Kalani's Quarters

Posted Jan. 1, 2019, 11:03 p.m. by Ensign Kalani Kāne (Scientist) (Kate O'Neill)


Jarred paced in front of Kalani’s quarters, he had just got off with his mom knowing the shuttle was a few days away. She and his dad’s visit signaled a large change in his life and he knew he couldn’t keep Kalani in the dark any longer. She knew many things, their trip and discovery of the bipedal sentients on the planet, the aquariums and romance had been a whirlwind for the last six months. He felt shameful as he thought of the face he hadn’t told her any of this, he didn’t expect to fall in love with her yet he had. Despite this, he feared his secrets could force her away. If that was the case, he needed to know before his parents arrived if he was newly single again.

Paging the door, he didn’t wait as he knew she would be okay with him just entering as he did. “Lani?” he said as he looked around, trying to find out where she was.

Alindor, CE

“Jared, you’re here early,” Kalani said coming out of the bedroom with a cup of coffee. It was then a small blur bolted from under a blanket and headed towards the familiar voice entering the quarters. “I thought you’d,” Kalani stumbled as Ralph ran between her legs and into Jared’s shins. “Ralph,” she groaned shaking the coffee off her hand that had sloshed on it.

“Hey little man .” Jarred said as he knelt down picking up the little fox as he held him close. “Did you miss me buddy? I know I missed you.” Jarred said as he began to scratch right behind the ear he knew would make the little fuzzball stop moving and just focus on the pleasure the small petting did to him.

Moving towards Jared, Kalani rose on her toes to give him a quick kiss. “You know you should do something about that,” she motioned towards Ralph. “He is only going to get older and more difficult to control. Can I get you a beer or something,” Kalani said moving towards the couch. It was not uncommon for Jared or her to stop by after a work shift. Today, however, he must have gotten off earlier.

Ensign Kalani Kane, science

“Me do something about it? He doesn’t live with me, and besides I like my buddy the way he is. Wild and cuddly, just like you.” he said as he flopped down on the couch and let Ralph down next to him. “And a beer is fine babe.” Jarred said, he was calm but he did feel a sense of apprehension as he kept playing his story through his head. His love for her had been sudden but so genuine. He couldn’t help but feel he made a major mistake waiting six months for this conversation. He knew this was coming the day he meet her, yet he didn’t want to give up knowing her better as time went on.

Taking the beer he waited, knowing she would want to curl up her body right next to his. Her dark skin contrasting against his as she often took his hand in hers, she could be a love sick puppy at times. If he was honest he was just as love sick. You will loose her when you tell her, this is your last chance. echoed a voice in the back of his head. He shook his head briefly knowing he needed to get the thought to flee his mind. The truth was, he trusted her greatly. As shocking as what he was about to say, he knew she would give him a chance to explain.

“You say you like him like this,” Kalani said laying her head on Jarred’s shoulder as she looked down at Ralph in Jarred’s lap. The fox was wearing a dopey grin that made him look like he was about to melt with happiness. “Don’t you remember last week when he,” she said and then noticed Jarred was very quiet. While she was the talker of the pair, Jarred always had a snappy come back to most things she said. Turning her face up she looked at Jarred and instantly saw something was wrong. “Baby,” she said moving so she was no longer laying on him but looking him in the eyes.

“I wanted to come by, there is a shuttle coming by soon… my parents are on it and I felt a need to prep you. They don’t visit more than once or twice a year, and they came with a very special purpose…” he paused as he looked at her, letting himself have a little bit of distance to gaze intently in her eyes. He knew by now she had to sense his nerves. One might think it was just cause his parents were coming but once he told her who else was coming he was certain she would balk if only a little.

Kalani stiffened a bit feeling the bottom drop out of her stomach. There was only one reason for Jarred to be acting like this after mentioning his parents were coming. He didn’t want her to meet them. The why didn’t matter in this second. The why might never matter. “Oh....well it’s too bad I won’t be able to meet them. My duty shift was switched. I only had like ten minutes so I will see you later,” Kalani said standing up from the couch. This might have sounded like she was giving him the easy way out but it was far from that. Jarred had effectively killed any future she had planned with his “special purpose” comment. She knew that was slang for “they are coming to see me and not us.”

“They, they are going to be dropping off my daughter, Lizzie.”

“You’re what,” Kalani said giving him a bewildered expression. She even cocked her head to the side visually showing how she was running the sentence over and over in her head. “Wait, whose daughter,” she said taking a seat back on the couch. She sat down not because her legs were weak but more that she needed every ounce of brainpower devoted to processing and understanding the words coming out of his mouth.

