Main SIM: Bridge

Posted Aug. 15, 2020, 2:52 a.m. by Gamemaster Fate (GM) (Sage Pennington)

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Michael Sideman (XO/ Navigation Officer) in Main SIM: Bridge

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Brigette Marshall (Chief Engineer (CE)) in Main SIM: Bridge

Posted by Lieutenant Junior Grade Brigette Marshall (Chief Engineer (CE)) in Main SIM: Bridge
Posted by… suppressed (5) by the Post Ghost! 👻


The doors of the central turbo-lift opened and William Grey arrived on the Bridge, as always he was fully-groomed, despite the fact that he had been asleep mere minutes ago. He saw the first officer had the Con and that Mwezi was there, neither fact surprised him as it was the Armory Chiefs shift tonight and the first officer would be called up during an emergency, the Fact that the chief engineer was there as well was an oddity. Without disturbing the other senior officers the young second officer quickly moved to his own duty station, replacing NE Fate and was brought up to speed. He examined the results of the scan of the seemingly impossible object. “My first instinct is that it’s out of phase” He explained to his junior officer. He turned his attention to Bridie who was busy trying something strange Accessing the helm controls “Marshal? What’s going on?” He asked quietly.


Bridie glanced over at Grey and smiled. “Well, in a nutshell. The helmsmen took a gun and shot himself without so much as a ‘boo’ from the security officer who apparently handed him the weapon without realizing it,” she raised a hand, “Don’t ask… not my department. But what IS my department is he apparently locked out the controls to helm before doing it. Including his own. So myself and Mwezi can’t gain access to helm. You’re free to give it a whirl, but I have the feeling something more here is going on than a simple one man mutiny and suicide.”

She nodded to the helm and went back to work trying to figure out how to get around it. Thinking out loud, she was murmuring to herself as the engineering systems flew by her. “So.. can’t actually pitch or yaw, but if I can get a hold of the engineering steps that do it…” she glanced up to tell the room, “Don’t panic, gonna see if I can maneuver us in any way from our current, static position.” She tapped out a series of commands that would make each individual step of a starboard turn occur. If she could get the steps to work on an engineering level it was more like reaching down and turning the wheels, versus turning the steering wheel.


William frowned at her description of events. If the two of them could not he doubted his access codes would have any luck, and added detriment was the fact that the first officer seemed to have issues as well. He, however, did try his luck with his codes just in case “If this is an issue with coding we might be able to bypass directly through the computer core.”


“Given our inability to effect the momentum of the Chernov, I think if might be wise to do an emergency shut down of the warp and impulse engines until we have control of our helm? A system reset of sorts.”

Mwezi, CTO

In response the Commander said, “I am not sure I like that idea because it would take our defense systems down and we are currently at yellow alert.”

Lt. Commander Michael Sideman, XO

As Bridie attempted to turn the ship to starboard, it seemed to creak and groan under the strain, but the Chernov complied. Turning towards the patch of unknown radiation.


“Now what? We still seem to be stuck here. Could we possibly take a shuttle and have a closer look at whatever is holding us here?” asked the Commander.

Lt. Commander Michael Sideman, XO

“I see three potential actions at the very least: We bypass the helm controls directly through Main Engineering, We attempt a hardwire of the main computer core to discover and deactivate these command codes, and finally we send a shuttle with a qualified team to Investigate the Subspace anomaly” William said now standing in front of his console “The first idea has proven viability due to the Chief’s actions just now, the Second is hypothetical but a probable low risk. Sending a shuttle is a high risk without the Chernov itself providing direct Tactical Support but if only the helm controls have been affected” He paused for a moment “That, of course, is if only two officers have been affected by whatever caused the suicide, I suggest getting a medical read before pursuing any of-ship actions”


“Okay, then see to it. Go to medical and see if you can get a report on what caused the suicide. Also, see if there have been any other issues with the crew.” I will remain here and see if I can keep working on this problem answered Michael.

William opened his mouth as if to say something but decided against it, nodded, turned around and left the bridge.

Turning to the engineering officer he continued, “Start working on a bypass to see if we can get the ship up and running again. I don’t want to be caught sitting here with our pants down if something else comes up” ordered the Commander.

Lt. Commander Michael Sideman, XO

Bridie nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’ll see what I can get done from here before heading to Engineering.” She went back to the console and worked on the bypass commands to see if she could do more than half turn the ship.

Diagnostics were run on weapons, shields and navigation to see how much she could access directly and how many she would need to get around ‘remotely’ with general commands.


Mwezi didn’t like this. He didn’t like that one of his officers had been effected by this. He didn’t like that NE Peters was dead. He’d been fond of the Helm officer. He didn’t like that it had happened so fast that he hadn’t been able to react. He was still kicking himself for that. He was supposed to be better than that!

Mwezi, CTO

Seeing the look at Mwezi’s face the commander walked over and said, “Hey, there was nothing anyone could have done; it took everyone by surprise. Let’s just see what we can do from here, okay?”

Lt. Commander Michael Sideman, XO

Bridie’s efforts would yield at least that weapons and shields functioned normally. Thrusters and impulse engines could be powered from the engineering console. Warp was temporarily out of the question.


While everyone had been working on the problem for a while the Commander asked,

“What is the progress on getting us moving?”

Lt. Commander Michael Sideman, XO


Bridie shook her head and sighed. “I can tell you weapons and shields are operating normally. And it looks like you have thrusters and impulse engines, Sir. But there is no way I can work around it. We don’t have Warp capability right now. I’m heading to engineering now to see how much better I can do down there.” She headed for the lift. “I’ll send someone up to man the console on this end and see what we can do on the other.”


“Very well, Chief.. .keep me informed, please” responded Sideman.

He did not want to the crew to know but he was very worried.

Lt. Commander Michael Sideman, Executive Officer


From the Captain’s chair came the inquiry…”Engineering....status please.”

Lt. Commander Michael Sideman, XO

An alert beeped from science that the patch of stellar radiation was now showing phenomena on the other side. Almost like another space. The NE at science relayed this to Cmdr Sideman.

Sideman asked the NE…”is this another universe? Are we caught in its wake?”

“I… don’t know sir.” the NE replied

=^=Engineering to Bridge. Computer is showing a CO level code was the cause of the lock out and low power order. The only thing we can think is to perhaps reboot the system. I’ll try and work on something else. I don’t know how long it would leave us vulnerable.=^=

Responding Sideman said, =^= Chief lets try to the reboot…we need to get this ship up and running.=^=

(Crossed to engineering)

As the command came, she merely replied. =^=Copy… starting reboot sequence now.=^= She then notified the ship. =^=All hands prepare for maintenance reboot. Emergency power on line in 3…2…1…=^=


The XO stood there as the ship went dark for a minute and then was back on. The Red lights from emergency power came on (think of Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan) and the computer flickered. The commander wondered how long it would take before the 2nd Officer of the Captain called the bridge to find out ‘what’s happening.’ Sideman asked over the intercom =^= Chief, status on ships power.”

Lt. Commander Michael Sideman, XO

Bathed in red light, the bridge of the Chernov sat still. As suspicions started to grow that something had gone wrong with the reboot, the ship came back online. As the viewscreen returned to life, it showed what appeared to be a gap in space itself. With something emerging from it.


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