Side Sim: Flynns Psychological Evaluation

Posted Jan. 9, 2019, 1:30 p.m. by Ensign Fraiser Flynn (Security Officer) (Cass Young)

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Royal Sinclair (Counselor) in Side Sim: Flynns Psychological Evaluation

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Royal Sinclair (Counselor) in Side Sim: Flynns Psychological Evaluation

Posted by Ensign Fraiser Flynn (Security Officer) in Side Sim: Flynns Psychological Evaluation
Posted by… suppressed (16) by the Post Ghost! 👻
That’s one out of three done Fraiser thought to himself as he walked out of the Security office. Now it was merely a matter of his deciding whether he did his physical or psychological first. Ordinarily out of the two Fraiser would choose physical and save the mind games for last, but his research into the other crew members aboard the ship had revealed that the CMO came from an empathic background. As a rule, Flynn tended to avoid empaths, no matter how charming he was they never really took to him. It was like they could sense the darkness that Elaine claimed was inside him, so having one with such a prominant role in sickbay was… problematic. He didn’t need anymore paranoid officers running behind him and crying wolf like Counsellor Hicks had done.

While he deliberated his feet made his choice for him. It seemed that in no time at all they’d taken him straight to the counellors office. He stopped and gave a couple of tugs to his uniform jacket until it was sitting on his shoulders perfectly. Giving a polite nod to a passing NE, he tentitvely touched his hair, ensuring that it was still sitting emmaculately on his head. Given the counsellor was unfortunately male, his good looks wouldn’t quite have the same effect of him as it would should the counsellor have been female. Early on Flynn had learnt that cousellor sessions were merely a mind game; simply put Fraiser sold his character, Counsellor tried to poke holes in it. Until Hicks, he’d been able to sell the perfect officer but Hicks had taken one small coencidence and spun it into a wild theory. Flynn shook his head, there was no point dwelling on that now. Stepping forward he rang the chime to the Counsellors office. As he waited for a response, he stepped sideways so that he could lean against the doorframe and fixed an idel expression on his face. Let the fun begin.

Ensign Flynn

Without any command, the doors slid open to reveal the Counselor’s office. Decorated in a warm and calming manner, the office was welcoming and not at all like the rest of the offices on board. The desk had been moved to the corner of the space where the bulkhead met the outer hull’s windows, opening the office space up for a seating area large enough to hold more than the single individual that most often came to talk with the ship’s Counselor. A couch and a few chairs were set around a small table, on which sat a crystal bowl filled with multicolored glass beads that seemed to have a small amount of internal light inside them. Two chairs sat facing the desk, probably allowing for more formal conversations or for administrative needs.

As the doors opened Flynn nearly toppled over, as it was he merely stumbled, straightening himself quickly. He had expected a command before the doors opened, when there hadn’t been he’d been thrown off. But he recovered quickly and gazed around the room, seeking out anything that might give him a hint as to the type of person Fraiser would be dealing with.

Low bookcases lined the walls, each one closed with a glass fronted door with brass hinges, in which sat some real books, many notebooks, and a few bookends of various sizes and shapes. On the wall behind the desk were several pictures on either side of a display case showing individuals, groups, and a few that seemed to be a sports team of some kind. Each shelf was filled with a few items the officer seated at the desk had collected so far; but on the top shelf prominently sat a single item housed in a rounded glass display: The Star Fleet Marine Corps Distinguished Service Cross.

As Flynn took in the room, each item he saw, the photos, the items ect. he stored away in his mind as useful pieces of information. Everything he saw told him a little bit about the counsellor, for example the Counselor was somewhat sentimental. The most interesting piece of information, however, was the Service Cross, mostly because it didn’t seem like the type of award for a Counselor to achieve. And the Counselor was proud of it, but he didn’t like to boast too much otherwise he would have placed it on his desk where everyone could see. Instead it was tucked on the top shelf out of reach of a child and protected by a glass screen… interesting.

Seated at the desk was a human male who seemed very much not a Counselor. Broad and muscled shoulders framed a large chest and well-muscled arms looked moderately out of place in the blue uniform of the Science and Medical section. The Lieutenant Commander pips on the collar clashed with the apparent age of the man. Blonde hair, cut in the traditional style of the Marines, topped a youthful face with piercing blue eyes that looked up from the desk as the door opened. A deep Scottish brogue issued forth from the large man and a smile crossed his face as he spoke. “Come in, please. How may help you, Ensign?”