“I know that… I know that must be a shock, I have yet to mention her once… I just.” Jarred bowed his head down. He felt lately like he was letting everyone down. First he breaks up with Cori, then he felt angry at his mother for pushing his daughter on him, then the guilt for that feeling. Now on top of all those swirling feelings, he had lied and kept all this secret for Kalani even though he has plenty of times to tell her than a day before.

Alindor, CE

“A shock? A shock,” she said feeling her voice rise out of confusion. That was until she started remembering how one got kids and that Jarred had been married before and engaged twice. “Jarred Nikolos Alindor are you telling me you have a family or you have a daughter because there is a huge difference and I kinda need to know whether I am going to deck you and toss your arse out or continue this conversation with something stronger than arabica.”

Ensign Kalani Kane, Science

“Just the daughter, I’m not married… not anymore at least. That, that ended ages ago when I learned I had a child… I guess it’s been five years ago.”

“You guess she is five,” Kalani asked not so much for clarification but more to buy some time. This was a lot to take in. Everyone had skeletons in their closet and six months was about the time to start unpacking the crap you hauled from relationship to relationship; however compared to the semi Jarred was unloading in her quarters, Kalani’s was more of a pack like Santa carried around. Sure it was bottomless but it was not 80,000 pounds spread over 18 conventional wheels with a diesel engine. Her question was rhetorical and to be fair, Jarred seemed at rattled as her so Kalani did the only thing she could do. She walked over to the relicator and got two more beers.

“Well she turns six soon, so it was a little over five years ago. Her birthday is at the end of this month.” Jarred said, feeling himself grow in courage, so far she hadn’t just walked away she was still by his side. This was what he wanted and needed, and Kalani was delivering it in spades.

“We might need these,” she said handing him one and taking a seat back on the couch.

” I am I know not a perfect father. I tried to give her the best life. Her mother left, and I had zero knowledge of the kid. It wasn’t until a year after Lilly left a man tracked me down, with a little six month bundle. I was angry, alcoholic mess unfit to handle that. My parents were thrilled to see their first grandchild and… I was a little too thrilled to no longer have that responsibility. ” Jarred lowered his head as he stood up and paced a little.

“Hey…hey,” Kalani said walking over to him. She reached over putting a hand on his arm stopping Jarred from walking aimlessly in her quarters. “This is going to change everything but change isn’t bad. It will just be an adjustment. So maybe we don’t get a lot of weekenders and you spend every holiday with her instead of always with me for a while. Jarred it is going to be okay. We got this.”

“This… this is going to be a very long story. I don’t want to have any more secrets from you, I want you to meet my daughter and my parents. I… there is circumstances that have changed. Elizabeth needs to live with me and, am scared to death of this. I want… I need you by my side but I know I am asking a lot and have no right to even begin to ask this of you.” Jarred said as he looked down at her, his eyes soft and tender. He needed her now but he was afraid she may still kick him out all the same.

Alindor, CE

“Wait liiiiiiiiiiive with you not visit. You mean live live as in every day from now until she decides to move out live with you?” Kalani looked at him a bit dumbfounded. It made perfect sense that a child would live with her father but for all his assets, Jarred Alindor was not father material. His quarters ranged from ‘let’s impress my girlfriend clean’ to ‘oh shoot I forgot you were coming over clean’. He was a bachelor. It was expected but now adding another human to the mix. Jarred was right. He was going to need help.

“Okay, how long do we have,” Kalani said pulling him towards the table. “Give me as much as you can in the time we have. We can fill in the blanks later if needed. What time are your parents....and Lizzie coming,” she asked.

Ensign Kalani Kane Science

Jarred smiled as he sat down next to her. His daughter had been an enigma to most, since Lilly had left him and he had found out about the daughter he had dated a few women but none lasted long enough for him to ever have the courage. One night stands here and there meant nothing, and even Alya and Cori despite his deep care for them he had been a coward. Still, his desire to tell Kalani all had been growing, even if Elizabeth was arriving the next day. Jarred had grown much since he first had her dropped off in his lap five years ago.

“She will be here tomorrow, but… there is more to why she is moving back. You… you know how hard of a time I have with my father. We have never really seen eye to eye but… well things have changed.”

