Post sim - Dinner... And more questions ((Ric)

Posted Feb. 13, 2020, 11:15 p.m. by Lieutenant Alexandra "Little Sehlat" Primage (Pilot. Grn Squad Ldr) (Melissa Aragon)

Posted by Commander Richard “Ricochet” O’Shea (Cmd Air Group (CAG)) in Post sim - Dinner… And more questions ((Ric)

Posted by Lieutenant Alexandra “Little Sehlat” Primage (Pilot. Grn Squad Ldr) in Post sim - Dinner… And more questions ((Ric)

Posted by Lieutenant Alexandra “Little Sehlat” Primage (Pilot. Grn Squad Ldr) in Post sim - Dinner… And more questions ((Ric)
Posted by… suppressed (12) by the Post Ghost! 👻
Xandra was curled up on Ric’s couch. Her attire was anything but sexy. Her loose fitting workout pants and one of the CAG’s sweatshirts were a comfort to her, despite the top being a few sizes too big. She spent so much time here, it hasn’t even occurred to me to go back to her quarters after the briefing. She has shaken hands, said what was needed, reassuring those she flew with that she was fine, then slipped away to come here.

The blanket pulled over her was more for comfort reasons than the temperature. And she was half dozing when Ric would finally come in.

Xandra Moroveston
Pilot “Little Sehlat”

Bump 7.30.19

Ric entered his quarters quietly and smiled to see Xandra almost passed out in front of him. It had been a long day for her, considering things had begun with a routine patrol. Ric thought it better to let her sleep for awhile, so he moved silently around the couch, lifting her feet as he slid underneath her still form.

Ricochet (CAG)

It was nearly an hour later when she came to herself and realized there was a body beneath her legs. They had sat like this often enough watching vids that it hadn’t wakened her when Ric had crawled onto the couch to join her. Slowly opening her eyes, she glanced around the room. It was a place that had become more familiar and comfortable than her own quarters. And were it not for ‘proper protocols’ they would probably be sharing the quarters officially. But instead, the Captain had just said to see to it it didn’t affect moral or the job, and he’d let it go. Surprisingly, the crew as a whole, and the other pilots in particular, were in favor of the couple. So nothing more needed to be done, or said. A small smile touched her lips as she murmured softly without looking at him. “You should have used the bed and taken a nap, yourself, hun.”

She half turned to glance at him wondering if he had dozed off or was reading his PADD as he often did when she slept.


Ric set the PADD he was reading on the table at the end of the couch. “That bed’s too lonely when you’re not there, and you looked pretty comfy so I didn’t want to wake you.”

He shifted his position so he could look at her without turning his head. “Good nap?” he asked.

Ricochet (CAG)

She smiled at his compliment. “I’ve missed you, too.” She sat up and shrugged. “Ok, I guess. Odd dreams still. Didn’t mean to fall asleep on you. Always felt better sleeping in here is all.”

She reached up and lightly ran her fingers over his hair. “You look tired. And when did you last eat?” Xandra started to get up. She didn’t know what time it was, but guessed he hadn’t had more than coffee most of the last three cycles.


Bump 11.15.19
Bump 11.23.19

He smiled down at her and said, “Ah, survival training has kicked in by now. Been surviving on roots, grubs, and insects. And sleep? (yaaaaawn) I should be good for another 48-72 hours before I crash hard. I do admit that a shower sounds good right about now.”

Ricochey (CAG)

She shook her head and laughed. “Go shower. I’ll make something for us to eat. And no, I’m not making grubs and insects. Bad enough we had to in survival training, ” she made an icky face before leaning over to kiss him. “Save that for the young kids.” She laughed again and stretched before staring to rise.

“I take it the reports are fine and I’m good to go again? Although I’m sure there’s others not so sure.” She moved towards the replicator, trying to decide what to make.


Ric seemed a little disappointed she had offered to help him with his shower, but a relaxing shower with no strenuous activity did sound pretty good. As he made his way toward the bedroom, he called back over his should, “Everything looks good.”

He began undressing in the open doorway. “As far as I’m concerned, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be back in the black. Doolittle, the doctor that checked you out and myself are the only opinions that count. And we all give you the green light.”

Ricochet (CAG)

His words were reassuring, but it was the other pilots she flew with that weighed on her mind.

As she heard the water run, she started seeing the table with easy, simple things. When he came out it would be ready. Nothing fancy, just salad, a small shepherd’s pie, and carafe of light wine. On the side counter was his favorite dessert*.

She was serving them both as he came out.



Ric came out of the bedroom dressed in a pair of blue, silk Bermuda shorts and a grey T-shirt emblazoned with a logo that read ‘Xaviers School for Gifted Youngsters’.

He looked at the table and grinned and was about to speak when he noticed the dessert. Heading for the counter, he said, “Is that—?”

He took a deep breath and smiled even wider when the scent filled his nose. MM-mmm!! Coconut cream pie, lover you shouldn’t have!!.”

Ric stuck his finger into the pie and extracted it full of whipped creme and coconut cream. Licking the cream off, he closed his eyes and moaned in ecstasy. . . .

Ricochet (CAG)

Xandra laughed and slapped his hand. “Manners, lover,” she swiftly removed the pie from his reach and set it on the table. “At least sit down with silverware like a civilized species.” She laughed once more and served him a goodly sized portion and set it at his place. “Advantages of being a grown up… dessert can come first.” She gave herself a nearly equal sized portion and sat down.

Curling one of her legs under her, she set into the pie like a child on holiday. Having sweets before the meal wasn’t something she did often, but it was a treat when she allowed herself the pleasure. “So I was thinking we need to get back to the sims. The last couple excursions have thrown things at us we weren’t expecting. Perhaps we all need to be shaken up a bit and get more ‘odd’ experiences under out belts. Nebulas, atmospheric storms, loss of engines, communications, etc. Things like that. We all have formations, rules, regulations and the usual stuff under our belts. But we weren’t prepared for the microwave emissions that hit me directly, or the effects of the storm that caused a need for fighter relayed transmissions. I think if we practice those more often, we can get better at dealing with the unforeseen. What do you think?”

He trusted her to be at peak once more, now she knew the others had to as well. But she also knew they all needed to experience ‘some’ for of being crippled to understand that what she had been thru could happen to any of them and that they all had to be aware and protect one another just in case.


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