Shuttle Bay

Posted Oct. 31, 2019, 9:09 a.m. by Gamemaster Nosferatu (GM) (Krystelle Knight)

Posted by Lieutenant Corinne Dalton/SARAH (Ships AI/Avatar) in Shuttle Bay

Posted by Ensign Sorra Narssu (Engineer) in Shuttle Bay

Posted by Gamemaster Nosferatu (GM) in Shuttle Bay
Posted by… suppressed (4) by the Post Ghost! 👻


Sha frowned and turned to the man in the suit. “So if they went in without flushing it, isn’t the ship, as a whole, compromised? I mean, it’s in the hall now, right?” She was starting to get upset.

“Not quite, they have had it contained from what I understand, risidule is still floating around but not rising. The main issue is what this radiation is doing to our systems I am most concerned about. If we don’t get it out I fear things are going from bad to worse.”

“It could be through this whole deck, not to mention anything that leaked from the energy spikes throughout the EPS systems.” His voice sounded tight, strained. “Maybe we can transport them to quarantine, flush the shuttlebay, and then go in while it repressurizes. We’re in environment suits, we can do our work atmosphere or no.”

Ens Narssu, Engineering

Scientists were always more interested in the object rather than the consequences. She only had to think for a moment before barely containing a growl and speaking up. =^=Computer, monitor radiation levels in this section of the ship. How close to limits is it and how long will it take to make the shuttle bay safe for unsuited entry?=^=

She would get her answers then let the Captain know. And when this was all over, she would see to it that someone’s head rolled for this.


=^= Working. Unknown radiation levels are 750 mSv, decontamination procedure is recommended.=^= On the comm panel on the wall near the door a graph appeared showing the radiation levels. It showed that at 1000 mSv severe radiation exposure would cause radiation type sickness. 5, 000 was the dangerous number. A graph of the ship appeared that showed the highest levels in and around the shuttle bay with areas farther away hovering around 200-300 sMv. It was apparent that the radiation was prevalent throughout the ship.
=^=Recommended decontamination for Shuttle Bay includes flushing and venting the area. Area will be clear immediately after if not recontaminated.=^=

GM Nosferatu

Natasha walked up to the security chief. “May I. It will take the edge off. Not cure or fix but will help with the anxiety,” Natasha held up the hypo to the chief.

“As to the radiation I am not engineering or science but from what I can tell from the reports coming to my department there is not any ‘new’ radiation contaminating the ship or bay. The nebula or whatever space it was flooded the entire ship earlier so there is residual radiation left in the bay by exposure to the probe before the forcefield was successfully calibrated to contain it. As to the rest of the ship there is still lower levels of residual radiation left all over. I’m not sure how flushing this area is gonna make any difference actually but again I’m not medical or engineering,” Natasha ran her fingers through her hair. “Medical is working on a mass way to treat everyone but we don’t have enough of anything to use one method. This hypo cocktail should help you focus more and make more informed decisions. I have to get back to sickbay but have them take these when they get out of the sick bay one way or another,” Natasha said. “I am heading to the bridge. Good luck,” she said patting her Klingons friends shoulder.

Lt Natasha Knight. Cmo

“What she said…” Jarred said as he patted Sorra on the back. “You ready?”

Alindor, CE

Sorra jerked as the pat caught him off guard. Why am I still so jumpy… “Sorry, sir.” He muttered. He stepped up to the doorway and tapped the controls. The door slid open and the shimmer of the semi-permeable containment field reflected yellow flashes across his faceplate. He held his hand in front of himself, despite knowing he’d feel little other than the slight buzz of the field being broken. One full step and he was through the field, the hum as he passed cut off instantaneously as his toolkit cleared the doorway. He stepped aside to let Alindor lead the way. He reached down and took out his tricorder from his hip holster again and tapped at the controls with his thumb. The scanner trilled to life. He began to slowly swing his arm in a wide arc taking in a general scan of the shuttlebay.

