side-sim: The Reckoning

Posted Jan. 25, 2022, 1:56 p.m. by Ensign Rand Farquharson (Yeoman First Class) (Jennifer Ward)

Posted by Commander Roman Alden (First Officer & Chief Science Officer) in side-sim: The Reckoning

Posted by Ensign Rand Farquharson (Yeoman First Class) in side-sim: The Reckoning

Posted by Commander Roman Alden (First Officer & Chief Science Officer) in side-sim: The Reckoning


The next day she arrived early for lunch. Roman’s last scan was that day, and she promised to go. So she walked in set a lidded cup of hot black tea on his desk and then went about feeding Nibbles before everyone left to eat.


“You’re early,” Roman commented when Rand walked in early for lunch. He took a sip of the tea she left on his desk and set a stack of daily reports on the edge for her to take later. He’d been trying so hard to keep it out of his mind, Roman had forgotten about the last scans. If Rand didn’t make him go, he’d probably try and skip the appointment. His tendency to do that was noted just like his noncompliance.

~ Roman

“Yes, Sir.” Rand said with a grin. “Reports from command were short today. So I thought I would come see Nibbles early.” In truth Rand didn’t want to miss her time with Nibbles since Roman’s appt was during lunch. She would gladly do so but after missing so much time due to injuries and landing parties, Rand didn’t want to miss out with Nibbles. Also, Randy had set it up that way so Roman couldn’t claim to be busy. Randy might not be Roman’s yeoman any more but he was aware of the schedule his sister kept. He knew Roman spent that hour with her. Rand was also exhausted running on maybe 2 hours of sleep. She figured if she sat in her quarters or her office she’d fall asleep and who knew when she’d wake up.

Roman busied himself with paperwork. Over the remainder of the week, he’d mostly caught up but there were still a few things on the backlog he wanted done. He’d spent the morning cleaning the animals’ enclosures and doing his normal observations. Then he’d had to run down to the chemical lab. He still had a few of today’s reports to do, too.

When everyone had filed out, Rand finished up with Nibbles and then walked over and leaned a hip against his desk. “Come on. Let’s get it over with so it’s done. Then we don’t have to go back.”


Everyone else filed out of the lab and Rand headed over. He was reminded exactly what he was avoiding with all the paperwork and he glanced up at her and gestured to it. “I was going to work through lunch today, finish out the backlog,” he said. It was a bit of a fib, he’d never give up his time with her normally, but Roman would do nearly anything to avoid his Sickbay appointment. “And I’ve still got today’s to do. I’m sure they can wait on their pictures of my leg or whatever.” Roman would always claim to be busy when Sickbay was involved. It was usually the most successful excuse, not to mention the best one that had nothing to do with not liking Sickbay. “And then, I’ll have to go to the planetary lab. You know we’re orbiting a gas giant? They’re doing tests on the planet’s chemical makeup. Then I need to head to engineering, they said they needed my XO attention for something.” They were all things that actually did need doing but he was fudging their urgency just a tad, to get out of the appointment.

~ Roman

Rand pulled her chair closer and sat down. “Those reports from today can wait.” She flipped through the ones he had set on the corner of the desk for her. “And judging by these it will only take me 15 minutes to compile them and then you sign. So you’re making work.” He was only going to work through lunch because he didn’t want to go. “I can’t order you to go, but if you don’t two things will happen. First Elbbirt will come looking for you and he’ll make you miserable with endless daily, maybe more than daily, scans and appointments. Second you’ll have skipped a meal, and you know what Randy did the last time he caught one of us skipping meals. So let’s avoid both of those. Oh, and third, you’re the XO so you have to set the example. You don’t want a whole crew refusing to listen to orders and show up for appointments, sickbay or otherwise.”

Rand called him on ‘making work’ as she called it, and Roman shook his head. “If there’s nothing to scan for, he’ll have no reason to bring me in daily,” Roman interjected, getting stubborn to avoid it. “And Randy won’t know what I’ve skipped if he’s not told, will he? He’s got more important things to do than monitor my eating habits.” Rand’s third point made Roman pause, he was supposed to set an example. But… “No one knows about the appointments, so no one will know I’m skipping it, except for Elbbirt and Randy.” Roman was being really stubborn about it, and that would tell Rand how he felt about it. “I’ve still got to go see Engineering and the planetary labs, even if you can speed through all the paperwork.”

