Arrivals: the CMO enters the arena - CO's Ready Room

Posted Oct. 24, 2020, 11:23 a.m. by Lieutenant Cecil Smyth (Chief Medical Officer) (Crissy N)

Posted by Lieutenant Cecil Smyth (Chief Medical Officer) in Arrivals: the CMO enters the arena - CO’s Ready Room

Posted by Commander Valentina Bellini (Executive Officer) in Arrivals: the CMO enters the arena - CO’s Ready Room

Posted by Captain Aaron Michaels (Commanding Officer) in Arrivals: the CMO enters the arena - CO’s Ready Room
Posted by… suppressed (2) by the Post Ghost! 👻

“You’ve assigned me to what?” Cecil muttered, hunched over a PaDD, and absolutely ignoring the pilot who was sending increasingly concerned glances. “Has anyone here tried to not sidestep a physical? What did I even do to—”

They landed.

The doors opened.

Cecil managed to not miss the exit ramp, which was great, actually, as it meant he didn’t need to look upwards. “Schematics, schematics, somewhere, who needs a bowling alley in space? come on. This is cargo bay numb— doesn’t matter. Deck 12? Deck 12.” He hitched his bag higher on one shoulder, flicked back to personnel files, and was off. People could walk around him; he was busy.

CMO Apparent

People did walk around him. Some cast odd glances his way, but no one said anything. It was unusual, but not unheard of, to get characters on the ship. And after the crew’s last adventure, they weren’t concerned.

Random NPCs

Cecil almost went to the Sickbay. He should have, but it almost assuredly empty and his presence would change little. His shoes squeaked on the floor as he rounded a turn at the last moment — they weren’t regulation boots, nothing on his body was, but long travel on transports was absurd enough without being in uniform — and he took a different turbolift. The sense of the matter was that Sickbay itself would solve none of his current problems and it was time for a tour.

A tour of departments and their people and their nonexistent current medical files. Cecil would start from the top of the list.

Deck 1.

He didn’t press the chime to the Ready Room so much as lean into it.

CMO, Here to CMO

Aaron frowned. He wasn’t expecting anyone, and his XO usually just walked in. “Enter!” He called out, hoping it wasn’t some masked gunman ready to shoot him with a phaser or something.

Aaron Michaels, CO

What entered was a man clearly in travel clothes with a grim set to his mouth and eyes determined. He was average height for a Human male, naturally tanned with matching brown eyes and hair; the loose curls already held streaks of silver, belying a still young face.

“Captain Michaels,” an eyebrow twitched and the bag over his shoulder was swung forward to be opened, “You have missed your physicals long enough. Stand in front of the desk.”

The XO arrived on the bridge just as someone was entering the Ready Room. Not seeing the Captain around, she shook her head and wondered if it was good news or bad that had a stranger coming to the bridge to see the Captain. Not wanting to be on the bad end of an interruption, Valentina took her XO seat and started getting the morning shift reports from those on the bridge as, whatever was happening in the Ready Room, went on behind her.

Cmdr Valentina Bellini

CMO on a mission

Aaron blinked, looking the man up and down. “Doctor, I assure you, this can wait a couple of days, can’t it?”

Cecil didn’t so much as raise an eyebrow, staring the Captain down flatly.

Aaron resigned himself to the fact that this was happening, and stood up, moving around the desk. “Computer, activate do not disturb protocol.”

Aaron Michaels, CO

“Personally private or is that much missing from your medical records,” Cecil commented, almost sardonic. The bag hit the floor without much care. With the tricorder removed and PaDD already in hand, there was little value left to his effects. Clothes could be replaced and shyness was not a quality the doctor possessed. Medical school had seen to that with a swift brutality.

CMO, ready for medical cage match

As the privacy protocols went into place on the CO’s office, the console at Valentina’s fingers blinked red. Well, this should be an interesting report later if he’s locking me out now, she thought to herself. She hoped he wasn’t getting his backside torn off from a dressing down for their last assignment. There ‘had’ been a ridiculous amount of bodies to be seen to by security when all was said and done. And the reports from each department read more like fairy tales than mission briefings. But it had all been true and, mostly, by the book.

She hoped if things went sideways, she could reassure the Captain she had his back.

She turned back to the main viewer and watched as the stars littered the screen like fireflies back home in the summer.

(Paying no attention to the man behind the curtain… lol)

OOC: bump! -Crissy

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