Sinclair, CNS

At the Counselors bidding, Flynn stepped into the room, finally taking in the Counselor himself. His eyebrow arched in surprise, the man looked better suited to be a Marine than a Counselor and Flynn wondered if he had been at some stage. It was times like this he wished he had a higher security clearence so that he could access more than a persons rank, gender and species. There were clashes between the couch and the desk arrangement, and now the Counselor himself was a clash with his role. To say Flynn was intrigued was an understatment. He was making a career out of knowing the people he was dealing with, but this was something he’d never seen before and he wasn’t entierly sure what to make of it.

Careful not to stare for too long, while Fraiser processed all of this, he made his way over to the desk, “Ensign Flynn,” he introduced, holding his hand over the desk for the Counselor to shake, “I’m here for my psychological, if you’re not otherwise occupied,” He smiled in a charming manner.

Sinclair reached out and took the Ensign’s hand in a firm, but not aggressive, grip. Releasing it, he said “Not a problem, Ensign. I’m between appointments at the moment.”

He sat down the chair and his eyes flittered back to the Star Fleet Marine Corps Distinguished Service Cross, “Very impressive,” he commented, letting a touch of the admiration he felt show. He looked at if for another second longer, before turing his attention back to the other man, “It’s not the usual award a Counselor would have though is it?” he questionedwith a tone of indifferent curiousity, “How did you get it?” The handsome Ensign leaned back and waited for a response, hoping there was a story that the Counselor would tell and if it used up all the time they had for the psychological than Fraiser wouldn’t complain.

Ensign Flynn

Sinclair cocked an eyebrow at the young man, a slight smile playing across his features. “You know, Ensign… most individuals wait to be asked to sit before plopping down in front of a higher ranking officer.” and he chuckled. “Good thing I don’t stand much on protocol in here.” and he smiled a warm smile. Looking back at the object Flynn was referring to, Sinclair said “No, definitely not typical for a Counselor. And it’s not mine. Long story…” and he turned back. “But that story is not what brings you here, so we can save that for another time. Now, I have already reviewed your record. Is there anything you would like to say before we begin? Anything not in there that you think I should know? And please understand, I keep what is said in this office in strictest confidence. I only discuss particulars with the Captain, and then only if I think there is an issue that he should be aware of. So you can say whatever you like. Understood?”

Sinclair, CNS

It was disappointing but not really surprising that the Counselor hadn’t taken the bait, but Flynn had still managed to learn a little bit more about the Cross so he wasn’t going to complain. It had been a long shot at any rate. But the Counselors following words chilled him, and his easy smile had slipped the tiniest bit, it sounded a little bit like the Counselor was giving him an oppertunity to defend himself. If that was the case than it could only mean that the hand of Hicks would be in play during this session. Of course Flynn could be completely paranoid but he reasoned he better play it safe just incase. “Understood sir. It’s good to hear, if you can’t trust your resident shrink than who can you trust?” He chuckled quietly indicating that he wasn’t wholly being serious in his remark.

“Having said that sir, I probably should caution you that I didn’t have althogether the best relationship with the previous ships Counselor, so you should probably take anything he’s written with a grain of salt. I get along with most people, but there are some whom theres just no pleasing,” he streatched his arms in a what-can-you-do kind of way, “Butt thats in the past, I’m sure you’ll make your own judgment of me soon enough,” he winked, hoping his casual and relaxed manor would quickly move Sinclair on from delving any further into the bad blood between Flynn and Hicks.

Ensign Flynn

Sinclair’s facial expression didn’t change while Flynn spoke, and when he finished Sinclair just looked at him for a moment. Finally, a knowing smile crossed his face briefly and he said “What training did you get in interrogation techniques, Ensign? And do you remember who your instructor was?”

Sinclair, CNS

Flynns eyebrow raised, this hadn’t been the kind of question he’d been expecting. Where were the questions about his childhood, about Elaine, his hopes, dreams, fears… or something but… “Interrogation techniques? Isn’t that something you should save for Lt Triton to ask me sir?” The corner of his mouth twitched, “I know I’d make a fantastic good cop.”

