Galley - Midnight Snack (Open)

Posted June 26, 2021, 3:48 p.m. by Ensign Rand Farquharson (Yeoman) (Jennifer Ward)

Posted by Ensign Marcus Anders (Security Officer) in Galley - Midnight Snack (Open)

Posted by Captain Elijah ‘Eli’ Carmichael III (Captain) in Galley - Midnight Snack (Open)

Elijah was finding it increasingly difficult to sleep, perhaps it was the mountains of reports he was due or perhaps just the new stress’ of life in space, being a Captain is all he ever wanted but it wasn’t quite what the textbooks and stories made it out to be. He knew this aswell of course but he couldn’t help find his mind wandering to a different life perhaps one on solid ground and now traversing the endless dullness of space. He found himself quite often wandering to the Galley in the middle of the night. His thoughts paused and he chuckled. night now that was a funny concept in space aswell. None the less he found himself walking through the doors of the Galley greeted by the night duty chef who knew what he wanted, a strawberry and lime gin with several pieces of watermelon. The Gin took off the edge and the watermelon just tasted sublime.

He sat himself down at his usual table, there weren’t many people around at this time but there were some oil burners in the corner pouring over what seemed to be some mechanical device he applauded their work ethic, all he wanted to do was sleep.

  • Captain Elijah Carmichael

Just as Carmichael took a seat the doors opened and Cleolet walked in, she looked slightly eerie with her eyes glowing from the darkened decks. She had just finished some over time in the shuttle bay. Ever since she had been assigned as the chief of shuttle maintenance she had, had trouble with one particular shuttle. But finally she had found out the issue and fixed it even if it did take hours of overtime to do so.

She was looking for something to drink it was thirsty work crawling round a shuttle. The night-time didn’t really effect her mostly due to her feline DNA. she ordered a whiskey on the rocks and looked around the room. Noting the engineers in the corner and then Captain she walked over to him. “Couldn’t sleep Sir?” she asked trying to start a conversation. It wasn’t often you got to speak to the captain one to one.

Ensign Cleolet (Engineer)

The captain shook his head, “No still getting used to full-time space travel again and the stresses of being a Captain which I didn’t expect are not helping. Whats your ailment?” Elijah asked smiling, he spent a lot of time on the bridge in his office and then his quarters so apart from the monthly routine department inspection in which a lot of the talking was done by the heads of each area he never really got to speak to most of the crew, much to his dismay.

Cleolet nodded “Then that probably makes you the best person for the job Sir. As my dad used to say ‘if you find being a captain stressful you’re doing it right’.” she said kindly “But then again if you weren’t fit for the job you wouldn’t have been promoted. I’m sure you’ll get used t it in time.” she added respectfully taking a seat.

“As for my ailment. I’ve just finished fixing one of the shuttles. It took me a while to narrow down the problem. I swear that shuttle has it in for me. Ever since I was put in charge of shuttle maintenance its been giving me grief” she said laughing softly

Ensign Marcus Anders struggled to stifle a yawn as he crossed the threshold into the mess hall and got an orange juice from the bar. Seeing the two officers having a conversation on the other side of the room, he decided to leave them to it and sit at one of the centre tables to take a few seconds to himself.

-Ensign Marcus Anders: Security-

Rand had been working late and was still up. She’d have been done earlier and curled up under her blanket, but Randy was talking in his sleep, and it was SO distracting. And this particular report she really she shouldn’t be filling out while annoyed with her brother. So PaDD in hand she left their quarters and made her way down to the galley. It was always empty this time of the night and she’d get a juice, finish her report, and then go to bed before she had to be up for her run. She entered the galley and stopped short. Why were so many people up this late? This wasn’t the dinner hour for Gamma shift so it should be fairly empty. She looked around, changed her mind and started to leave. “Hey Rand,” the duty chief called softly. She turned with a slight smile and took the drink he handed her. “A little crowded tonight.” He raised a brow at he comment and pointed to the very far corner. “It’s quiet over there, or here by the counter. Your choice.” Rand sat down where she was. She hadn’t missed the captain’s presence, the two engineers, En Anders and En Cleolet in the room as well. She turned her attention to the padd and sipped at her drink. The sooner she finished it the sooner she could leave and avoid any awkward social situations.
Yeoman Rand

Elijah was aware of the two who had entered after them, he half wondered if Rand had him fitted with a sleep and movement tracker so she knew where he was at all times but after a few trips to the medical bay he had to boil it down to her own intuition that he was never where he was meant to be and thus she always found him. “So Ensign, how are you finding your time aboard the ship?” He asked the engineer.