“Jarred,” Kalani said in a soft tone. “Let’s focus on one thing at a time okay. Maybe begin with Lizzy and we can move on to your father later,” she suggested. She knew that Jarred and his father were not winning and Father-Son awards but the most important thing now was learning about Lizzy.

” I don’t really know where to begin, maybe a year after Lilly me. I wasn’t in a good place, barley keeping my position on the Saracen as I ran up a tab on shore leave at Starbase 21.” Jarred said, taking a deep breath he thought back to that moment.

*** Five Years Ago - Starbase 21 ***

“Come on, just one…” a breath hiccup could be heard as Jarred shook his head, trying to seem more together than he really was. “More, just one more come on.” he said looking at the barkeep, wanting nothing more than to continue his sorrow.

“Jarred, you know I love you man… but I can’t let you keep coming back here every chance to flee the Saracen to just kill your liver. Doctor Fenix has already had to prevent alcohol poisoning twice with you. I won’t let you die cause you can’t know when to quit.”

Shore leave was one of the few times Jarred knew he could be outwardly intoxicated, the truth is he hadn’t been truly sober for some time. Here though he could do as he pleased, no need to hide what was wrong and now uniform to wear. This gave him some autonomy and ability to skirt the rules while off duty.

He knew the Captain was worried, as well as Ayla with all the therapy she had forced upon him. He just recently had been forced to move out of the Captain Quarters, a unusual casualty from having to marry the former Captain and have her leave and ditch you the day after your wedding. His emotions for the past year had been frayed and the liquor seemed to be all that made him forget the pain.

“Well… I…” Jarred said as he looked at Jax behind the bar and shook his head. He was probably right, Jax was coming up as double right now and Jarred couldn’t focus at all. Sliding from the bar he headed over to the booth as he slouched in. He needed time to sober before he made the trek to his quarters. He would fall off a railing far before he even got to the turbo lifts.

A few moments passed as Jarred felt some kicking his boots, he had falling asleep in the booth which had become a normal feat while he was here. Most people would take shore leave for adventure or sun, he just went to his favorite bar in the galaxy and slept off night after night. It wasn’t uncommon for Jarred to be awoken by one of the waitresses, or Jax himself as he slowly sat up, head pounding he as he opened his eyes. As he did, the figure that kicked him became to take focus, it wasn’t though at all what he expected.

“Are you a Mr. Jarred Alindor? Jax said I might find you here.” said the small mousy looking woman who stood in front of him. Jarred wasn’t certain at all who she was, she didn’t work here and, well she seemed to be carrying something in what looked like a small basket in her hands.

Wiping the sleep from his face Jarred felt the vision focus more as he took in the details. This woman was no taller than 1.5 meters, she barley looked 45 kilograms soaking wet he figured. The basket she held, it wasn’t quite a basket the more he looked at it, and a small cooing sound could be heard from it. “Yes, that’s correct… and you are?” he asked as he felt himself straightening up more.

“I’m Alison McCreary, I’ve been looking for you for a month now. They said you were not on the Saracen, you became a hard man to track down. ” she said as she sat across from him, gently placing the basket to the side of him as she looked him up and down, the contents covered and hidden.

“Well, guess I didn’t try hard enough to hide now did I?” he said as he eyed the basket, then back to her. “So… what do you need of me Ms McCreary? I don’t think you travel half way around the galaxy to find me when I am on vacation.

“This is a vacation? As places go your choices leave much to be desired. I am here, cause of her…” Alison said as she looked over towards the basket, gently reaching in she pulled out the contents as Jarred watched with a shocked expression. He wasn’t sure if he was still asleep or not, cause once the woman leaned back she had a small child in her arms.

“I’m sorry her? Why did you track me down to show me a baby?” Jarred asked, the child seemed to begin to fuss as she stayed in her arms. He could tell she was a few months old, maybe five or six at most. Enough to have some motor functions but still very much an infant. “I’m sorry I don’t buy children, I’m not sure what you expect of me here.”

“I’m not here to sell you anything.” the woman scoffed, she was finding Jarred more than unbearable, the odor alone was beginning to curl her nostrils as it seemed a few days since he had taking a sonic shower. “Why Lilly insisted custody go to you is beyond me…” she said as she rolled her eyes. It seemed like any second she may just walk away but she didn’t budge just yet as she kept her eyes on Jarred.

“Lilly? What? Why would… why…” Jarred eyes sharpened as he focused on the child then back on Alison. “No… no no no no. No, that’s impossible. Lilly has been gone for over a year. She left me the day after she married me, you must be confused.” Jarred said, this couldn’t be the case he thought to himself. I need to stop drinking Absinthe… he thought as he shook his head as if to wash away the image of the woman and child in front of him.