She set the reports down. “Engineering doesn’t need you right now, just before the end of Beta shift. The planetary lab just wants to share their results with you and ask for extra time to study the gas giant. They are very excited about it. If something emergency comes up Farnks will handle it while you are at your appointment or he will come get you if he can’t.” She carefully took his hand, after making sure no one was around and her voice dropped. “But most of all, clots could kill you, you almost died, and I can’t stand that. A few pictures to make sure they are gone, and I’m going with you. And once Elbbirt sees they are gone he’ll leave you alone.” She had to work to keep her voice from wavering and giving away how much it scared her at how sick he had actually been. And they hadn’t known. There was only one other thing she could think to say but it was more attitude than helpful so she didn’t.


Leave it to Rand to know exactly what was going on around the ship. “What if they found something really groundbreaking and they wanted me to see it right away?” Roman said, still stubbornly trying to get out of going to Sickbay.

Rand didn’t sigh, but she was tempted.
It was going to be like that then. “Planetary sciences isn’t your expertise, so even if they do find something ground breaking to share with you, you will have to defer to Sarnak. You know, your planetary sciences expert on board. The one you fought to so hard to get assigned to Sentinel. And whatever it is can wait 15 to 30 minutes. And our computer record everything the sensors pick up so it’s not like you can’t get an instant replay.”

Then Rand looked around, as if making sure everyone was really gone, and took his hand. Her voice sounded a little tight, like she was putting effort into keeping it steady, and he looked at her and gave her hand a little squeeze. ‘Almost died’ felt like a bit much. He could admit he was lucky he hadn’t almost died, but as of yet, no clots had made it anywhere important or even caused the hot spots Elbbirt had warned of. But Rand was right that they could kill him, and that did worry him, but he still couldn’t make himself go. He was downplaying it to himself, to justify not going back. He looked guilty, he knew it all stressed her out and he hated to cause her worry but he couldn’t make himself agree. The idea was incredibly off-putting in a way he couldn’t describe.

~ Roman

Rand sat there just looking at him. She wanted to yell at him. That if he still had blood clots floating around and they weren’t taken care of the work would still be waiting when he was dead - for someone else to do. And though it was true, Roman would only think she was being dramatic; Rand had seen the images over Elbbirt’s shoulder though. She shouldn’t have but she had watched and one particularly large one had been far too close to his heart for her. She’d delved into medical database, reading everything she could, and had only scared herself. She could see the guilt on his face, knew he felt bad. She knew how hard it was to choose to go. She had two choices. The second she was saving as a very very last resort.

She stood up, her voice schooled to indifference she didn’t feel at all, but her eyes only held understanding. “Okay, Cmdr. But you aren’t leaving me any choice. Section 3 paragraph 5.a of the Star fleet code of conduct for officers clearly states that all officers are to report for yearly physicals, submit to routine innoculations, report any injury or illness for evaluation, and follow all directions given by the medical officer no matter their rank or position. To ensure this Paragraph 5.b states that in matters of personal health safety and that of the crew, the medical crew out ranks all officers to ensure that rank and position can not be used to ignore those orders. It allows medical officers to relieve anyone of duty for not following medical orders or for being found unfit, up to dismissal from Star Fleet.” Rand sighed. Her heart was racing and her vision was tunneling and her palms sweating. She was having to force herself to breathe slowly. She might be right, but she hated it.

“I won’t volunteer any information, but if they ask me if I knew you intended to defy your medical orders, I won’t lie.” She’d still be in trouble for not reporting it, but she’d deal with that. What if he had a clot and it passed into his heart or lungs in the middle of a dangerous experiment or while he was in charge on the bridge? Maybe minor or unlikely risk now, but it still put this ship at risk.

“Or come with me. Half an hour, max. You don’t have to wait for the results. Elbbirt can find you later.”


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