-Ens. Narssu, Engineering

((Ooc… little confused… there’s already two in bay, I just ordered then out and decom, but now two more just opened the door and went in while I’m standing right here?.... unprotected, btw, letting more contamination in because gm says bay is contaminated still?…Mel/Sha))

OOC: We are getting a bunch of cuts. There’s a lot of people in this thread. If you happened to cut someone’s dialogue out accidentally please paste it back in. You can tell that you did it, if you can see two posts directly under each other instead of tabbed. Thanks Luke

Teller looked disappointingly at the order to clear. He did have his EV suit on so he didn’t understand why he had to evacuate at all.

Teller CSO

OOC: I’m super confused now too. I thought that the CE was urging me in.


OOC: Sorry for the late return peoples. Let’s get an update from the GM here so we can continue with clarity and without things getting more confusing so we know what we are dealing with. Medical is heading to the Bridge, Science and Engineering working on the radiation and identifying the probe. I’m adjusting the call from the Bridge slightly, I got the destination for it wrong.

IC: The comm line beeped, and a message came in to the bay from the Bridge.

=/\= This is the Captain. Give me a Status Report people =/\=

Captain Knight, CO

OOC: Okay to simplify things and allow us to keep moving ahead we will say the Bay was evacuated, decontaminated and you all are welcome to go in and study the probe. It would still be a good idea to work on decon on the rest of the ship though once this is taken care of:)


OOC: Thanks!


=/\= Captain we are about to head in, we have the others going through decom and my team and I are going to see what we can find out here. I will let you know more once my team and I have some ideas of just what this probe is. =/\=

Alindor, CE

OOC: Just reposting Linds’ question for the GM below

OOC: My reply was cut out, but it’s still relevant:Cori attempted to download the data from the probe to her tricorder. Was it successful? She’s not affected by the radiation in the same way, so she wouldn’t have needed to leave. Either way, she should have the data for viewing. ~Linds

Dante’s reply came through seconds later.

=/\= Commander, it looks like we have radiation on the deck surrounding the shuttle bay. I want Security to make sure those decks get evacuated and isolated, I am putting force fields into place to contain the radiation, emergency exit points will be at the standard locations. Keep me informed of what you find out about that probe, what is the status of Dr Knight? =/\=

Captain Knight, CO

OOC: My apologies, Linds I did miss that:)


Cori was successful in downloading the small data packet from the probe onto her tricorder. When she extracted and opened it she found it was a set of coordinates. 2.01S 2.01E/10.6 56.5 -15.1 to be specific. A set that led directly out of the nebula and that the computer identified as the planet Aldebaran III. Aldebaran was located on the outer east side of the nebula and they would have passed by it on their way into the nebula.

GM Nosferatu

Kalani watched Jarred walk into the shuttle bay and wavered on how she felt about him being there. Part of her wanted to feel relief. He was the smartest man she knew in the mechanical engineering side of the sciences. Teller was brilliant in the biological physical end of the sciences. Together the dream time was here and if they could not solve the problem, she mght as well start plotting out a course for her coffin capsule. The other part of her wanted to rip off Jarred’s helmet and remind him that if he left another wet towel on the floor for her to step on when she was half asleep in the morning, she would personally launch his body into space. Settling on a brief nod, Kalani waited for Cori to read the results of her scan hoping to glean some information about what is going on.

Ensign Kalani Kane science

Sorra looked at the readings on his tricorder and narrowed his eyes. They were going to have to decontaminate all of the support craft. He made a quiet, dissatisfied croak. It would be tedious, repetitive, and just the kind of duty that an ensign on a new ship would be assigned to. Still irritable, he stopped waiting for the Chief to lead the way. He walked towards the probe until he was in range to do some fairly extensive scans. He began by running a materials analysis, looking for the age of the probe, any markers that would point to any particular species as its builders, any identifying traits.

-Ens. Narssu, Engineering

The exact design of the probe was unknown in the database though two things were readily apparent on Narssu’s scan. One, that it was made up of rodinium alloy which was the hardest material known to Starfleet and had been discovered on the planet Vega IX. The second thing was its temporal radiation. The probe had definitely travelled several centuries in time…backward.

