Main Sim - Bridge

Posted Feb. 15, 2020, 12:01 a.m. by Gamemaster Orchestrator (Gamemaster) (Sage Pennington)

Posted by Lieutenant Steven Leon Marsh (Chief Science Officer) in Main Sim - Bridge

Posted by Lieutenant Siennadye Nox (Counselor) in Main Sim - Bridge

Posted by Lieutenant Commander Avik (XO) in Main Sim - Bridge
Posted by… suppressed (17) by the Post Ghost! 👻
The Europa had been sent to survey an asteroid belt near the Klingon border. As the mission approached its natural close, days began to blur into each other as data indicated that there was nothing special there beyond a few veins of dilithium scattered throughout the area. Everything was dead as the night shift handed the ship over to the day shift. And then the long range sensors detected a strange warp signature approaching.

-GM Orchestrator

Marsh sat in his chair whistling off key anyone with a fantastic ear would be able to discern the ‘Imperial Death March’ from the raspy tune. He spun in his chair slightly as he reported. “Warp Speed object closing… bearing…”

Marsh went back to his sensors… determining direction, size, and anything else his sensors could determine.


Dvorak swivled in the command chair slightly to face Marsh as he made the contact report.

Where do I know that tune from? he thought idly.

– Johann Dvorak, CO

The craft was inbound at 012 mark 25. It seemed to be an old craft, if the warp signature was telling of anything. Old and Klingon.

-GM Orchestrator

“Bearing 12 mark 25, almost dead ahead.” Marsh subconsciously looked in the direction of the inbound vessel. “It’s an old class 7 Klingon warp engine. I don’t think they make parts for that ship anymore.”


“That’s never stopped them from keeping relics like that in space,” Dvorak commented.

“Put it on the screen when it’s in range.”

From the direction on Marsh’s console, a K’t’inga class cruiser emerged from warp. Not purposefully, it seemed. Readings would show structural failures along the sections devoted to engine control.

-GM Orchestrator

“Geeze she’s flying apart. Warp drive and structural integrity is below minimums.”

The viewscreen changed accordingly, showing what passed for state of the art in Klingon spacefaring technology nearly a century ago. “Geez, it might actually be from before the Khitomer conference,” Dvorak commented. The equivalent state-of-the-art Starfleet vessel from that era was permanently docked back at Black Rock… as the Fleet Museum.

Siennadye sat in the communications station, taking a bridge shift as a part of her training. The Klingon ship looked as old on the screen as Marsh hinted. “Should we hail them sir?”

Nox, CNS

“Yes, please do.”

– Johann Dvorak, CO


The Klingon ship did not respond to hails. Minutes went by with no return.

“Are their comm systems working?” the Captain asked.

After 5 minutes, perhaps by way of response, the other vessel fired a single torpedo over the Europa’s bow.

-GM Orchestrator

“Raise shields,” the Captain ordered reflexively.

Avik entered the bridge. Originally, she had come to relieve the CO of his duty and take his place. As the doors hissed closed, her ears caught the mention of a hail. Her eyes settled on the outdated Klingon ship floating in their screen. With a silent, effortless motion the XO quickly took her seat to be on the ready. She pushed down the unsettled feelings that stirred thanks to a past mission.

When the shot flew over the bow, her eyes locked with the CO’s.

“A warning shot?” Her question hinted to a second opinion and to be updated on the current situation.

–XO, Avik, Lt. Cmdr

“Must be… but I can’t imagine why they are warning us off? Not to mention, we probably could take them out with one shot.” Marsh hit a few keys. “I can try the light communication.” Star-ship had an old style light flash communication that was akin to a luminary type of morse code. It was slower but worked when the sub-space comms were down.


“Try it,” Dvorak said. The idea of a warning shot seemed excessively rude, even for Klingons, but it was possible that they had some extremely good reason for firing warning shots at people who were supposed to be allies. Johann just had absolutely no idea what that good reason could possibly be.

After a few attempts, the Klingon ship flashed an identical signal back to the Europa.

-GM Orchestrator

Avik’s right eyebrow arched at seeing the message repeated. She wondered if they understood or not. Either way, it wasn’t helpful. Avik turned to Marsh.

Marsh said aloud what Avik had thought… “Well that was not helpful.”

“Lieutenant Marsh, has anyone scanned the ship to see how many crew are onboard? ” She had just arrived and she needed information. By now, she knew the crew would freely voice their opinions if they disagreed with her actions.

–XO, Avik, Lt. Cmdr

Marsh would find no signs of life onboard.

-GM Orchestrator

Marsh snorted, that hadn’t occurred to him. “No life registering. Is it possible that the computer is running that ship?” Marsh scanned for shields… “If no one is alive we can just beam over and take the bridge.”

Marsh CSO

“No life signs?” Sienna looked to the screen and frowned.

“Yeah, just turn it on and off again and see if that fixes it, since it’s clearly confused,” Johann quipped.

“Have we picked up any sort of identification of this vessel? Name, registration number, anything like that? We should probably send off a contact report to Fleet Command with the Klingons copied.” Johann assumed, without actually looking, that a ship this old and in this poor shape was not actually expected in this region of space, otherwise there would probably have been something about it in recent briefings from Starfleet Command or Starfleet Intelligence.

“Are any other Klingon vessels expected in this sector today, Miss Avik?” He assumed that she reviewed the reports more recently than he did, as she was just preparing to take the conn.

– Johann Dvorak, CO

“I don’t recall any. I’m checking the newer reports to ensure I didn’t miss anything.” Avik’s hand tapped her console quickly to all her a brief look through the files. After a few moments, she looked up from her screen.

“No Sir, there is none. No ships are supposed to be in this sector as far as command is aware.” She didn’t state her thoughts out loud. The XO silently suspected that only intel would have any information, if there was any.

–XO, Avik, Lt. Cmdr

“Does the vessel have a specific heading it is on? Or is it just flying around without a destination?” Nox asked.

Nox, CNS

Marsh focus the optics on the registry code and the name on the hull. “I’m bringing up the name now.”

She’s in bad shape, I’m not sure she can make it where ever she was going. ” He started projecting out the course of the vessel ignoring a change of course if it was made when the Klingon vessel picked up the Europa. The effective range of a D-7 cruiser was well known.


Consulting the Klingon vessel’s prior flight path would lead to Kessik. Though it was fairly likely that an old D7 would burn out before getting that far. Registry brought up the name I.K.S. bortaS.

-GM Orchestrator

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