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Fleet Six

Black Fleet

Fleet Six • In touch with the dark side of Star Trek

Welcome to Black Fleet!

We are small, but mighty.

Live long and prosper.

Fleet Staff

Fleet Commander:

Lucas Foxley

Assistant Fleet Commander:


Join the fight and the Black Fleet sim on Black Rock!

Fleet Six is the Fleet at the edge of the universe, the Black Fleet. Our home is a black rock and there are many enemies out here that want to take Starfleet out of the equation. But we won't let them, no matter if they are Vren, Breen, Ancients, Elders or the evil mastermind that once wore pips on his collar. Not in the present, not in the past. We stand united in our resolve and although our hearts also have different shades of grey, we won't let the darkness win. Do you want to join the fight?

Fleet News

  • Date Unknown: USS Europa Decommissioned.

For previous news, see the news archive.

Fleet Vacancies

For Junior Staff Vacancies, please see each ship or contact the CO. For information or to apply, contact the ship CO.

  • USS Genesis
  • USS Merrimacck
  • Oed V
  • USS Wolverine

Awarded Best Fleet

  • May 2008
  • October 2009
  • May 2010
  • May 2012
  • February 2013
  • November 2015
  • July 2016
  • February 2017

Fleet Awards

These awards are given for outstanding service by members of the Black Fleet. Click on the name to read what they have done for our Fleet.

Pom-Pom Award

The Pom-Pom Award is for IC participation for any role player or GM on any ship in the Black Fleet. Recommendations are made by the CO, XO, or GM through their monthly reports.

Our most recent winner, 9 October 2016 is...

Golden Carrot Award

The Golden Carrot is for any club member who went above and beyond in their OOC responsibilities. Recomendations for this award can be submitted by any member of the Black Fleet.

Our most recent winner, 8 August 2016 is...

Author Award

The Author Award is given for high quality threads, written with inspiration and depth in the Black Fleet. Submissions can be made by every Black Fleet crew member, including for their own thread. Please mail the thread link to the FComm and the aFComm. Awarded threads will be published on Black Rock as an inspiration to other players.

Our most recent winner, 11 September 2016 is...

For previous Awards, see the news archive.

Fleet Hub: Black Rock

"Black Rock" as the Asteroid is lovingly called by F6 personnel, is much more than just an OOC area for the Black Fleet. It has specs, a history, a visual and it is the home of the two Fleet Captains and a meeting place for everybody involved in Fleet 6 operations.

  • OOC Discussions how to improve the Best Fleet in STF.
  • OOC monthly Fleet reports, Fleet news, and Fleet Awards.
  • OOC Fleet competitions and special events (e.g. short story competition).
  • IC Meeting of the two Fleet Captains and the Black Rock Starbase personnel.
  • IC short stints wiht your character to meet up with somebody in the Fleet.

Fleet Crew Support

Support for players and Fleet activites.

  • There is always a reason to post! You don't know what to post? No problem! Check out our Ten Tips and Tricks for Getting Involved, collected by Black Fleet Oldies!
  • You would like to get inspired by reading outstanding threads that got the 'Author Award?' They will soon be published on Black Rock!
  • You nered help? If you are looking for a specific role or character to play, or a specific position, please email or contact the FComm or AFComm on Discord. We will find it for you in the Black Fleet!
Fleet Ships

USS Genesis

CO: Luke Hung

XO: Hjortur Inji

GM: Kate O'Neill

Class: Manhattan Class Large Science Explorer Vessel

Ship Homepage: Genesis MOTD

Posting Speed: Standard

The USS Genesis, is first and foremost a ship with a very long tradition in high quality writing and roleplaying. This is the only ship in STF with it's own extensive website with a full history, continuous sim archive of past missions, extended crew biographies, special IC and OOC Awards and much more. Because for us it is about the magic of an interactive story well written that grips your heart an imagination, rather than rank or titles. If you want your character gain a life of his own and see your imagination become a kind of reality, join the Genesis.

USS Merrimack

CO: Dave Fergusson

XO: Amanda Mercer

GM: Rob Archer

Class: Mariner Class

Ship Homepage: Merrimack MOTD

Posting Speed: Slow

The Merrimack is not like other Star Fleet ships. We are alt-STF ship set in the TOS-movie era period and there is no Merrimack A, B, C or D! It the oldest and best STF alt-environment ship and things are played a little different. The ship is open only to second character players. It has experienced members and the longest serving Captain. The posting rate is slow to medium fast, but quality counts. This is a time when Warp speeds were slower, when female crew still wore micro-minis as standard uniform and Captains still went on landing parties (never away missions.) A time before Ship's Counsellors or Holodecks. A time when replicators only produced rather dubious looking food dishes. When communicators were located on the corridor walls. When the Klingon Empire was still aggressive if not the enemy and beta Quadrant still seemed a very long way away. Long before anyone had heard of the Borg, or Ferengi, Bajorans or Cardassians. The ship is also 90% Human, although TOS aliens are allowed. You can play a Junior Officer, or your pick of any custom character you can think of - Nurse, Yeoman, Navigator, Helm, Captain's Chef, Ship's Historian, Ship's Physicist, and Transporter Chief.

Oed V

CO: James Sinclair

XO: Lindsay B

GM: Oed V is a player led sim area.

Class: Read about the Oed V Colony here!

Ship Homepage: Oed V MOTD

Posting Speed: Special (5 Days)

OED V - Want to play a Bolian Archaeologist? A Vulcan Race Shuttle Pilot? Commander of Orbital Operations, and the OED V Space Port? OR Bob the Security Guard? OED V is the only place all of these are easily possible. We are an ALT RP environment, We are STF's Only Colony Sim with Governmental and Starfleet Positions. Come meet all the wonderful characters, on OED V, we run on the PRISM system, that is right Player Run Sims, its like a Side Sim only cooler.......Current Sims Running on a Colony Near you include, The Judgement of Kalidon, Good or Evil, Desperation, Poaching Day at the Oed Zoo, and many more.....Come See what we are all about!

USS Wolverine

CO: Amdirgol S

XO: Catt Bennett

GM: We need a GM!

Class: Brazen Mk II Class

Ship Homepage: Wolverine MOTD

Posting Speed: Slow

Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets has many enemies, both known and obvious, hidden and mysterious. It was for this reason the USS Wolverine crew was assembled, to infiltrate, expose and derail the plans and plots of her enemies Welcome to the darker side of Starfleet. The Wolverine is assigned the missions other crews would hesitate to accept. The crew is the best at what they do, but what they do isn't always very nice. . .nor do they always follow the rules Darker, grittier, where sometimes the lines have to be crossed for the greater good of the Federation. That's life on the Wolverine!!! The Wolverine will accept both new and experienced players. Come and join the grey side!!

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