Pre-Sim: Doctor? Don't mind if I do...

Posted Aug. 4, 2019, 9:45 a.m. by Lieutenant Corinne Dalton/SARAH (Ships AI/Avatar) (Lindsay B)

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Royal Sinclair (Counselor) in Pre-Sim: Doctor? Don’t mind if I do…

Posted by Lieutenant Corinne Dalton/SARAH (Ships AI/Avatar) in Pre-Sim: Doctor? Don’t mind if I do…

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Royal Sinclair (Counselor) in Pre-Sim: Doctor? Don’t mind if I do…
Posted by… suppressed (3) by the Post Ghost! 👻


The smile didn’t extend to her mouth, but her electric eyes lit up slightly. “You say that so nonchalantly,” she said as she turned her glass in one hand. “But I just realized that I can’t remember the last friend I actually had that wasn’t a romantic involvement.” The warmth that spread through her was entirely an emotional response and naturally not from the alcohol. “You’ll tell me when I’m not being a good friend, then, right? Because I’m rather out of practice, if I ever truly knew how.” It wasn’t like she had let herself get close to people all that often in her life. Intellectually, she understood that she had suffered so much loss that it made connecting difficult and each subsequent loss made it all that much harder to connect the next time. But here she was and it hadn’t been all that difficult. Maybe it was because he was a psychologist who understood how to cut through people’s walls, or maybe he was just a nice person and she appreciated him for seeing her truly as a person. Whatever the reason, Corinne realized that he was in fact a friend, and while that was scary, it was a bit exciting too. And excitement was a bit rare in her life these days.

~Corinne Dalton

A twinkle in Sinclair’s eyes matched the smile that crossed his face. “Lass, I’m Scottish. If I don’t think you are being a good friend, you will most certainly know it. As will most everyone around ya, too.” and he laughed heartily and then took another drink.

Sinclair, CNS

Smirking, Corinne downed half of the remainder of her drink. “You do realize that despite having nearly instant access to an entire library’s worth of information, I don’t necessarily know what ‘being Scottish’ is supposed to mean. I grew up on Ajilon Prime. It was a bunch of colonists, mostly farmers, who were three days from the nearest Federation base. My dad, Kip, used to say that , ‘people are as they do and that’s all you need to know. You either trust them by their actions, or you find new people.’” She frowned slightly. “Seems a little simplistic now, I think.”

~Corinne Dalton

Royal shook his head. “Nope, pretty spot on. People are what they do, more so than they are ever what they say. Trust is built on what people do with you, how they treat you, and how they act when you are around them… and only on what they say when you aren’t around. So seems to me that your Dad was a bit sharper than you might think. And as far as being Scottish? Robert Burns, lass. Read Burns and you’ll know what it means to be Scottish.” he added with a slight smile.

Sinclair, CNS

“I’ll have to brush up. Good thing I have such easy access,” she said with grin. Cori downed the rest of her glass and twirled it in her hands before signalling for another. In truth, she felt weird and wonderful at the same time since she couldn’t remember the last time she had actually talked about her parents (either one of them). That fell under the category of ‘personal information you share with friends’ and as she had admitted to Royal, she’d not had many of those. Even with Jarred it hadn’t really ever come up.

“My dad was smart, that’s for sure. He had a keen eye for our land and at a quick glance could tell what was wrong, what was going well and what he had to watch out for. I remember on more than one occasion, he’d ask me to saddle up and go check on the perimeter or something else more specific. I’d ask why, and he’d say, ‘It’s off. Just gotta hunch we should give it a look over,’“-she said with a feigned drawl-“and sure enough I’d go out there and find something that needed tending to. His instincts were spot on and, he valued dreaming as much as hard work.” She couldn’t help but smile wistfully.

~Corinne Dalton

“Sounds like a hell of a guy… far cry from my Da, fortunately for you.” Royal said with a smile that wasn’t nearly as wistful and a good deal more taciturn.

Sinclair, CNS

“High expectations, huh?” Cori said as she accepted her second drink. She’d heard about really tough parents who expected specific things and were none too happy with you if you veered at all- in fact Jarred’s father had been a bit like that- but it simply had never been her experience.

~Corinne Dalton

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