“We had pretty much the basic standard Federation interrogation education. Looked at a several different techniques across the Federation, though in the end the’re all pretty much the same. It’s all about manipulation We ran a couple of scenarios as the interrogator and the suspect, Commander Yoshi said it would give us a better understanding on how it works if we experienced it from both sideds of the table. I did alright, but I have to admit I was much more skilled at Tactics.” he paused thinking “I can recall Commander Yoshi he’s a hard person to forget, but we also had an Andorian female for a semester before she took maternity leave, I can’t recall her name though I’m afraid,”

Ensign Flynn

Sinclair just looked at Flynn for a moment and then said “Ensign, do you know why I asked you that question?” and he leaned forward and rested his arms on the desk. “No, don’t answer. I’m sure you don’t. So… well, let me say something. I don’t know if you know this or not, but I haven’t always been a Counselor. Prior to this role, I was Chief of Security on a ship. In that life, I learned a good deal about reading people. The Counseling training really helped make me good at it, too.” and he leaned back, not taking his eyes off of Flynn. “Now, in the short time you have been in here, you have tried to charm me with your wit and demeanor and steer the conversation away from the topic at hand… which is you. That’s the Counselor perspective.” and he leaned forward again, the look much more serious, but not hostile. “The Security Chief perspective is that you have something you are trying to hide, or at least not talk about. So let’s can the ‘Mr. Charming’ routine, and tell me what is going on. Why the act?” he asked bluntly. “And don’t give me the ‘I hate going to the Counselor.’ bit. It gets old and, more to the point, the folks that hate coming here are usually the ones trying to hide something.” and he sat back and looked at the Ensign.

Sinclair, CNS

Fraiser was clearly take aback, his normal charming smile sliding away. Nobody had called him out for anything in a long time, it was obvious the Ensign was very used to getting his own way. He opened his mouth to say something, but then snapped it shut. Unsure of what he could say to improve his situation with the Counselor. Did he give the Counselor the satisfaction of the answer he was looking for? Or did Fraiser dare to push it a little more? A brief pause elapsed and then the (no doubt infuriating), charming smile returned, though it seemed more false now “On the contrary, I don’t mind going to the Counselor at all. I have nothing to hide. Your Security Chief side might be a little bit rusty Counselor.”

“You are right, I have been trying to steer the conversation and a poor job of it too if you picked up on it so easy…” A mocking smile, “I can’t hide from you Counselor. You can see how I wasn’t top of my class for interrigation. Which speaking of… aren’t you going to give me a hint as to why you brought that up?” He leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees and making “Its obviously significant to the conversation… most likely either subconsciously done by me, or a subtle undertone…” He trailed off seemingly pensively then he gasped and shot his head up, “Don’t tell me you’re into that? Cause I should probably warn you as stunning as you are, I don’t put out until the third date at least and considering the way this conversation is going I’m afaid I can’t imagine us making it to a second one,” He knew that wasn’t what Sinclair was trying to get to at all, but he hoped it might buy him more time to decide on how best to regain control of the conversation.

Ensign Flynn

Sinclair’s knowing smile never twitched or faded. He listened to Flynn speak, and didn’t move a muscle… even at the obvious baiting attempt. When he finished speaking, Sinclair simply sat and looked at him in silence, staring directly at him without moving or blinking. There was something odd about his look. It was as if he was deciding something. What that was, only Sinclair knew. The moments drew out long and awkward. It seemed the Counselor had all the time in the world and then he finally spoke.

“Ya done, lad? I mean, if you want to try again, feel free. But you’re only wasting your time, not mine. And just so you know, insincerity and pathetic attempts at baiting don’t work on me. And my tolerance for verbal excrement is probably much higher than your capacity to shovel it, Ensign.” He could tell by the way the Ensign reacted the young man was not used to people calling him out, and he made a mental note of it.

Sinclair, CNS

Flynn’s eyes narrowed, he sat up stiffly, shoving his hands under him as he did so. His carefully schooled control was slipping from the anger and frusteration that was beginning to bubble and he didn’t like it. Taking a moment, his eyes flickered across the Counselors face and body for any sign as to what the Counselor might be thinking. When the moment passed his facial expression was impassive though he remained seated on his hands. “I’m done sir, my apologies.” Then he flashed the same smile he had when he entered as if the past few minutes hadn’t happened, “What secrets do you want to pull from deep within my psychee?”

Ensign Flynn

Sinclair remained passive, although he took note of the location Flynn’s hands were placed. When Flynn smiled at him, Sinclair audibly scoffed. “So I guess your not done.” and he shook his head. “Ensign, take a breath and do yourself a favor. Don’t talk until I tell you to. It will make this much easier for both of us.” and he leaned back a bit and dropped his hands in his lap.

