Side Sim: Lounge (Open)

Posted Jan. 5, 2022, 8:50 p.m. by Captain Sidney Parker (Commanding Officer) (Sidney Parker)

Posted by Lieutenant Ael Khev (Pilot, Red Squad Leader) in Side Sim: Lounge (Open)

Posted by Captain Sidney Parker (Commanding Officer) in Side Sim: Lounge (Open)

Posted by Lieutenant Ael Khev (Pilot, Red Squad Leader) in Side Sim: Lounge (Open)
Posted by… suppressed (19) by the Post Ghost! 👻
Time to let go. She wished she knew what to say. That she had the right words to soothe and comfort. A home was a strange and powerful place. Physically, a home may remain the same, or be gone entirely, or show signs of age, or be altered in any number of ways. But the home that exists within memory, that is a place you could never return. The home of one’s childhood or youth, where all memories good and bad were made, could only exist within the mind. M’rahja wished she knew the words to express this, to show empathy and understanding.

But she could not. But maybe instead she can find the one responsible. “Oh, is that all we’re good for?” M’rahja said, trying to keep her tone light. She took one last look at the room around them, before calling for the holodeck doors. “If you’re ready to leave, then I’m ready too.”

M’rahja Ko

“Yeah, no point sticking around. I need a drink. You’re welcome to come along, if you like.” Ael headed for the door. His mind was weighed down, and that needed to be remedied.

-Ael Khev

“Sure. A drink sounds good.” She followed Ael out, but couldn’t help but feel on guard. Their killer was on the ship somewhere, and M’rahja couldn’t help but fell a little wary around each person they passed.

M’rahja Ko

When they came to the lounge, Ael went to the bar, almost ordering a Romulan Ale. He needed something further from home. He picked something similar from Earth. He picked a table and motioned for M’raha to follow.

-Ael Khev

M’rahja ordered a non-alcoholic, but strangely thic drink and took at the table with Ael. While she sipped her drink, she started to mentally structure the report she’ll make. It should be done right away, but she felt it could wait just a little longer. Something in her gut told her that it didn’t matter how soon she made her report, because any investigation they make will come up empty. She might as well stick with Ael a little longer and make sure he’s okay. For the moment, she’ll keep her silence and let Ael speak when ready.

M’rahja Ko

“Strange night, wasn’t it?” Ael said, breaking several minutes of silence. “I can’t imagine, unless he starts making regular appearances like this, he’ll ever be found. Unless you think the security chief will take the murder of a hologram particularly seriously.”

-Ael Khev

M’rahja’s ears flicked forward as Ael spoke. “I. . . I’m not sure.” She answered, somewhat subdued. “I haven’t been aboard the Olinski for very long. I don’t know the security chief that well. . .She has to though,” M’rahja quickly added on, “I smelled another person in that holodeck without a doubt.” Even though the murders were holograms, someone living infiltrated and killed them, then lead her and Ael on a merry chase. “Because. . . because what if our killer decides holograms aren’t enough?”

M’rahja Ko

“Let me know when you’re giving your report. I’d like to be there, provide some additional information.” Ael sighed. “Perhaps this will work out. When I became a citizen of the federation, I adopted it as my home. Maybe it’s time to live a little bit closer to that.”

-Ael Khev

The new science officer Ensign Suana would chime the holodeck asking to be let in.

Ensign Rudy Suana - Science Officer

ooc: M’rahja and Ael have left the holodeck and are now in the lounge. I’ve changed the thread title to reflect this.

ic: “Should be soon. I don’t want to sit on it for too long, but I’ll keep you posted.” But that was not now. “Oh? How are you going to do that? Anything in particular you’re drawn to?” She was curious, the federation was so big, there were so many cultures and practices to look into. Perhaps she could help with her own experiences and knowledge.