  • Captain Elijah Carmichael

“I’ve grown up on ships so it feels natural. But now that I have a commission and I’m a member of the crew I feel like I’m starting form scratch all over again. But i think that’s a good thing. It helps me remember how important my job is, and much of an honour it is to be a part of star ships crew.” she said smiling “An open door is a well of limitless potential to experience things I never have before” she added taking a sip of her drink.

Ensign Cleolet (Engineer)

“Well with such a positive attitude like that there nothing I doubt that can hinder you, I like that in an officer” Elijah nodded, and he wasn’t lying if everyone was as so optimistic and took chances when they came he’d have trouble holding onto his job but he could certainly see in the future this Ensign being a valued and maybe even key member of his crew.

Seeing the yeoman sit down on the table across from him, Marcus decided to get another drink and see if Rand needed company, “Mind if I join you Lieutenant?”

-Ensign Marcus Anders: Security Officer-

Rand was scribbling away at the PaDD with the stylus, occasionally sipping at the juice the chef had handed her. As always she was pointedly ignoring the people around her. It wasn’t that she didn’t like company or meeting people, one-on-one and in clear cut situations, but her severe social anxiety always made things so…bad. She looked up, not startled, but her reaction might be perceived that way since she had been focused on her work. This was En Anders, security. Oh he wasn’t at the horribly botched self-defense class Ford had taught. And she knew the Lt would expect her to show up again soon. “Oh…ummm…actually it’s Ensign.” Could he join her? She knew it was really bad for the Cpt’s yeoman to be seen as stand offish, but she wasn’t on duty, she was working, but not on duty. Then again a yeoman was always on duty, but En Anders wasn’t the captain, and so this wasn’t an official interaction, was it, it was social. Oh she hated social situations she never knew what was expected of her, but she could handle just one person, right? Maybe? This all raced through her mind in less than half a second and the miniscule pause may or may not be noticed by Anders. “No, I don’t mind. Please have a seat.” Oh what else was she supposed to do? She already knew who he was, part of the job she had to be familiar with the entire crew roster in case the Cpt asked…introduce yourself, duh, really not that hard Rand. “I’m En Rand Farquharson.”
Yeoman Rand

  • Captain Elijah Carmichael

OOC: That was a typo on my part, but I’m making it canon! xD

OOC: It was awesome because it works right into her social anxiety. LOL :D

Anders chided himself for the slight faux pas and took a seat, “Sorry Ensign, it’s been a long day. Marcus Anders, Marc to my friends, anything interesting happen on duty today?”

-Ensign Marcus Anders: Security Officer-

“Oh, it’s alright. Hard to know when the person isn’t in uniform.” Rand smiled, slightly. If she’d thought to change back into uniform before she came here this would be so much easier. It was always easier to know what the expectations were when she was ‘on duty.’ Had anything interesting happened that day? The most interesting thing that had happened to her that day was Nibbles getting attached to her sleeve and having to cut it off. She wasn’t sure a security officer would find the antics of an alien mouse interesting. Of course there was the newest gossip about the Beta shift chef and the science officer Crewman Gabrielle. He had managed to procure a Denobulan aphrodisiac this time, or that what it supposedly was. She wasn’t sure he’d want to know ship’s gossip either. “Umm…I guess it depends on what you call interesting. My day is pretty much the same as it is every other day. I helped in the biology lab, and I had to confirm a very odd requisition request for the quarter master before he’d approve it. Nothing too terribly exciting, unless you like reports, signatures, and filing.” Rand was polite and personable (or tried to be). She wasn’t off putting but she was obviously very shy.
Yeoman Rand

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