GM Nosferatu

Sorra tapped his combadge. =^=Commander Alindor? Will you come and verify my readings? I’m getting signs of significant time travel, centuries from the future…=^= He continued to circle the probe taking more scans. He tried to pinpoint the exact length of time the probe had traversed. That wouldn’t necessarily tell them the level of technological advancement they were dealing with, after all there were plenty of populated planets in pre-industrial societies even now. But it was incredible to contemplate nevertheless.

=/\= Over there now… =/\= Jarred said as he closed his tricroder, he was gathering his own readings but right now his head was spinning slightly as he made his way to the ensign.

-Ens. Narssu, Engineering

The closest that Narssu could pinpoint the time down to was around 3 centuries, the unknown radiation seemed to be keeping him from getting an exact date.

GM Nosferatu

Sorra huffed through his nostrils impatiently. He tapped the controls to save the scan and transfer it to the main computer. He switched to structural scanning and began trying to analyze the technological makeup of the probe, in particular the propulsion system, if the tricorder could even scan through the rodinium plating.

OOC: Can I get a physical description of the probe? That would help me a lot. Thanks!

-Ens. Sorra Narssu, Engineering

OOC: I think the easiest thing to do is show you a pic of a probe that would be similar. It is similar to the pic here: except the main body is all of one piece instead of looking like it was of two pieces like this one. I am not going to get more technical on the probe’s inner workings as they are not necessary to know. The only important thing to note about the probe is the radiation, centuries ahead design and the coordinates:)


Narssu’s scans showed that it was similar to Starfleet’s multispatial probes though its materials and components were of a definitely updated design. More then likely several centuries updated.

GM Nosferatu

OOC: Thanks! I love the visual and I understand about the details, I got what I needed. :) I wouldn’t be a good engineer if I didn’t ask, though.

IC: It was fascinating. If only he could get inside of it, really look at the workings, what advances would it uncover? It was probably for the best, he’d hate to have to answer for any violations of the timeline. =^=Computer. Compare the scans from my tricorder to Starfleet records for any similarities to both the radiation and the hull configuration of the probe.=^=

-Ens. Narssu, Engineering

“Working.” Came the expected response. Within a few moments the computer came back with,”The closest analogy for the hull configuration is the Starfleet Multispatial probe though configuration and components are of an unknown design. The radiation is similar to that found in 2366 that surrounded the device called the Tox Uthat. A quantum phase inhibitor brought from the 27th century by scientist Kal Dano, intended to halt all nuclear fusion within a star. Density of current radiation suggests a device of much larger configuration than that found on Risa.”

GM Nosferatu

Sorra made an involuntary croak of surprise. He looked up from the tricorder to the probe, awed by the information he’d just received. He looked back to his work and transmitted the last of his data to the main computer. He clicked the tricorder shut and clipped it back into place on his thigh. He hustled back to the rest of the officers just outside the shuttlebay. “Commander Alindore, I finished my scans and found out some things of interest. I strongly suggest we remove the probe now.”

-Ens. Narssu, Engineering

Jarred came up next to Narssu as he read the screen nodding. “I would agree, okay lets prep the shuttlebay and get this thing the hell out of our ship. We need to find out the best way, we could try beaming it out but we may need to tractor it out but that requires keeping the force fields on it. Do a scan find out what the data shows if we attempt to beam it directly off, I don’t want that radiation kicking back up with us so close.”

Alindor, CE

Sorra nodded and clicked in agreement. “Now that we know the exact frequency and wavelength of the radiation we should be able to modulate the ship’s shields to protect us long enough to get out of range.” He walked over to the nearest console. He released the clasps on his helmet and it unsealed with a hiss. He pulled it free and set it on the console surface next to the work area. With a few deft taps he pulled up the scan data he had uploaded and then ran a transporter simulation, setting the range to 100 km outside of the ship’s shield radius.

-Ens. Narssu, Engineering

The simulation showed that the process would be achievable.

GM Nosferatu

Sorra made a satisfied chirrup. He turned back towards Alindore and the others. “Simulations are showing green for transport. We can beam it out on your orders, sir.”

