’t learn that from a drill in Sickbay.”

Kane, Tac / Med

“I agree.” T’Aria said after several moments of silence. “These drills are often mundane and bear little to no resemblance to what we will be experiencing in the Sickbay. They do not test your reflexes, your wit, nor your true ethic as a doctor beyond memorizing different medicines to treat the ailment presented to you by a machine. It is not medicine, it is memorization. For that, I will not deny that you are undoubtedly correct; these will not give us any insight into how our team can work under pressure.”

“With that being said,” She continued walking, once he drew forth a pace she could keep with. “Our team has had not yet the chance to build the essence of a team. Right now, we are each working individuals, singularly comprehending our duties as a doctor. It is of utmost importance to first forge our team, from singular parts, before we can envision or take effort in working beneath stress. Truly, that is the purpose of this drill, for us. It is not so much about the medicine or the patients, right now, it is about making sure we have that support from each end, to ensure, when the time comes.. and all odd are against us,” She paused, making sure she got that right. “We are prepared to assist and support each other without hesitation.”

Dr. T’Aria

Kane stopped and turned to look at her. After a moment, he simply shrugged and said “Ok, Doc. I can buy that logic, I guess. Lets go find our wayward delinquents.”

Kane, Tac / Med

T’Aria gave him a look, the kind that said ‘What the hell did you just say?’ She didn’t quite understand his choice of.. phrasing towards the two doctors, but she had learned not to question human language. “Yes, good idea.” She nodded, “I suppose you would know better than most where officers would be on their time off, although, perhaps they can be found in the labs?”

Dr. T’Aria

Kane didnt look at her, but a slightly wicked grin crossed his face. “Well, I know where I’d be on my time off. But I doubt we’ll find them there. Sure, let’s check the labs and then the lounge.”

Kane, Tac /Mex

T’Aria cocked an eyebrow, “Very well.” Turning back, she headed for the Sickbay labs, well aware one was more likely to find a doctor nestled there, rather than any of the science labs, where they would be surrounded by officers of a different breed. Hardly a champ at stimulating conversation, she let it fizzle out, without the resuscitative to revive it. Rounding the corner that led through sleek doors, into their small labs, she stepped inside, scoping through the few crewmen who had gathered, likely working on something small.

Dr. T’Aria

Kane looked around and said “Well, not here.” and he turned and looked at T’Aria. “Tell you what. I know you have your mind set on this, so let’s do it. Write up the other two for not showing up later, but for now let’s do the drill. We can preload some more PaDDs like you have, and we can run the staff through triage and follow up. We just need a scenario so we know what kind of issues we will have.

Kane, Tac / Med

It had come to the point where the obvious was standing right in front of their faces, waving its hands at the imbeciles who were too stubborn to see it; they weren’t going to find those medical officers. At first, his suggestion seemed absurd, defying the purpose of the drill to begin with. Although, the longer she thought about it, the more sense it made. “All right. There are four different MCI drill programs –each with five sub-programs– suited for a different count of live doctors.” She nodded, gesturing for Kane to follow her back. Once they had returned to Sickbay, she found her way to the wing, retrieving the main PaDD, which had the central information. Snatching another, unused PaDD, she headed over to the mainframe, transferring the data, leaving Kane with an overview of the options. “Each drill has twice the number of patients as it does doctors,” She explained. “They range from battle casualties, mission casualties, warp breaches and otherwise.” She handed the PaDD to Kane, “The choice is yours. Once ordered to the main system, the computer will alter the current scenario to suit your given choice.” It was a rather organized system. Then again, T’Aria was just a tad OCD.

Doctor T’Aria

Kane scrolled through the scenarios and then a wicked smile came across his face. He was familiar with T’Aria’s background and education. Hematology and surgery specializations. And he was confident enough in his own abilities to handle almost any trauma and EMS needs that could come their way. But he also knew that if he lobbed them a softball they both could easily handle, she would either lose respect for him, which he would not allow if he could help it, or she would make them do another damn drill… or both. So he looked up at her, wicked grin still in place; he leaned in close so that his lips were just centimeters from her ear, and said very quietly “You know… I really like you. A lot. If I didn’t, I would never do this to myself.” and he pressed a button on the PaDD.

The computer activated and a call went out over the Sickbay comms. [O] Attention all Medical Personnel. Mass Casualty Incident Drill Commencing. Repeat. Mass Casualty Drill commencing. All Medical Personnel report to duty stations. This is a drill. Drill commencing in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Attention. Attention. Unknown contaminant detected. All environmental systems isolated. Contamination protocols engaged. Unknown contaminant identified. Isolation protocols engaged. [C]

Kane looked at her and said “We specialize in injury. Thought we may as well brush up on our virology and infection control protocols while we were at it.” and he looked as the Sickbay became a flurry of activity. A few rolled their eyes and began going through the motions, but apparently not fast enough for Kane. “Move it people!!” he bellowed across the bay. “We have a unknown contaminant and multiple infected. Now, get triage done. I wanna full list of symptoms and a roster of those infected as well as their movements for the past 48 hours. Samples need to be taken and sent to the Lab for analysis. Shake your tail feathers! I’m not losing any pretend patients today! Move it!” and he began grabbing random passer-bys and assigning specific tasks.