“It is very much possible, her name is Elizabeth.” Alison said as she let the child grab her hand as she held her close. “She was born six months ago, Lilly… she entrusted me in tracking you down. Look I.. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling. I know Lilly’s leaving was harsh, and no… I don’t know her current whereabouts. I do know though, that this small little girl did nothing wrong.”

Jarred felt everything in that moment, a year of trying to drown in alcohol couldn’t prepare him at all for this. He had no idea when she left she was pregnant, and the fact that she left this child just like she left him didn’t make her feel any better about her as a person. Still, Jarred was not a father figure by any stretch. He was only 25, cock sure, drunk, and avoiding all responsibility not related to a warp core at the moment.

“I am supposed to just take your word? I mean, no offense Alison but my wife wasn’t the most honest. She lied to me, cheated on me, tried to kill a man… her having a kid that isn’t mine only to try and stiff me with it… doesn’t sound to far off the norm.” he said as he kept his eyes on the small girl before looking up at Alison. She would be able to tell how he was pondering, and her face muscles shifting as she sat there told him she expected this question.

“Well, doesn’t take much to prove it, which is why I have this…” she sad, reaching to her side keeping Elizabeth safe she brought out a tricorder. “Simple sample of your DNA and hers can tell the tale right now. I know this isn’t easy for you… but I need you to believe me when I say you are far better than Lilly to raise this child.”

Staring down at the tricorder Jarred felt himself breath in deeply, taking it he looked at it then looked at the child. “When was she born?” he said, stalling as he sat there pondering what he wanted to do.

“January 27th Terran calendar.” Alison answered. “Here, hold her, I will take care of this.” she said, as she held out the child for Jarred to take as he looked mortified at the prospect.

“Hold…” he said, unable to deny the request as she put the baby in his hands as he held the small child close. He wasn’t sure what to feel as he held her, this all had hit him harder than the hangover he had been feeling as he heard the scans begin. Jarred looked over as she took a small hypo to get his blood sample, and swab for Elizabeth as she got the saliva needed to let the tricorder begin to work.

Moments went by, hours to Jarred but mere minutes as he began to take in every detail of the small child in his arms. It wasn’t until he heard Alison speak that he snapped him out as she slid the tricorder between them. The results shined clearly as Jarred looked down. Parent child match could be seen across the screen as he took a deep sharp breath. “So… she’s… she’s mine.” he said, with a dumb founded look across his face.

“Yes, yes she is… I have some documents for you to sign, but we can do that in the morning if you wish. Take her to your quarters, sober up Jarred… she is going to need you.” Alison said as she stood up, putting her hand on his shoulder as she quietly left, leaving the bombshell on Jarred’s lap.

*** Present Day ***

“So… that was how I learned… there… there is a lot more but… well that is how it starts… one small test and you are a father, or at least that’s how it happened with myself.” he said as he looked over at Kalani, trying to gauge her current response.

Alindor, CE

Kalani had no idea her mouth was hanging open until she finally realized Jarred had stopped talking. It still took a conscious effort to close her mouth and form words. This had all the makings of a Charles Dickens or Emily Bronte novel. So many thoughts clamored in her mind to be voiced but one rose above the cacophony. “So this McCreary just left the baby with you…in a bar..on shore leave without anyone to help you?” This may have been seen as a sexist comment but at times men were not the best with kids even when they weren’t three sheets to the wind.

“And you had no idea about the baby. I mean not even a hint?” Kalani was not doubting the veracity of Jarred’s statements but wondering exactly what type of woman he ran with prior to her. So far he picked real winners. The one he married took off right after I do. The one he never married also took off but before the nuptials. Then there was the counselor fling that left him for another man and the corporeal computer ex-girlfriend residing on the ship.

“You know what, keep going,” Kalani encouraged Jarred not really caring about his response. “I’ll just take some mental notes and when we get to the end, if I’m still fuzzy, we can have a Q and A session?” Who was she to debate the quality of ex’s. Her last boyfriend tired to kill her. She picked up the cup of coffee, brewed during the story, and took a sip; however, she did not set it down on the table. Kalani kept it hovering right in front of her mouth in case she had to hide any more dumbfounded expressions or to buy time with a sip if Jarred asked a spontaneous question.

Ensign Kalani Kane Science

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