M’rahja Ko

“I’m not sure…” Ael paused a moment to consider. “I wouldn’t look out of place on Vulcan, though I expect I wouldn’t fit into the culture.” He laughed. “At all. Earth may be the historical home of humanity, but being Starfleet’s homebase, it’s fairly multicultural now. Maybe that’s a good option.”

-Ael Khev

His laugh got her to smile, “To be honest I don’t think I’d fit in with Vulcan culture either.” Though she had good emotional control, M’rahja was very sociable and extroverted. “It is, especially in California. Humans tend to be very welcoming and diverse. So if you don’t fit in with one group, chances are you’ll find another that does.”

M’rahja Ko

“It’s funny, you know, among Romulans, I’m a pretty young person. But after all the time I spent building a career in the Imperial Navy, and then starting over in Starfleet… having somewhere to retire to sounds nice. That’s still probably 120 years from now but that’s something not to think about.”

-Ael Khev


Around this time the Captain walked in. It created a little stir because he rarely came to the Lounge anymore.

Parker CO

Ael glanced over at the Captain a few times. Then he said to M’rahja quietly “What’s he doing here? I guess it’s his ship.”

-Ael Khev

M’rahja glanced up, her reply to Ael cut off at the Captain’s appearance. “Does the captain not make many appearances in the lounge?” She asked. As a newcomer to the ship she didn’t know what was normal behavior for the captain or not.

The Captain ordered a Jim Beam on the rocks with a splash of soda. A bottle of the real stuff was always kept in case he came in but that was rare. He then looked over and saw Khev whom he knew from his piloting test and from the team of Ric. He smiled, tilted his glass and then looked back forward. Staring into nothing or into thought. It was up to others to guess which.

Parker CO

“Do you think he may want company?” M’rahja said, wondering.

M’rahja Ko

“Could be.” Ael said.

Sid knew he needed to make the trip. He wanted to show the crew that he too felt the loss of crew and was like them and needed a drink or a moment of reflection. In truth he preferred not to. The weight of command was enough during a war, even a short one. However he had to balance staying above the crew while also being among them. A Captain was a much of a symbol as he was a leader.

Parker CO

Ael rose from his seat and walked over to the bar. “Evening Captain. Finally have some time off?” He gestured to the bartender for refills.

-Ael Khev

“If only Lt.” The Captain smiled and offered the seats next to him which would be one over for them. “You guys had a tough time out there but you saved our necks several times. Good work.”

Parker CO

“Thank you sir.” Ael sat down. “It was a good run. So what official business brings you down here?” The bartender brought over their drinks and left them with a polite nod. Though he did seem interested in overhearing the goings on of the Captain and the junior officer crazy enough to speak without being spoken to.

-Ael Khev

“Lt. Even the Captain gets tired of having a drink alone.” Sid said with a slight smile and a lift of his glass as if in salute. He then took a big drink and sat it down.

Ael mimicked the gesture.

“Looks like the CAG is stepping down.” He suddenly said looking forward. “I’m looking at Lt. Primage as the next man up so to speak. Your thoughts?”

Parker CO

“It’ll be a shame to see Ric go. Xandra is a good pilot though, and senior on the flight staff, makes sense to put her in the lead position. I think the wing’ll respect her.” He took a drink before continuing. “It’s always a little difficult, moving from one CAG to another. Wing has to get a feel for the new leader, get to understand how thing might be different. Build a new trust. But since we know Xandra, one squad is already accustomed to her leadership, should go smoothly.”

-Ael Khev

“Good to hear that.” Sid answered. He knew that pilots were another breed and a leader of them had to have their respect even more than the rank.

“Goldschlager shot Lt.” The Captain suggested.

Parker CO

“Don’t mind if I do Captain.” Ael called for the bartender. A moment later their drinks were on the bar. “What shall we drink to skipper?”

-Ael Khev

“The only thing worthy Lt. The Olinski and her crew. Those now and those who have gone before!” The Captain said with pride and a bit solemn as well.

He raised the shot glass and bumped it to Khev. He then took it down without a blink and thumped the glass on the bar.

Parker CO

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