Kane, Tac / Med

OOC: “Pretend patients.” I love how he had to add in that part. LOL
Time to make up a pretend contaminant. Feel free to add to this, these symptoms are just basic, so the interesting ones can come as a shock to the characters, later.

IC: As Kane bellowed orders out to tell sizeable staff of the Sickbay, the computer compensated for every tasked assigned. Several patients had been devised at the will of the program, each exhibiting a wide variety of symptoms: high fever, severe inflammation, discoloured pigmentation to the skin (somewhat blue in hue {for humans}), fatigue.. and the list went on. Unfortunately for the doctors of the Sickbay, these basic symptoms easily could have pointed towards both a virus or a bacteria, and until those Labs were ‘sent in,’ they would be left in the dark.

The worst of the patients were experiencing the onset stages of severe debilitation; scans would reveal they had elevated and abnormal heart rates, unless the patient was Vulcan, in which case the BPM seemed to drop. Perhaps it had something to do with that green blood of theirs. In addition, they were showing signs of wheezing and shortness of breath, uncontrollable sweating, wavering consciousness, coughing up blood and phlegm, and more.. it was apparent, the closer the doctors looked, that this disease was attacking the cardiovascular and respiratory systems– and it worked fast.

While T’Aria was off triaging with the other doctors, a young Ensign quickly made his way over to Kane. “PA, we have a thirty-two-year-old human male, severe arrythmais, high fever of 104°, sweating.. and a wide array of other things. What concerns me, though, is his skin, especially around his feet and hands is incredibly discoloured, not to mention, his legs and ankles are swelled up like carnival balloons.” He spoke quickly, glancing over at the empty biobed, where the patient was supposedly laying. “Hypoxemia, maybe? Or something cutting off circulation?” He offered the PaDD to the man, which had its fair share of contradiction. Either way, something wasn’t right– whether that meant he didn’t have enough oxygen, or something had cut off the circulation to his legs. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t stop there.

NE Doctor

Kane looked at the data on the PaDD and scowled. “Check his blood oxygen levels. That will determine hypoxia or not. Then set the scanner for a full arteriogram. See if the swelling circulatory in nature, or if he is retaining fluids. Until then, let’s see if Phetetalin has any effect. And monitor that BP and make sure we get a sample of any bladder evacuations. Oh, and get a blood sample to the lab right now. Go go go.” And then he stopped the Ensign. “Wait. You said discolored. What color?”

Kane, Tac / Med


OOC: Stepping in. I need to find a place to post while I wait.

IC: The CMO told Chris about this and to stop by and check it out. Her got there in time to hear his friend Kane display good sound judgment and smiled. He was trying to be in the back, not to hide but to be out of the way.

Commander Chris Taggart XO

Without turning to look at him, Kane waved the XO away from him. “I do not have time for any of your shenanigans right now, Taggart. I have a pretend outbreak and multiple pretend patients patients in dire pretend distress.” he said with a broad sweeping gesture to the Sickbay as a whole. On many biobeds rested a PaDD, and on the scanners of each bed with a PaDD, readings flashed and warning lights flickered. “If you distract these ne’re-do-wells too much, they are liable to kill every last PaDD in the place. So back off.” It was obvious that ‘drills’ did not rank very high on Kane’s list of “Things I Like To Do”, probably falling somewhere between root canals and having his hair set on fire.

Kane, Tac / Med

OOC: Fixing typos.

“Is there an issue over here, P.A.?” T’Aria inquired as she approached, halted by the interruption of an older Nurse, whose expression was only partially concerned, his awareness of the patient’s imaginary stance essentially trivializing his care.

“Patient C is seizing, Doctor. It seems to be a result of abnormally low blood pressure–.”

“For what reason are you standing around? Give him three ccs of midazolam, immediately. This patient might be the result of a computer-based program, but that does not mean the care give should be any less than you would give to a real patient.” T’Aria’s voice was monotonous, but there was a hint of displeasure beneath her voice. Watching as the Nurse left, muttering something under his breath, she turned back to Kane and Taggart. “It is clear this department is not fond of MCI drills.” Not that she was, either.

Dr. T’Aria

Kane walked away without a word in her direction and came to a biobed where the PaDD lights were flashing in an odd sequence. Speaking out loud, but seemingly to himself, he began cycling conditions and symptoms. Pathology and virology were not his strong points, but he also wasn’t stupid and had a head for medicine. ‘Discolored lips… seizures… low blood pressure… sweating, fluid retention and swelling… and this poor bastard is apparently starting to bleed from his nose and eyes…” and his voice trailed off and he stared at the PaDD with an intensity he usually saved for people cutting in line in front of him. Then all of a sudden, his head whipped up and he looked at T’Aria.

“Autoimmune hemolytic anemia!! That’s it! The virus is destroying red blood cells!” and he looked at the nurse he had told earlier to send samples to the lab. “Have them check for…” and he began snapping his fingers on his right hand as he struggled to pull the information he wanted from his brain, “… E. Coli. Strep. Typhoid. Hepatitis. Anything like those, got it?” and then he looked at T’Aria. “Typhoid and strep are the only ones that could be airborne. Strep only if it was modified.”

Kane, Tac / MEd

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