-Ens. Narssu, Engineering

“Not much in the probe’s data packet,” Cori said aloud. “A set of coordinates that matches Aldebaran III. Given we went past it, I guess that’s not so crazy.” It was sort of a bit disappointing, but coupled with the other knowledge revealed, maybe it wasn’t so useless. Using her tricorder, she accessed some basic info about the planet. What was there? That might help them sort out the significance.

~Corinne Dalton

Fortunately there was quite a bit of information on the planet as it had been known by the Federation since the first Enterprise had come here. It was now a full fledged Federation colony.

Aldebaran III’s surface
Alternate name(s): Alpha Tauri III
Classification: class M planet
Affiliation: Federation (2216)
Location:Alpha Tauri system, Aldebaran sector, coordinates 2.01S 2.01E/10.6 56.5 -15.1, Beta Quadrant
Moon(s): six
Dominant species: Human and humanoids, Aldebaran natives
Population: 7.25 billion
Capital: New Aberdeen
Gravity: 1.2g
Diameter: 15,500 kilometers
Equatorial circumference: 49,000 kilometers
Length of day: 27 hours
Land mass percentage:

Star claims there are “at least” six planets in the system.
Aldebaran (also known as Alpha Tauri) is a multiple star system in Federation space, located almost 20 parsecs (65 light-years) from Earth, where it is visible as the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus. This star is in the Aldebaran sector. (ST references: The Worlds of the Federation, Star Charts)

Alpha Tauri A is an orange giant while Alpha Tauri B is a red dwarf. Alpha Tauri B orbits the primary at a distance of 97.5 billion kilometres. A reflective trail of mineral and ice debris can be seen trailing behind Alpha Tauri B as it travels along its orbit.

A Type K5 star only 68 light-years from Sol, named and sighted as one of the brightest in the night sky by Earth’s ancients. Aldebaran is known by its old Earth Bayer classification: Alpha Tauri. It has at least five planets, one of which is home to the Aldebaran Music Academy. Doctor Elizabeth Dehner joined the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 from a colony here.

A few years prior to 2267, Janet and Theodore Wallace performed experiments using carbohydrate compounds to slow the aging of plants at the Federation outpost on this planet. (TOS: “The Deadly Years”)

Aldebaran III, the only class M planet in the Alpha Tauri system, has six moons. With only a small population of less than 1 million Aldebaran natives, this planet also became home to a Federation colony, growing to a population composed of over 7.25 billion individuals in the late 23rd century, mostly Humans and other humanoids.

Aldebaran was the location of a key outpost in the New Aberdeen Shipyards, a Starfleet-maintained starship construction facility. The yards were the driving force in Starfleet’s 23rd century ship design, construction, and testing. Numerous businesses and investors leading the industry were also based on Aldebaran. (FASA RPG module: The Federation; ST references: Star Trek Maps, The Worlds of the Federation)

In 2224, the Olympic Games were held on Aldebaran III. Emony Dax participated in these Olympics and became a three-time latinum medal winner at gymnastics. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: “Old Souls”)

Jean Czerny was born and raised on Aldebaran. (TOS novel: Pawns and Symbols)

By the 2260s, Aldebaran was a major port-of-call for Starfleet starships. The USS Enterprise stopped at Aldebaran colony in 2265, taking aboard crew assignments, including Psychologist Elizabeth Dehner. (TOS episode & novelization: Where No Man Has Gone Before)

By the late 23rd century, Aldebaran had been a full-status colonial member of the Federation since 2216, and had a technological/sociopolitical index of 778998-76 and a planetary trade profile of BCBACBC/B(B), based on an industry-based economy. (FASA RPG module: The Federation; ST references: Star Trek Maps, Star Charts)
After Arcturus IV, this colony is the second largest center of corporate holdings outside the original boundaries of the Federation.

In 2371, Starfleet authorities held Grand Nagus Zek’s nephew Belongo there after a “misunderstanding.” Quark asked Commander Benjamin Sisko to try to remedy the situation while Sisko was to visit Earth to report on the Dominion. (DS9 episode: “Past Tense, Part I”)

GM Nosferatu

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