Side sim: The Follow-Up

Posted Jan. 22, 2023, 9:31 p.m. by Ensign Rand Farquharson (Yeoman First Class) (Jennifer Ward)

Posted by Commander Roman Alden (First Officer & Chief Science Officer) in Side sim: The Follow-Up

Posted by Ensign Rand Farquharson (Yeoman First Class) in Side sim: The Follow-Up

Posted by Commander Roman Alden (First Officer & Chief Science Officer) in Side sim: The Follow-Up
Posted by… suppressed (6) by the Post Ghost! 👻

Roman went back to the lab and conducted his spot inspection. That took nearly the rest of his shift. Then he started working on some other stuff in the lab, letting himself lose track of time so he didn’t have to think about it.

~ Roman

Rand found him in the lab. She brought his pill just incase. She walked over to him and looked at what he was doing. “Anything interesting?” If he wanted to skip food she had no problem with that. But he would still need to take the tranquilizer before hand. They could go eat in the Galley or go back to their quarters. She’d just save the tray that was upstairs for tomorrow.


“Careful, don’t touch.” Roman was using a microscope, with a petri dish under the lense. “There’s an Aldarian bacteria, not dangerous so long as you don’t ingest it.” He looked up at her and smiled, “Finished your work early?”

~ Roman

“I won’t.” Rand was standing a good two feet away with her hands clasped behind her back. She never got too close or risked accidently bumping anything when microscopes and test tubes and whatnot were out. “It was a slow evening and Roger’s seemed eager to be done as well. Ready to go eat? Or do you need to finish up here?”


Roman shook his head. “I can finish up later.” Then he looked at her. “It’s time to eat? Is it that late already?” He asked, starting to clean up. He secured and stores the sample first. His hands were shaking. Then he put away the microscope. “Let’s… Let’s go up and eat.” Anything to delay the appointment.

~ Roman

Rand waited for him to put everything away, and then walked with him to a lift in the opposite direction of sickbay. Once they were in the lift, she took both his hands in hers, squeezing them in a steady rhythm. “Ròmanach, tha thu air chrith.”

Roman went with her, and when they stepped into the lift he sighed and went to lean on the wall. Then she was squeezing his hands and he looked down at her. “Tha mi ceart gu leòr.” He said, choosing to respond in her langage. It was a lie, of course, he was not okay or fine. He was shaking, he felt sick, he looked like he was having trouble breathing regularly again.

Once in their quarters she led him to the table. She sat beside him, facing him and still holding his hands. Dinner was light: soup and sandwiches. Roman didn’t look so good. “Roman, I think you should go ahead and take your meds. It will help stop the anxiety attack.”


Roman squeezed her hands gently, looking up at her. “What if it’s too early and they wear off too quickly? What if they aren’t strong enough?” He shook his head. “I don’t want to go. I can’t do this.”

~ Roman

Rand took a slow breath. “I know you don’t want to go.” She squeezed his hands again. She didn’t tell him he could do it because she knew those words felt like having choices and control taken away, and that made the situation worse. “I know and you do also, Randy wouldn’t give you something that doesn’t work. I can call him, and we can ask. If you don’t take it though it can’t help you.” Rand knew he was on his way to a full blown attack. She’d been there many times herself. “You are not doing this alone.”


Roman nodded and squeezed her hands. He trusted her. “Okay.” His hands were still shaky and sweaty. He looked like he had earlier in his office but worse. His stomach hurt, a lot, and though the food looked good he wasn’t sure he could eat. Instead, he took the meds Randy had left for him using the drink on the table for dinner, then reached for Rand’s hand again.

~ Roman

Rand got him his meds along with the tranquilizer. She knew the pill would take longer to get into his system than a hypo. She sat and held his hand helping him to breathe. When he finished his drink she gave him hers as well. It gave him something else to focus on and it put at least a little something on his stomach.

Roman had the overwhelming urge to pace. He stayed sitting so he could keep holding her hand. He finished her drink too while they were waiting for his meds to take effect. He tried to breathe along with her as she squeezed his hand.

She started telling stories again, funny ones about her as a child. She waited a few minutes after she was sure he was fully relaxed and then got him up and walking with her. She kept talking and squeezing his hand all the way to sickbay where Randy was waiting.


His breathing started to slow and slowly he started looking a little sleepy as the meds finally hit his system. At first he’d been focusing on her really intently, like he used to when she told him storied to help him sleep. As time went on he was less intently focused, the meds making him relax. Then she started trying to make him get up and walk and he didn’t want to. It didn’t take her too long to get him moving and lead him down. When they reached sickbay though he stopped at the door. “No, nope, I’m not going in there. Nuh-uh.”

~ Roman

“Ròmanach, seall orm, dìreach mise. Gluais còmhla rium, mar a tha sinn a ‘dannsa. Chan eil ann ach seòmar.” She stood really close to him, her eyes locked on him. Slowly she led him in to the bay. It was empty, no one else around. Finally they made it near the closest biobed. She didn’t try to make him sit, instead she hugged him, tightly and breathed slow and deep. Lettingbthe rhythm and meds relax him again. Until he was tired enough he needed to sit.


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