Sensing it would be wise Flynn kept his mouth shut, letting the Counselor continue. He had the sinking feeling that he wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear…

“Flynn, I don’t know what your game is. But what I can tell you is that you exhibit a lot or warning signs. And your record isn’t exactly stellar, as I am sure you are aware. Anyone in your current position would be ill-advised to think they can game everyone they meet. Especially those that are trained to see through garbage like that. You say you had a rocky relationship with your last Counselor? I wouldn’t doubt it. He had reservations about you. And now, so do I.” and he leaned forward. His face remained passive, his word cadence non-aggressive. He may as well been ordering a cup of tea. “But my concerns aren’t based on what some other Counselor said. Mine are based on what you’ve shown me. You are manipulative. You are deflective. You behave as a person who wouldn’t answer a direct question; at least, not honestly. The kind of person who hides anger behind charm. Who tries to control their every conversation. Who needs to be in control. And that need is dangerous in this environment. Now, I could be wrong. Maybe I’m just ‘rusty’, as you said. But it is entirely up to you to show me that I am mistaken. And right now, I don’t think you can. Because doing that would require you to drop the facade you have built up to protect yourself and be actually honest with me. And lad, if there is anyone on this ship you need to be honest with… it’s me. So now’s you chance. Take it. Or don’t.”

“You wanted control. Here you go. Choose your next words very carefully, Ensign.”

Sinclair, CNS

OOC: I am really loving this character, by the way. Well done!


OOC: Thank you! He’s quite different to my other characters but I’m having a lot of fun with him.

  • Cass

IC: Flynn tensed, his arm twitching as though trying to free itself from it’s confinment, and failing. Flynn remained firmly seated on his hands. If the Counselor’s eyes were sharp enough, he would have noticed a monsterous expression cross Flynns face, before that careful control blanked it out. His facade was slipping, but Flynn was fighting his every instinct to keep it perfectly under control. “You want me to be honest with you and I have been,” he said as if correcting an errant teenager, “Every answer I have given you so far has been an honest one. I might deflect questions, sir, but only because I’d rather not talk about Lt. Hicks or Elaine. It gets a little old telling the same story over and over don’t you think?”

Fraiser smiled pleasantly, “You want me to drop this so called facade, but I’d prefer not to do that, if you don’t mind. ” his smile widened becoming more malicious contrasting terribly with his handsome looks, his eyes becoming meaner, colder, “Elaine said I had a dark soul once - of course we were fighting at the time, so she probably didn’t mean it - but the point is, what it hides isn’t the perfect, nobel, pretty Starfleet Officer everyone wants to see,” he blinked and the smile returned back to it’s usual pleasantry, “The more control I have of myself outwardly, the more control I have of how I am inwardly, it’s called emotional management. So lets keep things the way they are. You seem to see through me well enough without me needing to take it down anyway.”

Ensign Flynn

Sinclair watched him closely, saw the flashes of anger and the fight for control. Saw the deflection away from what was at the core of him. “Dark soul, eh? How’d that make you feel, Ensign? Knowing that the person you cared for most… that part of them feared you? Or is it ‘fears’ you? I mean, she left you at the Academy, went off on her own. Can’t get much further away from someone than separate star ships in separate sectors, can you? You must really have scared her for her to flee from you like that.”

Sinclair, CNS

“I was her salvation!” Flynn stood up so fast his chair fell backwards, his hands were clenched into fists by his side, so tight his knuckles were white. He stood breathing heavily, trembling. For a few moments he stayed like that, head bowed.

When the moment was over, he slowly turned around and picked up the chair and sat back down. “My apologies,” he bowed his head, tucking his fists by his side, “She’s still a sore subject.” He looked back up at the Counselor, “I don’t think you fully understand how our relationship was. When I found Elaine she was nothing but a budding alcoholic. She had no future, no desires for a future. She just went from party to party getting wasted trying to forget how pathetic her life was. I changed that. I showed her there was more to the world than the bottom of a bottle. I love her - loved her. I put my future on hold to wait for her so we could join the Academy together.” Fraiser fixed the Counselor with a cold hard look, “I pulled her away from that cliff she was walking off of. That crap about my having a ‘dark soul’ that was her being petty because she was angry with me. Nothing more.” He shuffled about until his own stance mimicked that of Sinclairs, “She has more to fear from herself than from me.”

Ensign Flynn

Sinclair didn’t even twitch when Flynn erupted. He knew it was coming and was ready should things become… complicated. As Flynn regained his composure and sat back down, Sinclair noted the way he described the woman. “So why did you attack her in her dorm room?” he asked flatly.

Sinclair, CNS

OOC: I know there is no evidence of this actually happening. Sinclair is seeing how Flynn reacts.


Every muscle in Fraisers body froze. Then he gave one of his charming smiles, he’d been expecting the question for quite some time, dispite his best efforts to avoid it, “That’s a very serious accusation to make Counselor. Do you seriously believe I’m capable? That’s a little hurtful don’t you think?”

“If you want to know who did it, why don’t you ask Elaine ? She was there. She’ll tell you herself it wasn’t me.”

Ensign Flynn

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